tv [untitled] June 5, 2015 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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no uses on the use talking about not the numbers so- >> right. >> at least one. >> it was the land use and figure out how to - >> united states use in general at this location just to reiterate the motion is to allow the information and reconstruction of a gas station with the service station limiting the retail convenience store to as of right which in this case is 2 the house 99 square feet and the formula retail make sure they have to reconstruct the service station. >> right i think if you're going to approve that make it clear it is necessary and desirable to have this - >> i think those components pit together are all necessary and desirable from the staff report so the. >> so to include the necessary.
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>> necessary and desirability. >> commissioner antonini. >> this motion didn't include the retail component that was approved on steiner or number two, of that it is the service bay but no retail component as part of last thing that was before us today. >> in addition to the convenience. >> not mined. >> no. >> i am not i'm making sure that is misunderstood that is not being required only the service ass and the gas station and the convenience store with no limit square footage. >> sure. >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask the department to take one more look at the movement and turning movements because what almost happened to me is a scary
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experience and can happen to anyone there has to be compatibility of movement or sloan slowing down. >> i think you're saying to continue to work with the sponsor to improve the safety conditions. >> and look at it how the across the street the driveway. >> i'm assuming that is part of the motion. >> yes. >> commissioners if i may what we do have a condition number 13 that speaks to travel at the during the construction we can modify that are inform the entire project and that we could require the project sponsor to continue to work with mta and given that the traffic issues or left turns issues are common and necessary. >> i want to push on this
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department so look at movement and feet and turning movement between twho two driveways that in and of itself is is a problem that's the responsibility at the moment. >> i'll second, that that is a good suggestion. >> commissioner johnson. >> i want to clarify that if we're approving the use and saying it's necessary and desirable they have to apply for construction permit, etc. the project manager can choose not to include that use for the conditional use authorization. >> you can't require them to build a use i can approve the use but not necessarily mean that it will happen. >> right thank you. >> all right. commissions on
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that motion to authorize the demolition and reconstruction of the gas station with a service station with the retail space limited to the as of right formula retail component adding that the project manager continue working with the department on the traffic and driveway issue and including a findings for necessary and desirability of a service station commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 67 to zero. >> want to take a break. back to this meeting like to remind the members of the audience that the commission does not tolerate disruptions of any kind. mrirdz and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. commissioners we left off under
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the regular calendar under ab c and x on turk street for conditional use authorization and good afternoon. president fong kate connor planning department staff you with a two construction buildings with 2 hundred and group housing rooms that is zoned r.c. 40 with square feet of lot area one 45 leavenworth has 6 hundred and 75 quiet is of lot areas they're vacant with a total of 64 parking spaces the pardon will go giving us a
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presentations i want to focus on regulatory issues in order to proceed accident project requires the granting of two entitlements a county project authorization phenomenal leavenworth and equivocation for 3 61 turk street the property on leavenworth is a determination under the planning code sections including the granting of one expectations for the ground level wind provided that the commission makes certain finding the compliance was with the is described in the motion in our packets i'm vail to discuss this but in short staff believes that the requested conditions meet the code the properties on turk street require the confusion to
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allow for construction of a building over 50 feet in height again, i'm available to discuss the details staff believed the proposal is not out of scale when wish mixed in character and height it complies with the district the department has received a number of letters from individuals regarding the project i have additional corresponds for our refuse there's concern about the lack of affordable housing being provided on site this cigarettes to a adjacent property and outreach that was constricted by project manager in our packets the department has received 62 letters all requesting a continuance and one for the proposal for a total of 5 letters in support and 70 letters in opposition or
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requesting a continuance the project manager has been meeting are the senior center regarded the sets back the project manager will address the outcome and execution in his presentation please note this item was continued from the april 30th planning department and included that in your packet are two letters of approval the first is requiring the relocation of stairs on 3681 turk street reflected in the plan and the second addresses the obligation to the inclusionary hours supervisor campos has introduced legislation that the group housing be subject to the inclusionary affordable housing program if this passes they will be complying with the regulation
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this meets the goal and - within a walkable urban compensation that is necessary and desirable and comparable with the surrounding neighborhood and meets the codes in 309 staff recommends if the commission approves that project i'm available for questions. >> project manager please. >> hello my name is david i'm the hero on behalf of the ford's land company a complex project has been worked open with a great deal of time over 38 unit it was reduced to 234 of the tower benefit of the 2 hundred one
