tv [untitled] May 30, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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>> good morning, it's thursday may 28th. 2015 welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors, my name is john avalos, the chair of the committee, to my right is supervisor katy tang, the vice chair we will be supervisor cohen is not going to be able to make it today and would like to motion she be excused for her absent >> so moved >> i will second we will take that without objection. our clerk is alisa. could you share with us your announcements.
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>> silence all cell phones and electronic devices, and the cards, documents should be filed to the clerk, it will be appear on the june 9th. board of supervisors unless otherwise stated, >> let's go to first item please. >> appointment, citizen's committee on community development. 2017. there is one seat, and three applicants. ook, good, i did >> good i did hear this item be requested to be continued. and actually thought, since we already continued this item to this specific date. by the office that is seeking to continue, i thought it might be better especially for the people who waited, and present to this to have this forwarded to the full board, i rather we hear from the applicants and
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the people supporting them in public comment and move to the full board without any recommendation and we make an effort to vote there at the full board. that to me given this is already in committee at one point a month ago, and we had scheduled this for this date in specific, to me it makes sense we have it state no longer in the rules committee but move to the full board and we can decide, at at that point, the candidates, we back, so we have consensus today about what to do. server tang? >> i would be fine hearing all the candidates today, i see a representative from supervisor cohen's office, i would be curious to see what they have to say, i would be happy to hear the candidates and to the members of the publics and take it from there.
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>> we have sfwhchlt from charles office >> request a continuance of this item, for the committee, we have the utmost respect for the candidates, but we would respectfully request that for your consideration >> thank you, i do know the supervisor requested this be the date we hear this item, this is another request. i will consider that after hearing from all of the candidates i believe we should hear from the car dates, and the public supporting them, so we can decide how to move forward. thank you. first up we will have mr. stafford. is mr. stafford here? okay. mrs. stafford is not present, so we will go to mr. cohen, who has already presented, we will have the opportunity to speak again.
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>> morning board members good to see you again. i was here i guess a few weeks ago. i will sort of hit high notes. i again want to emphasize as an existing member of the committee, i'm now actually the second longest standing member of the committee, of both the board and mayor of appointees, i feel i bring a lot of value, and seek your support in another reappointment, let me tell you about my background i have been in san francisco for 22 years, i have been professionally active in community development work for 15 years, i got a graduate from san francisco state university, since i entered the working world both as a volunteer, and professional work i have been in this development line activity, that experience working in many
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different neighborhoods, in my capacity in community based planning that is the breadth of knowledge, i bring to this committee, it's very valuable i have been an active member, in engaging in the work and conversations, i know eawd and housing staff, appreciate that experience, i think you heard from people for the last 3-4 days, who are in support of my position -- in south market in the mission, these are neighbors, i have had active real work whether in housing work force development, again, as i mentioned last time in our community work in san francisco, given we have a unique way of approaching it we don't use money just to have it. we have had a long standing in san
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francisco, to direct community service provider it's that kind of landscape i'm familiar with it's important to have that on the committee, it's not just housing per se, it's understanding the breadth of that work, but how the sectors, work in a community agenda. last night, my kid graduated from everett middle school. a big thing, i'm raising two children in this si one is at mi kinly, and the other is going to mission high school next year, it's involved in the community that way, it's living and working and being active in the schools, and community work, as a volunteer and professional that i feel is the most important to bring to this committee, this is not a decision committee one time a year, we make a decision which is to affirm staff
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recommendations, to you the board and grant recommendations, it's a dialogue, understanding what is happen bing out in the field, and the people receiving and providing services are doing work well, i think my personal experience and my active years in san francisco both as a resident and as an active community person is something is a real asset, i ask for your support, if you have any questions, i'm happy to answer. >> thank you. my office has received -- stay up here mr. cohen. my office has received a lot of support letters from you from different members of the community. what i would like you to go deeper into is what is your experience been? what are things you feel you have most contributed, in the areas of development in san francisco if you can can talk about specific projects or
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issues in certain neighborhoods, that would give me a sense of what your contributions have been >> sure. one of the things i'm proudest of the hardest work is spending 6-7 years developing a community program many the nonprofit sec tore my first experience in community based pork out of graduate school is in the community district is dos come boom the frustration people had there is for the community to have the tools to do their own planning and policies to set an agenda, it's a dependent relationship having the city having the official capacity myself and folks, who brought skill sets were engaged in trying to be a technical resource to community organizers, and provider coming up with a vision a credible
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one, not just an aspiration, but something commendable, that was something that clearly had value, we were talking about work force, we were talking about community needs we were talking about housing, stability for people as a rule as a rule -- to be able working with communities, and doing community mans we worked for three years, on the visitation valley on the corridor with the connection of sunny dale, which today is still being carried forward, to the rehab project. that was satisfying, we also did similar
