tv [untitled] May 24, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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and i'm katie tang and to my right is christensen, our vice chair and commissioner breed to my left. and we have our clerk with us today and sfgov tv. and i think that our other colleagues will join us shortly and so with that, we can proceed to item one. >> item one, roll call. >> commissioner breed. >> here. >> commissioner christensen. >> here. >> commissioner farrell >> absent. >> tang. >> present. >> yee. >> absent. >> we have a quorum. >> could you call item two. >> citizen's advisory committee report, and this is an information item. >> thank you if we could have chris come up. >> is he here today? >> okay. and we have maria. >> good morning, and chief deputy and i want to confirm that to continue this to the end of the meeting? >> all right. so without the objection we can continue this to later in the meeting. all right. if we could call item three?
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>> item three, approve the minutes of the april 21, 2015, this is action item. >> do we have any public comment on the minutes for april, 21, 2015, seeing none public comment is closed we have a motion to approve, and thank you, commissioner breed and seconded by christensen, without objection the minutes are approved, item four, roll call. >> i am sorry. >> roll call. >> item three, roll call. >> item three, breed. >> aye. >> christensen fl >> aye. >> farrell. >> absent. >> tang. >> aye. >> yee. >> absent. >> the item passes. >> thank you. all right, now we can call item four. >> item four, recommend at pointing of two members to a citizen's advisory committee and this is an action item. >> thank you, and i think that we have mike from the ta here? >> good morning, chair and committee members i am the transportation planner. >> the citizen advisory
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committee has eleven members, and the plans and program committee recommends and the board appoints individuals to fill anything, and any vacancy and neither staff or the cac itself make the recommendations on the appointment to qualify for the appointment, the applicants must be a san francisco resident and must appear before the committee at least one to speak to the interest in qualifications and the current list is attachment two, and the materials for each can be found in the inclosure and attachment one shows the information about the current committee members and the vacancy under very craition today are the results of the term expiration, of when iny, and whitney, expiration, due to prior obligations, we understand that he is not able to be here, and we understand that he has appeared in the committee in the past, and there are 23 applicant and we can take any questions. >> thank you, commissioner christensen? >> just wanted to speak on mr. whitney's behalf. and he has been an excellent
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participate in this, and representative of the district and i think that an asset to the group as a whole and i endorse his continuing in this position. >> thank you, so at this time, then i will open it up, and see if there are any candidates who are here for this item? item four come up to speak. >> yeah. >> and good day, my name is peter i am an applicant for the qualifications and we start chronologically i got an degree, and i went to a school of law and got my -- there and practiced law for 40 years and last 15 of which i was the managing attorney for my law firm and i am also in district two for ferrill and in the early 90s we worked and drafted the new ordinance is currently in effect. and in the early 90s i was a
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member of the city's street advisory commission for 30 years and, and right now, i sit on the board of the community, association, and i have also been a member of the board of san francisco, which is a non-profit which is dedicated to creating and protecting the beauty and livebility of our city and i am a passed president of that organization from 2012 do 2014, and right now, i wish today that i, and i think that the traffic congestion is one of the biggest problems that our city faces and i would like to direct my efforts to that and i am a retired attorney and i have plenty of time to do that. >> thank you. >> if you would not mind and for any presenters who are coming up if you could just mr. fortune, if you could share with us more detail about some of the things that you would like to work on, i know that you spoke about traffic congestion, any particulars that you would like to work on?
