tv [untitled] May 25, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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rules and regulations that is total consistent with the 7 or 8 years the director knows that the confusion with when we came to the critical junction it is your of defining green zones and not a a clear discussion with the board of supervisors and double messages and for some reasons like in the reverse the issue became political from law and the rule of law so at that jufrn it is your where we stay and whatever the state decides in 2016 will set a base i'm equally attorney to support or novelist support the consistency and the banner high or basically saying the tools we used to have are coming into a shadow of multiple expectations
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which don't give me clear guidance anymore. >> i'll echo a number of comments that have been made the larger land use challenge the chagrining challenge of cluster and we've been asking the board to look at legislation to increase the number of places that mcd can go so there is not cluster what happened what the higher bar the cu we've taken outline alu the sunset out of that eviction the legislation thas has to come to the prevention i'm not sure i'll support the legislation we're under the cu day deceased can you especially the fact that the staff recommended did disapproval and the criteria that commissioner richards read around bring the measuresable
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boar i don't know that is met or proven i ago that the sunset will need to figure out how to deal with that in 2016. >> move to disapprove. >> second. >> second. >> there is a motion and a second to disapprove that project on that 0 motion commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on public comment no speaker card audience new general public comment seeing none meeting
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is the mayor's disability council meeting. on may 15th. 2015. i'm chip suspanich. i'm the co-chair of the council. now. i will have councilmember kostanian read the introduction. >> good afternoon. welcome to the mayor's disability council. this friday. july 18th. 2415. in room 400 of san francisco city hall. city hall is accessible to people using wheelchairs. and other assistive mobility devices. wheelchair access is available. at the grov. on [inaudible] street. and the ramps. on the carlton street entrance. is provided via. wheelchair lift. assistive listening devices. is available. and our meeting is open captions. and sign language
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interpreted. our agenda is in large print and braille. ask staff for any assistance. to prevent electronic interference with this sounl system. and respect everybody's ability to focus on the presentations. please silence all mobile phones and pda's. your cooperation. is appreciates. we welcome you during public comment. in the front of the room. or call bridge line at 415-554-9632. where a staff person will handle requests. to speak at an appropriate time. the mayor's disability council meeting. is head on the fist third friday p of the the month. from 1-4:00 p.m. there will be no regularly scheduled meeting. for
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the month of awk. please call the mayor's office on disability for further information. or to request accommodations at 415-554-6789. voice or 415-554-6799 tty. reminder to all of our guests today to speak slowly into the microphone to assist or captioners. and interpreters. we thank you for joining us. >> thank you. roll call? >> co-chair suspanich. >> present. >> senhaux? >> present. >> councilmember kostanian. >> here. >> councilmember harriet wong. >> present. >> councilmember roland wong. who is running late and will join us in about 20 minutes.
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thank you. >> thank you. now the reading of the agenda. >> agenda item number one. welcome introduction and roll call. agenda item number three. action item. reading an approval of the agenda. agenda item number three. public comment. items not on today's agenda. but within the jurisdiction of the m d.c. each speaker is limited to three minutes. agenda item number four. information i team. report from co-chair senhaux. agenda item number five. information item. aging and disability resource centers. adrc. of san francisco. a presentation on the services and locations of the aging and disability resource center of san francisco and the success story by an adrc information and
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assistance specialist. presentation by rowena fontanos, community outreach supervisor and vilma i. molina, information and assistance specialist. public comment is welcome. agenda item number six information item. the bridge at main. the san francisco public library's new literacy and learning center. the bridge at main is a literacy and learning center. that prioritizes community learning. adult literacy. youth and family literacy. and technology to create a learning environment for twenty-first century stills. presentation by laura lay, learning differences librarian. public comment is welcome. break. the council will take a ten meant break. agenda item number seven. innovation. to enhance communication. using video remote interpreting. video
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remote interpreting. vri. is an innovative modality. allowing on demand access. to an american sign language. or asl. interpreters. using an internet connection which allows for customers to connect to an asl interpreters. presentation by susan morgan, strategic account executive, languageline solutions.. public comment is welcome. agenda item number eight information item. supporting the chemoing us connects campaign. community living campaign is working with other senior. and disability organizationses to help expand opportunities for computer access and learning. high on the list is to hire more seniors. and adults with disabilities to be trainers. tutors. and volunteer coordinators, learn what you can do
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director, community living compaign and jennifer walsh, community connector, community living campaign. agenda item number nine. information item. report from the director of the mayor's office on disability. agenda item number ten. public comment. items not on today's agenda. but within the jurisdiction of the m d.c. each speaker is limited to three minutes. agenda item number 11. correspondence. number 12. discussion item. council member comments or announcements. agenda item number 13. adjourn >> thank you. next up is public comment. when making public comments. we ask that you do a could you tell me of thingses. please be respectful to presenters and do not ask questions. directed at
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presenters. and please stay within the time element of three minutes. thank you. i have keith dennis >> thank you. god bless you. council members. and god bless the city and county of san francisco. my name is keith dennis. i'm a representative of the naac p. what i would like to talk to today is about a curb ramp on fill moore street ux on filmore. and hate. i often go there. i get off on hate and filmore. going towards the church direction and there is no curb cut there. it's very
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dangerous. i have to get off and go around. it's a dangerous part of the city. and i believe curb cut does go there. the second one i wanted to talk to. this has been eating at me since last month. when i saw it. there was a person who had mobility issues. they weren't in a chair. they had an assistant. but they were going down the steps of city hall. and they were having a very. vur tough time. i thought. wow. there should be some type of lift or a better way for them to get to this meeting. or from this meeting. thank you very much. god bless you. >> thank you. john alex lowell?
