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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT

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e rest of the world and set a good example across the industry. according to a 2014 report from the unit nation institute of labor there are nene 8 countries that aurf paid leave for [inaudible] analyzing 38 countries found the medium amount of full paid time off was 5 to 6 month. the health benefits, studies have shown the health benefits for children to parents such as increased bondy and breastpede faeding time and doctor check up and decrease of post partum depression are benefits. i thank my cosponsors for joining me and look forward to working on this issue in the coming year. the second item i have today that i'm introducing is legislation that allow animal control officer tooz wave adoption fee squz other
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applicable charges. currentry acc can only wave adoption fees if they receive funding to do so. sfr fr example [inaudible] madies fund gives participating sheltererse 200 dollars 2500 dollars for each met adopted and this covers adoption fees [inaudible] this is the last year madies fund will sponsor the event so outside the event are other donations. acc cannot wave the fees so that is why we a have this legislation today. it lows acc to dpaulo common practice to allow wavering adoption fees. in august animal care and control partners with nbcc and tell mundo for the
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[inaudible] 30 shelters throughout the bay area will wave adoption fees to find homes for pets. we look forward to giving acc the flexibility and know it will allow thome to take advantage to house the homeless pets >> thank you supervisor tang. supervisor wiener >> subimate >> supervisor u >> submit >> supervisor avalos >> last month and introduced a ort ordinance to for housing [inaudible] today i introduce a substitute to insure no more group housing project that slip through planning commission without meeting their housing requirements. when the ordinance goes into effect it plies to all projects that haven't received a construction permit by today, may 19. since the housing program was created in 2002
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it was in10ed to apply to group housing, but at some point the planning department made a unofficial determination group housing wasn't subject to the program. developers proposed a number of market rate housing praij eths. recently also members of the planning commission expressed concerns that group housing is being used as a technical loop hole. thisords nns that i resubmit will make sure we close the technical loop hole and urge the plang commission to delay hearing of the permits of any new group housing projects without inclusionary housing until we move forward with this legislation >> thank you supervisor avalos. supervisor cohen >> thank you. thank madam clerk. colleagues today i introduce a number of items. the first is the draft request to city attorneys
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office to prepare legislation that requires both the san francisco police department and the sheriff department to expand not only the type of information collected and recorded, but also when it is collected. for example, here are facts. african american men are [inaudible] drug crimes 19 mere times. we know african american emwn face arrest rate 13 times higher than know other race. over all african americans in san francisco are arrested 3 times more often than other cities in cal. the legislation requires the name, age, race, gender and gender identity to be collected not only during traffic stops rsh but also any time either the department detains, stops or stops for questioning or
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search a individual. this information collected will also include whether the stop involved a vehicle search or pat down or such of a individual, the name and badge number of all officers involved, the result of the contact. for example, was a arrest made, was a citation given or warning given, is there a incident report or no action is taken? similar data is collected in oakland, new york and san josay is working toward similar reporting. i hope to quell the disproportionate numbers of arrests of minorities and transgenders communities. we make this nrfshz public and requiring report toog the mayors office as well as the board of supervisors. i'm also equally as excited to
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introduce a resolution of intent to form incities first ever green benefit district in dog patch and north west putraro hill. what is the green district you may ask yourself. a few years ago i worked with dedicated neighbors and property owners on creative solutions to fund open space improvement and maintenance in the growing eastern neighborhoods. at the same time i worked to pass legislation which establishes the process residential and commercial property owners can voluntarily assess themselves to pay for improving and creating public parks as well as open space. now, this model is merely a identical to the cities process for forming a community and business improvement districates. this is the first time commercial and residential property owners parbticipate ina sessment
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district and the fund could be used for a wider variety of suvss such as graffiti removaling, capital improvement, tree planning and over all park maintenance. you lurd me many times again to discussing the challenges that we are facing, funding and prioritizing new infrastructure improvement in the eastern neighborhood which we know is rapidly developing. this is a creative strategy where the city and neighbors take up the challenge to create a maintain deserately needed public realm and park improvements. i heard from a number of other neighborhood groups acrauz the city looking to form something similar and mautdal the proposals after the work done in dog patch and north west putraro hill. i want to compliment the neighbor frz organizing and advocacy, we couldn't have gotten this far
