tv [untitled] June 5, 2015 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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if we'll give a rebate for the toilets that use less than .08 gladdens and taking the the turf to help consumers we'll encourage them to plant in october hopefully it starts to rain again and also implementing new programs give a ways you know that actually exceeds the state standards for showerheads and stuff i tell the public if you have a showerhead you like it might be an old one get a free take away and use it until the drought is over and replace it with you're old showerhead and we're piloting a weather
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based water control for large landscaper those are tiered targeted in the weather based criteria providing a rebate for the customers in that program and then my staff is working together with our fellow to develop a conservatism program we do landscape commercialism but there was a desire to have a program that could be offended in the service area that just is not about landscaping per say but water conservatism and some of the areas that the staff can give throughout their serve area trying to educate the public i'm really pleased we've going on gone to a two day week watering schedule awhile some might think that is an easy thing to do it was quite interesting actually and sometimes there's questions how
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effective for savings it creates a great dynamic for a conversation about what important how to achieve the actions we need to achieve and i appreciate our staffs efforts we're getting ready to build on last summers success we found social media and google adds are getting a lot of information out and responses we're building on the responses in coordination so i appreciate that test it shows where your agencies are trying make a difference in the region lastly just we have launched our new website on landscaping as i've gone out in the service area i've told people we know
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that outdoor water use is the largest used of water tell the jury or encouraging people one day if you want to keep our grass you can water it less but let's go to planting native beautiful tolerant landscaping and this site sports that this shows you what a native buffer water efficient garden can look like i'm pleased with the success with that i'll conclude my questions i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> questions or comments. >> just a comment trump encouraging are i think that is useful to know what happens outside of our bored 50 percent of the water we sell it is important you've made huge process thank you for doing that
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and scaping us informed. >> it was street tree very informative what agencies are the highest. >> in the 37 reduction category the hills borough that achieved 20 percent last summer they've gone a long way to achieving the 36 percent and cal water their district which is encompasses hillside and the valencia between those two districts they're the district that represents large lots and you have a lot of irrigation and outdoor landscaping so their talk the walk those types of customers and that's why i was really pleased to see that cal water was taking this on aggressively in the beer district seep for the water budgeted and put in a stronger
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stringent water structure and heroism there will be fiscal in that service ear. >> very good. >> you might have said this what's the percentage of the two districts hillary's bureaus. >> very small i do have it here hold on 7 percent. >> 7 percent. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> and did i say that the budget water rates are approved by the cca. >> they're anticipating approval only earlier cart terrors cal has done surveys wu yet the anticipation it will be approved. >> that's a proposal that has some controversy attached to it and public acceptance of that
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has been an issue for people thinking about it so somebody lying cooling water or the cca blessing it it progress. >> it's indicative from the support from the governor and the sate is that i have decided grapple with that to achieve the savings. >> when it comes to water accumulation like hills bower and whatnot we have a larger property hates the incentive whales that side and sometimes fines work some people are willing to pay the fines how the triggers in difference terms of motivating them. >> and they'll - my prospective
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they are different between the two areas hills burgess is different for the conservatism and so they have made great strides their staff is looking at education and reaching out to the customers and trying to essentially teach them how to irrigate but keep things alive with less i'm not sure how effective you're right people will pay the fines but they've set themselves up in the right thought and taking a strong approach and have reached out to the local jurisdiction to get their support and it would appear they're prepared to deal with with that. >> thank you for your report. >> thank you very much i
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appreciated your enterex. >> next item, please. >> any public comment. >> seeing none, we'll move on to the next item. >> consent calendar >> consent calendar by one resolution in the form or forms listed below. if discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 9 a's approve sawyer and award agreement and authorize two professional service engagement not to exceed $2 million with a duration of 4 years and the
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approval the contract consistency for the contract of up to hundred and 89 consecutive days and modifications to the contract c for the specifications and award the contract in the amount of of $5 million plus to the lowest qualified and responsive birds system 3. >> commissioner any questions to remove any of the items from the consent calendar to the public my request to remove any items. >> seen may i have a motion. >> second. >> further discussion further public comment? call for the vote > all in favor, say i. > i. >> opposed? the motion carried. >> next 10 the public hearing