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tower turk no variance requested and no public funds this is an interesting project the challenge of the site are numerous there's a narrow site two empty lots at 7 adjacent buildings go that had to account for and deal with 10ush9d the site a high crime area in a historic district and requires the sensitive to deal with the historic district this was a difficult project to receive any kind of capital funding that's why it was vacant for a while but the ford company addresses those unique building types so the challenges of those issues began with the urban design team working how to deal with a historic district and make sure the buildings were not
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detracted and where the light sources and the planning department asked us to incorporate more common spaces and large amounts of community space so we added two community spaces into each building that are two stores basis to accommodate a large occupancy we've been working with the neighborhood in this project over the last of weeks and prior to the last scheduled meeting have that time we were asked to address the issues they were addressed by kate connor and the first thing that i want to address today a letter we received upon may 27 lecture
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which asks for a number of things one is it additional set backs from the kelly center we're going to do that and show you a new design we've submitted that to t n d c yes they've asked for additional materials and entertainments of the lightwells and we've agreed that that as well they've asked us to agree to assist curry center that is adjacent to our building on the other side to protect it's garden and we've agreed it to that as well. >> it is also asked us to address the o can say building and presented by kate connor we were able to remove the stair tower at the request of the
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staff and set back leveling feet between turk and our new building and remove that stair tower inside the building with a loss of 4 unit we're not in front of you the design change that was rhetoric by t n d c requires us to lose another 4 units we've agreed to do that as well i've made a number of changes to try to accommodate the concerns to the neighborhoods the other issue that was mentioned the provision of the below grade unit i've addresses this back in september and in september - i think my
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time is wrong sorry. >> your time is running. >> no i am sorry to richard to talk about the design issues i want to say about the bmr we've tried to resolve this the condition has resulted in the commissioner avalos legislation simplifies the progress whatever coyote of that so i'm going to introduce the architect founder of ford's that's the for year architect on san francisco and award-winning architect and offices is on sutter street thank you very much. >> members of the commission thank you for the opportunity for this we're going to bring to san francisco and how this works but it appears time is going to
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be cut tight i'd like to introduce collin a partner of ford's and the inadvertent and any colleague together we created a company to bring a new technology in building to san francisco that helps to address the issues the real cost of housing in the city and how we do it those are the first buildings built with that technology as commercial elements that in the united states this technology is brand new we think that go fantastic and can bring the technology to san francisco which is the heartland for technology in the world what is being passed is the diagrams and the proposed alternative that's coming coming back if ford we've agreed we
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will agree the t n d c proposal from their architect toe amend our building we did a sun analysis that is showing it will have an unfortunate negative solar impact on the curry center and the seniors building we felt an compromise they'll come up with the same conclusion we want to do a 7 and a half set back that increases according to the study sunlight and we've got material consortiums that'll i'll give t n d c the majority of what when we minded we're prepared to accept those conditions to be handled by the staff but we leave it up to the commission staff to decide which of the two is the better balance
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between the entities between our neighbors as it relates to the issue of bmr housing this housing project and all projects are focused on the technology forward into the workforce environment and use those opportunities to create a private housing many people are looking at it it hadn't happened so we've benefit working with the planning department as david said since september to come up about how to make that work we defer to the commissioner avalos legislation we've agreed to put this in whether by mandate or agreement so we leave to the commission to create the conditions to reader that's our intent i want to let or land please to present our
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information to the committee. >> good afternoon thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts and our technology with you my partner and i began the invention with the affordable urban housing that was sustainable low green how it dealt what energy and water we're going to run by you a couple of slides what we think and building is that technology is one of the options for solving the housing urban housing crisis in this country san francisco see housing has gotten attendance and in seattle
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it is aware to bring the strategies we and others are developing a great way to try to make an impact and provide the kind of housing that every city in america can use and afford so - okay. so the first goal we needed to reduce the water so those building will have gray water system and reduce the cost of owner and operatoring the building a reduced the construction costs it takes time to reduce the costs further we use a manufacturers system so a lot of the systems are
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manufactured and the biggest goal to create space that will lift the human spirit and enable people to have a better shot at a quality of life those are solar collectors this technology creates hot water for the heat and domestic use and that reduces the electrical footprint on the building about 50 percent gray water recycling 50 percent of the water reduction can happen with those systems those are built into the systems as we construct them we've manufactured a project a.m. an outline in one panel that allows us to put in lighting systems at
