tv [untitled] May 27, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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evention and we fund the grants and we also provide the access housing to support and by the way of prevention, we provide short term rental assistance, and we provide legal representation and know your rights, sum seminars as well as weigh sift in move in costs for the emergency shelters to the affordable housing. and by way of access to houptsing, i want to highlight the importance of this program and that is that we provide the grants to cbos and they, help to shepherd the housing in secure families, through the city process for housing. and i think that it is helpful to have a guide through that process. in the fiscal year, 2014,/15, we reached, approximately 6,000 house holds through our
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eviction prevention investments we provided legal assistance as well as legal representation and we provided households with the tenant counseling, and we did provide 500 households with short term rental assistance and third and last category of the program is focuss on preserving the rent controlled buildings as well as these restricted affordable housing and this is geared toward current tenants and the first program that i want to highlight is the small sites program which has the goal of stabilizing the housing for tenant and that is rent crold and we removed the rent controlled buildings from the market by facilitating the purchase by a non-profit and then the conversion of those units to be restricted
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affordable units. and the landlord has already filed a notice and certainly that building will go to the front of the line but also the buildings that are located in neighborhoods that are known to have a high level of evictions and have tenants with vulnerable population and low income and the first year, of the program and it was launched in july of last year and, we had only a single applicant and in response, we certainly recognized that this is a new program and we needed to make tweaks in order to make it more successful and so we expanded the program in 2015, to include buildings with two to 25 units
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originally we were targeting buildings with 5 to 25. and we expanded the program to include and also to include the group housing. and we increased the subsidy per unit and increased the funding commitments and we did increase through these changes, we managed to get more applications to the program and we expect additional applications coming soon and i think that i saw that miss parent is here from the community land trust and she can speak to the activity. >> the last cat category is the effort to preserve the existing d-restricted units and i don't want to raise any alarm bells this is a limited subcategory and these are buildings that were constructed in the 80 and
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financed using tax exempt bonds and as those bonds are paid off, in some cases, the affordability restrictions then expire. this is a limited subcategory of buildings, we are pursuing a number of different ways to preserve those buildings. generally, if we can provide an incentive to keep the restrictions in place, we will do so. and i am happy to answer any questions. i apologize for the technical difficulties but i am here. >> i don't think that they were your difficulties. >> so just a couple of questions, so, as i understand the model now, the small sites will allow for the purchase of these buildings and the question comes the long term and who maintains them and i know in main cases that has been and we have looked to the non-profit entity to do that and yet they seem kind of
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swamped right now with the rad program, and with a lot of the non-profits accelerating their own efforts it seems like it is challenging to find an entity who can then, manage and maintain these buildings once they are acquired. >> we certainly, understand that everybody is bringing all hands on deck to the housing crisis and everybody is busy and i think that it why we are working so closely in developing the guidelines in the parameters of the program with our known, local non-profit and that is really why we have made significant tweaks for this fiscal year and we are open to work withing our partner to figure out the ways to make the program work able for them and i think that we have seen a lot, and i anticipate that the program will be more successful this year than it was last and we hope that even more successful going forward. >> so can you speak to how buildings that might qualify for this program how they are
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being identified, and how much of this is push and how much of this is pull. and to what extent is the mayor's office of housing doing out reach to encourage the applicants to what extent are you working with the other entities to identify appropriate buildings for the program? >> we are trying to identify the buildings as early as we can, and because like anybody, the open market, is challenging, and we once a building hits the open market it is a very competitive climate, and so we have been working with our non-profit partner and our staff of the mayor's department of housing has been starting with combing and the less listings and then also taking the steps as walking down the street and looking at buildings that seem as though they could fit the mod sxl we are doing everything and anything that we can, and i know that through the mission action, plan for example, the people are reaching lords, and in or within the neighborhood to make sure that the people are aware of the program. and to get the word out in any
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way that we can. i think that most important component of this, and i am hopeful that we can work with the rent board on this is to get to the buildings before they actually reach the market. >> thank you very much. >> mr. chair, should we go to public comment? >> sure. >> why don't we open up for public comment, anybody wish to speak on this item? i do have one card, and if there is anybody else feel free to line up and we will have two minutes per person. >> great, thank you supervisors for having us, my name is jay chang with the san francisco department of realtor and we have over 2200 agents in the city, it is deeply support of the retention programs for the rent controlled housing and stabilizing the affordable neighborhoods this is because our industry is built on the idea of the housing ladder and we hope that a young person in the city will go into a rent controlled apartment and be able to save for the condo and