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work in tener loin, connecting with service providers, and housing there, and coming with a community based business there in tenderloin market. it's those kind of holistic approaching, that i found satisfying we were not finding community based needs for a particular solution, but a variety of things, and satisfying, is the level of engagement with folks, when you find out the insights and skills, that folks bring to idea making which is what i think policy making is, is much more substantive substantive, than we think. they actually have good ideas, and know the landscape, as a professional, activist i have had a chance to boil those together lastly i would say the good work that has been happening over the five years,
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is commercial corridor, we see community development, working -- from low population, into commercial corridors where there is a small need for small businesses, and public improvements, and opportunities for housing development -- that is beginning to take hold those early efforts, wiz involved on [inaudible] in the [inaudible] avenue. and those are some examples supervisor, of things i have done over the year that i see manifesting themselves and we're supporting the cdb committee. >> thank you okay the next applicant, is clinton loftman? >> good morning supervisors,
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thank you for allowing me to be here before scheduled, it's grately appreciated, i'm delighted to be here. -- [inaudible] would like to be a part of in trying to alleviate some of that disparity i lived in san francisco over 30 years, the majority is in the east bay i see that is a potential weakness in my candidacy, but it's an opportunity to bring a different perspective to the community, i have 25 experience of affordable housing development, community economic development, and urban planning. with the oakland housing authority. affordable residential and mixed use projects, all of these projects include people with special needs, such as those who are
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homeless formerly homeless developmentally disabled those with mental health issues etc. working with local, state, and federal funding sources, such as the block program home emergency shelter grant, housing tunts for persons with aids -- i funded and financed a project, including emergency shelters for men, women, entire families as well as transition and permanent housing, funding activities, social service services economic adult youth services i have imagined program budgets and have personally conducted programs for hud and local requirements. i have served as staff to a --
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commission and to planning commissions, i have a listing of additional leadership around community activities in your packet my desire is not that i have the somewheres to the challenges of san francisco, however, i think with my experience, coupled with education, with corporate strategy, and nonprofit management, has provided me with the tools to help answer questions, i thank you for your consideration >> thank you. i really appreciate your breadth of your experience and a lot of it seems to be in oakland as you mentioned, i don't necessarily see that as a weakness but i would like to know your understanding and experience in the terrain here in san francisco? >> again, i haven't done a whole lot of work here i have worked on the development fund in san
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francisco, based here in 30-40 years, and raised $2 billion, since their inception, most in housing, we're developing a fund for the energy sector for small businesses realizing that power and energy especially with demand pricing, gets a bigger deal it's enormous for people trying to pay bills, we haven't completed the fund but that is something we are worked on with san francisco. i have worked on san francisco beautiful, that drives, economic development in the city. i have health develop operational standards, in the shelters as well as the full bay area and i worked as a city planner in san francisco, many years ago, i worked on
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amendmentses for the master plan for the south bay shore area, to white papers and members of the community, that was quite a lisle ago. >> i'm a believer in transferable skills you also have experience here as well i also appreciate your effort and work here. thanks. supervisor tang? >> thank you appearing forth today, we wanted to ask you questions, you were not able to attend, thank you for being here i think supervisor avalos asked a couple of questions, i had for you, the seat that is vacant right now, or seat two that is up for appointment today should reflect the concerns and needs of low income neighborhoods, in the community and, i wanted to see if you could speak to that, how you see yourself addressing the needs of the low income community, i know you touched on it but because the seat called that out >> i think my entire career is
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based on helping help. i started out at the age of 12. my sister is the director of boston and i started volunteering there in junior high school in a knave way, i thought we could work on architecture, so i went to architecture school and went to urban and public policy, which is better than design i came to san francisco, i was told if i worked on the downtown plan, which diane fine stein, and the planning develop were working on that it took me a couple of years to work for the planning develop, that's what i was working for planning is about guiding growth rather than doing it, i realize maybe i need to do something else so i went to work for the city of hey word
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where they're giving out cdb, funds, and so i had a much choeser connection to people receiving benefits and trying to do that. so from that work i went onto real estate. right now, i'm doing real estate development on some level it's housing first, p you don't have a place to live it's hard for you to do anything else, it's hard to take your kids to child care so that is the primary thing, in addition we have to bring services to that kind of stuff, that's what i'm looking to get back into and get a better sense of >> thank you, i know per your application, you live in san francisco as well >> i do, i lived here 33 years >> thank you for your interest in the position. thank you. so we can open this up for public comment, any member of the public that would like to
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comment, please come forward, we will do two minutes per person. >> good morning avalos and tang. [inaudible] it goes like this. the solutions for politics, religion education, and path ways [inaudible] while managing the nation with solutions to the people cannot avoid the conflict and disorder of due process. managing practice in dealing with personal affair, will lead to [inaudible] and transaction of duties, just like in philosophy and sciences of scholastic study, apply meanings must also
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require principle of wisdom for awakening upon the initial way of ideas, as much as financial money and studies of economics, really do need to relate to personal personal origin and destiny, and having a cause -- only to know our place in terms of finite details, of reasoning apply knowledge, and intuition of knowledge of manned kind -- mankind and matter -- and destiny of true measure. >> thank you very much. next speaker please? >> good morning supervisors, my name is gabriel i'm the president of the latino club here in san francisco i have
