tv [untitled] May 30, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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-- >> those are for phase two, for the removal of the dirt, that is not going to start -- when is that phase going to start? >> it's likely to start some time next week. that is right. initially, during the demolition, it's not mass ka reading it's moving slabs -- they will remain operational, daily, through the completion of the project. >> those reports will be go over. daily monitored and the health department will have a look at them and all of the other agencies will have them going forward. >> that is correct. we will post
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monitoring with the eci, web side, and the companies involved with candlestick. thank you. >> thank you very much. if there is no more on that from the team from lenar obviously, i want to recognize bay area quality controller here if there are any questions, that might come up later on. hang on. okay. >> john har vin with bay area quality control, i wanted you to know we have a complain line. that number is 1-800-334-odor. we have response during business hour, they can be as quickly as 15 minutes to half an hour. we have a couple of inspectors, at the site each and every day,
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including spot checks after hours, and on the weekends. >> and you are getting copies of the daily reports on the wind and the es besasbestos that everybody else is looking at. >> correct. >> public comment? >> public comment on item number seven. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> i'm dr. tom p kins shg we have been participating in the clean air alliance in these meetings, it has been very difficult for us to sit there and maintain our composure when we're being insulted by lenar's, representative to mrs. moore, who is a former -- he's a
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retired registered nurse in the health department. when we're talking about dust invading the home it's implying her gnome is dirty and she is dirty, that's why there is dust in the home. that does not bring about resolutions to the issues we are talking about. i present april 21st to the commission i apologize not getting this to you earlier, the standards being employed at candlestick park, it's this item here that are lower than the state standards for the state of texas. they say they're compliant, mrs. cohen, stated it can run 25 miles an
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hour, that is different than what is presented here today, we're asking 15-18 miles an hour, mrs. moore's sitting above, on the hill. in a simple weather reports, wind travels, faster up than at the bottom the wind gage is at the bottom of the parking lot. we need real conditions real live conditions of what residences are living in not theoretical and made up. one second. in the initial earth study that was done, i'm somewhat disappointed that people did not look at this closer and look it
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with a more critical eye that the air monitoring and air modelling that was done by the company, by lenar was actually -- i'm trying to get that graph to you. (buzzer) this is the same study done and utilized and the data was used by the incloegs, that the model was used at the san francisco airport. there is no micro studies done in bay view hunters point, we know historically, the wind swirls on top of the hill, if [inaudible] he would have broke babe ruth's record, we're tired of you people. we are starting our own company. those of you like to participate -- this >> thank you doctor.
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>> we would ask that you pull the permit under way. >> thank you. >> they haven't moved. >> i appreciate your comments, thank you sir. >> further public comment? >> good afternoon commissioners, i'm mar lean tran -- specifically district ten, as you know, the population is largely asia pacific islanders, many or nonenglish speaking, i was apolled by this project on facebook $6 million, i get notice about projects, this is unacceptable, recently, there is a multiple dollar project, i only saw because the residents, brought me something they couldn't read, everything is in english only or online. i
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completely concur with karen about the recommendations, any pronlts from now on should provide proper line access, and deliver it to the doors so people know. otherwise, everything is what i call. advertising on the moon they advertise, but nobody knows. how can you be reacting to any such projects, if you don't know it exists in the first place? it just didn't make sense. again i was very happy i was able to at least meet with the people of the clean air alliance and allegation the departments, have been extremely cooperative to monitor and get the feedback from the people you know so far, everything is english only, you question whether it's really come mriening with the language access ordinance of san francisco, with the population we have in district ten, i would
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like to see more transparency more accountability, it isn't being done and continues to do that, i know recently with my input, it's in three languages, we want more access to that so people can know they're living in an environment that inclusive of them. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. is there any more public comment? i see none ma'am secretary. >> okay, public comment is closed. we had a request about the items. >> yes if it's okay with commissioners due to time restraints, we go to item 12, and revisit back to item eight. or the commissioner has a request. >> to the chair, before we leave
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are going to continue to receive reports? what's going to happen. >> it's not an action item, it's an update, so -- we are kept in inpormed, i will check in with the staff and mrs. cohen, and anybody will contact us the department will contact us if there is any change in any outcome that was reported to us today, that would be negatively impacted, what is achieved here. >> we should make a report to you, and the table to keep track of the discussion, can be provided to you, through the secretary. >> is that done once a week? >> every time we meet i update it approximately two weeks we are having. >> when you review the reports? is it every week. >> you are talking about air monitoring reports?
