tv [untitled] June 4, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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art people in wheelchairs are risking their lives going over the freeway on 90s after the m comes out of yard and constantly blocked by cars blocking the tracks you had a man chasing heed of cars for about a week everyday he chased away the cars you know you have a problem and haven't fixed it what are you going to do about it. >> that's the last one for this item one g. >> motion to approve. >> on 10.1 g. >> (inaudible). >> come forward please. that's okay. that's outlook. >> i'm sorry if you could speak
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into the microphone so we can capture every word. >> i'm shawn i live nearby and my daughter was hit by a streetcar in 90s i was hoping to they would put traffic lights they hit the mediums i've seen them bounce off you can see you've respected the signs several times if you guys could put a stop sign along there. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please sir good afternoon. >> hi, i'm norma and i live on lakeview and 90s 90s avenue i've
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lived there for the last 27 years and seen an increase in traffic especially in the morning when people see it is bump to bum they go down san jose avenue for the geneva entrance into the 280 freeway we've heard a lot of accidents on the lakeview and after about that child that was killed two weeks ago and i didn't see anything but i heard you know and i saw afterwards when it was a horns o horrendous horrendous accidents my concern as a mother is that i see a lot of ladies crossing that street i see
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mothers are babies in strollers crossing that street and handicap i see people with canes crossing that student and it is becoming too-too dangerous i'm afraid that the board didn't do anything about it something else might happen thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> mark. >> good afternoon and thank you for hearing us i take the m train along the san jose that's a dangerous at the scene the gentleman said we need a stop sign all the visual cues it there should be a stop sign and drivers stop that creates a hazard bus other people think there should be one it is absolutely a great idea to get one in and i want to reiterate
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on the m train we're going to have a serious did when the train is departing it zips out to san jose if it is a train it is in front of of the handicap spot so if someone is waiting on the train and wanting to pay cash they need to tell the driver they have to walk into ongoing traffic it is really dangerous i've seen two or three really close calls so, please address the m train at the park station in addition to the other lines. >> members of the board. >> motion to approve. >> discussion. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the i's have it. >> mr. chairman 10 point one e colleagues, any questions or comments? >> and those are the two last
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speakers that submitted a speaker card on that matter. >> good afternoon. >> hi hi sleep is the primary resource needed to make good decisions police strip us of our resources to recover from our circumstances and interrogatories know that sleep depravation is a form of torture the new existence is breaking the law and those signs are telling me i don't have the right to rest those since those new parking signs have been posted my vehicle is not safe drug using
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and dennis herrera kate and urinating around the vehicle and lost energy broken into they've stolen tools and materials and supplies to keep the vehicle in working order i'm treated by the meter maid like i'm a criminal and sfoelg spoken to and prison listed by the crimes being perpetrated the sfmta allows the meter maids to terrorize me for my own good and without education or correction it is appalling though it is my responsibility i'm not the cause of my homelessness again, i ask the sfmta board of directors for a safe place to park without your help and support i can't overcome my circumstances and thus i'm a
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scapegoat of society hypocrisy they strip me of every single resource required to do so thank you very much thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> okay kelly. >> i'm in this case a volunteer on the coalition of homelessness i'm here to oppose this i think what you're going to see happen what was going to happen on alameda street where the signs are placed at showcase square i reanticipate this problem to reoccur if you see where the people are parked they'll park over on another street it is
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perpetuate discrimination with people without housing you need to listen to melody i'm a realistic i thought i'm assuming you're going to pass that and disregard our testimony it is an important issue taking a break on the posts signs with the business owners to try to create a safe public parking place don't disregard our testimony thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i'm kelly with the coalition open homelessness it got put through the initial like larger ban on the offer sized vehicles on a lot of the recommendations of alternatives one of the things was the interfaith community and findings a safe parking program that has not been followed up on
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no alternatives presented but the band continues to widen more and more streets we've been here for the last two years and the bans continually go through so we need to step up and create some alternatives and provided everything liken with lawyers and stuff my brother sells church insurance it is random but i asked it's a liability he checked out with his lawyers and stuff it is actually written into their policy for liability but the city needs to take action that hadn't taken place find a hole until we find alternatives. >> members of the board. >> i will yes. i'm sorry as
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we've decided every time one of the oversized vehicle bands comes to in front of us this is not a problem that we hear in that agency and on this board can solve and i will go ahead to move to approve the item. >> discussion. >> i guess i know how many more of those are coming before us into the future have an idea of the docket. >> can you respond i don't think we have any in the next two weeks with you i haven't looked at ahead that is the last until august. >> can i ask mr. maguire are those supervisor or neighborhood driven. >> this request came from a couple different locations there was a request by cyclists that
