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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2015 7:30am-8:01am PDT

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ll the cars going to go we have one millions people in san francisco and most of the jobs are downtown if e you keep on taking away the parking spaces the police department has the jurisdiction over the parking lots by the way, yes, they do i know i don't know if you know that i have concerned about the displacement and here an employee of safe an entity of kind of mixed up with the police department and so on and so forth telling us how to take away our parking i don't like that and one of the things when i was in the neighborhood my visitors wouldn't come because they can't find parking this is a concern i moved out of the
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neighborhood last bylaw last year because people don't feel safe parking in my neighborhood the city makes money off the parking how will they get that money back this is a disservice to the neighborhood when you start taking away parking spaces because they want to move crime out in front of several businesses. >> thank you. good evening any further public comment? well and good evening >> i get the double banker i'm michael nolte and i'm seek on behalf of i'm the executive director of alliance for a better district 6 and i'm going to be more specific there was an employee of san francisco safe that was advocating for the parking on
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the one hundred block of the street and claiming the neighbors are drawings u abusing the parking parking encroachment falls open please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited. i was personally offend by an employee who receives park fund the tenderloin has a lot of disabled people and has placards and when someone says we're abusing the plaques you have to find a place to park our car and if someone is business owners are trying to remove the parking out in front of their businesses then there's not enough parking for the residents and people assume people don't have cars i personally have a car and
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placard i was perp offended so also my brother pointed out well, we'll help you if you don't like what's going on with the 2 hundred block in you live on the 3 hundred block let's do a program there are and something similar in terms of he's looking for a job on every block within the neighborhood for the crime to one block to the next to the next at some point it's a one-stop shop in the neighborhood you can organize one block and push the crime into other block in the tenderloin i find this is a miss way of handling the crime in the neighborhood by push it from one block to the next to the next and the business owners and the
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residents have to when is this going to stop i have an online positioning petition the neighborhood is using that organized enough you hear this after it is done because it goes through a process and it is easy for all the people to organizes something but the rest of the neighborhood says it didn't effect them until it effects them so this is a very important issue and this is not how you handle crime in the san francisco thank you. >> any further public comment? >> well, good evening. >> my name is steve commissioners chief suhr. >> i have a question regarding cameras for police officers is it being considered undercover
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officers wear the audio and video recordings where the need is greater and two part question and the second what are the rules of the audio recording of police officers i've been told by police officers you can't do that in the commission. >> okay. thank you do you want to provide a response. >> sure the body cameras are on the plain clothes officers and as far as tape recording someone if you inform an officer you can record them. >> is there any additional public comment inspectors next line item. >> line item 4 for a chiefs report and review of recent activities and the fiscal year report and the resolution safe streets for all adopted may
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2015. >> good evening chief suhr. >> so i'm going to be brief i know we have a presentation unfortunately, we suffered two homicides on saturday morning on 560 larkin and eddy life-saving we have reason to building a connection because there was a common element in both without going into the details the homicide is actively working both cases and hopefully, we'll break them we had a tragic collision around 8:30 in the morning a 11 of 11-year-old boise boy was killed as he tried to navigate around a vehicle we'll ask you keep that little one in our prayers and, of
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course, the family with regards to the post trauma and the pier support obviously will be welcome on a light ier side commissioner hwang we had an out-of-town in san francisco it is a campaign against hate and specifically bullying the warriors have active in that and it is akin to in 2011 the department accident did it gets better videos anything we can get to make people more sensitive to one another especially for the young people to we're going to do everything we can to stop the bullying with the unbelievable impact we had our ceremony
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yesterday sarah was there and it was very, very well received we recognized 9 officers for they're doing the best as it was said and in a somewhat unlikely partnering that went over very well and jennifer of the homeless coalition and commander robert o'sullivan were the could host it was great we had our academy classes attend in tot to so our young folks before they get out open the streets know how important to resolve things through conversation and other techniques it be tucks it can be gained in the academy and, too, we had a commute congratulation thank you to the appendixes we
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graduated 46 recruits and hopefully in the next fiscal year it is going to be a busy time as in anyone's memory as we try to get back to full staffing and the data breakers they started other 8:00 a.m. on sunday no alcohol no vehicles back packs are relegated to make sure we/r had the water check points up and down and more officers and security and us and the event organizers want this to be a city event there be will people on the routed and there's a lot of kids on the data breakers we're hoping inform a for a safe event as they're in the penalty phase that was not
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long ago we have the boston booming it was in our minds and as great ass a job nothing can substitute for hundred thousand runners looking after each other and say something along the route there is plenty of personnel to say something along the route i'll yield the rest of my time for the presentation. >> colleagues as commander maddox if you want to get set up i'll do the brief introduction colleagues as you recall in may who were hear this commission passed a safe streets that laid out the exempting commitment to the acknowledgment that the dedicate are happening in the pedestrians and inherently preventive from accident to
