tv [untitled] June 5, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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spirit of volunteerism and civic engagement, positive collaboration between students, parents, schools and a law enforcement and reduction of school and traffic congestion and you know what that's like, getting some help with those crucial times is very important. we have a number of partner this is this work and sal is going to introduce them. >> thank you, mr. truet one of our partners that helps out train and provide an orientation for our students at our school site iss the san francisco police department, i'm proud to say i work with sergeant para and sergeant murray they've been huge advocates, huge supporters of this program they provide all the training safety awareness serving the streets but most important when we implement a program, sometimes the community doesn't like to pay attention so what they do is provide the law enforcement to implement the program and its
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integrity and sometimes have to give out warnings to staff, so i can take this time and introduce the sergeant para and sergeant murray, if you would like to give a couple of words. >> good afternoon, supervisors, commissioners, i'm sergeant murray -- i'm sergeant para, this is sergeant murray, we meet with the principals along with sal and we conduct a walk-flu of the outside school ground when we start and that's where we determine a safe location to implement the program. supplies are ordered, children are identified, [inaudible] are [inaudible] by the parents and once we do that, we set up a date to come in and train
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them, me and sergeant murray will train the chaining we use the unified school district's handout, we take the important bullet points out of there and that's what we train them with, after that, they take a pledge we have a little pledge they take and then we go outside and conduct a mock scenario in the designated area. we set off a kickoff date, i and or sergeant murray are there along with another motorcycle officer and after that, the solos will come out subsequent days and address any traffic issues or concerns. after the program's up and running, the principals will contact us with any traffic concerns and then we send out motorcycle officers to address those. sergeant murray, did you have anything else to add? >> just the experience of having the police in the
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classroom to teach the children nr the positive role and to reinforce it later on out on the streets is incredible, the look on the eyes of the parents the first day they pull in on the school and see all the cones set up, and they say what happened to our drop off area and it starts the process what supervisor yee and supervisor kim has done for pedestrian and bicycle safety is great this program adds to that and it gets some of our little people, our future leader in that mindset, when they step off the curb, bad things can map to you in san francisco, it's a reality, so this program is something that when the principals find out about it, that they have to have it at their school, so this is kind of the first step and i can appreciate that once the word is out and it's been offer today a lot of other schools, that we're going the need a lot of help getting
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into the schools and training some of our future leaders for this wonderful program, it's a pleasure to talk about it, we both really believe in it because that's our job, for the liltion people to get to and from safety their parents are able to drop them off safely, this heightens the awareness it gets people talk about it so when they come to the school, they won't take it for granted that there's an awareness component to it. >> thank you. >> with pleasure. >> thank you once again, officers. on our next slide, i would like to talk about what the program looks like at our schools, one of the benefits of this program is that it is designed with a uniqueness that each school campus and traffic condition, meaning that some schools are big, some schools are small some schools have large and low traffic and it just depends on
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what the school needs and what the program can offer as a board, so things to consider is the size of school in the physical area and the start time of the school and the traffic conditions for the school so on your next slide, two of the typical programs that we have for the school crossing guard is the traditional crossing guard zone, this is what we historically think of a crossing guard you have the white painted streets with the big lines and you have students that step off the curb with the hand held stop sign to hold up traffic, on the right we have the safety drop off zone, these are for areas where it's highly congested in the morning and in the afternoon where it's inconceivable to have a student out in the intersection monitoring traffic, it's too much to handle this would be a recommendation from the police department as to what we should do and what you see right there on the right hand side is lafayette elementary
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school and how we cone it out, students o open the doors the students step out of the car, they close the door and escort them into the backyard of the school campus so they're safely escorted into the campus and the parents can roll away. i would like to introduce our principal from come door sloap, mr. john, he spearheaded this program that cost a lots of schools to jump on board and be part of this program. >> before principal john gets started, commissioner, could you hold on -- do you want to -- do you want to say a word about principal john here, when i started asking schools whether they would be interested in a program such as this, principal john was really the principal that just