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partner up and move on to a single family home and build on that housing ladder, this is how families build well in this san francisco and this is also how the family stays in san francisco. and i think that the housing ladder is a critical part that is part of a healthy housing market and it is missing in the current condition and we are supportive because the rent crold units form the first rung of the housing ladder and we depend on the affordable at every level of housing in order to have the successful housing market. this is critical for both of our business and for the success of the city. >> we are supportive of the things like mall sites and acquisition program because they help to move the people up this housing ladder. >> we want to make sure that the program is attractive to the property owners and as you heard from the mayor's office and hayward, just recently, the application to this program have been limited and we think that there are a number of things that can be done to improve the program to make them more attractive for the property owners, and first the program is currently under funded and more funding should be to that and we are excited
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for the housing bond to do that, and second, the income cap is difficult to meet currently and should be expanded to 120 percent of ami for the majority of residents and third tl is a 90 day required escrow program and it is difficult to attract someone to a 90 day escrow. >> sf realtors are prepared to offer multiple services partner with the city to make this program more attractive and including opening up the mls to the mayor's office so that they can find attractive candidates before they hit the market or just when they hit the market. >> i am hope for any questions. >> i have one, so i understand is it the realtors that have been working with the mayor on the veteran's housing? are there other programs that you have that are attempting to help with the housing especially the affordable housing >> yeah so we have a project called the welcome home project which has been working with the mayor's office and dufty from hope and successful in
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furnishing and we are successful and proud that have program and i also wanted to mention for a second and i know that she is mention combing the mls listings to find the good candidates. and the association of realtors owns the mls and we are the mls and fill it with data and we are open to partnering up to open up the data and to find the good candidates for this program before they come on to the market after they come on to the market and before they are in immediate threat of eviction and i think that is really the opportunity window for this program and in addition, i just wanted to add you know our agents, are happy to promote this program to the property owners who are looking to sell their buildings and we want this to be the first process that they look at before they go on to the mark sxet and our agents are happy to promote that. >> that is an interesting point because one of the things that we are trying to figure out is like the folks in the middle
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are getting priced out and so an invester who is content to be a landlord with modest returns is often having difficulty compete ining a speculative market. and we have not a mechanism to really reach out to those types of investors and to get them engaged in the market when things are so heated so i don't know if you have any suggestions on that store? >> absolutely. i think that it is important to just remember that in private industry you have a trade association of 4200 real estate brokers who talked to the property owners every day and talk to them about their solutions about though to address their housing needs, or their changing housing climates. and if we want to reach out to investors who are happy to be land lords and mom and pop who are good land lords and happy to have the tenants in the rent crold unit and even if we want to reach out to the property owners who are interested in selling to the city to preserve the tenants and i think that real estate brokers and the san francisco is ready to play that
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role. we have interactions with property owners every day, before the units go on the market and after, the property owners come to us when they want to know what is the right solution and option going forward. >> i think that we will not dwell on it now but it is also come up with the city employees who are trying to buy houses in the city and i am aware of at least one case where a property owner made an accommodation for a city employ other in order for that person and their family to remain in the city and i think that is something that we have talked a little bit about is that connection between the people willing to sell and the people who would like to buy and stay in the city. >> absolutely and i think that the bottom line on this is that no, no property owner wants to be in the situation of evicting their tenants. or knowing that they are going to sell to someone who is going to evict the tenants the market does not provide other options than those pathways that exist. we support the city in create ago third option and we think
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that it is important to be voluntary, and there is no way and no quicker way to build resistance than telling snan they are forced to do something and we want to offer the program as an attractive affordable solution that is looking to sell their property >> good morning, i am the director of the san francisco (inaudible) and we focus on buying, existing occupied tenants occupied, apartment buildings that are at risk of eviction. and to date we have successfully purchased five buildings in which low income long time tenants were at risk of eviction and we have five more properties in the pipeline and we have been the only non-profit to have been able to
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implement the small program to date but we do as a community collaborative of the multiple non-profits we have about ten properties in the pipeline we are trying to chair through acquisition and however, some of the challenges we are facing is that first of all, by the time that the ellis act is evoked and noticed on the building it is most likely too late for the community to try to buy back that building. and however, last year, we were able to buy a building that was actively under the ellis and that was only because the tenants were aware of their rights and they reached out to the non-profit, legal assistance and active groups to put the pressure on the local owner who then agreed to sell the building and therefore, worked with us as a community organization to sell the building. and so, i think that the lesson there, was that information is key. so the sooner that the tenants
