tv [untitled] June 1, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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and the privacy concerns put forth are a there just to abduct and detail there is no plan they'll support and as stated by mr. insight meets all the requirement of the r d g as a stand-alone project coming to you for the first time that project will be recommended for approval so i would ask that you consider the sponsors needs and approve the project. >> is there any additional public comment is there any additional public comment? >> hi commissioners, i was here last time with the dr
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a lot of the issues that we are talking about are neighborhood issues pardon not so much architecture when you ask mary to change her project in the dr we've spent a lot of a year trying to figure out how to have reasonable sized rooms and fit in the stair we went with the architect and are around and around and around and finally got to this project that came before you the first time a penthouse was offered we thought well mariah's dad is getting older and we're getting older you look at of the roof deck and i don't know it seems like a nice way to do that a couple of times around with the staff we got 3 different staff people dealing with us
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they kind of filed each in on the project but what got lost was her needs she notes a house with rooms that are liveable and we i was there when everyone was saying don't move out into the existing because of the earthquakes i believe that she took it on herself to go down to the counter and found out it was minimal and the thought that will solve the problems we'll get auto the stairs and move them out in the middle of the existing roof so those pictures that you see that show a side view of this red spots city of chicago out, of course, they used red ink as the a side view is no one sees she gaffe back as
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well as she took at one point michael insight said if you i watch those hears you were shopping o chopping pntsdz they were not well-designed they were shark this carried the roofline across in the peak roofs to the float roofs of the neighborhoods this went down the tubes finally got to a point we chopped off the penthouse and changed the stairs the stairs look out to the 0 front of the house the privacy issue if you can see it on here this is a drawing of katherine's bedroom she will
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have a grandstand view of the bedroom that's the window she did arrow pointed to next to it a door with a window on it next to that a bathroom call thank you so much. >> okay any public comment on this item? okay. not seeing any that being said. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i think the pardon should be afforded a rebuttal pardon do you have a rebuttal? commissioners >> commissioners as was stated we worked with enormous planners
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and each the planners had different perspectives we are were offend a penthouse then no penthouse and bulk head it is really been a variety of different changes i've worked diligently with the architect met with the neighbors i even provided changes approval space i was given at the previous hearing back as you can see we said we'd have a 4 feet set back with the stairs i made that 5 foot i was going to have a closet in one of the original drawings and this turned into the space here originally if you look here this space originally here actually was the bedroom and it actually had a closet that space i gave back that
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space consists of more space than required in the stairs as you've seen in the packet the open stairs is not visible no privacy issues this addition if you look at the neighborhood this is a recent addition on the street as i stated it is 18 percent learn what i was was doing i ask you approve the project and take the recommendation and does not take dr and police dog reconsider the expense i had to pay the $4,000 plus planning expense i was asked to incur thank you very much. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i remember this case i think there were two or three that came up in a close
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proximity of times we eliminated stair penthouses from the tops of buildings which were decks were proposed this one one of them as staff i tend to agree this is a different project that is the exterior stairs it meets the spirit of what we asked for we didn't want the satire penthouse working on the top of the penthouse basically we want it in a different way originally the plan was for inside of the structure that took up a lot of space that allows for internal for the project sponsor and the stairs are on the outside and so i would tend to be supportive of staffs position to i'll see what my fellow commissioners have to say say. >> if there are none i'll make
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a motion to not take dr and approve the project and the charge for the mandatory discretionary review is project sponsor is going to have to deal with staff there's always a charge for mandatory discretionary review. >> before we precede i want to make one clarification commissioner antonini on the overhead is the original project okay so these stairs were to a easing assess that at the rear the building they never had the stair penthouse. >> it's a different project. >> offering. >> i want to clarify that and as far as the mandatory discretionary review expense
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this is the hearing obviously that we have to bring the project to for a second time and that it was necessary by the changes initialed i initiated by the project sponsor so the pardon hears that. >> commissioner moore. >> this project to too much times for what it say, i think that staff is correct this commission directs the pardon to do basically what needs to be done 0, however another important changes that caused it doesn't have anything to do with foes to be paid by whom and when but i'll approve that comment on this department does the kind of work and gets paid for it as simple as it is so things cost money that's the way it is
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i'm supportive of this changes and you cannot beat a dead horse sorry to say that staff contradicted it in a manner that makes it acceptable and so i would second the motion for approval. >> commissioners there's a motion not to take dr arrest commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. >> and puts us on general public comment for which i have no speaker cards. >> any general public comment this afternoon not seeing any general public comment is closed. and this meeting is adjourned good
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mar, present. tang, present. wiener, present. yee, present. madam president you have a quaurm. ladies and gentlemen, can you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. madam clerk are there any communications? >> yes, we rin receipt of a muneication from the oufs of supervisorgeny kim dated may 18, stating the supervisor will be out of town and request the members exz koos her from the meeting today >> is there a motion to
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exkoos supervisor kim. without objection supervisor kim is excused. colleagues are there changes to the april 15 minutes? seeing none. those minutes will be approved unanimously after public comment. madam clerk can you please read the consent agenda >> item 1-7 are considered routine. if a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately >> madam clerk can you please call the roll >> items 1-7 farrell, aye. kim is excused. marb, aye. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos, aye.