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jumped out and says yes, with no questions, he sort of -- as soon as i mentioned what it was he understood it fully and he's fully engaged his students, his students are really into it and i can see when i go visit them, whether it was the year before or this school year, that every student seemed to be very, very proud of their positions and i think it's because of the leadership of people like principal john. >> thank you. thank you, supervisor, good afternoon everybody. i'd like to tell a little bit of the history at my school, it doesn't take long as far as the crossing guard program. sal named a couple of zones that we were the zone on the left with the crossing guard what was your term for that, a crossing guard zone, which means we have crosswalks and the kids are manning or
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personbacking the crosswalks as oppose today the zone we saw on the right. today we had fifth grade mo motions so i have lost all 35 of my crossing guards and next year we will be starting over, training our current fourth graders to become next year's cadre and we feel the group of about 35 and it doesn't have to be that many, the kids love it is we have a group in the morning and we have a group after school and it's a different group of kids every day who are out there but going back in time just very briefly two years ago when i first arrived at come do*r sloap, the streets were narrow and it's not that there's high traffic, in the morning and of course at the end of the day, there is high traffic, and it's a one way street, i was witnessing grown-ups have a lot of people getting along
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in streets. we had different people having different ideas about what one-way meant one-way might mean my way, so we had on dare yo*n way, if one car is going one way and another car is having another, they we had blocked streets, we had heated discussions between kids' parent, so i did not know at the time there was an interest from norman yee in this, all of the factors for me were coming together at this time, former arson investigator jeff lynn found out i was principal at come do*r sloat, he brought a picture of his crossing guards 60 crossing guards at that time, they fanned out over the whole neighborhood, it was an ambitious program, we're half the size at this point and he was proud, he
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had a picture of himself and his wife was grateful that i took one more thing out of his garage to clear out the space. from that point eddie lewis was still doing the training and i was able to find out who she was and contacted her, norman said he was interested in getting the program off the ground citywide and our school in particular and my goal like the vision zero goal was to have 0 incident 0 injuries in front of our school, our school feeds into aptos dare yo*n way leads into aptos, and there could be traffic related to aptos so we have a little bit of action at that time. we got it off the ground, 30 kids came out, officer lewis trained them, it was a rigorous train it was a no mess around training they understood they were out there to create safety, the kids took it seriously, we got
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them appropriately wardrobe so they wear their cab their sashes, now they wear vests and we have our signal out in crossing guard out, crossing guard in and they understand that they are to take it seriously. so, fast forward to this year, 35 crossing guards still two supervisors, two grown-ups that are out there supervising the kids and we're able to staff two small streets, the street right in front of the school which is the primary drop-off zone and the street up one block from there which is san fernando and dare yo*n, not big streets we're not talking about ocean those are things that the mta takes care of so our kids are not out there on those big thoroughfares but they are experiencing how to keep people safe on the small street sos the big motivations for us are a sense of pride in the school, a sense of legacy
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which was a big deal at come do*r sloat and a service, the sense we're doing something for the community, i want the fifth graders to get a handle on that. that's the story of the school the kids are very proud of it and even tomorrow, they're skimming back tomorrow to do their last shift and i would also say another partner has been the san francisco giants and supervisor yee and maybe olivia's been the one primarily spearheading this, we managed to get our crossing guards to one game a year as a way of saying thanks, the the program in a nutshell it's been a positive experience at our school, our parents are thrilled, they're in disbelief watching this and as i mentioned when we started the program, one of the first impacts was to see how well grown-ups behaved when they knew the kids were watching how they drove so they hung up their cell phones and paid attention and that's really
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key. it was the reverse effect, it's not kids making kids behave well, it was the kids making the adults behave responsibly, so thanks. >> thank you, principal john. >> i really appreciate you coming out, principal john i know this is at the enof the school year for you to come out on the day before the last day thanks. >> moving on with the safety patrol program, one of the other fun things that this program affords for our students is the special education event and this is what we last year kicked off, we had an event called the l.a. street smarts of children's hospital, it's a huge event that we have at our school on adornment in lakeshore i think it was march last year. it's two parts one is called
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richie's neighborhood and richie's neighborhood is a simulated street stage and it simulates a small city and it demonstrates children how to learn how to walk on streets, there's traffic lights, there's cars backing out of the garage, it's really wonderful. it's all tiny it's like a little city and they can learn how to walk safely to school, and then the other one aces adventure this one's a great video game that's afforded to students and children at an elementary level it's specifically designed to teach children safety on streets while they're walking to school and walking from school, for instance, if they're approached by a stranger or something hazardous like that, so i would like to play a video if it's alright with you folks and i got the video clip here.