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can receive the information about free services to connect with the legal services the sooner that the community is work together to try to work with the owner to come up with an alternative win/win solution. and for that property. and right now, on the regular market, the market is really and has really sky rocketed since 2014, we are unable to compete on the private market. and we have lost about ten, however i want to emphasize that the information exchange is so important that i support this resolution, to bring more data afaster to the city agencies and the supervisors so that we all can work together from tenant to community groups to the local supervisors to get more information out. >> so could you mention one instance of where you have been able to purchase a building, can you just give us some top lines and so of the ten units that you mentioned the five done and the five to come generally, what size are they
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and what sort of circumstances allowed these to proceed. >> although, most of our buildings, well they range from the smallest is four units and the largest is 20 units. those are the ones that are targeted for conversion to common ownership units and so what has worked is when either the owner, is sympathetic to their own tenants and really don't want to see the tenants be evicted for the tenant and the invest or and if you do read the multiple listing service, comments and you will see a lot of them are marketed as prime to tic unit resale. >> and so that is definitely out there and but if the owner is a local owner and some what educated and has read the news in the last, you know, year, hopefully they are willing to work with us as a community
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win/win solution that has helped in three of our purchases. also, we%backer currently negotiating with an invest or who has invested in the ellis act business model and because of the success of the non-profit legal services especially in the tender loin housing clinic they are ready to throw in the towel and sell all of the buildings to the community and we are currently in that and highly confidential and the legal services are working. and it is definitely showing potential speculators that the community has tools to fight back. so, the funding and the information exchange especially being able to get the data from the rent board as to which buildings are receiving, and anything ahead of time, helps all of us work together. to show that this business model is not right for san
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francisco. >> so the tic that you have been involved in, are those then deed restricted and is there any limitation that retains them as affordable housing? >> when we acquire them, yes, there are 2 d restrictions we as a community land trust, enforce the permanent restriction and also the city funding from the small program that we are now able to use has a lifetime restriction for as long as the property is able to serve tenants. >> thank you, very much. >> thank you. >> good morning, and i am at co-founder of the tenant's committee and we formed after 22 of us were being evicted from one block of lumbard and subsequently we are running housing clinics every month, in the neighborhood center to
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inform people of their rights. which as you have heard from the previous testimony iss really important. in order to start the process so that the people maybe will have a chance to go to the small sites and acquisition, or community land trust programs. and which we really support, it is much better to keep the people where they are, homes that are being built, are either not in the pipeline, or they are, it is going to be five years down the road. there is also an issue i believe with the affordable housing, given how the incomes are skewed because of the rising incomes of so many residents, that the median income is 72,000. and i am a retired state college teacher and my income is $30,000 less than that and so i really could not even pay affordable housing. and in my building we were fortunate we were being evicted
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by urban green investments and we stuck together and we got to support from ccdc, from the state and from the tender loin housing clinic and the day before we were to be evicted they rescinded their evictions they continue to give us buy outs but we all wanted to stay we are a large building, and a 14 unit building and in october we are bought by real land lords and they are great people, and they live in the marina and native san francisco and i am a fifth generation myself and so i, i am very happy to see that this resolution and i hope that it goes forward thank you. >> i want to thank you for your efforts in trying to prevent bad things from happening to other people after so much you have been through, and certainly the tour of the neighborhood and pointing out and i just wanted you afforded
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me an x-ray view into a lot of the buildings in our district and what it occurred in them and i wondered if you could just point out to me, instanceses of why the people had been evict and who they were and i wonder if you could touch briefly on. >> and that was actually my colleague, terisa and the people have said that asked if we are sister, we are not, so she can tell but that. and so if i may i really want to make one comment though in north beach we are being hit with the short term rentals and it is removing our i know for a fact whole buildings from the rental stock. i turned these guys but this guy was a realtor and did not live in the building and he
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was, against the law the previous law and the new law and he said that i am not doing it any more and they just took no action and he kept doing it and the vans rolled in and they took the people in and out the shuttles and on and on and planning and he said no we are not doing that, we are just doing, 30 plus, days. well, who knows? you got to have a data. you really do. and i mean i don't know about the rest of the city, but we know that north beach really well. and you got to get a handle on this. thank you. >> sorry i didn't see you back there. >> yeah, ways not going to be able to come but i am. so yeah, i am from north beach, and so, a few things and then i can talk about -- so, some of
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the buildings that i had pointed out were buildings where there were 7 units, and then was during the first dot com era, with wd coil with many investors bought up many, many buildings and evicted people and that was just the business model for him but in this particular building on stockton around the corner from me the 7 units there was an elderly woman who lived there who was disable and had the care taker living in the living room of her home, and she could, however, move out, because there is a bus stop right in front of the building and so she could take that down to safeway, and she could on good days, walk the one and a half blocks to washington square and sit on the benches with the other elders. and so buying the building and i have no idea where this woman is now, probably dead.
