tv [untitled] May 30, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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our -- making it more difficult for grass roots organizations to exist in san francisco. scrap plays a crucial role in sustaining our cultural fire ask the thousands of artisan crafts people, rely on the materials they find at scrap, ask the thousands of san francisco public schools who supply their materials in class they find at scrap. we're the burning ambers of the fire that sustains our city. we think it's time to get serious about resues in san francisco, it's time to bring organizations such as scrap out from the shadows, into the light, by longing the city's significant resources to bear. thank very much. [applause] --
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>> we're delighted to be partnering with you, on the textile die version strategy this is not about goodwill this is about the community, i invite our partners to work as we move forward on this grant, we're excited to add to the over 25 million pounds, we divert from landfill each year and growing, the wonderingful thing about goodwill and our brand, people know us, bring us our thing thing, now we can amplify and promote it we are important fate, to partner with businesses and organizations, san francisco, is a leader the u.s.
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commissioner should be so proud to be a part of this as we are. everything is about being thought partners doing this better pushing hard and recycling resources, we're grateful we appreciate it we look forward to partnering with all in the audience thank you. [applause] >> president arce commissioners, director raphael, i'm blare rand l for the environment, we're honored to be selected to be recommended for support. far gardens, is a demonstration
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environment, on 7th street and sunset the land is owned by the san francisco public utilities, commission, we have partnered with them we're honors to be partner with the department for many years working towards 0 waste, what we come in is key to behavior change or key to 0 waste is behavior change and behind behavior change are people people need training, this is where we come in. on one end, we're teaching individuals to garden, another end, compost. back in the day world war i and two, individuals knew how to garden, when the nation called about the nation to garden world world war i and two individuals knew how, that is not the case any more yet many organizations are using the skills of gardening to make social change whether it's
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working to nutrition literacy 0 waste, all of the different strategies, require the skill of how to garden that's what we're provieting, the skill of how to gar debt and compos if individuals know how to compost in their backyard they know how to use reusable compost bin -- support from this commission for a number of years, and subsequently, this say three month training program, for two years, and i have put up on this chart here, a very powerful cobenefit of this three month training program. we're training adults to compost epektively, more than that we're training them to be
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advocates and educators, in their communities, how to be gardeners, and composters themselves, the work of our graduates, speaks for itself. this say list of the graduates from the training program the department has supported for a number of years, they're playing leadership roles, in these organizations, most of the agriculture, organizations in san francisco, have a graduate of our program, in their organization, so this is organizations like quesa, executive director of our program, spur, the food and agriculture policy program there, the gram manager is a graduate of this program education odz, the director is a graduate of this program, the san francisco urban agriculture, the founder is a graduate of
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this program. allen farm, one of the cotowneders is a graduate of this program, the list goes on and on. they they have something to be proud of, through this grant program, you have birthed not only behavior change toward 0 was, you have birthed a -- toward the agriculture movement. thank you very much. [applause] >> good evening, i'm deborah, gor man i'm an executive director of the conservation course. what i should share as everyone else has it is just such an honor and privilege to get selected. i think the staff does a good job, you are biting your teeth,
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or nails that you get selected. by working with the san francisco conservation core i think people recognize we're a young person job development 18-24 we're also getting a charter school we're helping them complete high school every wednesday community meeting morning at our last meeting, a young woman came forward, just joined the program, cropped out of san francisco public school in the 9th grade she's 20, 7 months, pregnant, and decided to use the conservation core in her words, to get her "ish", together, are you getting the charter school, the high school and the civic engagement part they know when we earn a grant that is coming from the 0 waste program, and it's coming from city hall and department of environment, they get the civic
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engagement, that is the other component, we try to let them understand what their funders are and give back to the city a lot of that is eye opening, they don't ever come over to city hall or understand them on that. again, we're grateful to be sected. we hope you see our work in our public events i hope you see bins out there for you. thank you [applause]. >> good evening, i'm bab bra merabif, for the sf food bank, thank you for considering us for this grant, one in four are in need of food in san francisco, the millions of pounds of food that will help with this grant,
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will not only stay out of landfill, but go those in need this grant will help fund a truck and a driver who collects the food in a food safe way, it's brought back to the food bank, and distributed to those in need. so thank you. [applause] >> welcome >> thank you. i'm going to be honest with you, i did not know exactly what we were supposed to be doing, i came down here from listening, when i fefr came in i noticed people were doing slide shows, i caulked to a young lady i'm about to get married to in october back there. put together a slide show hurry up. so we put together us and the kids, and the garden in my