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american people unbelievably low cost this was built no seattle the energy accuses .4 waits per square feet next slide and the technology allows us to design those buildings in 50 percent less time so the neighbors are impacted a lot a less how do we cut and make less noise everything allows the quack on the site to be reduced that's because most of the difficulty in manufacturing the product happens in factories where the products are being made while it's great we can help mother nature mother nature needs help so people can have a wonderful place to live and
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another thing to create a great living space while creating a great energy footprint and creating a space was one of the things we've worked hard on those unite have a lot of glass alike most modular construction you ended up with narrow windows they have floor to ceiling glass those are shots of seattle lots of natural lastly and indoor and outdoor lighting. >> next slide and light and love are requirement for human beings and we think technology can facilitate bringing that kind of
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on outcome to the people that live in those buildings thank you very much. >> thank you as a closing moment if you can come up and explain our involvement and commitment to wheelchair doing. >> thank you very much i'll be brief i'm steve johnson the senior vice president of the builders we've been here in san francisco for a hundred and 27 years we feel we're definitely part of the community the exciting thing about this ford team we've been working for the last 6 to 10 months with s l i helping them with our project in seattle he want to do here search warrants and working with the labor partner area carpenters we're going to fasten the panels you're going labor that's a huge huge component
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that was something we felt necessary to keep that part of the community thank you. >> we're here to answer any questions as you can see this was a challenging project to try to do a lot of initiative things and there are people that can talk about the great water system and here to answer questions and we're here to answer any questions you may have. >> open up for public comment and keep this there's quite a few of the speaker cards to one minute i'll call some names if you want to line up on this side of the room and don't have to be in the order that your name is called michael i have two cards with
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your name (calling names). >> good afternoon commissioner president fong and commissioners i'm adrian a field representative from carpenters local 22 in san francisco behind me are thirty or 40 carpenters representing local 22 about 32 hundred of us in san francisco we don't all live in san francisco but that's where we're journeymen and apprentices we travel and looking forward to working on this job this job will bring new technology to san francisco and it's going to be a heightened heightened skill set to do this job that's why we have a developer that we are working with who's agreed to use
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union labor and it is a great job for us heightened skill set needing the training that the union provides and we're happy to work on it and hope you'll support this project thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> yes, he my name is michael i'm here speaking on the behavior the california coalition of san francisco we're neutrality open the project at 3 61 turk street we're opposed to the 14 project because we feel the planning for the future and planning our neighborhood that includes for more parks that are necessary and desirable we're losing all our parking lots that could be used for other things in the neighborhood this is why
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we need to preserve open space before there is no one i want to use the overhead overhead i want to point out that the downtown area also has the highest amount of pipeline projects in the san francisco this is the first graft here right here this one here so having two less projects is not going to make much of a difference those are in the pipeline you have those projects happening and this is coming from your own pipeline and report that was done in december of last year so 2014 so i think that that is important to remember this is a neighborhood and how those things impact the neighborhood and plopping down one or two
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projects matters. >> just for some members of the public we're limiting the public comment to one minute. >> my name is jane a tenant at collier building my window overlooks after listening to the gentleman they talked about some of the questions we had rerespectfully ask the committee to postpone the voting until the inclusionary agreement updated to our inclusionary housing we have a all the time on the amount of footage having next door on a personal level i lo lose my sun and stair gazing and itself earthquake qualifications
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they've not heard tube that the people in the community want their housing until today they've not considered the community we respectfully ask you postpone this vote and as a constituents protect us in this manner thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm katherine wolf the president the association i've been homeless in the tenderloin and currently live nearby there are a lot of issues including something that they said in terms of lift the human spirit for the best estimate of life for who this gentleman said the southern is they have not advocated for community input we've only been included in the
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last couple of months we need affordable housing for people and more inclusionary we ask you postpone this until there's more involvement in addressing housing and people so we can keep the favor of the tenderloin they're not taking into consideration and local hires we need local hires it is important thank you very much. >> thank you very much i'll call a couple of more names (calling names). >> good afternoon. commissioners thank you for being here today, i'm allen low a member of the south beach with the association i'm here to state my opposition
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