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tv   [untitled]    June 2, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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the group you're dealing with i'm morris a san francisco resident for 28 years and member - >> excuse me. there's a member that is speaking can we please hear him speak thank you. >> i've been a san francisco resident for 28 years and member of the residential builders association been working in construction in san francisco in all neighborhoods and the mission especially the mission in the last 10 to 12 years in the 60s are 70s was amongst the rich based in san francisco we too get moved on and i'm sure we have 10 thousand people a year moving to san francisco everything changes and time passes by i respect the views of the people that are here tonight that support of moratorium but i
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think it is not the fix in our situation i think the ellis act and displacement from tic is the basis of the hub there's a lot of the empty sites in the mission district and no one is being displaced not the way to move forward thank you, again, for this evening. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> madam president and supervisors john with the residential brltdz first of all i'd like to say we're also opted to local evictions and if it is true there is 40 percent of the admission for airbnb building something needs to be done with that it is very important i wag all the speakers we need to create for affordable housing but i disagree with the way to accomplish it and i think by
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placing a moratorium on in the mission area we're going to pit more pressure on the exist hours i'd like to reflect back a little bit on the eastern neighborhoods plan that was a property process that was took 10 years to put in place everybody got a chance to participate from the time the eir was introduced in april of 2008 to december of 2008 i can talk about the public hearings they were held in commission presentation was at ludicrously on monday then land use committee was president 3 folks we had infrastructure analysis and financial feasibility analysis and this area plan was voted on
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by then supervisor ma gold rick and supervisors chris daily was not able to vote but supervisor mark at the end of the day, we need the project in the pipeline that followed the rules submitted their plans they need to be allowed to move forward we do need to build affordable housing - >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon expirations or commissioners i'm with the residential builder association i worked my way up the ladder since 19984 i you know we came out of a recession as builders and so went through a hard time some of us didn't make it threw we're back and following the
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rules to reiterate what happens in the eastern neighborhood they were done for 5 to 6 to seven years we're following the rules we don't of the you to change the rules game you can't do that when we went through extensive studies our we're not for evictions we just want to see our immigrants as itch as everybody else in this room have a place to stay in san francisco and have a pa place to work >> thank you very much>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) >> all right. so my name is carmen a hoours activist a member of the democrat the
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harvey milk club lgbt democrat club i was here for the first leg of the hearing it was just impressed i heard it is of was city going on and so i'm expected to condense anyone but i want to say to borrow a concept from a friend we're in a crisis right now so what do you no idea a crisis you just stop and i feel like this moratorium is an ask of the brown and black folks have to and the exultance that are being pushed out of san francisco take a pause and re-evaluate i'm tired and emotional it is not the best argument but asking the board what if not this let's take a pause and talk about housing in
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san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. (clapping) and good evening thanks for hanging in david steiner beggar with benjamin a reasonable degree of medical probability i've bin design architect in san francisco for 35 years i've developed a lot of the multiplied unit around the city all cities change and neighborhoods change to study the history of any neighborhood in san francisco they chunk eastern neighborhoods as people have said has vetted there was a great effort to do innertion in the transportation corridor and in exchange la large fees were paid to the city to help with all the aspects of the city so to paraphrase san francisco
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chronicle editorial in the 30th of may entitled no way to ease a how's crisis the halt everything plan is counter productive a short time solution in construction shall not displace the existing units that it displace commercial new contradiction jaltsdz a minimum of 12 percent onsite or number two, fees for fees existing housing shall be higher priced because of the pressure there's a number of solutions already in the pipeline mayor lee's 2 henry adams and $50 million for the 2 hundred units and tdr can generate as many as 50 units this moratorium
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is unfunded and not the right solution there are bug problems this is not the solution. >> next speaker if you're in line to speak again, you'll not be allowed the opportunity to speak and i disagree sprong with the moratorium but agree with most of the speakers we have a crisis and as a a how's leader and you guys as elected officials you'll have us in position of leadership we have guilt on our hands raising rents, displacements evictions the anxiety you sense in this room is not just in this room it is in the just in the
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mission it is each one of our districts we have a problem energy, the passion here tonight it needs to be channeled we need to get groups and focus on raising more money more affordable housing do you guys realize the number of the cost of affordable housing there's nothing affordable about it anymore we need to focus on how mandatory development affordable housing fees from products in the mission needs to stay in the we need to find creative was in the mission get to go to people in the mission we need new and creative ways to do more productive with our goals to produce offsite housing
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there's a new oifbt goal that protects the people in the community i didn't hear about the ellis acting we sniped a little bit on tics i didn't hear about changing the building code to make the standards of tic comparable to a condominium disincentivizing. >> thank you sir thank you (clapping.) i'm sorry but you've had an opportunity to speak. >> i haven't spoken. >> yes. you have. >> we need a supporter. >> i think if you were pay attention you would have known i'm not spoken. >> we needed unity. >> i'm born and raised and in solidarity with the mission and the adapted families i love the city and support in moratorium
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my father build the city and organized the in 50s and may mom juthd three to four jobs we're the local faces to the housing and they'll demonstrating our right to sty in san francisco is stronger than the force of money and greed this is a pivotal moment in the city of san francisco we live in a city that more than that 3 thousand students are homeless and the ellis act displace the elderly and leave us with the lottery population of children we live in a city with the lowest population of black people in any major city in the u.s. and at the time it takes for the families we need affordable housing not luxury condo is it so the same motivated land grayish and appropriations those
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are the symptoms of exam will xavier capital our government choose property over people this historically go neglects our community by handing out millions of dollars for the corporations and distancing vice chair referral and taking money from developers let me remind you, you work for us there's no time for failing asset you're with us or against us prominent judas and scott wiener. >> ma'am address your comments to the board as a whole (clapping.) >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (chanting).