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and discussion and possible action for the 2015-2016 drought project to achieve the reduction in the puc retail service area for the control board adopted on may 2015 and authorize the general manager to impose more restrictions on the outdoor use for water with the state board emergency resolution. >> again steesh for water we've been discussing this drought program for the last couple of meetings with the state regulations they were adapted and approved by the administrative law that required various degrees of reductions in the reduction of delivered water by retail agencies throughout california and call for san francisco to recess by 8 percent
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in the low residential per capital use and others are higher rates for example, hillsborough we discuss 36 percent reductions required so i said this is being thoughtful to make sure the push is on for those using the most water in the areas that would be reduced for san francisco we're proposing a drought management program that consists of a variety first of all, calling for the retail customers reduce by temple percent they achieved it against 2013 but calling for more to make sure that people stay with the bathroom is important, and, secondly, we're calling for a 25 percent announced reduction in dedicated irrigation use for those who have dedicated irrigation i believe there are 16 hundred in
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the retail area and excess a charges for those using more 25 percent reduction two categories for those who will not the consumers the use charge is double the standard water rate for the expose use for interruptable it the triple for the water rate for that use we also would modify the filter for people that get on the sewer side they're given a reduction in their surcharges if they demonstrate they're using that water for irrigation not to go into the sewer system reduced for the overall bill that means we are subsidizing irrigation from a water prospective and to reduce those who have an adjustment by 25 percent for
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irrigation count and the targeted outreach for the largest water yours in san francisco the universities and the like that have large sets of ground and focusing on those who have in the take advantage of the conservatism programs with the hotels a lot of hotels took good advantage of the program we don't want to spend time with those who are the ones we can fte get more water and reaching out to them directly we have leak protection by using the accountant data and within the distribution zone where the staff is using devices to discover leaks and make sure those are fixed and last but not least we'll be kicking off a
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public outreach campaign june 8th to make sure we're getting the word out like last year with the outreach program to make sure that people get the word is conservatism is necessary we're still in a drought that's a quick overall the thought program i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you two questions one on the part of program that deals with the interruptable irrigation customers the percentage reduction is the same for the irrigation customers and the interruptables for the 10 percent on the overall rates my question is why are we not asking for more conservatism from the interruptable customers that get a benefit from that.
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>> we looked at what we had in place previously and looked at it how to modify that to deal with the current situation and we found we're in a little bit of a quandary we're calling for a 10 percent reduction the state has stepped up to the plate in and mandated individual interruption by the entities throughout the service area that is 14 percent resurrects we've stopped short of reduction of 25 percent or more i will say for the record from the drought continues into next year i'll be back in 2016 to make sure we have a drought system citywide so we found ourself between and between and came up with a recommendation of a charge as a
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way to get them slopes to mandating a reduction we'll go to a higher percentage reduction if we went above 25 percent that is where it is 50 percent reduction we elected to go a gradual scale rather than just lower irrigation. >> it strikes me that there ousted to be a differential between the objective of people paying full rates and the discount i understand to have the stint to not make money but save water it seems to me that people who said their interruptables that gets the discount they should have higher objectives than our regular
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customers and by doing that you'll reduce the impact potentially on the regular irrigation customers and it seems to me it is a fair and proper you know policy as i'd like to explore alternatives and did know what workouts mathematically but if we were to reduce the conservatism to 20 percent of the interruptable customers to thirty percent would that work or 25 percent of 35 percent some kind of differential between the two classes of folks. >> we could access it we would like to get moving open that sooner than later certainly send a message to the irrigation accounts and everyone needs to
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cut back their use by 25 percent we can bring back the interruptable pies at the next meeting with modifications for the interruptable customers potentially increasing that or the choice of the commission. >> interesting thought. >> coming back i think at the next meeting will be fine i mean it's a little bit auditor afterward it is under review. >> a minimum of 25 percent i think if i captured the meadow of the commission right we're not talking about backing counsel on that number at all. >> okay. i'm getting a hid node i don't know if this needs to be i'll ask a question does that need to be in a form of the
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motion. >> i didn't about mr. richie is asking to pass this package together and could be to you with more information on the interruptable customers. >> does that change the resolution you know this is called a public hearing but there is a resolution. >> right my preference you pass the resolution as is and we'll come back with more information on the interruptables and give you a presentation. >> that sounds it is good. >> with a possible action. >> we'll schedule it again with more information and possible action. >> i think we should take action i'd like to make a motion. >> okay second. >> on today's package with the krauth proposal reduction proposal. >> okay i'd like to call for public comment at this time any further discussion on this?
