tv [untitled] June 3, 2015 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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a word i don't often use poor may i ask something about that. >> of course, >> i wasn't there and just going into the format for the lack of someone that read citations so you know, i think something that happens to be good, i got permission and tom knows about someone some of this is activated i hope we can get this activated especially, if we want to showcase the cip. >> that is a very good idea. >> that will be great. >> do you think that someone can get on your shoulders. >> sure that's a great idea i know that commissioner mazzucco and commissioner hwang we'll bring that idea back i want to
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point out we were trained i went with the new retired deputy the national train and one of the things that is of the place a last pinnacle you have a have an awards ceremony and one of the things what is critical to the cip program nurturing by leadership tremendous gratitude to the cef and the commander and lieutenant melena he's so well respected by the cops and the community he's such a good guy and been an credible choice the fact the program has done well, the nurturing by the lip reads leaders of this department i'll say the academy class to be they're getting younger but an
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impressive group their credentials and background they get awards and i was very impressed we have high expectations for them the president of the class was a young woman who talked about the they're the rejection generation of the 21st century policing and gave a remarkable speaking speech that's my report. >> commissioner mazzucco. >> thank you commissioner president loftus and other commissioners from the cip when this started several years ago it was concept was brought to us that hopefully save lives and people have to warmup up to a lot of the police officers were doing it and had train actuality we heard about 9 lives that were saved 9 lives not extraordinarily been saved if
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they involved another path the officers were to produce i want to thank katie tang we serve on the commission to try to make things better i heard 9 lives saved that's an accomplishment for the police officers thank you all and commissioner katie tang and again, it is incredible and the academy class do they have driver's license but it was incredibly diverse and well educated class and so we welcome them into the path of the members of the san francisco finest and commissioner loftus thank you for knowing one of them since they're a baby san francisco has to be proud we need more on the streets it was a great ceremony.
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>> any other commissioner reports. >> okay hearing inspector call the next line item. >> commissioner announcements and identification for consideration and further commissioner meetings action. >> there's one item colleagues i found a resolution from january 2011 that laid out the priorities for this commission in the 3 tiered system color coded with interesting but not current so i think we need to revisit that resolution and give you the number we can revisit is it some of the things we've made a lot of progress but some other areas are lacking we need to address i want to calendar that and commissioner melara. >> remind us to (inaudible) domestic violence approach for i
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said to make sure (inaudible). >> uh-huh. >> and the other was (inaudible). >> uh-huh. >> to complete the racial profile data. >> i have that we tried to research a request on residents and non-residents and that data is not available our computers is unvariables to or available to get that but now i've mating made it a point to get the information. >> commissioner turman. >> i'd like to calendar for the next available meeting a discussion and action item to consider ca a change to the commissions monthly schedule.
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>> okay. we can take that up in june great anything further commissioner and we're going to have a report back on the department of appendixes on the departments sort of performance or compliance with the 21st century leasing report. >> yes. that's on the docket only a matter of scheduling. >> okay hearing nothing further let's get to public comment. well. >> hello sf i sit here and here hear you talk about the crip and
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this is a mthd by sometimes i don't don't know if you're black or gay why people hate you there's no help for us because one over rules to leave you out but i was 54 and martin luther king and malcolm x died and 39 we've enjoyed on the i want to say last year, he fell and broke at 4 and howard street but it made it better i can carry many pie pocket the bold head i understand this year there's a republican president candidates between 5th and 6th and howard that's a good thing on howard
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but mainly as i age that is my last year of living here i'm very concerned about how that myself you're not protected in this city you know, i look at how my gay rights protected my black rights not a criminal or a drug advocate a marijuana advocate n 15 years ago when bush was the president we have 25 states i hear you talk about the k ti i know that has to do with mental health and officers we know that this is our buildings in san francisco this tenderloin neighborhood why i feel that people pushing and you become part of the sxhoir scenario you try to be positive it not enough given to those persons that show up at the
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commissions you know around in the city creating havoc but we have to be killed by someone i think about the little boy this was killed someone the world is no the good place what can i do i read the last chapter of the bicycle howe i biblical we have a time when i think it is time to take the people that don't throw things and put them on the other hand, up not in our town or schools not in our cities i know i'm a person that show have been through enough and shouldn't die thank you. >> any further. >> oh, here. >> any further comment. >> no i mean, i'll get it leave it. >> hearing that being said inspectors north next line item.