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rietdz on the street and member of the sfpd to ban the vehicles on both sides when we visited the site we recommended open the south side there is not a wall of vehicles on the north side and i think that is just the work that the pd has to broken a history of stolen bikes is one of the reasons i guess the question so people can park on the north side. >> we'll not be banning the north side right. >> i mean because this is not something for our agency to solve for other departments and we've brought this up we're work with the ben's office and time to have them could be we're put in a difficult position every time that comes before us to
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know that we have designated or the city is coming up with, however, it is church parking lot or other places for people to park i'm comfortable to support this but on the other side of the street didn't solve interesting this problem. >> i'm not going to support this it is reasonable what the alternatives are this is not our department so director duffy so come in but we have a motion and second. >> any discussion. >> i also am renewal to support this i feel as to the inspection that mr. maguire is helpful for everyone in whatever case i've said this before in the past i hope in the future when we hear
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things region there's more context at the struggles melody is saying are real we don't know where to send those folks we have to come up with a strategy to pit them someplace in their not displaced i'll hope that some of the communities will step up to the real needs that the city has i think i'd like to ask that in the future we don't have to call on the inspection that mr. maguire gave us we'll talk about that more deliberating. >> their safety issues i'm concerned this is no place for folks to go i think this is in napa county a church has a large parking lot so perhaps our friends at the interfaith and coalition will help us we have a
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motion and second roll call vote. >> director borden director brinkman pr director heinecke director nolan. >> no. >> director ramos nay the motion fails it can come back in a fairly short period of time. >> we we recommend a discussion of the overall context before we come to the board it is not worth bringing this back weekly. >> whatever mr. duffey's office is doing and have a comprehensive strategy all the neighborhoods in the city. >> i'll state a differing point of view if our police department and our traffic planners feels those are presenting a safety
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issue i think that is an issue we need to deal with right away if we have neighborhood groups that feel that is a risk this is not an issue we can wait on i'm happy to hear a comprehensive professional out of our scope but not waiting for a comprehensive proposal to cause us to forego our duty which is to make sure that the bicyclists and the drivers and the residents and you'll that have safe streets in san francisco. >> how long mr. maguire. >> this is an update i think we can come back with an update in - >> that committee is june 16th that's two weeks. >> right. >> i guess - we don't have any of those coming before on that
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ground. >> it is okay in august. >> it's a good point safety concerns it is helpful that to know. >> back in july or august. >> we'll come back. >> it is disturbing there was a plan of police and social workers on the same page not just evicting people we ought to know that, too. >> we can speak to all those issues. >> thanks. >> okay ms. bloomer. >> first. >> there was one issue raised during the director's report it is not an issue i've heard before it is an issue i've encountered we heard from a couple of the riders and citizens about the pedestrian of the terms of the m line, however, i wonder if that is an issue sending back to staff and talking to the residents that
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can identify their concerns and see if there is something we can do with the stripping or coning or signs to help that state is an issue we have boarding and unboarding. >> the speakers and your comments are absolutely on point and their right now going on several alternatives in both directions around the m line terminal at the intersection both with the m line trains coming out of geneva that causes it we've been looking at a range of potential traffic changes starting with viagra and going towards the terminal we happy to come back there's a lot of going on we have the rail project and dealing with the platforms so it will be from the boards pleases
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we'll come back with a summary of those. >> that will be fine but for the sake of our residents that came down to share their experiences which they've please know that director halley is working on this so director hale why if it makes sense to have the information but we have three or four active citizens get our comments to director halley okay ms. bloomer. >> mr. chairman that concludes our consent calendar the regular calendar is the installation of parking and traffic notifications around the 16th street and muni transit corridor with the capital improvements and travel proposals and there are several them them i'll not read. >> mr. chair shawn kennedy
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about make the overall presentation i'll highlight back in november you asked us to take into account the plans for the feedback and neighborhood comments and merchant comments we've received over the last several months we were able to do that what's in front of you today is a request to advance a series of action that have been that shaped by the input we've received so mr. shane kennedy b will give us the highlights of those action. >> thank you shawn good afternoon, directors and thank you so as mr. haley said i'm shawn kennedy the project manager and mta i'm here to talk about some of the changes to the 7 proposal so back in november this board
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protectiveed projects along the hates street corridors but to make sure some of the stakeholders along the corridor work with them i'm here to walk through the issues and list of items coming out of that discussion so first off there are transportation issues and across the entire city not only on hate but pedestrian safety and to transit reliability moving forward is the program that sfmta is working on among the major corridors to address the policy goals and all the projects you've protected in november and the ones we've discussions are developed to have those needs and issues a quick reminder on hate street
