tv [untitled] June 5, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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there's a vacant building on the corner of harrison and a parking lot associated with the one on the corner of resolve although we've spent time to consider those projects we were unsuccessful and remain there to the west is the selma mental health center and parking lot to resolve the stretch of the block is definitely in need of activation and especially on resolve another one of the initial concerns a potential shadow impact on the alice street community gardening we've done a revised street massing to reduce the shadow to its minimum as you can see this is a slide presenting the shadow gov. impact on the park it's idle in
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red and at the worse day of the year the soltice what we've find the new shadows are cast between middle october to mid february again, the worse day of the year is the winter soltice some of the shadow is cast on parking adjacent to the parking which is todco and the shadow is not significant also throughout our outreach effort with todco and the gardeners we were able to get an 0 engrossment i believe the support letter is located in our packet so pictured here the ground level to and around the neighbors concerns and requests as you can see most of the harrison street are the
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commercial space with tall serials that is for wide sidewalk with the addition of a landscape bulb out the residential lobby is resolved in transition to help transition the streets to turn it to a more active one the amenity space is seating a europe bike parking establishes and laundry this space sfwo goes into other lobby on the harrison with that i'm going to turn it over to talk about the building design. >> good afternoon, commissioners nice to see you all again, i've got two materials i'll hand out and talk about along harrison street the exterior is a pallet of materials one is a high gray
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cement please state your name and address we'll proposes to install that a casting support and the railways are transparent glass most of the is to see have deck murray's 40 feet with significant to their design expressed in a facade of overlapping horizon bands with the expression on the left to right side of the all of the evidence in addition to the vertical elements and the vertical appearance the similar details did resolve for the courtyard with a similar configuration each one has a deck with a peace officer rated screen we're using on the facade the layout was through the
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inside out the smaut one pictured on the screen the last it ration for many of the lastly studio projects this one is better the sro's our studio design maximum mississippi's the net each one saddens a full bathroom and kitchen wall kitchens are often seen along the party wall but our kitchen is not in the living space but next to it is approximately 2 hundred square feet with a small to and larger on the on the 40 square feet deck adds to the functionality with a buffer between the private and public realms within that are built in furniture the kitchen a flanked by a dining room table this allows for a dial purpose
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as a dinner table and workspace for the kitchen the built in cabinet are a large wardrobe closets and resident can move in with little furniture. >> and this view looking at the window wall you'll see the studio deck floor to floor and wall to wall glass transparent it threw shades in the foreground a sliding table that benefits from the window for the property line wall buildings lay out is two separate buildings along the frontage they're separated by courtyards with 36 feet wide and connected by the french corridor the courtyard faces kubts courtyard we assume the development between our lot and
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theirs we'll have a matching courtyard and the courtyard landscaping in this image on the roof deck is a design the studios we're providing the common open space under the 3 thousand high quality roof deck it is designed tomato misses it's used by many resident awhile articulating and park and rec department's i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> memoriam interest from project manager. >> opening it up for public comment i don't believe we have any speaker cards. >> sue hester this is an sro we have a how's goal announced by the city the housing units my
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question what is the income of the market rate units mile suspicion it is not anything that qualification as moderate income a third goal of the housing by my calculations is 26 handout instead we're getting 9 we're digging ourselves into a deeper polling hole with every project we approve that didn't meet the housing goals ted set did i by the mayor this commission and the board of supervisors and had a press conference and second thing will the project manager right now guarantee that there will be no short-term rentals this is a location that is especially attractive to short-term rentals because it is so near to the moscone center
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and the units are hotel room size and you can make a lot of money by doing short-term rentals if the owner is to guarantee that he will make a condition that there are no short-term rentals it would be an profit of this project it will be an improvement of the project if there were more affordability and if we will look at the income level to the serviced by this population other thing it is not a free they're not doing this out of the goodness of their heart they're asking for exceptions exceptions can improve value to the project manager they're asking to do the decks and popist in the front because they're not allowed by the eastern area control so they want to have the
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obstructions over the street and want to have 13 unit not meet the exposure requirement why the he will do we do all this work on setting standards and in area plans if there is so blatantly ignored we're getting market rate housing instead of affordable middle-income housing and exceptions and i'm asking for a modest things get more affordability and a guarantee of no short-term rentals and if you're not able to request let the project manager speak about what he'll do is there any additional public comment. >> not seeing public comment is closed.