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without their help and also want to recognize key department heads that have been really helpful in helping get this established. persons in dpw, city attorney office as well as reck and park. colleagues i look forward to a hear on these items in committing and advances the first green benefit. the rest i submit >> madam president seeing no other names on the roster that concludes >> at this time the public can comment for up to 2 minutes to include the minutes and items on adoption without #re6erance to committee calendar, items 28-33. public comment isn't allow on items subject to public comtonight a board committee, pursuant to board rule 4.22 direct to the board as a whole. speakers using translation will be allowed
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twice the amount of time to testify. if you like a document to be displayed on the overhead state to sfgtv and remove the document when the document rerns to live covererage >> first speaker, please >> thank you president breed and other vemoffs the cuball. my name is christopher doll and live at 6th and howard 14 blocks and 10 meters from sea levels. i rise to comment on the fall out with 'twere century technology. chinese researchers announced they have successfully edited bad genes out of a non vieable human fetus and replaced with good genes. whether this is immediately doable with a viable fetus isn't status, but have no doubt they will try and succeed. dna is
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just a seek wnls of letters in a document and just as easy to edit as a document. click, cut, click, paest. the war is between the earsistible lust for life and the certainty of the mind cht you can't do this asome say, we must do this the researchers say. if we have a problem and a technique that can fix it we are morally obligated to try. i understand this argument, i feel this argument, i only wish you did. you had been notify said of a technique to cheaply monitor all vehicle traffic and notified of a det of a 12 year old boy brought about by your failure to pursue implementation of this or other useful techniques. before you object to my laying this death to your negligent hands i note ought
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mated clickz avoidant systems have been available for years. why are they not on muni trains? thank you president breed >> thank you, next speaker, please >> good afternoon. [inaudible] san francisco. we should show as much concern for those that died on memorial day as we do for fun and kbaims on beta breakers. this is nob number composition from the 40's. far away from friends and loved woens [inaudible] gather round for all his buddies raise his head and heard him say. there is a lamp light in the window,
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where a angle from above, gently rocks by babies cradal with such tender care and love. mother there is [inaudible] it would ease this awful pain [inaudible] until i'm sleeping, rock my cradle once again. [inaudible] on a island far away, though the earth pass on in sorry i still recall these words today. there is a lamp light in a window where a angle from above,gently rocks by babies cradle with such tender care and love. mother dearest darlly mother it would ease my awful pain if she sang until i'm sleeping, rock by cradle once again. thank you for listening >> thank you, next speaker,
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please >> we only live so long before we die. we only live a certain amount of days before we die and only make a certain amount of money before we die. tomorrow is 7 thousand days from the jube lee year and i got through to tom evans in family radio and took [inaudible] place and i was trying to convince him to start up the open forum once again and disagreed with mr. camping on his jube alee years and tom is starting to come around to my view, which is the biblical view. the dead sea scrolls talk about the 70 weeks of daniel 9 and say that is 10 jube alees. if we know that christ was babatized 7 years before the jube lee year ended and we do and know it was 29 ad and we do recollect then we can
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know when the jubilee year is. jeess was about 30 years old when he began ministry and baptized and they are about at the thee 0th jubilee. they were 7 years before the jubilee. when i say march 21, 1996 began the 70 jubilee year it is easy to determine i'm correct. we had 2 things happen at that time. the times of the gentiles ended. this is forshadowed when [inaudible] of babylon went crazy for 2520 days. if you go a day for a year yoi have 3670 and so you properly understand it, 360 sabbatical cycles. this is called the king of numbers because it is divisible by 1-10. you are looking at my like i'm crazy. you are 50 years old and we
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are going to die soon and face god and you can't get away from him. some say all religions >> thank you. next speaker, please >> tom gillburty. corporate buss 2 months become accessible, big fines. i hope that comes in the moment of time. these corporate buses for 5-10 million can buy 10 bus squz lease them to the drivers. muni is common, it is illegal to do anything by munee at these commons. when the muni drivers would appreciate if the corporate buses pull forward in the baus stops so they can pull behind them and not wait acrauz the intersection and wait for
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the bus to pull out. common courtesy thrmpt insured license safety standards regulated, uniform price, professional drivers [inaudible] byubeer and what nots. we need to protect our taxies. last year we have 69 accessible to vans or wheelchairs. we are going to lose or taxies. i don't want that to happen. muni, i'm hesitant about removing seats. it is a long [inaudible] old people are old people. i don't think we should do that. paratransit needs refinement kwr development. avenue shuttles to get the long block tooz a main line, is that possible?
