tv [untitled] June 2, 2015 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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san diego city council and seattle we're not recommending implementation of the pacific bottom because one cameras are almost universally seen a more deterrent and we're working on the requirement we have in place a concern with false alarms and concern that the panic bottoms are not used that often so one jurisdiction that has them in boston the panic bottom was not used this frequently at all so industry feels strongly and i agree that 24/7 is a better dispatch for a deterrent as we move forward we'll bring any further initiative back to the board i'll be happy to answer any questions >> i have a few questions if
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it's all right before public comment thank you for that thoughtful presentation that went beyond what's in front of us on the agenda but set the stage i appreciate that and it was very interesting and thank you for responding to our request you get back to us with relieve wore the industry my questions i'm purposing asking before public comment we've here if others my question first why not go all the way to $5? for the pass through >> yes. >> an option and you know that is not something we have contemplated but i think that there's any option on my ends it is about the e latest of the demand for the customers.
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>> my next question thank you for the perfect segue will it be feasible to supplied the feces fee from $5 to 250 and dropout for pickup and i realize like the bridges a theory if you get them going one way but the comparison if you split it 250 two ways it will have a demonstration active way of showing the feasibility open this item. >> i have the expert from sfo that if there are no issues from my end if that makes sense i understand having the apples to apples experience so i'll ask if there are concerns from sfo. >> thank you, sir. >> good afternoon, commissioners and director
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reiskin the taxi a smart card system the taxi trips the drivers that do the trips go through a gated arm system and use their cards that's where we cue occupy think on the program with the - it goes straight to the curb groups the customer. >> how do we recovery that cost they'll pay $5 overtime they exit; right? so presumably wooul you'll have a taxi driver only recovery 250 for that trip that is the details but before the policy of it putting aside the technique drivers are charged 5 bucks but you all it
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didn't necessarily regulate how we get the taxis drivers recovery you can charge the departing sfo 250 and could we not design the meters or a problem if sfo prospective. >> the way they pay sfo through the card system so they have to have a smart card and a device to reinforce us so i want to make sure that the board understand tmc and limos pay for pay for droufl and pick up so they're paying $8 for a truck and taxi derivatives paying - >> as far as i get our $5 i
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don't care how the taxi drivers recover that in your situation. >> correct the cost recovery model only at 80 percent cost recovery. >> if i understand correctly it is not an easy way for them to do it but it is - >> correct the way the smart card works when in the garage terminal they swept percipient witness their card when dispatched we call that one prior to going into lot one we swipe their card and taxi driver technically come into the garage if he didn't want to stick warn around can exit without paying but they do that i saw the
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accept could they pay that way if they want it to happen. >> the card when their exiting the airport that's the short system i'm leaving the airport within thirty minutes i would not be charged been if the gps tracks them they'll only have to swoip a card when they're leaving and the system will know within the geofence that was discussed with all taxi drivers at the meeting and came up with a consensus. >> anything else. >> thank you for being here and helping us to answer those questions one final question do we the attacks that. >> referenced in you know, of
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course taking seriously i'm glad our focused on the derivatives do we have a sense if those are robberies or non-robbery attacks or a combination of the two. >> as far as i understanding a combination of the two but an increase in the robbery attacks i heard yesterday another one over the weekend. >> i realize the unregd nature of the tmcs make it hard but do we have a sense that can be drivers are attacked more than the tmc drivers. >> i don't have the hard data but talks about a shift in the service that temps are ask him off the higher end customers so. >> they're also cashless. >> i don't think that is the - the customer based that's
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causing that but imam i making a false assumption or the reason the folks are being attacked is uber is cash system. >> i think that is safe to say. >> okay must be who wish to speak. >> yes. mr. chairman. >> hi, i'm ken a san francisco can be drivers i i've been for over 10 years thank you i share director heinecke's concern about the $4 charge existing yet another push towards losing customers and i
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think this is an excellent idea to split is it and keep it down i'm in favor i have mixed feeling about the airport charge drivers are feeling we're not treated west portal at the airport and that tmcs are allowed to gain the system in a way we're not - tmcs circle the terminal and go to the international term and put fencing in to keep taxis from using the same routes from the garage to come around we're forced to drive to snow avenue or other avenues before we come back so we're burning up gas