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community, and somebody i guess whispered to her, we didn't need to do that which is kind of cool but i do want to say, thank you to whoever it was that allowed us us to have this grant, it's not a lot, what it is is another opportunity for me to keep this family, and this garden we could be doing horrible in the neighborhood my neighborhood is death and destruction to most people but to mee me it's a community that is trooifing, for something new, by using the green and blue binneds, with this funding i'm able to put together awesome activities, to challenge my community, hey, let's try this, i think it works. the kids, built the compost bin which is awesome, they're looking at it now, what do we do
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next? i'm able to keep them long and train them, show them. this is what we do let's put our bbq, extras what we don't eat in the compost bin. she was telling me yeah that is not the only thing they want they want to weigh. i was like weigh it? how are we supposed to do that? this is how my brain kids in and think of animated ways we can weigh the compost, let's put together a heavy weight challenge, and i wrap around your compost bin, if you weigh the most. i challenge the community to do something better. that gives them knowledge and wisdom of other things, going on around us other than what we face on the inside which is a lot of -- which is poverty,
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being stuck in a certain set up system, whatever you want to call it i like to challenge them. with this funding, i just want to thank whoever it was that allowed it to happen i was able to keep kids we have 19 maybe more, and challenge the parents, the ones that don't come outside a lot, i have a game for you, it involves, food thank you. any thaem is marcus, bailee, at the community garden. [applause]. >> good evening thank you for having me, my name is mathew lavek, i'm the former manager of building resources we're a 20 year old program, if you want to measure tonnage, come visit us
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onnage average day, we unload and reload 20 truckloads of materials, we handle building materials, so we're talking substantive weight, bricks doors, windows, bath tubes, all the heavy stuff, that is us we are grateful to be here for 20 years, we look forward to doing it another 20 years, it's a very viable program, we incorporate, we're not for profit, we incorporate educational activities, we do a lot of workshops, tours, a lotover work with the collegeses, and with market development. we came up with a whole scheme how to sell people broken glass, it's turned into an entire industry, 8s mimicked across the country, when we're pretty proud of we like to continue that level of innovation and
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commitment to the city, and integration to the city a lot of people know us, we would like to stay there, so i would ask your blessing if you will on that one, i will leave that to you, thank you. [applause] >> good evening commissioners, director thank you for the honor for this grant, i'm alexander, hauf man, for change we're little known in california -- (audio cutting out) and aboverty in the u.s. and abrov, we're a 501 c three nonprofit organizations, that collects clothes and shoes, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and
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support commissions as kro the globe. -- and shoes. our program is self sub si die z. through the sale of reusable materials we leave, last year we recycled, over 9 million in the bay area out of that 9 million, san francisco recycles nun hundred thousand, in our boxes, the area which is densely populated, has limited space for the placement of boxes, that is a challenge for our company, last year i spend time working wi and the environment, and have found a lot of opportunity, when i heard about this grant i thought, what a great way to really focus our
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efforts, in san francisco, san francisco is a model city. if every city was like san francisco, i would be out of a job, thank you san pran for leading the way, we hope this grant we can take across the greater bay area, thanks for considering us. [applause] >> my name is catherine bay -- we're a 501 c three. son san francisco state campus our board is runned by student, staffed by students and one of the programs we run is the early childhood education center we would like to thank you for starting a compost program, because of the way we're situated on campus, it's hard to get it going, so we thank you
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for the opportunity to invest to get composting said -- students are educators of ft future not only are we walking with small children in the program itself we will educating the educators as well. thank you. and thank you to alexa, and other staff members who made the daunting process of applying much easier. thank you. [applause] hello, good evening, thank you very much, i'm rita mont, executive director, of the chinese newcomer center i'm very proud we will be able to par ner with ivy waning and pat trin young with green solutionses, they have ambition goals, they have more than 14 +
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years of diversion and waste disposal, i would like ivy to tell you more about this. >> good evening commissioners. as i know i saw one year i know her for the past almost 15 years, and she knows what i'm doing because, you know when i first met her, i have been doing, the recycling. as everybody knows, the chinese community especially in china town it's like newcomers, under served, low income families the last thing in their mind is environmental issues. so it's really hard to reach, but there is one great thing
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about our chinese families for the next generation we should do good deeds. this is what my point is, to outreach to them, you are not doing it for your family now, you are doing it for the next generation, you are doing it for the future, for the piece and harmony on this earth. and when you leave this earth, you left something behind. that's the good deeds. but right now, with the challenge of you know making money to support the family is the most important thing for them. for us to actually outreach to them. we actually have to take care or
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whatever do something good back to them. maybe some stipend or help them out with some programs which is the newcomers is doing, they have been helping them to actual actually get all the resources for jobs for social welfares, their daily needs, so i'm looking forward to exceed our goal and you know for this 0 waste program, like i say, we're doing it for the next generation. [applause] >> thank you. >> all right. this is a great idea. commissioner wald hear from everybody the amazing work and