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>> yes. >> we review them on a random basis, we receive them at the end of the week. i'm talking about the discussions between community members and sergeant seas that is basically the tracker of what is a concern to the community. we have two different world views, how we're perceiving the events at these places it's hard to bring those two world views together that tracker, is where we're trying to bring those worlds together. >> -- [inaudible] correct? regard to -- >> they're working every day, with the daily results with the contractor on-site, that's where the communication is. there has never been results that are exceedence of lasting 24 hours, there is one event that the air district witnessed, and was
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creating a violation about, and something dropped in general the air monitoring is showing us what they want to show us things are under control. >> okay, dr. mccray do you have a question? >> because this new air monitor is going up higher, closer to where the residents are, if we can receive some of those reports. >> sure, i will ask the staff, the hygienist, to make that review for you, and put it in writing. >> with that, if there's no objection, we will go to item 12 for discussion. >> item 12, discussion and possible action on conference with legal counsel. continued from the 4-15-15 meeting. discussion? seeing none. convene
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on closed session, is there a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> okay, we're now be on. >> we are on item 12, for 12 d, motion to reconvene in open session, to discussion motion held in closed session. >> i move we come out of closed session, and not discuss what we discussed in closed session. >> second. >> there say motion on the second, not to disclose closed discussion. item 13, discussion regarding -- >> do you have to roll call that. >> i'm sorry. roll call -- not
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disclosing, president mccarthy yes. mar? yes. clinch? yes. lee? yes. mccray? yes. melgar? yes. and motion carries? >> thank you ma'am secretary, it's request to item 13 please if there is no objection. >> okay i them 13. >> discussion regarding approposed new draft cost schedule -- >> based upon research from our
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skigs, from a variety of sources ark teches, engineers, construction and cost data books. these sources of cost data are organized into 21 binders, or books that are in our technical services library, we also maintain an index i, on the methodology, with tracking the sources for each line item of the cost schedule by popular request, we have included three new separate sections for ease of use, and things that we're dealing with currently, costs that we're dealing with currently, this is tenant improvement section using information by construction estimating institute. a seismic retro fit from fema documents, and fire code developed with
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the fire department and dbi we have included many items, atm, machines store fronts, incline flat form and wheelchair lifts. are there any questions? >> oh, yes. [laughter]. can i open up for section -- first? you had mentioned with different groups and so on do you have a record of those meetings and who participated? >> that is part of our appendix i, calculation methodology for
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the source we used for published. >> when is this going to be implemented in the department. >> first of the month with your blessings. >> commissioner melgar? >> i wanted to say this is a lot of work. before i think you guys, are -- thank you. >> obviously, i recognize a lot of work. [laughter]. let me ask you this we're getting push back from stakeholders that have legitimate concern on it. what is the resource for dealing with
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that? >> that is part of the -- the previous items that are questioned or brought up. and look at those costs, so if someone has a dispute about the cost evaluation first of all there is two options, the code gives us we can use the actual cost or the cost schedule that is greater. we can choose the actual cost or what is reported on the application forms in cases it's nol realistic, on the drawings, we spend the time to come up with our own estimates, if it comes up to be higher, we will re-evaluate that at the higher amount, if that's not agreed on by the customer they're free to give us whatever contracts, that kind of thing. their own estimates.
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it's escalated to the plan checker supervisors, that goes to both sides, it goes down to our technical services division where 1 or 2 people recalculate everything and go over it again. >> that's a good point. director? >> they have an issue there they can appeal to the deputy director, after that, they can come to me. then we will look into the case. >> this might be an unfair question here i don't know if i can ask it. city attorney if i'm getting into territory i'm not -- with regard to the martial marshal swift formula, how is
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this? >> we use different sources, so it's ape ls and oranges. >> if you came to a conclusion concrete for a wall is 35 bucks a foot was the marshal swift be $35. >> i have no idea. >> we don't know if they went up or down. >> correct. some things went up some went down. again with inpupt for instance with the tentative improve cost i have seen them change every the years, per the people in the industry felt that different was preerpt -- remember these are not supposed to be actual cost there is no way to determine an estimating cost from a system like that there is $25,000, or $100,000 bathroom it's kind of pay baseline to start from. a fall back position.