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obviously there's a lot of issue on hate not only transportation related obviously with the transportation issues at the municipal transportation agency didn't want to walk through the 4 main bullet with the pedestrian safety and the two central industries is 25 accidents over the last 5 years involving pedestrians and now with that said that hate i hates street is the not on the high injury vision zero it's not the high injury corridors per say but 25 pedestrian accident in a 6 block stretch raises eye bros two transit reliability there are one and a half mile-long corridor from stan i don't think to laguna 10 stop signs and 11 - it takes on the
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afternoon of 11 minutes to travel that and because artist starting and stopping there's a lot of people getting on and off the bus along that corridor and eventually on time performance issues and reliability concerns that 71 for example is mid 50s on performance and system wide about 65 percent on time sups so daily below the average and additionally travel buses the 771 prairie is super crowded so the two peak the a.m. and p.m. peak 24 buses traveling along the corridor and in the peak direction those are standing room only crush loads coming through on the 70 and 71 during those times and the last is the
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public realm you'll talk about this in a minute the merchants and the upper hate and city planning have been working on this plan participating in and addressing many concerns i'll talk about those in a minute the transportation the narrow situations not a lot of room for the pedestrian activities going on through and director ram was talked about how that hates freeway. >> hate street highway with all the pedestrians walking through the bike lane and those are some of the issues and legislation november 18th a number of things and elements were life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness laid we work with the hate ashbury merchant there was folks that expressed issues and wanted
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to have opportunity to add in bulb outs more detail on those we've implemented self things from the november meekly as well from the previous legislation so the picture on the lower right is actually the two-way hate projects a great project that is allowing the hate buses to stay on hate routes to market that's essential a flow in for bus services about 3 minutes per trillion trip and successful if you - the picture on the left-hand side is a transit lane you protectiveed in november this is towards downtown at the laguna the intersection at the intersection is laguna before leading into the hate project if you notice all the cars queuing
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on the right-hand side that right turn is the super heavy from a.m. and what is now the transit lane is the left hand pocket and turned that into a transit only lane and that was define in march we also on april 25th it was super exciting day the largest service increase for decades in the city and john halley and the operations team allowed us to do the operation increase we changed some names and might not seem significant but the 68 hate mass and have harder from drivers that change is making a difference in the load of that 7 and of specific from a tourist is stand out on hate they have a lot of tourists
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waiting for the 7 and now the 6 and we've implemented two stop removals along the hate from east to west so talking about the follow-up decisions specifically we have w a number of times and walked and talking about where and what pit projects we're proposing in the upper hate 4 major concerns the top is bus shelters or the idea that they don't like bus shelters between mosaic personal safety issues and like this they had issues with the in bound transit bulk we were looking at the mid-market and we also we're
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proposing a transit bulb and hate and masonic a t-shirt shop and concerns about the summer construction impacts and the moratorium the hate merchant there's a lot of activity in the summer and they're concerned about the construction activity during the summer period and we looked reevaluating the side street bulbs we were assuming went into it thinking we were going to put the bulbs on all cross streets and you know based on a number of things we've looked at we really looked at the turning templates and crash history we look forward turning movements and pedestrian volumes and the overall sense from the
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partners from the importance of those side street bulbs and given constraints technically and dollar wise what we came up with some of the issues those side streets are 38 feet wide narrow already and putting additional curb work we'll have that harder to make turns today's legislation incorporates the feedback we're proposing to transcend the bulb and move the bulb back to the existing trade zones in front of of the mcdonald's on hate also i mentioned very briefly about the public realm that hate has been going through and we are supportive of the public realm and prarntd in f it and
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trying to fill in transportation element we can fit within our scope that christmas day the bulb work between ashbury and mosaic in front of the store we're bringing that forward inform legislation today we've identified two location for the bulb so we looked every intersection and looked at the terminal and take a look at it and those are really the two that we are presenting as moving forward with along the corridor and two other items he want to mention the bulb at hate mosaic was an concern we're not moving forward with that idea and the traffic signal at laguna and hate we won of the reasons we implemented did transit only lane that i talk the walk talked
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about between buchanan and lang was to look at it how and reassess in the transit lane for a traffic signal and we've been reviewing the data we don't need a traffic signal at that location we're not going to move forward with that on the capital does the implementation of mark two stops at april mosaic to ladies and gentlemen is right now a part of the project it is going to last 18 months it there might be people to talk about how that project is going but within that project is our board and signals between mosaic and laguna there's a second phase or part of the
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