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collision and look at the data driven approach to make sure we're doing everything we can for the opportunity for the department to update us with the idea we were just with the land use committee what was it monday commander? yesterday i don't know we were it was monday and the idea that a policeman can be realistic and researchers is dmroiltd dloilthd curling we need to keep an eye on the numbers to make sure we're seeing better results to make sure our streets are safer i want to recognize nicole from walk sf and the bike coalition in advance of the presentations
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we go over the data it is a great that project sponsor >> commander maddox. >> commissioners, i have a power point presentation and commissioner president loftus stole my first slide. >> in 201335 people 34 excuse me. 34 were pedestrians so what we did in 2014 as the department we decided to really embrace and support the citywide goal of vision zero zero traffic facilities fatalities by 2024 and the district stations are focusing on the preliminary collision factors and additionally, the collision intersections that are occurring within our districts
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so this is really why we're here moving on what we've done and what we're doing i'll get into and i apologize in advance i'll have a lot of data in january of this year with the help of walk sf and the bike coalition the police department put together an educational video so the police officers can learn what vision zero was and our role to date 80 percent the department has been confirmed to having viewed that video in february to make sure everything saw it and knows our role in reaching vision zero i sent out a memo to everyone i mentioned what happened then on a monthly basis each district companionship
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capita creates a plan targeting the high collision corridor and those are the main things that cause collision and when he initially started this project we went or remember that statewide data for street lights and the pedestrians failure to yield were the primary and in a later slide we've drill down and determined each of station has unique collision factors but speed is the number one in all district so special enforcement operations we've done and continuing to do we've done many prarthsdz aroundthe vulnerable i have a lettuce if you want to know what schools and senior centers who've gone do monthly meeting
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to talk about what the vision zero is and our efforts to again reach zero traffic fatalities when i 2024 we have partnered presidential with the california highway patrol in group efforts targeting again, the vulnerable population pedestrian enforcement and operations what we'll have having had issued a lot of citations and when we issue the citations we're warning the population against the various laws. >> since december we've done a don't block the box and to date over 35 heed citations blocking the box and it is all an effort to facilitate to clear the evacuations i crosswalks and traffic flows throughout the
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city lighter we're in the works working with the mta to increase our number of a new generation of speed enforcement to get more. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> enforcement operations that will require training and additional coverage that again, the mta is putting in the grant we're anticipating receiving that shortly we also have a program in the city i've participated in this one a a traffic safety program i don't know if you're familiar a middle school kid crossing gardeners to warn triple a runs a program and supervisor yee embraced it and perm went out to 3 schools that want to get on board. >> slide 3 what we're going to do is pretty much to continue
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what we've been doing and again in increased effort especially in area speed and drill down i'll show that speed is the number one provided reducing those okay. and i talked about in a slide you'll see the 5 primary collision factors that are preliminarily decided when we got into vision zero you'll see in one the slides we've determined that stop signs are really not one the top violations happening in san francisco you'll see again bans primary collision factors data that we're going to be changing that and it is about data collection it not easy to get the data tonight we're working on that and going forward able to track
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data in a better manner working with the ceo to get the traffic and collision data 2014 the department issued over hundred and 2 did thesis citations you'll see that we're still at 24 percent focusing on the 5 remember that original 5 that was decided when we initiated the commitment to vision zero and. >> and could you remind us the 5. >> we based it on information provided via mta and they used twitter data two to three years behind and doing initiative things like education and all the e's involved we wanted more
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contemporary information and gone through a third party vendor that provides timely data and they were up to the end of april for the data it is timely and it is self-explanatory again, the top 5 24 percent another good percentage are cell phone citation and distracked driver's leads to other issues maybe 6 will be color to reaching our goal quicker all 2014 the same data breakdown by mold 94 sizings e citations were issued to callers and pedestrians and one percent to bicycles pretty self-explanatory. >> by charts i was told you
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like by charts showing the same thing. >> okay. here is a comparison of quarters i like i like to compare data to me it tells me a better picture when you see where wisp and are in fourth quarter you've not seen the last presentation including the last quarters so this is 2014 versus 2013 we started tracking data in the middle of 2013 so it the not fair the data is not that accurate as it could be so the fourth quarter very accurate 27 percent in 2014 we wrote more citations our department has in documented history we're not great at documenting data before
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that okay red light cameras never count in the total we show them to see where we are we're issued 13 thousand red light cameras citations we're down 2 percent here we go comparing the quarters by station now this entire presentation was sent to each district capita captain to see where we were as far as in their standing some up and some down ex-richmond 12 percent there's are increase but they've over 50 percent of the goal that was created to reach 50 percent focusing on 5. >> can i ask you a question.
