tv [untitled] June 2, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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o help them get started and the program is very successful and something that i was very proud of and i'm happy to be here tonight with all of you. >> welcome. >> delighted to have you. >> okay. all right. just want to remind everybody next week is small business week and would you like for us to to do calendar invites for the different activities? >> yes. >> that are before us and so we do have flavors for the kick off. we have the boards and wednesday night is the vip reception and then friday is the all-day conversation day conference and there's a couple of other activities happening throughout that week and i'll make sure we get meeting invites and you had the calendar of activities ahead of time so and just really excited, you know, to have a really
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great great week again this year. in your packet is our quart ly dashboard for january through march and so just wanted to provide you with our client services numbers so total over previous year 2014 we're down 9 percent some of this has to do obviously with staffing and we did have to close the office in february for a couple of days due to vacation schedules but we are now working and staffed up so that should change. we've provided a list of our borrowers that we worked with this past quarter and i won't go into great detail. in your binder last meeting and i forgot to note this but two dates since the
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office has become a trust ye we've done 8 loans for a total of 83 $83,000 worth of lending to the small businesses and so very proud of that and want to highlight some of our trends that we see in -- at at the at the counter is food and beverage obviously and manufacturing and sales continues you know to be a trend and certain interesting items such as such as -- bill bill tong a type of south african jerky and beer and alcohol production is a great interest and technology business continues to be a good business and then children's play and
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activity centers including workshop rooms art studios and indoor playgrounds tend to be interesting things that we're seeing and the next page we've highlighted out our clients by industry and percentages and a couple of interesting -- i asked the counselors to pull out some interesting cases that are a little unusual or kind of very san francisco and the first one was a woman is a pilot and she wants to utilize drones to help her husband's business in doing soil engineering so and she wants to be based in san francisco even though likely the drones would be not in san francisco not much soil engineering i mean the kind of soil engineering she wants to do with drones and that's interesting and of course we have a mission native who came to our office
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because he has sort of developed a -- he worked on some bean ies with the logo system the logo sam sam and he wanted to know how to trade mark his name and get the business going and develop it as a product so then there is -- jane went over the business portal information for you so i won't repeat that and you have that here in terms of the first quarter of 2015 some accomplishments for the office and a couple of elements with the legacy business registry program commissioner adams talked about a meeting he was part of with dr. hudson and dr. lescent-giles and lisa paul, an attorney who
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does mostly residential condo conversions and also worked on the commercial side, doing some discussion what's involved taking a look at this so that we can -- so that the staff can start putting together this information to put it in front of you -- what would be involved and i think from that meeting we did really, you know, our next step is to really kind of work with the small property owners and the real estate industry to kindly of discuss and take a look at well, if we really pushed this kind of program, could it have some other kinds of impact to the real estate market that we may not necessarily think of -- what's the cause and effect and also for the small property owners -- who would be an incentive for them to subdivide -- you know, do a vertical subdivision and retain the residential portion and be willing to
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sell off the commercial portion -- so those are some things to take a look at and then i also did have a meeting with sf heritage the historical preservation staff and tim fry and sf travel again doing some exploratory discussions around criteria and also how can we work to work together to sort of leverage what will then be when we establish a legacy business registry how did we leverage it from all 3 entities's perspectives and now that brian is here i'll have the bandwidth to start focusing on that and developing the materials to put in front of you. and then i also -- in response to you know the work that supervisor tang has done around the
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massage and understanding just the difficulties that businesses go through, she has called for a hearing -- it was specifically with dbi and with planning to ask them about you know, what they can do they can do to improve the process not just with this particular industry but what can they do to improve the process so the hearing date has not been scheduled yet but i will let you know when it is so you know just note her continued interest but just because she's working on the legislation gets it passed but she's not you know -- she's continuing moving on wanting to ensure that things improve around the permitting process. so i think those are start of the most significant things to bring to your attention and with that if you have any questions? >> is the meeting about
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the cu system how to simplify it for supervisor tang or -- >> it's more than just the cu because with dbi -- so with dbi there's you know recently a small solo practitioner shared her experience of getting her business her business open and so you know this is somebody -- they are opening in in a 291 square foot place and putting paint on the wall and not doing anything else yet but yet we're asking them for architectural drawings so there's a lot of little nuances that have room room for improvement. >> all right. thank you. >> shall we move onto the next item. >> yes. item number 9 the president's report. >> i don't have anything to report except that last
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week i attended two events and they were very successful and that continues to be a great initiative here in the city and of course next week small business week i encourage everyone to participate as much as they can and straus events has done a fantastic job of organizing it as always that's all i have. >> the the vice president's report? >> nothing to report. >> item 11, commissioner reports? >> no? >> item 12 new business. >> nothing for tonight. >> then so item number 13 is adjournment. >> mr. dwight motion to adjourn do we have a second? >> mr. white seconded it. all in favor. it is 7: 14. >> thank you.
