tv [untitled] June 3, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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both worlds keeping the merchants happy and the only other question about the transit shelters i can understand the concerns especially on hate street the 3 sided shelters is that the only types of shelter we can use or have the ability to modify the shelters for different environments. >> we're working on a design we call the info panel and especially, if you will take one side of shelter as the next bus and the map and that would obviously not a shelter we protected but has the base level of customer information and working introduce the design process we don't have one of the - i'll say like on the ended up
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there are place we have a flat shelter no sidewalks but a flat show of just one wall and it doesn't have the offer hang and that protects people from the sun and rain yeah, so i guess, yes we can do all 3 walls but still working on a design. >> thank you, no other questions. >> i want to thank you. we work with the neighborhood and it so you would you've discovered new things and ways to kind of incorporate what was needed i know they if not the traffic signal that's not moving forward and other concerns i think that obviously the best case scenario for our projects what i can meet our needs with the transit agency to make sure we're improving the pedestrian
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placement thank you for you for your work and do analysis and come up with things that are improvement. >> thank you. i want to thank you, mr. kennedy for your great work in reaching out to the merchants and coming up with it feel like a compromise i certainly hope we will be monitoring the impacts of this and number of different perspectives so that if we don't get the kind of gains i hope we do get we might revisit this as some point in the future to make sure we maximize our efficiency it will backfire we won't get the kind of ridership we need on transit and people will continue
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to drive and everyone suffers in that respect so thank you for your tenacious it doing everything we can and about the street lights i really or the yeah the street lights i think this is a valuable thing for us to pursue as a city i don't know as a transportation agency were the best body i know that it effects ridership in some capacity it makes people feel safer when it is lit at night i feel as though there are other mechanisms to get the infrastructure funded that are beyond the purview of this agency and encourage you to speak within the city family to find ways of infrastructure finance districts or business about w business improvements
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district whatever to find the funding. >> okay. thank you mr. contend members of the public. >> yes. mr. chairman you have several members of the public (calling names). >> hello, i'm christen little owner of book smith and resident of the hashing i was here in november and thank you for your assistance in facility the conversation with shawn kennedy we unfortunately are opposed to moving forward because we had this public realm process in process for so long we're so close to getting all the elements we want to see included
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in this one construction project funded before we move forward we want a delay to make sure it is included in the public realm plan the city has a one policy that's why we're asking for this. >> betsy. >> i was going to show you in terms of the timeline the merchants association initiate the public realm program in 2011 we've been working for several years on that public realm plan and specifically sfmta only engaged in the process last year and you've already you're the first body to start legislationing and your moving quickly but pedestrian scale lighter was included in the 2011 plan and it was also included in
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the conversations in the survey the number one priority of the community and this is has been valeted from numerous articles in the local blog you'll see comments people are clear what they want to see funded first i'm sure you're probably familiar with the policy but i want to mayor you had it in front of you it says it should include oh, sidewalk lighting along with the public transit facilities accumulations we ask you delay until that funding can be reached>> thank you. next speaker, please. >>
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(calling names). >> i'm betsy thank you for reaching out to the community i am a property owner on hate street i also have been in business and on hate street since 1980 my building has two tenants and olympic this is important for you to understand little employees and business owners trying to deal with bad behavior every single night i feel that the improvements in terms of the bulb outs are great but i think by adding more sidewalk space that's more real estate that is more bad behavior and more and more difficult for us to deal with it falls and the police are fantastic but only can do so much a lot of burden of proof is on night businesses businesses that are open until
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midnight and 2 in the morning i'll beg you to not approve this until we have the security of knowing we have adequate lighting that defers the broken glass and graffiti on the street hold off on passing this until we have the lights secured thank you very much. >> >> thank you. next speaker please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. >> i representative phenomenon part of the hate street merchants association i'm the district manager for the safety of our employees and customers we ask you not approve this until we get the >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> (calling names). >> who will be the last speaker. >> mr. toronto. >> good afternoon director
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nolan and directors i'm referring to h establish no ltd on laguna street i appreciated if is that it you expend the taxis it is more like a movement of bus issue and so i appreciated if you can look at taxis to make that left turn from - that way we go from hates to hayes valley directly i don't know why we're not exempted i think only having the bus only lane to octavia boulevard is great it works well but not exempting taxis on the left turn can hurt the taxi service and add more money to the meter we don't want to do that if it defers folks from getting in the
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cab or people yell at us. >> last speaker. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon i'm testing welling born representing the hate ashbury council one of the groups that has asked you repeatedly wait until the lights are installed some we've agreed and some disagreed but lighting hundred percent agreement if you put if bulb outs you'll break the city policy so, please postpone our decision if you approve postpone action on a separate subject liam i'd like i i'd like to speak in support of a traffic signal on laguna and hate it is gridlock and having 2 heed new cars adams on the same block thank you. >> anyone else wish to address
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the board seeing none, members of the board. >> mr. contend is that a dpw who's funding are who will be or should be funding the street light project. >> we're working with dpw right now and several other agencies within the city families to find the funding for street lights and yeah puc is also involved in that effort. >> i guess the question oneself we can approve not do anything tomorrow but the question is you know how do we know what the process is going it affects us people don't want to take the transit if they don't feel comfortable getting on and off the bus we can't make other agencies move forward is there a way to leverage our process or approval the project to get the other agencies to move more
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quickly. >> shawn family i think it is important to note for clarification that the staff recommendation agrees with the speakers on the essential it the lightss are an essential part of the conversation so findings the right funding source everybody agrees that lights are an essential ingredient of the project and an essential action so i think some of the things we're continuing to talk to our other partners including dpw in this but there maybe other alternatives we need to consider because the important point in terms of the delivering the project the lighting is essential.