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>> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hi, i'm here representing the harvey milk club lgbt democrat club as well as the snow black leadership quorum i'm going to say something unpopularity the moratorium is not enough nothing that our government has come up with is enough i'm not nay naive to change our mind but i'm hanging on bye i we my clauses we'll stand in solidarity with that pause to stop and figure out because of the solution with not worked all the color is draining out of our city please give us a chance don't let the brown people go the way of the black we're begun
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and brown are going prelim give us a >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) >> any i'm co-chair the desk club i work for a nonprofit and lived in bay area my father was a revenue fleeing the iron occur at an he made it here when a concentration camp helped him to allow him to come into this country or embrace and try to preserve the american amber he understand we could embrace the new it costs 5 hundred thoughts to build the affordable housing it is about 8.1 or $8.9 million you tear down this building and
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you're only funding 7 thousand affordable units your chief visit of environmentalist said it takes hundred thousand dollars units when you talk about a solution plans have 16 stories in the mission you can have 3 thesis units of housing that one thousand affordable units is affordable would no cost to the city and zero delores dollars to the city and doubled by a housing bond we have solutions on the table and not a circumstantial interpret or person said build taller i'm deeply concerned with the issue they effect me >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) >> hi can you hear me. >> yes. >> thank you hi, everybody
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my name is joy like otsz others i've been here since two i've heard the shouts and tears of the elderly addresses children and students and allies as admission residents today they've expressed their pain and fears and expressed their how they've have found their blood, sweat and tears i have one thing to say actually, two first of all, observation 97 percent of speakers have shared from the heart and 3 percent from the bottom lines. >> (clapping.) so my question to you is how many more voices do you need to reflect the sentiment you're supposed to be representing
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thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. (clapping.) >> my name is a tommy i stand before i as a working class senior apologizing queer that's been fighting for tenant right and affordable housing for almost 2 decades last 15 years at the housing rights the luxury moratorium comes from the people it is does not come from city hall it comes from a community by the seeding by evictions and gentrification a community of latinos other people of color artists lgbt folks and others that have called the mists their home for decades a community that wants affordable housing it spell needs affordable housing but all it's getting is luxury housing for the rich
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a community who's members are losing their homes a communicative where renting rent are my where a 98-year-old woman faced evictions at the hands of a speculator and what did this board room 2 hundred of this building do to stop her eviction nothing that was a community that was activist like myself that said hell no and we stopped here eviction. >> yeah. >> it luxury moratorium will give the community a fighting chance to grab 13 lots and create affordable housing and this is more of a chance this than board or mayor has done to help a city bipolar speculators you have a choice it is a moral choice do you do with almost 8
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hundred people i did a count almost 8 hundred people have come to plead to save the mission you do with them. >> thank you. >> (inaudible). >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> (yelling). >> good evening board i'm with the mission sro collaborative broird in the city this tenderloin graduate of betsey carmichael elementary school france middle school and just like our madam president galileo high school but most importantly a child of immigrants immigrants that came here to this city worked minimum wage jobs and able to find housing they were
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able to afford housing and still put foods on the table for me that realty is now destroyed by the policies emanating from those chambers that can't happen anymore people like me can't exist the poor emigrates come to this city guess what we can't afford affordable housing is that the kind of city you want to represent is that the kind leadership i wanted to be? now i know that san francisco to me is one of the greatest city's in the world we're in grateful trouble not because of a internal but disease has taken those building and cupidity the love of money that has taken over our heart and surpassed the
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love of people the people that elected you the people that are facing the problems in this city you're responsible for other lively hood people are here we've been here for hours and hours and hours i'll tell you something we're not leaving we'll stay here as lessons as we need to i have one question what is up with all the cops outside why did you bring the 50 here step outside there's way too many 50 here >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) >> good evening my name is diane martinez representing plaza 16 we the mission sro collaborative every sro tenant