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call for vote >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> > opposed? the motion carries. >> this is the reinforcement i think we have to give a certain number of days notice it might not after that but we'll get it. >> - it is also be cleared up. >> we all watch her out of the corner of our eye (laughter) next item. >> item 11 authorize a memorandum of agreement with the san francisco unified school district it losses for the tap stations in the unified school district naechlt not to exceed 2 hundred and 60 thousand with a duration of 2 years. >> hi kate with the benefits
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program and acting for the general manager questions or comments. >> those items eleven 12 and 13 have similar if you have questions they serve the same purposes. >> if you could call them altogether and the memorandum of agreement with the san francisco unified school district which will allow for the use of puc funding for the implementation of sfusd vision xerox strategic plan and john o'connell school with the duration of two years and item 13 the agreement academic year grant to support the disengaged young adults with puc project opportunity a authorize the general manager to
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solicit the entrants and to execute for the in the amount of not to exceed 2 hundred and 60 thousand with the two year agreement. >> can i have a motion on items 11 12 and 13 please. may i ask a question. >> another motion first. >> so moved. >> second. >> yes. >> is there a psychologically manufacture or installer of those water stations? is that not been determined yet >> there's not a sole - on page. >> is the question basically only one provider of those stations. >> that's not one provider a but this is on page b-3 exhibit
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a of the actual moa called the acorn bottle if i recall. >> certainly it's a growing business isn't it. >> yes. >> i mean, i love the tap filling stations it is a great fireman if we have the water we should supply is it essential in schools and spending the money on the bottled water and the pollution we need more money going to pencils and paper i'm all for it. >> i agree. >> public comment on those 3 items seeing none, i'll call > all in favor, say i. > i. >> opposed? the motion carries thank you very much item 14 thank goodness the memorandum of understanding with
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the fire department for the auxiliary program for an annual in the amount of not to exceed 4 hundred and 50 thousand. >> steesh for the water this is a memorandum of understanding before the any public comment? puc and the fire department for the water supply system that was transferred in 2010 this has been under review for the last several years we've been working with the system and making improvements to it as we've gone along this is formalizing our relationship in how that's managed with the puc responsible for getting water to the point of use to the fire department and picking up that and using it so i'll be happy to answer any questions about it >> so this is a big clean up item it transfers you'll see assets to the sfpuc we've been responsible for since 2010. >> i'd like to move the item.
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>> i'll second it. >> any public comment on this item? any further discussion? emphasize > opposed? the motion carries thank you mr. richie. >> item 15 prove the construction contingency in the men and women of $800 million and increased to the contract duration of 69 consecutive calendar days and approve the collision rierpz of tunnel to the scope of work up to 2 hundred and $50,000 for the contract modifications. >> good afternoon, commissioners this item is very well detailed however, i'd like to add into this is that two points one of them is that there was three or
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four main reasons why there were change orders against this contract one of them the big one the gas awhile we're doing the construction from partial and the second one was that the conditions of the hard rock conditions were the ones that generated a lot of change orders now this calls mostly is to those the changes property owner from there and they're still sometimes out there i want to mexico in this agenda item not the final one not a whole lot of big items we'll come back to you to provide the explanations once this is done but 97 percent done as of the end ever march and we believe that in the next few months
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those all change orders that are pend are the trends so to speak will be negotiated and come back to you. >> will the exceed our contingency. >> the fund is in place the funding is available that is 0 increasing the contingency to negotiate and once we'll do that the general manager can amend did contract if tomorrow we outstanding change orders are not concluded or not within the budget then i'm going to turn it over to there's a contingency in the directors reserve that will be used for this purpose we don't believe it will be a big announcement. >> but will it exposed it. >> yes. you'll see it it we'll bring it to you.
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>> so this is not in this item right now. >> right now it is not it is explained in this item there are still risks in a sense the negotiations are not implemented we'll brought to you all the change orders that are either been agreed on or approved or actually signed off and to cover that this is the contingency we need. >> commissioners, comments or questions questions. >> general public comment any comments? may i have a motion >> i'll move approval. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> > opposed? motion carries your next item. >> item 16 approve project for
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the total project of $6 million plus. >> this item is actually very interesting i'm sure you're aware of for the system program we will be going to the state involving the state for the funds that are a lot cheaper than the bond site this is a small one he wanted to test it how many forms we need to fill and the challenges and compiling with that and this project is why we came to you to ask your permission to file the for the loan what it does ceqa document in place before they do - they sign it is implemented in a couple of weeks i think the documents will be read, however
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we are going to wait to get the loan the reason once we trigger it and all the costs which we do it where the loan is approved they'll not reinforce us the time is of the essence we want to get the loan and this is the first one it is a little bit challenging that's what it is. >> comments. >> no. >> couple. >> couple of questions is this one the projects that was identified i forgot we called it an early implementation. >> yes. one of the early implementations and along with the chinatown. >> i think this is a fine one i continue to be interested how we are going to measure the effect on those promotions we think there is a bunch of benefits in terms of taking some of the peak off the ini
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