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(watching video clip. >> they're turn k to extreme measures, gaib slate shows us new technology they're testing out on kids. >> the police chief the fire chief, politician, media were all o on hand for a special press conference of street safety in san francisco, it was held at a elementary school which was good, after talking with these schools, it's scary being an adult crossing the street in san francisco i can't even imagine what it's like for kids. >> it's pretty scary. >> you don't know what's going to happen, if you have a car going past you speeding and not looking where it's going. >> and we're here to stay wise and reduce injury. >> lerp k is supposed to be fun and this is fun, whatever goes into the little ones when they're young goes into the hard drive. >> here's what they're doing, they paid a ton of money to have l.a. streets to drive --
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l.a. street smarts has been running a street smart program in los angeles, they take a school's gymnasium and transform it into a simulated street crossing scenario. >> there's a car backing out of that garage and the driver may not see you. >> complete with cars backing out of garages, with kids and dogs running into the street. >> so, we all agreed the first thing you do is what? >> [inaudible]. >> after the kids go through the course, they have them play a video game that subtly teaches them street safety. >> remember to look left, right, and left again for cars. >> dr. dudson is a trauma surgeon, she developed the game. >> it's a great game, it's got great characters. >> supervisor norman yee hopes to raise the money and interest to get our own street smarts set and video game program that will stay here for our kids. >> and to have available to our 72 elementary schools in
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san francisco. >> gaib slate. >> so, that's one aof the new media coverage that we had when we were doing the street smarts program at lakeshore elementary, the great day, four day event we invited a bunch of schools within that same area to come and visit and get an educational experience on street smarts, how to cross the street and play the video game, it was a wonderful event i wish we had it every year. without further adieu i'm going to speed up the powerpoint presentation and go to the ongoing outreach we're doing at each schooling, right now we have 9 schools joining the three existing schools that began last year for a total of 12 schools to fully participate in the next year, 2015-2016 year, they are
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alamo, daniel webster, sunset joe ortega, argonne, sutro cleveland, lafayette, ullon. ideally what we want to do is target the 5200 students and teach them traffic safety and road safety. i also have a video of what we have an idea, six minutes long, is that enough time? >> do you want that one? >> what are we showing? >> it's a six minute long video of the richie's neighborhood. >> i think it would be okay, this is the only item, is it okay? >> my only question is, is there a lot of people for public comment, i don't think so. >> no. >> okay, i'll play it. >> i'm george decay actor
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and spokesperson for the l.a. street smarts project at children's hospital, los angeles. the l.a. street smarts project teaches elementary school aged children pedestrian safety by recreating the real world experience of a child walking to and from school. now let's take a walk through richie's neighborhood. >> and you get to the intersection what's the first thing you do to cross the street? you stop, that's the best thing, every time you get to an intersection or a corn e i want you to stop and look, stop and look when you get to an intersection, you get to the intersection, what you want to do here if you want toe cross the street, you press the button, so how about you press the button. did you push it? it says go, alright, walk across. >> my name is jeff, i'm the director of paul mitchell in the hospital in los angeles the goal of the street smart
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focusing on pedestrian safety it's to get kids involved in this interactive set that will force them to think about those safety implements to provide safe walking in and around the school. the l.a. street smarts, richie's neighborhood in collaboration with local hollywood [inaudible] what they decided to do was take on [inaudible] and put the brakes on [inaudible] this set is combined the l.a. set design that you know very much from our hollywood productions students but it has a smart electrical design that allows sensors and lights to blink similar to our local neighborhoods, when kids step out on to the streets, they hear warning bills and they hear warning bills in english but also in spanish, so when it goes off, those kids know in the language they're most comfortable with, where to walk, where to stop, where to
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look. >> fabulous job, you guys. >> i'm councilmember pr the present council district of the city of os lank, it's great to work with children's hospital, it is a program to redews trauma from our young people to educate them in pedestrian safety, my child was killed that way, you want to create a legacy, so children's hospital being a primary [inaudible] of pediatric trauma care services, [inaudible] they come up with creative ideas by creating a little pedestrian experiment. you can see the excitement in their eyes and most importantly, it's an effective educational tool. >> it is unique, it is one of a kind, there is no other thing like it in country, if
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you can do it here in hollywood so our designer of the set, we were able to create l.a. street smarts, with the university of california, san francisco injury prevention sent e we used their video game, ace's adventures as a model to create the set. >> one of the unique features of richie's neighborhood, it has has a web 2.0 video game that's associated with it and be able to practice this in a very competitive but virtual environment, they're excited to get home, sometimes they don't pay attention to stop signs, moving cars, barking animals easily distracted, this is a set to keep them focused and really help them with some safety hints that will keep them safe in the streets. >> the bottom line is, we want them to not walk across the street when a ball goes into