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commissioner moore. >> from the what's in front of us trying to address a new market with the family of micro unit it will be asked the project manager about affordable by seeing a certain pattern that is on 901 tennessee same attitude a large project so it is an approval project another it's delivery the only questions are the sue hester asked it has to meet the description of quality that in granting a variance of what that is, i have to say the facade of that building is less than attractive
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it is a facade with the last panel remind me of arresting ethnic and old lace i'll see something you'll use the metal panel to give more sculpture expression and really more pronounced sculpture you might as well be the holder of how this meets the street and environment i'll suggest that the department has more room to should we approve that without further restrictions to work with you on a better articulation of the facade otherwise i would like to ask you to speak to the issue about it you wouldn't mind speaking about that i'll appreciate that. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners dan with reuben, junius & rose here on behalf of the project sponsor we're in a district we're required by the planning code and also by voter initiative to do 12 percent affordable housing we've committed to do those onsite we need the density bonus that is part of the reason we've asked for dwelling unit exposure expectation to give you an example what those units rent for voedz are restricted to a maximize excuse me. maximum rental price of $700 a month. >> the affordable units correct. >> okay. >> appreciate our clarifying that. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i like this project and i would support commissioner
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moore and asking the project manager to continue to work with staff on design to prove improve that to address the street in the best possible way that meets a big need we know for a fact that many, many people are moving to san francisco and many people require smaller spaces or can live with smaller spaces and many people will be working near in area those are the kinds of people that will rent this we don't know what in their income will be but adequate to rent the unit and not expedite with other people with housing stock we've helped the affordability in the city by approving those units it begins to address the real demand the demand off people come into to the city with more income and expediting with
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people that wish to live here of limited means we're doing exactly what we should do i'm total in support of this project and move to approve. >> second. >> commissioner hillis. >> yes. i'm in support just a followup on commissioner moore's comment on the last item ii get confused of sros and group housing what's the rules a memo to the commission i know would be hopefully in how straight residential if this is studios or you know we had the discussion of motorcycle units at some point to be hopeful helpful. >> we're happy to do that is confusing 50 didn't mean group housing it is a completely definition only applies to south
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of market. >> gaek. >> so what's the. >> definition. >> it would be helpful, too, and tourist hotel and commissioner richards. >> to sue hester's point when he can, etc. when we came up with the affordability i wish there was a calculator you should be doing 20 percent affordable we'll getting people to do 20 when people are doing 12 there there are extraordinary construction i'm frustrated no to figure out what is the worst what are we granting and asking or asking having the developer
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volunteer what does that mean director thank you thank you i think it is a great project. >> commissioner johnson. >> thanks i'm supportive gru just a few questions first of all, to commissioner richards i look forward to hope our lunch is productive it depends on at the end of the day the performance worked out if you is where a 5 story building with x amount of units i know that building has an agreement attached to it those are rental unit but it that part of the planning code for sro's or part of this project. >> if their rental. >> i can answer the question if i understand your question correctly in order for this project to enter into an agreement objective some kind of density bonus and with the
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expectation that includes 13 dwelling units that enables this project to be a rental project. >> so part of the consideration has nothing to do with to do with the type of building. >> no, it didn't the agreement can be utilized or used for any type of dwelling unit not necessarily an sro. >> commissioner moore. >> interthe market with the number of large promotions if any of those projects would be sold what are the remaining obligations that someone buying 9 project would emancipation proclamation tail would the affordability or the reasonable or the appearance of the building remain or remain part of it or go back to zero can you answer >> commissioner i'm sure.