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definitely really it's very much appreciated how you thought through the process for evaluation, and took to heart a lot of ideas from the commission and seem to be really good i have a couple of questions, i wanted to di fer to colleague if anybody has questions first? so the 11 grantees, how many are new then for the first time this year shawn? >> four >> okay >> four new. scrap is returning, and the rest have been funding, >> listening to everybody, is thinking through, how we might think about creatively expanding the pie because you learn we know the great work that's been happening for many years in the program with some of our grantees, then to hear some of
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the stuff from mr. bailee for example at the northridge co-op, it's like you want more resources so we can put more especially in terms of the grass roots community driven ideas, that is something we think through in the next year how we keep growing the pie you never want to turn granteeses away you want to fully fund, especially when you hear how folks are leveraging to make great jobs to engage communities traditionally not connected to the traditional environmental work it's a test to what is happening, and the stuff -- this is the last comments from chinese newcomers, tr those of us that come in from the environmental justice, perspective, you want to keep moving that link it puts smiles
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on our faces, one way we might think of growing the pie is son fran conservation core does amazing work for long time events there is a lot of stuff going on it seems to me that our event partners and they're great partners, it's outside lands, and the different folks doing all the different events, they're mandatorily required to help us move our 0 waste goals, under city policy. it's almost like they get the benefit for free for all the work that san francisco conservation core is doing we're funding it right? >> no. >> it's subsidized through the
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grants i have been encouraging them to charge them and encrease what they charge. is that from the past that is that relatively new idea? i think that is great. >> (speaking off the mic) because they have been able to do more and more events each year with less subsidy so the money is going father. >> anything we can do from our staff side to work with conservation core, to create jobs it supports community organizations, that is one of the take aways why not? we can sound that bell too. commissioner wald?
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>> may i move we approve this resolution approving funding for the funding recommendations for the 0 waste grant awars, to the groups in this room and the couple that are not? >> is there -- >> can i ask a couple of questions, before. just really quick for the funding, is that two year funding or what they receive each year? >> some of these are one year grants and some are two year grants. so i can -- if you don't have the information i'm happy to, let's see -- they're that with you. building resources, is two year grant, chinese newcomerses, two yars, glad stone is one year, goodwill is two years, northridge is two year, i think they asked for an 18 month grant, they can spend it within a year or 18 months, if they
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want to, they could do that. recycle for change is one year, scraps two years conservation core is two year, booed bank is one year, and sf state is one year. >> for those grant, are they allowed to renew at the end of the first year? >> no that is it >> how many of these target disadvantaged communities? >> that say good question. i would say -- it depends on how you want to calculate that building resources is located in the baby hunters point, i don't know where you are polling people from the bay view hunters point, chinese newcomers, of coursely garden for the environment, does free backyard composting classes, all over san francisco, not just at their 7th
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location, >> just there >> but you do classes at other locations >> yes. (speaking off the mic) >> okay so they recruit throughout the city. goodwill obviously, good training piece, bay view hunters port. the conservation core and the food bank, which is also located in the bay view hunterses point. dog patch and that's probably it. so depends on how you calculate that number sorry for the vague answer. >> good to know, thank you >> we have a motion can we get a second on the mission? commissioner bermejo seconds.
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before we go to public comment, one real quick question. on textiles i know we got great textile programs from goodwill and recycle for change i know we have a textile program with our partners at recologo, i'm wondering how ke coordinate, all that >> thank you for bringing that up. we have meetings periodically bringing the groups together there say lot of conservations, goodwill has been talking to recology department of the environment, has become a hub for bringing the teams together so we can divert dekz tiles in a coordinated manner, >> okay. one of the reasons i ask is because there was a bin -- i'm going to make this real tight, i can go down the rabbit
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hole with them -- i take my son on a pony ride, at mar vis sa, they have pony rides for five bucks, i think it went up to ten, there say bin that says bring your textiles i thought, is this a program, it's daily city right at the conner line do we have something similar? it seems to me that textile -- recapturing textiles, away from landfills, and resues has a lot of components there, i remember coming back to the staff saying yeah, i got a photo of it nobody had heard of it it was like something p happening at a pony ride. so that's why i asked about coordinating that around textiles, we know textiles is a big part of the last 20% to get to 0 it seems to be great
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there's coordination happening >> and the website, recycle, has the locations, it covers the boxes and instore drop off locations like goodwill, everything. >> thanks alexa, public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed, any further comments colleagues? thoughts? all right. all those in favor of approval please say aye >>-a- >> all opposed say no grants are approved. thank you everybody. [applause] >> thank you. >> all right. we can move to the next
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