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>> do we have -- it's probably more to the director. do we actually have something in place where -- i can actually see -- having trouble with the price plate put into cost. do we have -- okay let's take it to a supervisor over there. do we have a place of appeal that is dedicated, that can make a better evaluation on a case by case, for example, than another deputy that might be on duty. >> definitely, we have technical service, we have david leon he's dedicated to doing the calculation, he came up with this table, basically, the small
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job, a kitchen remodel or bathroom remodel or small t i. >> yeah. >> big job usually, tell you the truth is they should be higher but that's why most of them, they don't complain that much because it's hard to calculate those, take a job. >> yeah it's a challenge commissioner lee? >> i'm i'm thinking back o commissioner mccarthy's comment, there is a disagreement with how they were calculated, would a person be able to address that? >> yeah he's assert fied cost estimator, he can determine it also some people may have a contract to show us but we need to do away with that one,
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sometimes contracts may not be contracts. >> i don't want to travel back down this term eweurbulent -- they have a one person that is consistent that is better obviously, but these, we have to test them in other words, if we feel a particular square foot price, doesn't add up you get complaints about that it might be a permit that is more than it was over the year and no real reason for it example, you have the ability to change that number, right? >> correct, we have to do that to you in a batch the changes, on an individual permit, we can
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make that derment nation. >> if it keeps rising it's a continuous problem -- okay got you, that is good. commissioner mar? >> just to follow up on the terms policy of fairness that commissioner mccarthy raised in the new accela contract system all of the costs of the permitses be listed based on the type of construction so that if somebody went in because they had questions about their own evaluation, they will look and say hey. i may not like it but it's there, everybody else who did the same thing more or less paid similar? >> yeah commissioner mar, you can look at each type of permit. construction type, cost put in and there will be rise cost
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everything is there. the new pps system will have the same thing. >> deputy sweeney, i don't know -- just one question for you. >> as he's coming mr. chair i wanted to ask, look at this document what fear do you think we face in this document and how we address those fears, is our fear that someone's going to say the value of this is wrong? is the fear that it's too high? what is our fear and how have we addressed it? >> i'm not sure what you would fear if the document for calculating our permit fees and usually, the questionses i get all the time are usually small jobs, like the director said a
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person is having their own uncle do the work, they found the materials some where so that didn't cost them anything so why should they have to pay evaluation of 25 thousands on their kitchen, if they only 22 or 3,000, they were trying to normalize this so everybody doing a $25,000 kitchen value is permit fees whether your uncle is doing it or found materials, that is the part they are most upset, over a few thousand dollars, there is no difference in the permit fee, 5 or $10 difference, once they realize that then they realize it's not a big issue. there is public concerns for a high evaluation. they wonder if
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their taxes are going to be increased or property they want the slowest number on there, whether it's actually valid or not. those arguments they're trying to save themselves money property tax wise, not necessarily the permit fee. >> deputy sweeney, have you had a chance to look at these numbers? >> no, i haven't. >> obviously, they will directly impact -- >> they will be right at me. i don't think it's a great change though. >> i'm looking for street smarts, somebody that deals with them every day. >> it passed my desk in fact, it wasn't a great game change. the prices are going to stay roughly the same. i think curt have it the problems we have,
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people come in buildings with no prices but they want a building permit they will want the $9,000 bathroom remodel, which our code allows for but that is strictly cosmetic only and we're pretty much figuring it's going to be your local super market quality coming out. you are not going to do imported italian tile or light fixture, that will be up to our building inspector to say, wait, a minute, you have a cost down and it's a lot more. >> so it's multiple contacts with the department. >> i get it quite a bit, i can do it this cheap, i'm going to ikea, my cap netses cost 1500 where i get it is the 15 unit
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apartment building on golden gate, that is studio kitchen apartments happens to be four cabinets, there you can say, it would be the 9,000, probably, isn't the right evaluation. >> but you have the ability to deal with that? >> yes. >> thank you for your presentation. so this is an action item -- >> no it's not an action item, but we can have public comment, is there public comment on item 13? seeing none combo going to go back to eight. eight a, update on dbi's finances.
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>> in your packet is the march -- i'm sorry, it's april. financial report as you can see, we're still doing well. we had a really good month in april because we had a couple of big projects coming in masconi, projects, for example, the plan review fees came in for $4.3 million which is double of what it normally is. so if you look at -- let's look at that one. -- if you look on the second page plan review 61101 will you see a large number there, you will see 2 million there. and this kind of goes back to originally we talked about the fee study, our revenues seem to be very
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volatile at times, one projects can make or break, or change the actual projections, given that, based on what we have done through april, we're now actually projecting we're going to have about a $7 million revenue surplus in the current year. if you recall back in december, that number was not a lot lower, because of the pick up of what is going on so consistently every month, i say the same thing we're doing better than budget, but we're not projected to do better than we did last year last year at this time i we were at $66 million, or so. so we're doing budget but 14-15 is turning out to be a big year. on the expenditure side we continue to fill positions, we continue to try to
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