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>> the question around you know obviously if we it would cost us more to can i go obviously separating for our second project isn't there a cost savings you can achieve by having it happen at once. >> at this stage you're getting to design but i don't know when this particular i want to defer to shawn. >> so dpw is including all the lighting niece the underground needs in the design right now so that's going to be included in the design and we're trying to secure funding over the next 6 months before it takes place. >> is there anything we can do we can should approve that project it creates leverage is there anything we can do send a letter to the mayor what can we do to expedite the funding.
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>> i think the what we can do and could be and advise you continue to work you know with again at the next opportunity and there's a regular meetings ed reiskin has with other directors in the city on for to help resolve items we'll dwok and make sure that the meeting reflected the importance from the speakers and the board on this point and move forward that way. >> it makes sense. >> is your position then under the recommendation you have now you'll not start construction of those transit project until you have finding for the lights. >> not necessarily the timing it will work out that way but
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i'm not recommending we delay and that's the concerns of the business community partner the pun once they feel the train has left the station and not done on the lighting i'm satisfied with the transit improvements and grateful i would - i'm responsive to the concerns that comes from the business community if you want to go ahead with planning and putting in place those meetings that's fine i don't want to go ahead with physical construction unless there's a paths of lighting determined did you we run the risk the project gets done and not come back come back to the lighting i'm not sure saying at the end of the day i'm not voting on lighting but a full package for the residents and businesses at hate it sound
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like we're almost there but in the quiet. >> i'm going to go ahead i understand the pedestrian scale lighting it is in the works mr. kennedy to our point it is possible that construction on the twrit improvements wouldn't start until the funding is in place it doesn't sound like but i don't want to delay the transmitted for the tens of thousand of riders any longer i'm confident that the pedestrian scale lighting is in the works and director reiskin will continue to work with the other agencies and groups but i'd like to about go ahead and approve that leave the timing of the construction up to our agency working with the other agencies i mean, i'll make a motion to approve. >> second. >> i'll second.
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>> i'd like to make an amendment i've supportive but maybe add language that from the project - when we're were ready to move forward we'll see where the lights are i don't want that train to leave the station i want to support the project but at the same time you know i'd like to be able to apply leverage to other city agencies because they have a prioritization model they must look at when they determine those projects and the fact we're moving forward and have the policy should make a difference i want to say whereas the public lighting is an important element of the project i'm trying to put this on the slide so - >> part of project. >> and it is agreed by sfmta
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and the community that this should happen with our project other than the one big one policy - i guess i'm trying to figure out i guess maybe part of the be it therefore resolved when we looked the construction we bring it back to the board to see where the lighting is i feel like we need to have something i'm not sure this is lorntd written but you know but to that point somewhere that the director will continue to work with the notice agencies to get funding prioritized for this project so it can precede with our improvements. >> so as someone that shares
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director borden's views maybe not do this through a form amendment but the understanding that the transit improvements are approved we're happy about this you've heard loud and clear from the board and businesses that the lights are important and maybe before any meaningful construction starts on the construction project we'll get a check back. >> thank you director borden and achieve. >> i feel like whatever i don't know if have - this provides we're serious and want you to move forward that's my biggest thing to kind of state that for the other agencies involved. >> well, i'll add i feel like from the city prospective the puc or dpw you've got the whole city kaildz calling for
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improvements throughout the city one of the things that's going to encourage them to work with us is an indication from the mta we're ready to work and they should prioritize it to herein on the wagon if we there a they'll not prioritize it corridor in the meantime when the said end breaks down my wife is not walk two blocks to jump on the city and county it is two slow so many riders are getting in their cars and driving further x baiting our transit system my thinking we demonstrate to the city agrees this train is moving herein your wagon on it is clear from the community and from staff and all of us pedestrian lighting is critical you know we do want to being
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sure to make sure that people are safe waiting for transit at night have you but can't wait for the city potential priorities from their prospective to trump the improvements we socializing needs. >> my motion doesn't say 2 we're ask them to prioritize but the way you create leverage is by moving forward and from the city wants the policy to live with we're digging this is should provide a degree of leverage the only idea of putting this go the motion we're telling the agency we're ready to move forward. >> director heinecke we do this not as a motion. >> an agreement we'll move that