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>> good afternoon. my name is john alex lowell. i'm the president of the franklin democratic club. and the psa c. -- several ai have severe agendized item. is an application that is free on google. and android. and it does cost on iphones. it's called "over" it's an application that transforms a smart phone into a magnifying lens and a flashlight. i can provide during the break. or
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right now. a demonstration of that. if you would like. i leave that up to you to determine. if you would like a demo now or during break >> perhaps during break would be best. thank you. >> that is my only effective information i'm passing on. there is an application. to transform this to an assistive device. for some capabilities. to inlarge text and create a flashlight of a cell phone. >> thank you. marte gardan? >> thank you. good afternoon everybody. i'm here to make a really happy announcements. something at the san francisco public library. for many years.
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both or deaf services. and library for the blind and disabilities. have a schedule more than 20 hours. less than other services. within the main library. this week. beginning on saturday. the deaf services center is open all of the hours of the main library. i don't know if it would make sense to say what the schedule is. but beginning in june on june 20th. the library for the blind and print disabled. will be open seven days a week. the rest of the main library. i'm getting nods. yes. i should say the schedule. so right now. the deaf services center is open monday's from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on tuesday's. wednesday's. and thursday's. from nine am until 8:00 p.m. on friday's. from 12 noon until six. on saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
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sunday afternoon. from 12 to 5. we're very excited. thank you. >> thank you. have no more cards. is there anyone else that wanted to make a general public comment? okay. then. we will move on. next item is report from cohair senhaux. >> thank you. co-chair suspanich. what i wanted to do in my first co-chair report. is incorporate with the partners of the community based organizations. what they're doing from a disability perspective or legislation. so the california council of the blind. the president of the san francisco chapter. frank littlety. he put together a report for legislation. at a federal and state level. for the disability community to be aware
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of. i'm going to go over briefly some of them. so this is from a california state budget level a coalition. of 200 is advocating for restoration. income state supplementary payment. ssi/ssp. funding. to roll back the cost in recent state budgets. inhome support services. ihff coalition. consisting of 49 organizations. is advocating for restoration. of the 7% cut in in home support services. funding. approved by the legislature in
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2014. the cfilc disability rights california. drc. and traumatic brain services of california tbist. are augments the tbi fund through 1 million annually. fund assessment. to maintain the program over the next four years. this would mean that the tbi services. remain funded at current level through the existing set date of 20 mine teen. and would provide funding for the department of rehabilitation. to staff the tbi program. advocates. are opposing the ihss worker. to work more than 40 hours per week. at a federal level budget. advocateses are seeking a 200 million federal budget increase. and the funding for independent living services. other federal legislation. impacting the
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disability community nationwide is continuing it's pressure on the u.s. senate. to ratify the united states convention on the rights of people with disabilities. that is it for the report. i would like to thanks president wilty. the president san francisco blind chapter. for this today. thank you you. >> thank you co-chair senhaux a aagenda item number five -- i would like to greet and welcome rowena fontanos. and vilma. >> thank you for introducing us. my name is rowena. my role on
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the substitutions. is the programmatic disability southwest have. heard of the aging. and disability centers before? this is new in the fact that we're working collaboratively. with eight different organizations. providing services. to 12 sights. throughout san francisco. that is information assistance. and referral. in the previous model. there are many staff spread out. the challenge was. we had the spread out resources. we had all of these locations. but really. the staff were. let's say for example. they were at one location. every tuesday from 1 to 5. but that was it. it became challenging for people. that was the closest site to them. but they couldn't make the time. so with this model and site. i will list them soon. they are open five days a
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week. except for one site. they are closed on wednesday's. and the sites that are working collaboration in the aging and disability resource center. is the richmond senior center. monday. activity center. out of the ocean. merced. and engel wood single center. open house. which is located at the lgbt community center. tool works. senior connections. 30th and
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downtown senior center. and western additions. we listed the organizations or sites. per se. what can they do for the community? pretty much. information specialists. like vilma. provide information referral. what would that look like? let's say a community member needed assistance. filling out an energy for the home assistance program. that is vilma or any number of the staff can go ahead and do. or let's say someone needed direction in managing um, or locating affordable housing. that information to the sites can provide to the monthly housing. let's say through meeting with staff. it's identified that a specialist cannot meet the needs. or the level of support someone might need. they can
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make a referral to case management. vilma has been successful with that service. so it's really a one time need to fill the gaps. before receiving case management. or lessen the impact. case management can have. other than working with the community members the adrc team. they do an excellent job working with social workers. councilors. case managers. etc. i call this my bat man and robin thier ree. we know batman. and his side kick robin. we see it has bat man. still there to save the day. leading an independent life. they can be overwhelmed. with 100 + people. the time they have to see one of the clients. it might be be as often as they would like. this is where staff like vilma come to support the same people we're all trying to serve. this could. like i said. be in the form of one time assistance. so the applications. the information. the referrals.