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>> i indicated richmond has more resources it's not a particularly place whether there is vibrant crime but is there something unique about richmond beyond the legislation here. >> you know i didn't attribute it to you talked to the captain silverman of richmond he dedicates officers to do traffic i've explained to other commander that is how he awe attended his goals it is staevenl a little bit less crime better to be safe than sorry but we're down on staffing here so again, he was call is a luxury the dedicated officers to do traffic enforcement he has
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tenacious officers that like to write tickets and this is on the subject overall - i also see the increase is dramatically (inaudible) the captain on those issues. >> well, i i know that he donna does a lot of pedestrian enforcement in the tenderloin and failure to yield to pedestrians is a focus think the 5 i also think that came up there was a particular low number of citations so there's an approach
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in collaboration with the folks. >> it looks huge an t percent increase. >> overall the number is far less than many of the others stations i'm concerned about it the trend that are ongoing that will soon overtake ingleside that is next to bay area. >> if i could just you're seeing the tenderloin numbers are going up we're bumping it for more officers. >> thank you chief and commander. >> sure. >> here's the focus on the 5 station by station the first quarter of 2014 versus the first quarter of 15 we're decreased two percent on focus on the 5
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any questions about that data? a graph showing the same data stations up some stations down it is each captain is given a copy so they know where they stand with the other stations maybe it will endid you say healthy connection >> here's another chart showing the focus on the 42015 that's what we're writing the first quarter so again? so helpful you start off saying the number one cause is. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> is it so 24 percent of the focus on the 5 traffic saved
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citations so there are there efforts underway to speeding issue. >> in the richmond it take training not everybody uses it we're working on train more officers on the equipment and ref for devices the numbers will go up they're not going to like the next slide it is 75 percent of our sizing are from other violations there's 4 hundred and 50 other issues for violations 75 versus 25 percent is what we issued in the first quarter. >> can you explain to the commissioner how many of those violations are lesser included in the lesser 5 and following two closely and right in i think
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the top 8 you have other violations that we are innovate capturing particularly but should be illegal turns we've been looking at the governor nixon and issued over 35 heed citations the number one is illegal turns as opposed to blocking the box and other violations we're capturing at the time, we see the violations going on. >> for instance, when a rear ender the tag might be for following two closely but the reason your too close is speed so the reason you hit the person if behind you're going too fast we're going to be going forward trying to figure out by bachelor, if you will, which ones all fit in where they are supposed to go it the appropriate to put following two
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closely in with speeding as part of the focus on the 5 their may be subsequent reports that attribute to each headline, if you will, we cruel capture the number of tickets that are related to the 5 primary collision factors. >> so the overall report the focus on the 5 is breakdown by the category the lesser included. >> our recommended categories. >> might be a heading that size speeding other than a basic speeding ticket but following two closely and on and on. >> that's another visual request as to citation to do the same thing not lump the pedestrian sizing but we'll continue to violation of law ♪ process of having again having the data gives more clear
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picture and the other way the land use you've explained this was a culture shift in the 44 percent of citations this was a mafias shift in operations between 2013 and 2014 when i turn that bottom open our endorsing the traffic code it everything those are the most dangerous but if you see something else their enforcing the laws of the road that shifts occurs >> for instance, in the earlier slide a two percent decrease in the first quarter versus last year this is the all-time high we're still you know do you only what we were in 2013 were only 20 percent off in 2014. >> it's a matter of 6 thousand sites that's the difference
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so, now that is probably my favorite slide this is the preliminary collision factors broken by station the unsafe speed is 49 or 45 percent. >> 43. >> and pedestrian right-of-way collision two and red light anothers 15, unsafe turning 14 that's all turns not just left turns that's the failure to yield on the turn section you can make a right turn with the same errors and unsafe backing out i had that happen on the way here you see only one district has stop signs bayview is number 4 it doesn't fall in the data anywhere else