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the street, we want them to be careful when passing a garage because they might not be aware that a car might be coming out, we want them to know what they do it sounds like simple things and you think that every parent teaches their kids these things but we cannot assume kids are learning so this exhibit will educate our young people. >> this is the first step on ending that war of kids getting hit by cars around neighborhoods, this is an effort to prevent undue fraj di and injury for those children around los angeles county. >> car versus pedestrians crashes are a leading cause of injury and death across the nation and in l.a. county. >> it's [inaudible]. >> there you go, high five for everybody. >> the streets of our neighborhoods should be safe places for children to walk,
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but many kids face traffic dangers just because they're walking to school or to the park. the l.a. street smarts project, richie's neighborhood teaches valuable lessons that can save the lives of many children who walk and cross the streets of los angeles. the injury prevention program at children's hospital of los angeles is committed to reducing the number of child pedestrian injuries in los angeles county and can make the set available for events at local schools, parks and community events. all children who participate in this learning environment are provided with injury prevention educational material to take home that reinforces the safety concepts and lessons covered interactively one of a kind educational services. thank you for your time. if you're interested in more information on l.a. street smarts richie's
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neighborhood, contact [inaudible]. >> just the last thing and we're going the wrap up is to talk about the funding and the money, so as you heard in the tv segment that norman yee got a lot of money, cost a ton of money, but how much does it cost, you know, when norman presented to me he loaded some money i loaded -- he sent some money over the school district which we loaded into an account and figured out how to do this and that was my part of it. we -- our initial thought was to go with existing staff, like who are these people, the difference between our crossing guards and mta is the sfmta crossing guards are employees of the city of san francisco, our crossing guards are [inaudible] or noontime monitors who are being
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extended hours after school, so they're getting that extended hourly rate. and generally we're estimating that annual rate for ten months of operation of a school year is about 14 thousand dollars per school, that's an estimate of what we've spent. you notice that the l.a. street smarts program we did pay for them to come up here from l.a. and to set it up at lakeshore and to do that. norman's proposal was to have one built ourselves. we're going to build one up here, it costs 12 thousand dollars to move it up here and to drive it into the city i wanted to say that also has been an expense, but other than that, those are the money behind some of the expenditures and i just wanted to end on that part of it. it has been kind of ambiguous because we've been starting
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at one school and we added lakeshore and the staff participate ining the program, they may have one adult after school two adults after school, four adults after school after we work the kinks out we'll come up with the parameters, we had noontime people that were not getting paid very much, and we you started with the money and we fixed these problems along the way, that concludes our presentation. i really want to extend my thank you to sal and to the sac for their leadership in stepping up and also to principal greg john and sfpd for being great partners chief sir, the moment i called him at the beginning and norman reached out to them, they're 100% behind the program, it was a great partnership and we have a couple of student comments that we're going to speak as
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part of public comment. >> hello my name is [inaudible] quan, i'm a student at galileo high school, i want to talk about the importance of education of elementary students motor vehicle accident iss a very real and present danger, we can't change the way people drive we have to make sure youth practice as much caution when crossing the streets, parents do not always educate their kids about traffic safety, they carry it to middle school, high school, even daily life -- base ki *fically i can still remember when i was being taught by my teachers and parents of traffic safety, this is an important thing that everybody should learn and practice caution as much as possible l.a. street smarts, everything we can do to educate these elementary school student
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we're trying to create a culture of safety for our students, to cross the streets, to make it as safe as possible in a very dangerous environment. thank you. >> hi, again my name is jessica eng and i'm a student at lowell high school, during this past school year, i witnessed the implementation of the crossing guard program at lakeshore elementary school. this is because my school is primarily close to lowell high school, that was a really cool part of that this year to see that being implemented and as an elementary school student at alamo elementary school, we had a similar program to this crossing guard safety program and i want to share some of the insight i learned with this program. as -- i was being mentored by other students on the safety protocols of crossing the street i was impacted
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greatly with my own safety. these mentors taught me how to be vigilant at every crosswalk and look out for myself when crossing at a major intersection some of if rules were like look left, look right, look left again and then cross some other ones was never use your phone when you're crossing the street, never look down when you're crossing, these are very pornts even now today. these lessons have been instilled within me for a while now and as a result, i have gained a good pedestrian habit, after going through this program and then having the chance to mentor other students at my school in this program i have -- i highly support the intentions behind the sac's program for the crossing guards safety. thank you. >> thank you, jessica. >> good afternoon, my name'
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