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breed, aye. compose, aye. christensen, aye. cohen aye. >> these items are passed >> item 8 is a resolution tew prove a report of assessment cost submitted by public work for inspection or liteed properties >> it is my understanding that-colleagues can we skip this item and return to it? without objection we'll skip this item and go to item 9 >> item 9 is a ordinance to deappropriate 9.6 million [inaudible] appropriate 9.6 million over time in the sheriffs department. the emergency management fire
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department [inaudible] support the department rejected increase in over time and places 92 thousand of the sheriffs appropriation on the reserve. this requires a 2/3 vote for aprovel of the 1 #0e 5 thousand to public utilities commission >> item 9 same house and cal? without objection this ordinance is passed unanimousically >> item 10 is ordinance to authorize the public utility [inaudible] sell leck trisee to operate the cities electrical [inaudible] >> colleagues same house same call? without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously. item 11 >> item slaev ordinance to appropriate 1.75 million from waste water enterprise funds
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designated to pay claim settlements legal expenses due to ordinary expenses incured as a result of the 2014 storms >> same house, same call. without objection this is passed on the first reading. iteal 12 >> item 12 resolution to ret row actively authorize the deapartment of the environment to expand 1.3 million dollar grant from department of energy to develop solar energy for energy storage for post [inaudible] december 31, 2016&same house and call. without objection this is adopted unanimousically >> item 13 is ret row actively oughterize transportation agency to execute agreement with [inaudible] and [inaudible]
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for approximately 5.1 million [inaudible] >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously yrkss item 14 is a update on board of supervisors recommendation 3 and 12 b contained in the 2013, 14 report entitled rising sea level at our door step >> without objection this resolution is approved >> item 14 is a ordinance to amend the planning code to certain using contain conditional use nob nab 24 straet [inaudible] upper market transit district and in the moderate scale [inaudible] for market street west of actaveia boulevard and aforming the planning department of daermtation under the california environmental quality act. >> supervisor wiener
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>> thank you this legislation will help our commercial corridors of castro and [inaudible] remain vibrant and active places. the legislation requires that if someone wishes to put a office use ochb the ground floor commercial spaces on 24th street, castro, upper market they are required to obtain a conditional use permit from the planning commission. we know that our commercial corridors are at their best when the retail spaces are occupied by active retail and similar uses. when office uses begin to go in n to the ground floor spaces you hit a tipping point where there are too many uses and businesses not open at night and the
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weekend and not particularly active uses. through this legislation we are not abening the placement of offices whether it is any type of office or a real estate office or title company, we are not banning those uses on ground floor retail, but we require a conditional use be obtained. this allows us to achieve a blaance and make sure the commercial corridors are vibrant and active as possible so ask for your support >> thank you supervisor wiener. colleagues item same house and call? without objection this ordinance is passed unanimously. >> item 16 is a ord nons tew mend the planning code to change the designation of the western manufacture building at 149-159 street [inaudible] under planning code article 11 and making the required
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findings >> same house, same call. without objection this ord nnss is passed unanimously on the first reading. item 17 >> item 17, ordinance to suspend the public works code 184.78, the cost for banner fees for up to 4 banners to be placed by the loten alternative school to publicize loten selection as a california distinguished school >> without objection this ordinance is passed unanimously own the first readish. can we please go back to item number 8 >> item number 8 is called t is the report of assessment cost for blighted properties >> at this time i would like to recognize supervisor christensen >> thank you madam president. we believe there are language issues and other miscommunication regarding thise properties and are in contact with these property owners and believe we reached a agreement that certify
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public work squz property owners so i would like to make a motion we table this item. we appreciate public works anob number look forward to making sure we can stream line this process in the future to avoid future misunderstanding >> supervisor christensen made motion to table the item. second by supervisor cohen. colleagues can we take this item without objection to table this item number 8? without objection item number 8 is tabled unanimously. we are going to skip over the 3 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. commendation and go to roll call for introductions >> supervisor farrell you are first to introduce new business >> thank you madam clerk. i have one item today and that introduces a resolution to support the national gun
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vilance awareness day on june 20, 2015. thist resolution encourages everyone to weir orange on june 20. to commemorate gun violence awearness day. why orange and june second? men a heard of the story of [inaudible] she fs a high school student from the south side of chicago who marched in obamas second ainaugural parade and [inaudible] her friends asked the class mates to commemorate her life and [inaudible] by wearing orange because hunters weir the color orange to warn to to shoot. june second of this year would have been