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>> good morning, today is april 14th, 2015. welcome to the finance committee of the san francisco transportation authority. i am john avalos joined by david campos maliha cohen and we will be joined by other colleagues. mr. clerk. do we have any announcements? >> there are no announcements. let's go on to our next item. roll taken. >> we have quorum. >> next item is part of our consent calendar. items two to three comprise the consent calendar.
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staff is not going to present. >> colleagues changes to the amendments. comments on item 3 of the consent calendar. we will go to public comment. any member that would like to speak come forward. we will close public comment. may we have a motion to approve. >> move to approve. >> seconded by commissioner cohen. >> we need a roll call vote for the first one. okay. on the consent calendar. commissioner avalos. aye. >> kim, abcent. maher, absent. >> four, state and federal
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legislative update. this is an action item. >> good morning, chair and members, mark wats representing sacramento. two items of interest. on the matrix we added constitutional amendment number 5 and relates to the voter threshold for local special taxes, not designating a purpose for the tax, but under any tax approved by the voters reduce the threshold to 35%. we are recommending support for that measure. another measure that was brought to my attention by staff to relay to you and ask for your action on is to reconsider ab 779, found on page 7 of the
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matrix. this measure has been a watch and we're asking for you to reconsider and recategorize it has opposition. essentially, it pertains to the metrics used to measure traffic and greenhouse gas emissions in transportation priority areas. and on further reflection and collaboration with local agencies we find it's too flexible and a step backwards from where the city has been moving and recommend oppose. >> we had a discussion about the other items last time. questions or comments? we can go to public comment. public comment is open. >> additional -- >> i was going to give a quick
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update on the federal transportion project. >> the current bill expires at the end of may and the federal trust fund will be bankrupt by july. so just a little better than the may prediction they had before but still we're looking at deficit and no real way to fund it since no one is talking about that. and the president introduced the grow america tax. this would be paid by a tax on earnings in addition to the gas tax. it increases transit programs more than doubles the discretionary tiger grant program, which is very over subscribed at the federal level and increase an $18 billion freight program. we're watching but
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unfortunately, it would be great for transportation and he introducing he's every year and usually congress doesn't go anywhere. we're looking at another short term >> thank you. bad congress. >> good morning, chair avalos. i was proud to join with agencies around the region to rally and call on congress to pass a long-term bill. our delegation in california is fantastic. it's the other folks in the nation that need to come toward. what we heard interestingly from the director of cal trans, malcolm dougherty, in other parts of nation where we don't have voter approved bill. both at the local and state level, they are really facing
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tough choices. they can't enter into construction projects. that i need to demobilize once there's a federal long-term bill. this is so disruptive and we are fortunate to be cushioned from that or protected from that because of our ability for self help at the local level as well as state level. >> thank you. okay. and no comments from the committee here. thank you for the presentation and the updates. this is open for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, we will close public comment and can we do the same inhouse call. >> we need to amend the item first. >> so colleagues we need to make an amendment to move from watch to oppose for ab 77 and can we have a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> and we will take that without objection. and on the item underlying item
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we can take the same inhouse >> okay. gavel. >> we will approve that. next item please. item number five, recommend awarding an 18 month contract for planning and environmental at a-280 at balboa park and negotiate terms and conditions. >> good morning i am liz rutman. i am senior engineer for capitol projects transportation authority. as you may recall last june we came to the plan and program committees for the adoption of the balboa park study we completed in the spring. at that time the board adopted
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the staff-recommended petition for bicycle safety and minimize traffic going from i-280. out of the study came recommendations for several project elements. element one is to close the northbound on ramp from geneva avenue. element two is reassign the southbound lane and the third is a potential kiss and rider access. this past february we came before the board for an appropriation of $750,000 to advance the next steps in the study and that would found the transportation staff and the interagency agreements with cal-trans and a consultance
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report. i am here asking for an amount not to exceed $450,000. the consultant scope of work for the next steps include a traffic analysis for both ramp modifications and the precurser to the subscent project approvals. this analysis would be presented to fhwa for approval since it changes access for an interstate highway. the southbound off ramp realignment to ocean avenue we hope to have completed for next year and the consultant would support our community outreach in helping with a funding and implementation plan for the projects. we released the proposals in every february. we set an sbe dbe goal. any one would work for 28%. we received two proposals in early march.