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the other thing is that it became tic's. and talk about permanent residence and neighborses and you know that is not happening but the short term rentals are happening there, at least two of the units are used as short term rentals and that is just one of the 21 buildings in a square block that are short term rentals. and not land lords. ones who own at least 20 buildings, other s eight buildings, and two in north beach, and so, we wanted the neighborhood and our neighborhoods are being destroyed and i am in the still in the process of eviction and my eviction has been dismissed and then over turned. and so, i looked at my building where i have lived here for 32 years in north beach. i first came to work in a community center there. and i have always been involved in the neighborhood and looking after my elders and we look
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after the kids at the play grounds. and i depend on my neighbors, and they depend on me. and this is destroying the entire neighborhood, so, having things like the small site the community land trust would be fabulous if you could please talk with my and with the owner of my building she is in laguna beach and that would be great because this is a building that everyone in the neighborhood knows, and it was owned by the (inaudible) family for many years. and all of the tenants have lived there for many many years. and we are very valuable to the community and so this would be, this would be a great place to save, and well, cared for because i also helped to care for it, yes and my land lady the last five years of her life. and it would be ideal and it would also be a way of keeping our neighborhood intact and this is what i think throughout
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the city, destruction of the community. when you take these buildings off. furthermore the --. >> i am going to have to cut you off i am afraid. >> and you and i will continue our discussions. >> it was very enlightning speaking with you and again, thank you for the information, that have you brought to our office but let's continue the conversation because i think that is exactly the sort of thing that we are hoping this hearing and some of the other things could cause to happen. >> that would be great. >> thank you. >> all right, anybody else wish to comment on item 6 or 7. >> seeing none, public comment is now closed. >> supervisor christensen? >> so let's see, we need a motion on item 7 >> so yeah, so we would like to do is entertain that and supervisor mar a motion to send item 6 forward to the board and a final item number seven. >> so moved to move item six
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with a positive recommendation and to file item 7. >> okay. >> we have a motion by supervisor mar and we can take that without objection. >> thank you very much. >> just to recap, on item 6, the committee is recommending that to the board of supervisors and item 7, the item will be filed and this, and the motions are passed without objection, and with the supervisor tang being absent. >> correct. >> okay, mr. clerk could you call eight? >> resolution authorizing the may or's office of housing and community development to accept and expend the cal home program grant from the california department of housing and community development to expend the program income from the associated loan repayments to assist low income first time home buyers and low income home owners in the total amount of $925,000 for the period
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following the approval through september of 24, 2017. >> we have the mayor's office to speak. >> good morning, i am maria benjamin and i am the director of the home ownership and this is an accept and extend request for cal home grant from the tait of california. and that we were successful at receiving for 925,000 dollars. we used this grant and we have been receiving this grant since 2004. and we have been using this grant to help fund our down payment assistance programs for families under 80 percent, median income and purchasing a bmr, or for our rehab program to help only owners in that same income category to make repairs on their home, with
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this grant we will be able to provide eleven down payment assistance grants. and i am sorry, loans, and we will be able to rehab six homes, with this 925,000. and we will, and the way that the money is split up is that we will use 650,000 for the mortgage assistance and 265,000 for the rehab. >> okay. >> great >> thank you very much. >> any questions? >> okay, thanks for bringing this forward, and open this up for public comment, anybody wish to comment on eight. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> so i move a positive recommendation of this resolution. >> okay, we have a motion by supervisor mar and take that
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without objection >> this item is recommended and i would like to note that it was passed without objection with supervisor tang being absent and can you call 9, 10, and item 1 on our 10:05 on the special meeting. yes. item one approving the form of the official statement of preliminary and final form of the continuing disclosure certificate to authority the city official to take the necessary actions in connection with the authorization sales execution and delivery of the refunding certificates of par participating series 2015-r1. and item number 9 from the ten meeting of the budget and finance subcommittee, approving the form of and authorizing the distribution of the preliminary official statement relating to the execution of the city and county san francisco certificate participation for the war memorial building seismic
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