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>> through, my efforts at least, and i have been involved in the city's car share program in the pilot to put the cars, more car sharing cars on the street and pods. and i have worked with that and i have studied the data behind that, and to remove, the automobiles from our street by putting or getting more into car shares and i have also had exposure with, and learned about the moving forward project and what it is doing around the city, and i support the city's transit first policy, and it is difficult to determine what one can do to solve the need, and the traffic congestion problem that the city is just getting worse and that is what i would like to focus my attention on. >> thank you very much. >> any other questions from the committee members, no? seeing none, if you next applicant would couple come on
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up? >> good morning, supervisor and before i began, i would like to address your question and concern that you just brought up in particular, and i am, and i am very well versed and knowledged in the city transportation issue everything from the central subway to the transit first policy to the adapted bus down, and in the geneva. >> would you mind stating your name for the record. >> yes. i will get into tha, my name is roger and i am 45 years old. and i have native and a life long resident of san francisco, 201 samson street in district three, and i purchased a condo in district three 2007 and i have lived there paply for the last 18 years with my 13-year-old daughter, and besides being a parent i am also an entrepreneur, and volunteer with several on a regular basis, including glide,
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and the san francisco food and the project grimmer and the background goes back and at age 12 i began to ride the line down the avenue to return home each day after school and now i have been riding san francisco transit ever since and i do not own a car and i regularly ride, 35 different muni lines daily from the district three home, to date i bring every line in the city, with the exception of the 54, and the 56 rutlige. >> impressive. >> since the majority of the line turn in district three and it is involved and a crucial component in the system and with my intimate until of district three and union in general, i feel that i am uniquely qualified for this appointment, and in addition, i am also an active bicyclist and pedestrian. and if appointed to the cac, my goal would be to assist the
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transportation authority, and in shaping up in the city's transportation and land use policies for the next decade and beyond. and i would see our city benefit from the safer and improved system with increased street access for bicyclists, and continued considerations for the disabled, and elderly and the children and in general, continuing our city's transit first policy. >> and in addition to my business and entrepreneurial expertise, i also bring in a keen interest in technology, public policy issues, and have the innate ability to create subsequent solutions for those issues. and having discussed this opportunity with tim, and the supervisor scott weiner, i am excited to serve as a member of the cac, and i want to put in the time and effort and dedicate my full resources to make the transportation systems in the city even better. >> thank you very much, any questions? >> seeing none, are there any
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other applicants who are up today? please come on up. >> i am jim more i son and i cannot top that becausevy been here in san francisco for 16 years and it is my adopt cedar city and as a former city counciler in massachusetts and as well as being on the city property committee and i have kept myself out of politics because the 8 years was not easy and i am willing to tackle it now as i am. i am the director for the institute and i commute every day across the bridge, and so i am very interested in commuter
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issues, also my daughter is disabled and lives in the tender loin and she uses muni and bart very frequently not having a car and so i am very interested in disabled issues as well as being a city, and excuse me, a citizen's advocate, i am very interested? the impact of the parking and fees, on individuals, particularly people in the lower and middle and working classes in the city, and and i have brought up and in the past, and at a city council, and in the north hamp ton and a parking ban that happened in the winter that impacted the renters that could not park and it took me four years and i got it pass and they didn't have to, and not park when there wasn't snow, and which seemed to be kind of a no brainer,
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but, he could not, wrap their mind around it, and i am also interested in environmental issues, and in getting the city greener but also in the congestion, but in the sense that i would like to see, looking for those who cannot afford the meter fees as opposed to the downtown. >> i am a senior citizen i am 69 years old and i am ready and able to assist. >> thank you very much and any questions or complaints from colleagues. >> seeing none, any other ap mri indicates who are here for item four? >> all right. seeing none, then, if there are no other questions and perhaps we can go to the public comment first.