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both competed the 28% goal. we interviewed both firms and the unanimous, the panel selected ae com as the most qualified team with the best relevant services. chs consulting and recco, three of the four firms are of the dbe, slb firms. >> thank you. that's the end. i think there's one part of the study that i'm concerned that should be addressed and i'm not clear if it's being planned. there are a lot of people in district 11 and probably close around district 11 who are concerned about the meeting forward program, in particular
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the 29, 54 and 52 that have been dropping off on geneva and will pick up on ocean avenue. the plans to access the change were done in 2007 2006 when the tep was put forward. we have seen changes dramatic in terms of traffic patterns around there and often and certain times of the day you see that ocean avenue is at a stand still and whether it makes a lot of sense to actually move these bus lines to ocean avenue is you know one that i think is worth considering. as we're adding in these other changes where we're closing down an on ramp going north from geneva geneva, that's going to move
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traffic to ocean avenue as well. i think we should be being lewing at in this -- looking at this in the ways we're changing to getting on and getting off of the 280. is that something that's being proposed? >> when the circulation study was done, we assumed that the changes to the routing proposed by the tep was in place. the analysis done already included those. we will continue to include those and coordinate with mta on which elements are moving forward versus which have changed since the tep was written to ensure we're including the changes correctly in the traffic analysis. this would be more detailed and we will include those improvements to make sure it's holistically evaluated. >> great, i'm concerned that we're diverting more congestion
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into ocean avenue that will lead to huge impacts to the speed which we're trying to address with our changes to on ramp -- >> it's a valid concern. it's the first thing we will do to make sure these projects can continue to move >> great. thank you. >> colleagues any other questions? thank you for the presentation. this item is open for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment. please come forward. seeing none, we will close public comment and this item we can take same call, colleagues. the item passes. our next item. >> item next 6 introduction of new items. this is an introduction item. any new issues? colleagues discussions? okay. we will open this up for public comment? and seeing no member come forward. we will close public item. we will go on to general public
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comment. any member of the public that would like to comment? count down from five to one in my head. we will close public comment and our next item. >> item 8 is adjournment. i would like to thank sfg tv staff for their presentation. we you at the full ta meeting next week. we're adjourned. i'm the president of friends of mclaren park. it is one of the oldest neighborhood community park groups in san francisco. i give a lot of tours through
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the park. during those tours, a lot of the folks in the group will think of the park as very scary. it has a lot of hills, there's a lot of dense groves. once you get towards the center of the park you really lose your orientation. you are very much in a remote area. there are a lot of trees that shield your view from the urban setting. you would simply see different groves that gives you a sense of freedom, of being outdoors, not being burdened by the worries of city life. john mclaren had said that golden gate park was too far away. he proposed that we have a park in the south end of the city. the campaign slogan was, people need this open space. one of the things that had to open is there were a lot of people who did a homestead here, about 25 different families. their property had to be bought up. so it took from 1928 to 1957 to
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buy up all the parcels of land that ended up in this 317 acres. the park, as a general rule, is heavily used in the mornings and the evenings. one of the favorite places is up by the upper reservoir because dogs get to go swim. it's extremely popular. many fights in the city, as you know, about dogs in parks. we have 317 acres and god knows there's plenty of room for both of us. man and his best friend. early in the morning people before they go to work will walk their dogs or go on a jog themselves with their dogs. joggers love the park, there's 7 miles of hiking trails and there's off trail paths that hikers can take. all the recreational areas are heavily used on weekends. we have the group picnic area
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which should accommodate 200 people, tennis courts are full. it also has 3 playground areas. the ampitheater was built in 1972. it was the home of the first blues festival. given the fact that jerry garcia used to play in this park, he was from this neighborhood, everybody knows his reputation. we thought what a great thing it would be to have an ampitheater named after jerry garcia. that is a name that has panache. it brings people from all over the bay area to the ampitheater. the calls that come in, we'd like to do a concert at the jerry garcia ampitheater and we do everything we can to accommodate them and help them because it gets people into the park. people like a lot of color and that's what they call a park. other people don't. you have to try to reconcile
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all those different points of view. what should a park look like and what should it have? should it be manicured, should it be nice little cobblestones around all of the paths and like that. the biggest objective of course is getting people into the park to appreciate open space. whatever that's going to take to make them happy, to get them there, that's the main goal. if it takes a planter with flowers and stuff like that, fine. you know, so what? people need to get away from that urban rush and noise and this is a perfect place to do it. feedback is always amazement. they don't believe that it's in san francisco. we have visitors who will say, i never knew this was here and i'm a native san franciscoan. they wonder how long it's been here. when i tell them next year we'll get to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the park, .
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>> good afternoon, everyone this meeting will come to order. >> all right. the meeting will come to order and this is the regularly scheduled san francisco land use & transportation committee i'm commissioner grieco chair of that committee to my right is supervisor wiener and to my left is supervisor jane kim o
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