tv [untitled] May 29, 2015 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco planning commission regular hearing for thursday, may 28, 2015, disruptions of any kind. proceedings. and when speaking before the commission if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to call roll at this time. commissioner president fong commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards we expect commissioner wu to be late and commissioner johnson for absent commissioners, the first item on your agenda proposed for continuance item one is at california street is proposed to june you figure out 2015 and
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next rezoning properties and zoning map are june 18, 2015 case 3 at pine street conditional use authorization is proposed for definitely continuance i have not 0 other items proposed for continuance i'll check on those any public comment on this item? for the items proposed for continuance not seeing any public comment is closed. >> and any commissioners feel like making a motion commissioner moore. >> (inaudible). >> thank you commissioner on that motion to continue matters as proposed commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards
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and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 5 to zero and places you on commissioner matters draft minutes for the rules committee and the may 14 regular hearing. >> any public comment on item the minutes? okay public comment is closed. commissioner moore >> i would like to ask not to approve the rules committee meetings relative to who was discussed in the meeting there should be a short synopsis we received a critical letter we're not doing our duty that's correct you can't issue a memo with nothing to it add a synopsis of the meeting to it. >> commissioner antonini. >> so we move to continue those for a week and let's do it first
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and the minutes don't need to be continued we can add them into the next hearing they're not coming back. >> move to approve the minutes from the regular hearing on may 14th. >> very good. >> second. >> on that motion to continue only the regular hearing minutes for may 14 commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 4 to zero and places you on item 5 commissioner questions or comments. >> commissioner antonini. >> just to comment on the garage at civic center there are many days when you arrive at 11:30 and there's someone out there saying it's full today
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only a sign saying it is full usually, i can get in by freshman a commission card but my whole point we're not really evaluating the impact of things that are done for example the new puc building was the theory we won't provide parking and fksz they rob parking from this parking garage and certain amount reversed for puc the problem is there is only so many parking place that is important for city hall and the courts and a lot of activities people wish to park in so i think in the future we should look at situations with reality in my mind not how we wish it would be
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we worry about everyone would take public transit or walk or ride bicycles a that's not the reality when we look at the parking we have to make sure we're realistic will be our exceptions thank you. >> commissioner richards. >> i wanted to call your attention to an article in the chronicle on sunday about at at attorney they published a paper on world-class cities they have the personal well-being and the economy and presence of combrarts and good governance we rank 22 once the london and tokyo and hong kong but potential within the next decade san francisco goes to number one that tells us a lot about where
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the city is four people to move and invest and to give you a chance look at that report that is on the web if you search for 2 if anyone needs information i'll forward it to you a vote of confidence in the city. >> commissioner antonini. >> what's that website. >> a t kerney k ar n e y. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we'll move on to department matters directors announcements. >> good afternoon, commissioners nothing to report defer to next week. >> item 7 report of past events at the board of supervisors and the historic preservation commission, however, there was land use committee or board of supervisors this week no board of appeals so we can skip
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over that one, too. >> didn't appear to be any and very good that places us under general public comment time, members of the public may address the commission of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. i have no speaker cards. >> any general public comment today? okay. not seeing any public comment is closed. >> commissioners that is under our regular calendar on items 8 a and b for the overview informational item in case the event center and mixed use at mission street south blocks and
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an informational item we coupled there in the seem general vicinity, however, due to the length of the presentation it might be wise to split them and then pause to allow for questions or comments and allow the commissioners to comment and have public comment on both items. >> okay. thank you. >> greetings good afternoon david winning slow planning department staff last december we presented this for the golden state warriors event center it was asked we come back to provide a plan in addition we'll he'll present a schematic overview of the golden state warriors center and preview the thought sign of two office buildings that will be brought back at a future date for design approval for off sale allocation
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i'm going to be brief with bittersweet sentiment i'm going to turn it over to katherine reilly of occ last day of service will be tomorrow and after kathy republicans presentation we'll have a gentleman walk through the design center and finally congratulation the warriors made the playoffs staff is available for questions thanks. >> good afternoon, commissioners director ram i'm katherine reilly project manager for the invocation two days happy to give you my going away party i mean, i'll do an overview of mission bay and there was a
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update request so i'll start with a brief background on mission bay and it is my last day tomorrow we'll see how that goes so mission bay picture of where we started in the 1950s it was a bay mission creek coming from the mission so then starting in 19 hundred 1950 was the peak as the railyards ups the port activities moved to oakland with the change to cargo you containers so went into a decline planning for the map in front of you i'm going to go over the map site by site i apologize the need for the magnifying glass if