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is hundred percent of the proposed moratorium they come to ore meetings and office seeking help and we go to them and their residents to reach out to them and ask them what they want maybe you should try that san francisco is a unique city doss because it is a sanctuary city important immigrants and rare to find a city where the immigrants don't have to worry about ice knocking down their home and health care what's the point of a sanctuary city if there's no one left preserve the city that the immigrants have made no need for wlshgs housing this moratorium is a temporary pause on the luxury housing stop acting like it's something more why do 33 people think that
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is going to stop affordable housing hedge fund percent of housing can be built stop preventing the city is proposing affordable housing. >> so supervisors every person out there that was chavnt today either votes or a they know at least 10 other voters in the city everyone is watching you closely the mission has literally so, please come together and look at it what we're asking you to do not only can this community move mounds but the vote and your seat are ulcer up your votes will be important this will follow you're political career and this community b will make sure it does so thank you (clapping.) >> next speaker >> good evening. i'm a
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resident of san francisco district 10 i work with about 9 hundred sro tenants in the mission plus 60 families that have no option but to live in overcrowded rooms everyday i see more and more luxury housing built with the promise it generates affordable but the reality it keeps increasing rent and displacing our community a community that fought for the right for the mission to be a safe place to pushed out by greed and i also heard this evening something using the success that community change it is a new word for gentrification please respect the mission they've come together and decided this is what we want and need please respect the people
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of the mission i am here to urge you to stop market rate development and work together work with the planning and each other with the mayor and let's preserve the mission mission has been on the mission donating and the main thing they've not seen a community fighting against gentrification please understand? not about a decision i district by the mission we need affordable housing and want to work together i know we want to make sure that the resources are from one district to another but we need to respect the urgency to address the housing crisis in the mission please please support of admonish to your memory let's take a pause make a commitment to us when we came back for the next hearing in thirty days you guys would have
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talked to planning and one another whatever political agenda. >> thank you thank you (clapping.) before the next speaker speaks if it there are mite any other members of the public have not spoken we are going to cut off at the last person hopefully soon thank you. >> all right. good evening my name is erica i grew up in the mission district i currently live in the bayview and worked as a social worker for the how's program and work at san francisco general i wasn't not planning on speaking i can't hold back after being inspired by everyone sharing testimony and the truth and i just want to
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thank you for the opportunity to reiterate the point of how the majority of people tonight are really speaking from the heart and i was afraid of the looking at the cluster the cluster that represents development i think we should be rethinking about what development needs and preserving what's been development historically in the mission and help to make that better? a real opportunity to tackle one of the root causes of inequality in the society at large it is about housing but all sort of detriments of health you're in a position tonight to really listens listen i want you to listen to everyone that has shared with you to make the decision you know really take into heart what people have
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taken the time it share tonight thank you. >> thank you and>> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) and board of supervisors good evening. i'm ed, i stand here as a sf native a resident of the mission broird in bruno heights dui but someone representing the desk club some argue that is a supply and demand issue it is there's a demand for affordable housing this is the demand but let's get to the core there recent experts on each and every day of the issue that allows supply and demand or look at the other side a crisis we need to pause the plane is burning we
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need to land it. >> but no one this this room individually can say they can make a decision on what the mission should do 3 hundred people working through this microphone saying exactly what they need they need a pause a moratorium because what is happening there's been mrapgs what is going to happen if we pass this marry to your memory to speculating more evictions will happen we need to stop speculating and let the mission decide when it wants to do for its own future i thrill e tell me it know what it want if your concerned when we pass the moratorium stand with the mission for more laws right now the mission has spoken the mission has come before you and
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the mission is asking you can't feel our pain unless you lived it and can't solve our problem until i feel the pain come and stand with us. >> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> (clapping.) hello, i'm anna i'm a member of the quarter i was not born and raised in the mission or san francisco i'm actually binder in la in the city called coming ton and my neighborhood the majority is low and middle-income the majority is african-american and latino with that said, many people i've met in the city say it's a blessing i actually around the