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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT

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announcements? seeing none public comment is closed, can we hear 16? >> president's announcements, information report and discussion. >> just wanted to announce that monica fish in january made ten years as commission secretary, i believe, january 2005 is when it started, that is when it became your 27th year with the city and county of san francisco. have we hit 27? >> in may. which is now. >> 27. amazing, amazing service. i think about all of the -- i'm going to announce all of the great things that we have been able to do together. and announce that i believe it was announced by our director in two months time in
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september, we have a special surprise in mind i know you love surprises, that is going to be really fun. i got another announcement i will wait until new business i think it's more appropriate and would make city attorney owen more pleased to bring it up under new business yes, visibly excited about that comment, seeing public comment on that? seeing none that is closed. 17 monica? >> commission secretary written report. document commission secretary report and kor responsence log monica fish commission secretary, i would like you to pay attention to prsif they have called and requested an rsvp, i
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believe the date is some time in june if you could review the invitation. >> thank you monica. i believe we have the invitation here all of us have a little letter from the a phillip rand off institute, there say lot of work with us formally and informally, i guess we can find out the date inside from memory, i think it's p upcoming pretty soon. questions discussion? all right. any public comment on what will be monica's last commission secretary report. >> it was terrific as always -- >> i missed something >> this is your last commission secretary >> yes. i feel great.
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[laughter] i appreciated the time i have had here with the department, it's been wonderful it's a great place to work i hope to see you all in the future. i really appreciate the nice xents, it's really from the heart and means a lot to me thank you. [applause] public comment? see none public comment is closed. >> new business future agenda items >> colleagues i have an idea in the event that otherses have ideas? okay. all right. just real quick, it's been i think a year-and-a-half since we started the ball rolling on mandatory solar, i know there has been a lot of great work done by the renewable energy
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program and working groups and convening, and almost seems to me at the last meeting, maybe 3 or 4 months back, gting close to a draft ordinance on that would be really interested if we could bring that back either at policy committee in advance coming onto consent calendar, two months from now, at full commission meeting, or depepping on how we structure that agenda in two months, have a special item arpd that i think that would be -- it seems to me, we're getting close, i would be curious, to see how we get that extra mile forward, after that or contemn rainous with that i like the idea of linking 0-50-100 to what we're requiring in the city of san francisco, man toir solar helpses us around 100% renewable
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injury having requirements around ev installations, and development, helps us around 50 if new development is 0 waste equipped with 0. if we can throw roots in there, even better, that is something for future agenda. is update on mandatory solar and starts with the resolution around mandatory ev mandatory 0 waste and moving that piece, contemn reinously as we build the brand of 0 waste around it you -- no comments i'm the is closed. >> public comments, members of
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the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. >> i appreciate monica putting up with pe and not having e-mail. i wanted to mention i'm looking forward to the san francisco green film festival, that starts on thursday, i believe the community is a partner or something, shawn rosenmoss is involved in that from the beginning, it's been wonderful to see environmental films, and where we are in compared to other places in the world, it starts in the jewish community center on the roxy on thursday and five nights i want anybody watching to check it out. sf green something like that. >> thank you. any other public comment? seeing none public comment is
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closed. >> adjournment, number 20 >> thank you for everything monica. [applause]
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>> ever wonder about programs the city it working think to make san francisco the best place to work and will we bring shine to the programs and the people making them happen join us inside that edition of what's next sf sprech of market street between 6th is having a cinderella movement with the office of economic workforce development is it's fairy godmother telegraph hill engaged in the program and providing the reason to pass through the corridor and better reason to stay office of economic workforce development work to support the economic vital of all of san
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francisco we have 3 distinctions workforce and neighborhood investment i work in the tenderloin that has been the focus resulting in tax chgsz and 9 arts group totally around 2 hundred thousand square feet of office space as fits great as it's moved forward it is some of the place businesses engaged for the people that have living there for a long time and people that are coming into to work in the the item you have before you companies and the affordable housing in general people want a safe and clean community they see did changed coming is excited for every. >> oewd proits provides permits progress resulting in the growth
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of mid businesses hocking beggar has doubled in size. >> when we were just getting started we were a new business people never saturday a small business owner and been in the bike industry a long needed help in finding at space and sxug the that is a oewd and others agencies were a huge helped walked us through the process we couldn't have done it without you this is sloped to be your grand boulevard if so typically a way to get one way to the other it is supposed to be a beautiful boulevard and fellowship it is started to look like that. >> we have one goal that was the night to the neighborhood while the bigger project of developments as underway and also to bring bring a sense of community back to the neighborhood.
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>> we wanted to use the says that a a gathering space for people to have experience whether watching movies or a yoga or coming to lecture. >> that sb caliber shift on the street is awarding walking down the street and seeing people sitting outside address this building has been vacate and seeing this change is inspiringing. >> we've created a space where people walk in and have fun and it is great that as changed the neighborhood. >> oewd is oak on aortas a driver for san francisco. >> we've got to 23ri7b9 market and sun setting piano and it was on the street we've seen companies we say used to have to
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accompanying come out and recruit now they're coming to us. >> today, we learned about the office of economic workforce development and it's effort to foster community and make the buyer market street corridor something that be proud of thanks to much for watching and tune in next time for@p
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