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>> i'm saying this developer is interthe market i'm saying if one of the projects fall by the way side gets sold what that mean the sdpiement with the particular details to which we're currently giving the project could they stay or be reinterpreted. >> the anonym is a requirement that can't change. >> but getting go offsite and . >> they could choose to go offsite inspected and there are certain requirements a some point you can switch to pending the fee and under certain circumstances as far as
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construction and document and you can switch to onsite at symcertain up to this point in time but there's nothing that binds us because it has specific triggers by it being reasonable or a good project or won that totally goes south. >> right there are change the zoning administrator is required to make a call when a project comes in for permit and often design changes are made i think he raised this issue we were looking at this language but there are changes that are made often asked the entitlement we have to make the call whether it is in confrontation or large
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enough change to bring it back to the commission. >> that entails a big responsibility month projects are in arrow it is difficult to design a project and tennessee has another aspect i think this project addresses but could easily go to the wrong hands and turn into it faster. >> commissioner antonini and yeah. i think commissioner johnson asked a question and i my mind i believe sro's that be for sale projects as a matter of fact so the difference in the builder or project manager want to to be- it addresses rentals not ownership norpd in order to be allowed to have controls over the rents of those the city or
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some entity has to give a bonus so all the discussion about it has to give something to cost of hawkins that answers that commissioner richards. >> i want to draw a parallel between hawkins and the last project where we were going ignoring doing a dance around supervisor avalos passes is that. >> the project was not require or asking for bulk and square footage expectation. >> i thought you said height. >> there was a conditional use the code allows requires a conditional use to go above a certain height but not here. >> got it and commissioners
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there is a motion and a second on that motion. >> commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore continues include to work with the facade. >> commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and place on items 9 ab for the case the north beach special use district planning code text amendment and 627 vallejo conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon. i'm kevin with planning department staff the item before you is the qualifying to establish a restaurant known as momma's with a grocery business known as little momma's if i could have the overhead for a moment
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this is the exit storefront on vallejo street it was last operated off the market at a speciality grocery store with a function of a restaurant and another market before o'connor's in 2004 the restaurant would be a second locates for momma's on stockton street for over 50 years as the location it focuses on breakfast and lunch and brunch and operates until 3:00 p.m. this is a floor plan of the proposal it shows the demising the speciality grocery component that will operate within the space but a separate business the speciality grocery includes
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the grocery bar and hot food and momma's manufactures and other items that will operate later in the day closing at 9:00 p.m. the conditional use authorizations is required for the restaurant as well as a nonresidential the second is the amendment for the north beach special use district so this is a map showing the various special special use district that applies not vicinity it is the red i'm sorry black and yellow line i know this is - a regular polygon shape with the special use
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district within the sud that last operated as a quote basic sailor neighborhood service that provides goods other than serviced with the north beach and the surrounding naibt neighborhood it defying fizz it clashgd by a high portion of director chin and eating use this occupied it is not under the current controls of the sud however the sponsor is a proposing an amendment that allows the restaurant or bar to open a second location this will require conditional use authorization and experience with sincerely criteria first, the existing restaurant or bar has to operated in the area for at least one year and second the proposed must be a
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ground level and have been vacant for at least 15 months third at least 40 percent be a non-conform and the planning code has provided a benefit to the neighborhood staff supports this proposed amendment that allows additional routine u reliant under conditional circumstances and that is for second locates of establishment in includes the spirit of the diversify the overall mix that requires the conditional use authorization that commission can determine the specific restaurant or bar will be appropriate for the proposed location department has received feedback in support setting the quality
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of the momma's the long-standing relationship with the owners of the community and even though desire to fill the haven't storefront they've received february in opposition over the amendments to the planning code and expressing a desire to a grocery store or other retailer in this space the staff supports this and allows the family owned business to stay and grow within the neighborhood the location is vacant not displacing anyone it will de, if any, the area and activate the storefront into the evening the staff ask the conditional use authorization be approved and recommend to the board of supervisors to approve the legislation i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you you should know the project sponsor and architect are here i understand no there she say we
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have commissioner burns and sxhiks. >> ms. burns nice to see you commissioner burning on behalf of the sxhooiks we want to say we approve this on vallejo student it's been vacant for the past 11 years creating negative impacts and past time to fill the advantage it has deep roots in north beach vince has been listening to neighborhood concerns and developed a model for a second location for momma's restaurant and for the speciality grocery stores he's built in for momma's and has
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additional letters of support this restricts restaurant from occupying restaurants that have been not previously a restaurant or bar and restricts the vacate spaces while the sud was well tensions at the time the neighborhood is struggling to fill the vacancies you're most recent surveys found vacant storefronts on vallejo are two small to be a retailer stores we've repeatedly tried to attract new grocery stores and one is opening in the festers please help us to close this gap by 30 years this today.
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>> project manager please. good afternoon, commissioners my name is vince sanchez i come here on behalf of the the family before i start i'd like to thank kevin for emphasis input he's a great help director ram and the city attorney once it got into their hands we were able to move forward as background our families history michael sanchez senior and momma sanchez rented the corner the first was an ice cream candy shop and very popular hang out for the neighborhood kids in the early 60s when the 8 and final child we moved from the
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