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worked with mr. pier kol -- peter cohen, for years now, with ownership and affordable housing, we found him to be a tremendous resource toward bettering the community, what they receive, and some of the services that can better their lives, as you know we have the largest income inequality here in san francisco and the needs for the deep understanding of dealing with communities that are being effected by whether issues of displacement or path ways, or affordable homeowner ship and rentals, peter has been an aconstitute, resource for us we hope to keep his voice, and knowledge, not only that but after hours, he's a
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tremendous resource with community groups, different forums he's accessible, i would encourage both of you, and server, sew hen, when she receives, to please support peter cohen, to reappointment to this board, i have testified to this board before to the city's community development, it's really important to be able to have people that understand what are you talking about when you prepare remarks, and speak to the members of the communities what they need and how they have been benefitted by nonprofits, both of my parents have worked in nonprofits for 60 year, it's good to have people that work with nonprofits on a daily basis, and have lived here 22 years, and raise children like peter to be accessible. >> thank you very much. next
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speaker, please? >> good morning suers, i'm sam den son, with faithful fools, i'm here to support peter cohen's reapplication. i'm a new kid compared to peter's background, and extensive connection throughout the commune, i'm more focused in tenderloin i have worked with peter quite a bit this year, there is two things that strike me about peter, one is the level of professionalism, he brings to any encounter, this last year we have worked with a group called civic love with young tech workers who wanted to bring better larger civic conversation conversation, peter has joined this, to bring 22 years, to show the younger folks this is where the history has been this is
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where the contentions, and conflicts have been, he doesn't describe conflicts in a way to be pissed off at the other side he talked about the conflicts in a way that allows you to think about different ways of approaching thing for younger folk, is an important piece of the process when i heard he was up for reappointment for this committee, and talked with him what his experience has been and realized the depth of experience and the longevity in the community itself and i think about the different groups i have worked with, the value of having that level of experience over time in this kind of process, is just critical. so given he is a committed professional, he will attend the meetings, an engaged in it i strongly support his application and hope you do as well. thank you. >> thank you very much.
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>> good morning, members of the committee, eddie, for the support for peter cohen for this committee. this committee is an absecure 1, i have been on it for a year this committee has faced challenged after challenged from republicans, and the local having to do deal with cuts with untimely resignations from the community, i strongly believe that peter's experience, his reasonable and even handedness p will help the committee to do it job, on cgb funding, and hopefully, bring on mr. loftman as well he seems
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credible in this area of funding, i support peter cohen. and hope to see you soon >> thank you. any public comment? seeing none we will close public comment. i appreciate both candidates and the work they have deny, mr. loftman's work seems very deep and very strong and i think he makes a very strong candidate as well as peter cohen his work and experience in the city. to me, i would rather not have this item stay in committee another month or so. we have a very, very rules committee coming up for the whole month of june, we have special committee meetings to deal with ordinances and charter amendments for the ballot we have a number of seats for committees starting up, we have a large number of people applying and sorting
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through people for public testimony, and vetting, i'd rather we can move this item to the full board, and have a discussion there about which one of you very qualified candidates for the sit zens's committee, so i advise we move to the full board. i know the request, supervisor cohen, keep it in the committee, we will decide on tuesday this is not a committee report, this will be the 9th. to decide then at the full board where supervisor, cohen will be present, and engage in discussion as well. >> to the chair, i thank you for your comments i have no interest wanting to did lay
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appointments appointments, however, i do understand supervisor cohen, wanted to be here she's traveling with the pc tour i know she expressed she wanted to participate in this decision, because this deals with the low income and communities, that is something that is important to her. and she represents most of in her district i like both candidates, i think you both bring wonderful comments i think both individuals can do a fine job on this. really again i don't prefer to delay decisions, out of deference to supervisor cohen, has expressed, she would like be to part of the decision i will make a motion to call the chair knowing we will be scheduling special rules committee to deal with some of the other election items that are coming up hopefully, that will allow us to
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make a decision, within less than a month, so that's my motion. >> okay. well if we actually have discussion at the full board, cohen will be able to participate in that decision she can guide it with her concerns also every seat that's on this committee is dealing with low income communities, it's not like any particular seat is special for that it's the whole effort and mission for the citizen's committee, that is working on that i don't see it as a special interest because you know supervisor cohen, represents a particular neighborhood where there is low income people. that to me is
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not a compelling argument. so i express what i'm interested in moving forward as the chair of the committee would like to see if we could actually move this without recommendation on either candidate, to the full board, and we can have a discussion with the board on june 9th to make a final decision about which supervisor cohen can take part in that is my motion there is only two of us i would like to think we can get through with a decision and mv forward. >> sure, through the chair, i appreciate your comments and i respect what you are saying, everybody is dealing with a low income community, i again wanted to point out supervisor cohen felt about this decision, the reason why i asked for a continuance as well is i'm not sure we're going to agree on a particular candidate, if we can, sure question send it out, we may have potentially different
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