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taking that 7 mile trip there are - it that my time. >> thirty seconds. >> i'm concerned about safety with tmcs just jump to this an accident on april 26th in which a car hit a bike tenant and seriously injured both riders not recorded if the press and the richmond station in their weekly summary splierd is it as the tenant struck the bicycle and he was >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) good afternoon good afternoon, commissioners thank you for the opportunity i want to talk about the
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execution of pre k from the exemplification the argument that were begin by the deputy director the pre ks pay $4,000 therefore have to pay well those permit for medallions are issued and reissued to drivers since 1978 the distinction between employee and post ks is labored everyone is benefiting equally i'm concerned those kind of agreements are submitted they're the one in the supporting documents says something about how well since prek are not required to drive can pursue other business opportunities well, the average age from my best estimate of pre k is 70 to
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75 their urge to pursue business tuptsz is somewhat diminished i'll urge you to stop this exclusion and include everyone we're all in the same boat. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon, sir. >> in the name of god i'm mohammed i got from india i have 5 stems i've submitted to the lady to give to you i can read it quickly as i've written you know union which i'm the president of the union the one part i'll mention that the gate for taxi drivers
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should be come to $50 at the present time taxi drivers are not making money so which is i have 5 items written for you, you this brochure taking the taxicab credits sfmta should not support this action it is unbelievable second we ought to have full-time status to get benefits similar to the city bus drivers third we need the taxi where drivers what rest if they give us property for the taxi whether the way necessary like it that's the idea
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all drivers should have training - my lady she told you will that and fourth and fifth police should help stop leveling passengers pickup by people that are not valid drivers this is going on in the city and nobody knows about it so the police should stop because people can't do it so i ask the police to do it thank you for your time and god bless. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon arrest plaintiff good afternoon. >> i'm a pre k driving since 1977 you know i'm old, tired and like to retire but can't retire i drive 5 days a week having a rough time and seems to come on
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us now i don't have the money just don't have it i wish you could come out and ride with me for a day i oppose the fees thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon, sir and good afternoon i drive for yellow came back over centuries and also i was before that working at a cab company i believe that long i'm driving in the city and i i did not refuse anyone citizens and handicap i pickup everyone i believe in and i deserve i should pay less money for those people after pre k and i believe that you should
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make a judgment on we pay less than after pre k much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names.) >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this opportunity to express my opinion i have been in the technique business since 1968 new york city and graduated college and worked my way through and came out here in 1964 and yellow cab in 1978 i'm pre k still drive full-time and been here as long as anybody and worked as hard as anything i feel like a punch in the stop i feel i'm being separated out we have a competitive environment
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when i lived up north i won an ambassador award i project san francisco in the best light i feel like i'm being hitter i don't feel liquor people in my sidewalks maybe have been given enough thought please don't create a separate class thank you very much thank you. >> herbert wiener and others (calling names). >> mr. wiener. >> is item also right now i oppose any renewable fee for the medallions i would oppose them on a permanent basis indefinite you're shacking down the drivers it is very unfair i notice
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bicyclists don't pay anything and at the same time drivers are being singled out it is totally unfair because the fact the physical attack and they have to pay other foes they have to go through training a real financial burden not fair to them i - when i take the taxicab believe me i don't take uber i take the taxis because their insured, because if any mishap occurs they're accountable and they shouldn't be punished so don't raise - don't institute a renewable fee that is adding insult to injure i suggest the board pays one thousand dollars
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for a renewable fee for the privilege of serving on the board how would you like that that's how the derivatives >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> hello i'm pre k i've been driving for almost thirty 35 years i work for yellow 4 days a week over 70 year-olds but believe me sometimes driving a cab is a hazard waiting for customers people you see texting and waiting for the other companies and we're sitting not making money so i hope the permit has to be in the same boat for everybody thank you. >> thank you, sir. thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> (calling names).