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you haven't been out to mission bay really no way to get a sense of the change without going and even if you haven't been there for the last year it literally is changing week to week again starting here we started in the 80s before my time current plan deposited in 1998 a 2 year progress we remind people the process was built 20 years ahead of time did implementation of the plan will end up with 64 residential unit and 36 percent are affordable and 20 million square feet of biotech and campus the new hospital just opposed opt a 2 hundred and 50
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room hotel and 40 thousand square feet of retail a public school opened the police headquarters and the first library was put in 10 or 15 years ago and 49 acres of public space between ucsf and part of the plan so over 7 hundreds million dollars nearly $9 billion investment and 31 permanent jobs looking at building out at thirty years we'll talk about company holds instead will be done with private department in the next three to four year with public hours it will be a quirk turn around a good success store that was development and implement and got done with the timeframe and proud we were designated a single growth model
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for the sustainable growth and have a strong citizens advisory committee that we work with and members have been on there since day one mission bay north is nearly complete that is the last project to finish the northern it is the mixed use rental project it is going like gangbusters and we have north and south over 4 thousand unit will o have been pled and another 9 hundred to be completed 8 hundred 42 completely unit their strashlgd we need the market rate to have the financing for this affordable housing we're work with the state to fast track that 20th century 1.07 biotech and about to start the next wave
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of the unit we have the hospital it is beautiful we've got over 15 hundred acres of parks and the tech you headquarters open and the library we're getting ready to finish up the market rate the design rate how we got there 33 we started with the development plan and the document we have designed for development that is our version of the planning code we use both of those and go through a design procedure that is step by step what gets done at each phase the picture on the left is the major masking block kind of a sign we don't have a foyer robber or a maximum density from the bucket we have assigned and get into the
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schematic design for example with the warriors we were here in january and went to the major phase thought schematic design of the stages typically we come 0 you with the schematics xylophones with the warriors and with theirs numentz we came to you earlier to get our feedback before the planning commission has the allocation connection that anything that is requiring office buildings in this case will come in front of you for approval affordable housing is 40 percent is affordable over 8 hundred units implemented of the 9 hundred plus this is projects that is land that's been donated we of inclusionary housing we go
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out and select a nonprofit builder to do the project and have continuous affordable the 41 acres that are city owned developed by the master developer the ocii manages the current plan to 2043 it will support the city or the puc because wisp dissolved we're working with the state and most likely will tenor or turn that over to the city in the package. >> we hire since we don't have the in house staff we have the facilities formed to fund the maintenance of the parks until 2043 is the magic year when we stop collecting the tax for the infrastructure it goes back into the general fund we want to make
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sure they're not a burden to invest in the area we're proud of the diversity program we have goals between the warriors 50 percent of small business enterprise into professional and construction and focuses on local businesses in san francisco bay area and the local construction to help to support san francisco residents and pay the wages we've been successful with them not just motorbike by the ocii projects as a whole when the project was formed it came with a large benefit package to create one of the reasons the plan hadn't kicked off before gave 43 acres between the city and the master developer 43 to usf the compass
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it was so successful they expanded out the fire station that was build with land dpomentd and $6 million towards this construction land available for a school and for a school yard the $3 million for job training the parks we talked about affordable housing overcontrol there is a plant station we're working with improvements and transportation to help to bridge that before the roads are in before we get the busses having the shuttle services and once again the job creation so kind of moving into where what are go out and look at that it has changed and fun activity but we have got all the market one more projector with the mandating housing on block one
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and once that starts all the mandating housing is through e under construction the picture condo on the left which is one condo a lot of the recent development on the rental side and financing for the condo with the last crash with one condo in the future if that makes sense we have had changes which is fine the 20 or thirty year project you take our best staff and for example, the warriors we had a vision through a sprats process to the community and was in the vision this specific family houses is another example with the usf the hospital was not part of plan but a wonderful edition like the
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ronald mcdonald house to provide temporary housing as i mentioned we'll have break with the economy on the office building but start with the last design so a few months ago you had a informational block and did restrictions to the same mapping it is a great improvement to the design we start construction this year and tied the completion and that will be opening down there in the next few months one of the things we're proud of is the parks our contribution for the something we control for the community - community creation down there. >> in the next few months opening a children's park this is the equipment fun and opening a park down by the hospital those are open in the next few