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buses, new remodeled heating systems that make more noise that heat. what is the most rattles bus we have? we can make a contest and let them ride on the eastern side of van ness and see which is the best and worst rattling bus. use the elevators, especially at civic and the people out there that use our stuff use the elevators. thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> matdm president, my name is auto duffy and north of market neighborhood activist. i live in the north of market. years ago i love lived in group housing for a couple years. it was bonifyed group housing. there was a shared kitchen facility and shared lobby, a
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tv area, large bathrooms, well not large but spacious is sufficient. i am not sure how you make that housing these days. the building i lived in, the cooperative it was under collapsed about now it is transitional youth housing so it is still there. i don't know how you would use it for the general population. i just don't think it is right a company is just using this group housing to scrirt inclusionary housing cost to create suben stadered yuts that are incomplete and small. i don't see how that is the right thing to do. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> lord jesus christ. good afternoon madam president and members of the board. my name is jason washington. i'm a resident of oakland
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and i'm enjoying my visit to san francisco. if you would be patient with me, i would like to comment on the previous motion that was brought forth by madam supervisor. i believe it is irrefutable to contest there are infact members of the african american community who are also members of the lesbian bisexual gay and transgender community. i have seen a trend happening inside of many chambers where they associate the plight and struggle african americans have gone through with the transgender community. i would like to disassociate if i may on 3 grounds. the first ground is one, the
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nlsh civil rights movement spear headed by several courageous african americans inside the 1950's and 60's was a result of tedious and detrimental and fierce oppression that we had indured for several centuries and several generations. our brothers and sisters [inaudible] have not experienced that that i know of. second of all, we had no closet to hide into. you can see i'm a member of the african american community proudly. unfochinately there was no closet african americans. we were african americans and subject to that >> thank you. your time is up. thank you. are there any other member thofz pubplic who would like to
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provide public comment? >> [inaudible] mta. i think we need to look at this very closely and see if we have a department of the sate that may be out of control. i'm seeing cookie cutter decision being made for all neighborhoods that might not be right for one or two neighborhoods or other things like that. i think we better look at, how do we be able to handle the fact that the mta has no one that can over rule them. i think we need to look at that legislation and see if we can modify it to make it better for this city. i heard from polk street and heard from all over the city now, they are very upset with these plans they pull from
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had neighborhoods. this isn't just one neighborhood, this is multiple neighborhoods. we need to really decide what is right for the city, for neighborhood character, the economic development of our different neighborhood districts. we are saying the planning department if you walk in they say you can't do something that runs in with the neighborhood, you have to do a modern building. some places modern buildings work and some places they don't. if anyone wants to see one that doesn't go to [inaudible] in san francisco. i would look at the mta and planning department. thank you >> thank you very much. next speaker please >> good afternoon mrs. president and supervisors. i hope you liked the [inaudible] it was like, no where to run, no where to
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hide from those costumes. no where to run, no where to hide from your cost yums baby. every i step i take, victory i seek and i'll meet you at the ocean beach on the cover of sports week. no where to run, hide from the city. no where to run, no where to run. [singing]. if you are going to san francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. if you are going to san francisco you are going to meet? some gentle people
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there. everything you do with strings viberation, people in motion when they run all through the ocean for those who run, the [inaudible] san francisco, summer time will be love there. if you are going to san francisco summer time will be a caring and loveen there. thank you >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that would like to provide public common at this time? seeing none public comment is closed. madam clerk can you read the adoption without committee reference? >> item 28-33 are considered for immediate adoption without committee reference. a single roll call vote [inaudible] >> madam clerk can you please call the roll >> on item 28-33 supervisor
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farrell, aye. mar, aye. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee, aye. avalos, aye. breed, aye. compose aye. christensen, aye. cohen, aye. there are 10 aye's. jrblshz those itemerize adopted unanimously. okay colleagues we are pretty much done with our agenda, but we are not at a point where we can call the 3 p.m. specialeredero 330 comidation so at this time i'll resess the meeting until 3 p okay, colleagues, we are back from resess. it is now
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3 o'clock p.m. time for our first 3 aclock p.m. special ord. colleagues before us we have an appeal of sequa categorical exemption for the project located at 2251 grinage street fire station 16 in district 2. can you call items 18-21 >> comprise the special order for a public hearing for persons interested of the appeal for environmental review under california quality act issued by the planning department 2014 located ot2251 grinage street. item 21 is the motion directing the prepation of fooindings reverses the finding >> for this hearing we'll
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consider the adequacy accuracy and sufficientancy and completeness of the planning departments darmation that the project at 2251 grinage street is exempt from environmental review from sequel. up to 10 minute for presentation by the appellate or representative. up 2 minute of the speaker in support of the appeal, up to 10 minutes from the planning department, up to 10 minute for the project sponsor or representative, up to 2 minutes per speaker in opposition of the appeal and finally, up to 3 minute for rebutal for pael appellate or appellate representatives we'll bein good the hearing. first up we have the appellate or appellate representative, you have 10 minutes.
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>> thank you. good afternoon president breed z members of the board. my name is steve william jz represent the paepts who are the immediate adjacent neighbors of those proposed project. first let me start by saying that the neighbors have a wonderful relationship with the fire fighter squz this is not about opposition to having a neighbor that is a fire house or even the reconstruction of the fire house. it may surprise the board to learn this is the first hearing today, the first public hearing which the neighbors are afforded a tonight to attend. usually by the time a praunlect gets to the board of supervisoratize is fully vetted. the planning commission heard or t or the board of appeals or historic presserivation or building and inspection commission. not in this case. because this is a public building there is only one forum for
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resue of the project before a permit issued and that is the art commissions. this project was on the arts commission agenda 4 times including the final review and approval february threne, 2014. not one neighbor or member of the public attended any of those hearings. the project sponsor which in this case is the department of public works actively concealed those hearings from the public. concealed the dates and times and locations while at the same time falsely informing the arts commission the public was notified. the reason i bring this to had attention of the board is it ilkraits just how badly squl j groussly negligent dpw handled this project fraumg the bip gg. they ignoreed the neighbors, they refuses to work with concerned memberoffs the public and sought to have the permits issued for this site
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without complying with the most fundamental and basic environmental review requirements. the initial environmental application failed to note the presence of leaking underground storage tanks even though the project description includes the removal and replacement of those tanks or ust. dpw also fay failed to enroll the project in the mar her program with the department of public health. again, a basic mandatory requirement. for any project that has ust or located on bay fill and this project has both. here is dpw and the fire department, the city departments that share responsibility for issuing permits for removal of underground storage tanks and failed to follow the