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and communicate all we've said through staff to the dpw presumably to supervisor president london breed office this is her district and maybe dpw then simply have a report through staff hfa as to where we stood with lighting before any major transit construction. >> so the sense of the board thing that's what you're talking about. >> mr. kennedy do you feel that helps the situation so we can show to other agencies we're watching for the pedestrian scale as well. >> yeah. that would be good. >> a point of clarification i think we heard you loud and clear the fund is essential but the fairness to the sister agencies that's one funding source an objective one we need
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to do in respect for your sentiments and look at it how we modestly might move that fund source it we hear loud and clear we want the project to go but not in pieces we want the lights funded for a variety of reasons we get it. >> that's the sense of the board. >> i'm fine i'm used to putting things in a motion. >> clearly what i'm taking away the sentiment of the board there's a discussion for and one of the potential fund sources is that dpw there maybe others that we need to consider. >> i wasn't saying for the mayor's office of economic workforce development or other agencies whatever you need from us if it is simply our
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communication my experience in other forms of a motion is more effective and motion to approve. >> second. >> hold on a second. >> no amendment. >> so we recall in your amendment. >> so roll call the amendment the motion itself. >> severing the motion. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the i's have it is it true, mr. kennedy next item. >> item 12 for the transit only lane between 16th street and dubois within the fiscalness of the environmental impact report for the proposals alternative in feasible amending the transportation codes to designate the transit lane and improving the traffic molestations for the transit only lanes on church street.
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>> mr. chairman we'll ask mr. contend to come forward but this action that we're asking you to take today is, of course, part of the advancements of the muni forward we hope to happen has happened a successful story and something we want to put out early on in the process as a way to improve transit and it is doing what we would hope it will do so shawn will take you through the specifics we're pleased to see that is one the tactics we will see working to contribute to service reliability and in the key corridor. >> any members of the public. >> yes. mr. chairman one. >> thank you so, yeah super excited to be
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talking about this today and going back to the previous discussion the director was mentioning hey, it would be great to provide before and after results on hate but this is the first time we've provided before and after and so this is something we're planning on doing on hate and all the corridors as we continue to reflect and see if we are doing right now if we need to move how it works outlets talk about church for a moment how do you turn this thing on. >> enthusing cool thanks so we had four metrics we implemented this in march of 2013 to two years ago time flies and we had four metrics we connected one
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muni service on time performance and reliability this 3 walk section between 16th street to du bois was unreliable and so we moved to improve on time performance and travel times on the sidewalks and concerned with local circulation so the idea of taking a 4 lane street and turning it into essential two lanes for general purpose traffic and two lanes for pedestrians that will cause diversion and traffic spill over into the neighboring streets we were concerned and looking at that local circulation, in fact, we also- and that was really the first two metrics were based on creating the transmitted only lanes taking two lanes and turning them into transit eye
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only the other two metrics are how we implemented that transit lanes we decided to color it red this is the first stretch on the entire city that was colored red it was a passable way to call your attention to the fact those lanes are special if you are driving a car read the signs why the letters are red coloring the lanes red rather than painting a diamond on this we also wanted to see how the paint itself would do we used the same paint that new york city was your verdict u you're going contaminate and they've done a number of tests but they operate with a lot of ice and snow we don't have that but we have fog
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and heavy rains and environmental effects it is worth at looking at the duration ability of the paint we have ideally standards or substandard and i'm super pleased to report that the first 3 are in the ideal category i'll talk about the specifics and the red tape distributor abilities we're clarifying it, it is reilly performing as exterminate this is the ideal category but on the new service side we've seen travel times from 5 to 15 percent improvement on this stretch and depending on the time of day and things like that that's super existing we're talking about a minute off the travel time of the stretch that's impressive results and
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more exciting the liability e reliability on this stretch is up 20 percent so reliability is up higher than the travel time reduction and that super super exciting this is the good thing making the system for reliable we're super excited about that and this means that is tails in the normal distribution you know you'll look at a trip going 3 blocks takes 3, 3 and a half blocks in bad situation and maybe a minute or minute and a half this durability was causing concerns down the line by swedish those we'll narrowed the window how long that takes to get through those 3 plain clothes because of the red lanes i'm excited circulation wise we wanted to
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