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we have identified location. we have identified services. how does one actually access one of the aging and disability resource sites? unfortunately. we don't have the capacity. i wish i could send vilma out to do home visits. but i don't have the capacity. to plug her one site to another. she is managing clients that come to her. so staff. they are pretty much -- they remain within the respective aging and disability resource centers. which they are staffed at. the way to access
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them. phone call. you can call each of the sites individually. you can drop in or make an appointment. each of the sites are unique. again. they're in various neighborhoods. they have different populations. some have lines out the door. some sites. are open in the morning. some sites. you can just call. it's really unique. to make sure the community is finding a site that best matches the level of care that need. the best to connect is a centralized point of information. that would be the adult of services. information. 415-355-6170. monday to friday. 8 to 5:00 p.m. so the services. we provide. are in a multitude of languages. i'm so lucky. i have staff who are multilingual. we have staff that are fluent in english. spanish. catonese. russian. and samoin. we don't
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have every single language. we are nonprofit. we have the resources to serve everyone. the analing and disability resource center. we do focus on serving those 60 and above or adults who identify with having a disability. like i mentioned. we also work with social workers. councilors. and care givers. and family members. that are looking for services to help their loved one. i want to introduce vilma molina. she's one of the information specialists. works at aquadic park in downtown senior center. she has an amazing success story. she received a referral from one of the professionals. in the field. she is able to connect the client with longer case management. >> thank you. thank you for having me. my name is vilma molina. i started almost a year ago with -- i got an e-mail from
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mr. sanchez. from the 30th street senior center. care program. he wanted me to follow up with a few things his client needed. his client is 49 years ago. with stage four liver cancer. i told i would take the case on. he told me. he had done the ihs application. and the [inaudible] application. he said he needs meals. follow up with the para transit. and see what he needs. i called. he was thankful and happy someone could assist him further. due to the transitional care. they could only serve the purn up to 4-6 weeks. i contacted glen from the
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aging connect. and made a home for delivered mooels. i explained to him my case. he said sil ma. it may take a while. you may not get it so soon. because there are other clients on the wait list. i said. please glen. we don't know how long he will be with us. this is critical. so after going back and forth. a few days a few phone call. he said vilma. candice. will take the case. and he will have meals -- i was really content he was going to receive those meals. i spoke to candice. to make a home visit. she said. the man had no food in his fridge. he was on chemotherapy. broken his foot and was very week. he was traveling to his house. on post street. i don't know how the poor man got there. but he did. when she saw him that day. the
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only thing he had on the table. was his hamburger he was going to deet that day. right away. candice. got on it. and right away. he received the meals. i called the application. to get that in process. and got the american cancer association. and get vouchers. in process. she said. we can no longer get vouchers. we can make an aappointment to go to his aments -- i called para transit. when i called him. he said he didn't go. i think one of the reasons was his foot was hurting. he was weak from the chemotherapy. it was at that moment i realized. this gentlemen could benefit
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from further assistance or better follow up. i started. you know. calling places around the city. and sometimes like rowena mentioned. it's hard to find social workers. because they're very maxed out. but -- was kind to say. we will will take your client. he has a social worker from [inaudible]. i contact him once a week to check how he's doing. i'm happy to say. he's receiving the meals. monday. when i spoke to him. he said how he loved the meals. he's stable. he has a social worker and i'm just fortunate and happy to help this gentlemen to hopefully -- for him to be here longer with us. but the success doesn't stop at the things that we do. because
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