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[inaudible] 18th birthday. people nation wide to honor her life and friend call to action and those americans stolen by gun violence every day and year in america. as of today we had 20 homicides in the city of san francisco this year in 2015. 14 by gun fire, one of those being the tragt shooting of mariea [inaudible] in front of her 3 children on bay view. it continues to take too many lives in san francisco and gun violence and at the top of our minds. [inaudible] establishing the gun violence task force and cu-mind her work in this area and thank her for cosponsoring the resolution today. the rest i submit >> supervisor mar >> thank you, please join me sunday may 31, not this
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but next sunday 10-5 p.m. to celebrate the 75 years of san francisco botanical garden also known as the cities arboretum. i will be there with many richmond and sunset residence who are some oaf the most frequent visitors. menee of the residence around the park contribute their time as volunteers well over 40 thousands hours were cribbled to every facet of the gardens operations over the past year and the arboretum is a resource for local schools as well. it serves more than 12 thousand children annually including every public elementary and k-8. the gardens become a neighborhood treasure. if you want more information go
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to sf botanial the community day is free 10-five sunday may 31 and the botanical gardens is also celebrating their garden feast this coming [inaudible] congrat ylshzs to the arboretum our botanical gordon in san francisco and many people over the years from san francisco that supported it. the rest i submit >> supervisor tang >> today i am thrilled to be joined by colleagues, many of them to submit a charter [inaudible] for this november. i like to thank cosponsors. all the female colleagues here, supervisor london breed, cohen, christensen and kim and wiener, farrell, yee and avalos. happy to seek additional cosponsorss as well. the amendment i introduce enhances the
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cities paid leave law which is the most comprehensive in the nation recognizing the importance of recognizing our families after a birth of a child. under our current paid leechb program, city and county of san francisco receive 12 weejs or if disables by pregnancy up to 16 weeks of leave after the adoption or fostering a live. this supplements disability and paid sick leave and other forms of paid leave. san francisco has the strongest leave in the country, there are [inaudible] to strengeen the policy. the charter amendment amends the program in 2 ways, one it, allows city works to keep 40 hours of sick time on the books
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when they take paid time off u. currently they must exhaust all sick time. this chaichck allows parents to address health related needs as well if they have health related needs. if there are 2 city workers in the same family each is entitled to their benefits. currently they must split the benefit. if one partner takes 4 weeks off the second gets the remaining aithd weeks time off. san francisco we are ahead of the curve. for example, it was this jan president obama announced a new sick week paid leave program for federal workers same with the sit eof boston this month that established this program in may. also 6 weirs for city employees who work frd the sate for one year. [inaudible] 8 weeks while chicago 6 week squz
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philadelphia 4 weeks. i was inspired to take on the issue of parental leave policy after learning there are more family paid leave programs offered by other countries. den mark is a example offering a full year of paid mu turnty leave for new moms. the private secter recognizes the benefits of paid leave. google saw the rate of moms leaving their jobs fall by 50 percent when they expanded paid leave from 12 to 16 weeks. earn stn young has paved the way offering 39 weeks oof paid mu turnty leave and provide child care vouchers upon return of mu ternty leave. this is the first part of the amendment i send today is part one of the effort. the second phase of the effort is
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that i'm starting a paid parental leave task force to engage in a year long process to explore additional change tooz explore the policy. they will explore ideas, tending the paid leave program beyond 12 weeks potentially 6 months and extended to non municipal employees. i like to thank the partners that participated in this this discussion. we have department of labors womens bureau, department of [inaudible] first 5 san francisco. good department of human resources. controllers office. the san francisco family support network. the healthy mothers work place coalition. uc hasting for work life long and the private partners that set a great example, we have san franciscos very own gap and google. as we continue to lead the nation with paid parental leave policy, my goal is put us on par for
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the rest of the world and set a good example across the industry. according to a 2014 report from the unit nation institute of labor there are nene 8 countries that aurf paid leave for [inaudible] analyzing 38 countries found the medium amount of full paid time off was 5 to 6 month. the health benefits, studies have shown the health benefits for children to parents such as increased bondy and breastpede faeding time and doctor check up and decrease of post partum depression are benefits. i thank my cosponsors for joining me and look forward to working on this issue in the coming year. the second item i have today that i'm introducing is legislation that allow animal control officer tooz wave adoption fee squz
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