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i know that the seats, and we will fill the slots for the certain districts and just to be clear which districts we are filling right now. >> and i, and so the seats are not technically tied to a district, and but, we have had a member of representing each district, and but as it was, whitney and was in district three, and angela had been in district eleven and so those are the two seats. >> okay. >> any reason that i asked, i assume that mr. fortune was here from district two and i know that there are applicants that i don't know and look forward to getting to know them but mr. fortune and i have worked on a number of projects and he is amazing and he would be an amazing person to be on
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which committee, and i appreciate that we have the protocol about the different districts and so i am happy to continue that tradition if you will. but, mr. fortune, i didn't know that you were going to be here and if you want to be part of that i would be more than happy to support you and you are the type of person that we would love to have on this. >> commissioner breed, thank you. >> i wanted to know if supervisor avalos made me recommendations because i know that we have postponed making a decision on the district, well the seat number 1 1. and which is the typically tied to the district eleven, and i do know that it is not necessarily written in the by laws per se but i do think that it is important that there is representation, on this body from the people who live all over the city, and so, from my perspective, i do think that someone from the district eleven which is kind of in the further, parts of the cities and, someone who is probably dealing with a lot of
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neighborhood that is dealing with a lot of challenges with the public transportation and getting around in the city, and some cases we tend to focus on the middle of the city, and the center of the city and the downtown city area and i think that perspective is important and if supervisor and, let me also add, that we have three outstanding candidates, that we really especially impressed with roger and his knowledge and understanding of riding muni i too was a native had along with supervisor, actually almost everybody here. and you know, we have had years of experience of riding the lines all over the city and it is appreciated, and using the public transportation system and knows, first hand the knowledge of the experiences, that folks face on a day-to-day
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basis. and but, i will say that since we don't have a recommendation, we do? >> actually, and he actually had to appear before the committee and that is why we postponed the decision. >> and i want to make a recommendation for mr. more son and i am glad that supervisor avalos is supportive as well. >> commissioner christensen? >> i just want to speak to district three and so, it is certainly a tough one for me, and mr. whitney has served very well and like you is an avid transit rider and i will suggest that in my district we, have created a supervisor, transportation advisory committee and i think that you just spoke with gary mccoy and i would like you to engage at
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that level, surely and you made a tough decision for us and i hope to engage you at our level for sure and see if you can take advantage of some of that information that you have. >> thank you, commissioner, christensen. >> and so i think that, and first of all i do want to thank all three candidates for appearing today and we really appreciate the interest that you show in this topic and a very important one and so we hope that even if you are not appointed today you will continue to be involved on these issues with our city and with that, i am hearing that we have a recommendation for mr. john morriso in and wells whitney for the reappointment for the district three representative seat and even though i understand that it is not tied to the district. >> and so do we have a motion for that then? >> all right, motion by commissioner feral and seconded by christensen and, since it has changed do a roll call. >> on a motion to appoint john
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morriso in whitney. >> breed. >> aye. >> christensen. >> aye >> farrell >> aye. >> tang. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> okay. and the members are appointed. >> congratulations to mr. morrison and to mr. whitney. >> and all right if we could call item five, please recommend allocation of $772,900 in prop k funds with conditions and appropriation of $90,000 in prop k funds subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedule >> thank you. mike, is here. and say that again. >> and hey, we had a four, prop k request including two signal and project and two, neighborhood transportation improvement projects and, you see, and you can see the requests for each scope of the descriptions and the staff
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recommendation and memo attachesment 1 to 3. we have the contracts, to install new signals on factors collision history and traffic volumes and proximity to schools and senior centers. and five of these intersections are on the vision zero high injury network and in addition to the new signals with the accessibility and the project will design, 15 to 20 new ramp and schedule for completing in june of 2016.
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and next, is the first of the two, prop k, requests and the district ten, and the capitol request to support, the conceptual engineering for the intersection of the chavez and the commonly known as the hair ball, and entined%backer tended to strengthen the pipelines and advance the neighborhoods scale, projects especially in the communities of concern. and the capital funding is intended to advance, one small and mid sized project in the next five years in each district up to $500,000 in lot match funds and the first capitol allocation, and on the planning department's 2012, east community design plan. and the project will result in design drawing fors a widened path or a separated pathways
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and providing the east and west, pathways and accessibility up grades to the steep, that is goes under the u.s., 101 southbound ramp and that is signified by the g on the map and it will create the conceptual designs, and separated by facility. and the project will also produce a lighting plan for the inner change area and sfmta will conduct, out reach, including the involvement and the walking and the bike audit and develop, the design for the segment and the san francisco public works will perform the surveys and the lighting plan and this project is schedule for completing in june of 2016. and for the second request, i would like to bring amber >> good morning, deputy director, and this is a study to look at how to
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