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my goodness months we're in the establishment period we've going to get the parks open and this is before - again the parks especially for me perp i take pride this is our chance to give back to the community that is the overview off-line this is i've spent 8 years on mission bay and came in before the crash before the north development was finishing up since i've been on the project through the slump through the change before the new development and the warriors so kind of put through the presentation of thinking those are my thoughts on mission bay i think that would be a great case study the major development in the city to a point where you see where it is going to be some of the complaints about
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motorbike is because it is not completed people claiming complain not a lot of retail the transit is not there so one thing of the - there's a lot of lessons leader we've done a good job but saving for the projects is difficult your short of shutting down the acres and your go going to have a safe something this educational and trying to prioritize children's park we've prioritized that a park to get it out there would the need so phasing is an interesting thing you know height and bulk is a concern we're fortunate the willingness of height in mission bay one of the guests we gave to the community was the height and we changed the design development to the center slender 24 hours that is something we can push
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further going forward and to get that prospective of the thinness do you need to have floor plates it will be working with the people who build to make sure it is marketable as well as and another thing people talk about it looks the same it is a tough one built out over 20 years we working hard to push not the same architect we'll push them using the small business program to bring in other architects and the warriors we've lost track four or five different groups we do that to make the projects feel different and breaking down them visibly but building is it over 20 years the style is what it is and in the rest of the city you've got a
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hundred-year-old building on the flip side a community in which one of the things that people like in san francisco you have different neighborhoods with different neighborhood motorbike didn't feel like the mission but mission bay once you get missing pieces does it now become 50 or hundred years from now hey mission street that is what that period was and i don't know what the solution we have other projects coming in that is the same issue maybe you build something into a design i don't know you push the design team to think outside of their era not 2010 but 2020 but hundred years in the future that's a struggle you'll do a project that large
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in a short time but within the period of design feeling i think looking at ways to improve looking at looking at ways to improve we have an amazing community from the people that live there as well as the partners the developers i think one of the reasons it is successful we went to our citizens advisory committee and did a presentation on affordable housing project which is 50 percent for homeless veterans most other places you go into you have people coming out those folks are like this is great how do you create this community where people buy into the decision into the construction noise and the affordable housing and understand what they're getting they're ready to commitment commit because of the bigger picture and pot put that into the projects we have the shared vision from the community
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through the developers and i think the benefits package and looking at things that make that occur with you you can have agreeing all those great plans but if you don't have it with that, i'll put my inclusion on the last 8 years. >> thank you and thanks for all your work and good luck on your next venture opening to commissioners. >> public comment. >> commissioner comment and then the position and open up for public comment. >> was that it for the mission bay presentation. >> yes. for the mission street i'll come back do an interim for the wairdz. >> commissioner moore. >> i want to expressed my appreciation this is a difficult project it came opening in 1981 we came and go and pautsz and
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realized then it finally happened i think as it angles i think some of the things that people find obviously is hard to tie it together as we move introduce the neighborhood if it didn't succeed on all levels it looks like an office park but with that said i think the success shires of how the people creating a new neighborhood and using their open spaces with the transportation and infrastructure improvements throughout the plan is an amazing project i think it has and continues to attract international attention it is a restructuring of the city and many citizens find themselves parcels in a large sector of
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land and san francisco was able to recapture it san francisco is savvy enough to reinvent itself other than an organization and includes the south i want to make a personal containments for the spirit which you presented i look forward to how it evolves i have to anytime i will be speaking about it in an international conference the week after next and the mission bay will be talked about i spend quite a bit time studying it i should have talked about is it after you presented it in any case thank you and all the best for you're next success. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. a few questions first of all, the braked of ownership and the rental and housing you said much of what is being built is condo they can convert in the
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future. >> yeah. not the limits you have in the other places in the city let me grab my sheet i have a breakdown of the map. >> in the mission bay south the only still 3 affordability in the south. >> they're all. >> in the north we do have other kind of buildings our terry are a the first lead project in the city i believe. >> the beacon converted from rental to ownership. >> what. >> the beacon was originally ownership. >> that's the one that has converted since and market is strong for rental so i'm not hearing i'll take it back one the condo block one that is in front of you a year ago it was the hotel site. >> that's right. >>
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