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>> good afternoon. sir. >> good afternoon. this is myself from san francisco taxi alliance union and long term taxi driver i think you should wave the medallion renewable fee for all machines right now it is very bad no one's making any money because if you wave the fee how about next year i don't think the business will get better unless you recollect tmcs. >> so you going to do it again and again and maybe find some permanent solution to the tmcs regulate some of them other thing i want to say waving the airport pickup truck u pickup fee if two to $4 i
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understand the cost of doing business is going up i can live with that but it must be built into the meter if you don't then you charge people $4 extra and the airport says oh, that's your tip i can't give a tip i gave you $4 already i see that happening all the time people when i'm charging them $2 they say what's the $2 they say that's the airport fee and they don't have any more money. >> hello commissioners. i'm against the fee as well i'm a prop k derivative and i think at this time we need unity and not differentiate between employee and prop k drivers it is a form of age discrimination
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too, and i think i would reiterate what the gentleman said and mr. rosen said. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> hi good afternoon director reiskin and fellow directors i'll speak fast one about the a card i want to point out that if you're not going to get provided enforcement to the level necessary to protect the ability to do our job and safely and fairly why should we pay the fees and thank you, eric that goes out to the cal train station it's not enough hours and time i thank you the ball
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games their occupying our - when we leaves his post all of a sudden all hell breaks loss why pay for the a cards i want to thank you for considering the waving of this and hopefully cooperation if the sfmta division of taxis pre k is doing a great job but didn't know when the meeting are happening and the airport fee if you forced it was not listed on the agenda not a pass through it is a pass through we're paying the $5 so it is really listed properly and what's happening i appreciate director heinecke's comments, however, not bans how the some system is working we don't see
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good enforcement the tmcs are blocking the ramps and ask you or have you pass a resolution and support this increase until we see the airport doing better enforcement but you'll take more money out of your pockets it are hard to collect the four or $5 it is hard to do it. >> thank you. >> (calling names) >> good afternoon. >> you listed a public comment on matters on the agenda a different item it is items 11 and 12. >> oh that's (inaudible). >> good afternoon. >> thank you directors regarding item 12 i want to
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thank you all for being gracious and generous on behalf of a card holder and the people with the paying the medallion fee i agree it is a pre k medallion holder what you've that and the letter hopefully, you can reconsider that they should be waived as well and finally on the issue next year when this item comes up the fee set at one thousand dollars and it barriers no nexus to the staff there is a melt plate only changing the data lower fee if it gets restated something like $200 and item 11 the tmcs have paying $4 when they do you want and pick up we have a level the playing field
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and i take a differently i think you've sensitized the airport to allow the unsafe and illegal operations on the property is it so the city and county of san francisco and so when you have is drivers picking up in the tmcs that are not trained the vehicles radio to the inspected and not proper background checks your phasing with deep pocket responsibility and wipeout the revenue there was one other thing i wanted to say but i can't find it. >> those are about the wave of the two fees only (calling names). >> good afternoon director nolan and the member at the time of the taxi industry i think the taxi is a hard job she do our best to wave the fees so thank
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you very much for your attention to the cab chiropractor but overall we need to do another reform take all the drooifrz requirements requirements because the manager still in the value it is very go return almost 10 percent if you put the money in a lot of drivers want to guy it but you put conditions but today the tmc has 20000 on street how do you fight ten times more the odds so she do our best she want as the captain all you're a you are time is different but still had the problem in italian so this is we need to be more institute in
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this business the way we do it is total the gentleman we do the integrated industry and bring important institutes into this industry let the people wyoming who have no a card and the least cab drivers can't afford to guy that and also, we need another independent color you see that now long beach 60 percent are independent drivers but we need our own color scheme lastly where can we bring our medallion so we can survive. >> thank >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (calling names) this is the late person to turn in a speaker card on items 11 and 12. >> good afternoon, sir.
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>> so first of all about medallions fees one thousand dollars if you can't wave for everybody please wave it at least or make it much less for the people that bow medallions and listen to the fair no matter who they are for free medallions of the previous police officers and firefighters, etc. people with big down payment and operate in san francisco with high interest and they is it is unfair if you make pay for some to pay let them pay for their medallion this is fair secondly, thousand drivers waiting for the
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short airport implemented but a distance not but the time if you increase the drivers safety on the road you will be needed flying back to the airport hundred miles per hour knowing it is a distance and it will be implemented this summer or next year it should be done as quickly as possible and also about the independent company free colors and every most 4 heed $500 and noticing from the company if you can do it or implement for us we will really appreciate it thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >>
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