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>> as a reminder before the commissioners next wednesday will be dark no meeting next wednesday. >> dark no meeting thank you inspector. >> line item 5 election of commission officers action. >> colleagues this is a requirement of our the commission we do american people election of officers in may for a number of scheduling issues we've had challenges meeting this deadline we didn't elect officers in september but this is the charge in may so i note there are a couple of folks president to be recognized commissioner melara. >> i'd like to nominate commissioner president loftus for president. >> of the commission. >> okay i second that. >> okay and there's a second
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and i see commissioner dejesus. >> i'd like to nominate vice president commissioner turman and i'll second that. >> inspector monroe do we have a two motions need to take them one at a point any discussion by commissioner melara? okay. and ma'am city attorney we need to take public comment before we vote >> yes. that's correct. >> calls for the other nominations. >> oh, yes let's do that i have two on the floor give me your advice how to do that extinguishing one motion at a point or public comment and go to public comment. >> probably take public comment and provide the neemgsz are
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complete. >> any other nominations there nominations in the nomination are closed now public comment on line item number 45 well. >> jew i didn't. >> hi, i'm larry my birthday i nominee i staples to pledge for the nomination of that president of the commission and vice president both president and vice president you've been around for a while i think the first was the police commission in the midst we were talking about t n d c and the violence i've been here for a willie awhile but i'll share a good police story i do karaoke i saw a plo policeman and in the song
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that is called loving you is wrong i don't want to be right. >> right. >> that's my first acceptance of a police besides military was it the military but it was a policeman in 1970 to the idea he give me and my sister it was a father that made me appreciate policemen i know who you are and where your service and what i responsibility to the world and the community so i definitely want to nominate the president who is here and the vice president as the commissioners and vice chair of the san francisco police commission thank you and i even met the guy in oakland that is in baltimore i met him in oakland that
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officer so i get around. >> thank you jew i didn't so any other public comment public comment is closed. so let's go to the first motion by sandra let's take a vote inspector monroe. >> the first nominated by commissioner president loftus and second by commissioner dejesus a roll call vote commissioner turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus
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commissioner mazzucco commissioner hwang commissioner melara that motion passes unanimously. >> okay. so let's take the second motion. >> second motion was made by commissioner dejesus and nominated commissioner turman for the re-election and seconded by the commissioner melara. >> any discussion before we go into the vote. >> commissioner president loftus commissioner marshall i'm glad you a modest that back in time to vote on that it would be hard to vote if you weren't here (laughter)
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commissioner dejesus commissioner mazzucco commissioner hwang. >> commissioner melara that motion also passed unanimously (clapping) i will thank you all for that kind support i will say i'm got tremendous reporter phenomenon the commission and each the colleagues that means a lot to have your support it is an important time for the department of we've working hard and much more ahead for us i'm grateful to work with each of you thank you for your support. >> well, man of many words
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thank you so much. >> i'm glad to be back on the commission we've got a lot of hard work and i'm ready to keep business i hope you are inspection next public comment all matters pertaining to in the closed session including the voting on 8 in closed session. >> ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go into closed session on matters that happen outside of the public is there any public comment on matters property owner i'm sorry, i need a vote. >> no. >> second. >> it is public comment. >> oh, sorry city attorney i got excited. >> hi, i'm larry edmond i like
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to be called juicy and type in jew i didn't from the dating date we elected obama. >> our climb maybe steep america has not been more hopefully, we'll get there i promise i as a people we'll get there by we can't having a thrilling wall street awhile main street suffers of those americans those support i may have north yet to earn he need our help you will be your president too we prove that the true strength of our nation comes not from a might of arms are scale of
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wealth but from the unadmires i disturbance of poverty we came together as democrats. >> if you have anything to share about the- >> i have 3 minutes so it is regarding changes. >> you've got to tie it into closed session. >> we're going to tie it to closed session because as president he wrapped up united states up by the right hand that's ta that don't thing about living in america our job to be the beacon and send around the world what is going on with the black man getting killed in america. >> this has nothing to do with inform closed session. >> i'll be they bay area i know that the officers bay to bay
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breakers my birthday celebration he hope you get ready for million dollars. >> thank you juicy and happy birthday on friday public comment is closed. intersection. >> line item 7 vote on whether to hold the closed session on the administration section action. >> do have i have motion to go both into locally you is wrong i don't want to be right. >> we're going back in open session we have quorum thank you intoeshg next line item line item 9 go to elect whether to disclosure all the matters in
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closed session with the administrative code action. >> colleagues a motion not to disclosure. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. > opposed? motion passes. >> line item 10 adjournment. >> do i have a motion to adjourn. > all in favor, say i. > opposed? we're adjourned everybody. >> thank youadjourned.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hello and welcome to this presentation. i'm san francisco purrs since that time we've helped people clean up their criminal records. we created this to help you understand how this worked. we'll plan or explain all the steps. after watching this program you'll know what to expect after completing the process. hi there are i'm deputy and i'm part of the clean slate team. the first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed
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can't be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from san francisco. while your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. first fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf next you'll obtain a copy of your rap sheet that's a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. the bureau is open monday
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through friday from 8 to 5. it's located one block away from the public defender's office you'll need to bring our photo id. finally, there's your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. you'll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. let's review the 3 steps if that fillist the police stations and on your police station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application $0.40 to the defender. it can help with financial aid for colleagues. i want you to meet a client who did the clean slate program he
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refunds a nonprofit literary series. please meet joe. peep at the clean slate program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person >> i would definitely recommend that. so, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the clean slate program as well as highway to get started. let's hear some common questions. keep in mind those are general questions you'll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances >> just to be clear i don't have to tell my employers will my ejections.
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>> yes. as well as convictions that have been dismissed. if someone runs a criminal background they'll see the charges but it's dismissed. you will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted >> i don't to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. >> there's some cases you can. maybe you're arrested because police thought you were someone else. wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never >> if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a
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felon. >> it is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating hit. >> may be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying you're a lay abating citizen are. you had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. those jobs are private security jobs health care workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. it will benefit you human resources here's some of the
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things clean slate can't do it doesn't prevent an old conviction to there the sense of a new criminal action. the court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you can't own or polgs possess a firearm. if it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record won't change that. submittal doesn't rove a sex ejection. if you're required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. we look forward to helping you move forward with your life
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