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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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good afternoon and welcome to the boardf supervisors meeting for june 2, 2015. >> call the roll. supervisor avalos. present. prezderant breed present. camp pose, present. christensen, present. cohen, present. farrell, present. kim, presentism mar, present. tang, present. wiener, present. yee, present. ladies and gentlemen can you join in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and
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justice for all. thank you. before we muchb on with the ajenlda i would like to acknowledge that #5i78s brown is in the audience. welcome reverend brown to the board of supervisors. madam clerk are there communications? >> yes, the clerk of the board is in receipt of communication dated jun 1, 2015 from edwn lee within the exponentative branch. such reorgz is effective 30 days after the notice unless [inaudible] by boferd supervisors >> colleagues are there change tooz sth board of supervisors mentsing to prl 21? seeing none. without objection those minutes will be approved after public comchblt
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madam clerk will you preed reed the consent agenda. item 1-9 is a consent calendar and considered routine. if a member objects items may webee removed and considered separately. >> 1-8 >> 1-9. >> 1-8. >> yes, 1-8. >> call of the role supervisor kim, aye. mar aye. tang, aye. wiener, aye. yee aye. avalos aye. breed, aye. camp pose, aye. christensen, aye. cohen, aye. farrell, aye. madam predsdant you have
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11 ayes. >> these items are passed squu pruchbed. >> iletm 9 is ordinance appropriateating 1.75 million dollars [inaudible] waste water nurt price to pay the claim settlement legal expenses. [inaudible] 2014 storms in fiscal year 14 and 15. >> item same house and call? without objection this ordinance is passed unanimous las am >> item 10 is oordinance [inaudible] conditional use authorization in the castro street. 24th street [inaudible] neighborhood commercial dist rth, up were market trabzt district and upper scale [inaudible] partial oaf market street west of actave yeah #3wu8 vrd kbr
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>> without objection the ord nnlss is passed >> item 9 [inaudible] wench marfing building from category 5 to category 3 [inaudible] >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance is passedue naninously. >> item 12 is ordinance waving the braner fees for up to 4 banners to be placed by the [inaudible] alternative school by california distinkuished school. >> same house and call? without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously >> item 13. expenditures to municipal transportation agency. [inaudible] fiscal year 2015, 16 and places 2
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million on reserve for specific projects and budget details >> same house and call? without ubkwleckz ordinance is pass odthen first ereading >> item 14 is a ordinance appropriating 32.2 million to transportation aerjs [inaudible] estimate receipts and expendters in 2015 and 16 >> same house same call. without objection the ordinance is pass thond first reading. can you call item 15, 17 and 18 together >> item 15 is appropriating 67.5 million of the [inaudible] fiscal year 2014, 15 including 8.7 million for public works for better street projects and [inaudible]. item 17 is a resolution authrising and directing the sale not to
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exceed 6.6 million [inaudible] transportation and road improvement, general obligation bonds approvingficial notice of sale [inaudible] waving the deadline for submission of bond accountability rortss. item 18 [inaudible] transportation road improvement general obligations bonds authorizing execution authentication and registration and providing for the levo of a tax to pay parenthesisple and intrest >> same house and call. without objection the items are adopted unanimously >> item 16 [inaudible] 48 thousand of gift squz cash of friends of public libraryo mixed support [inaudible] >> same house and call?
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without objection the rez solution dopted unanimous mississippily >> item 19 is amending the helths code [inaudible] mental health services dlerfbed from july 2014 to june [inaudible] >> without objection this ordinance is passed on the first reading. >> item 20 is amending nob execution and delivery of state of california state water resource control board, installment board agreement [inaudible] and aggregate principle amount not to exceed 819 million of projects benefiting the waste water enterprise >> without objection this ordinance is passed ownthen first reading. >> item 21 is a ordinance ret row actively waving the fee for public works code for street
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space [inaudible] saturday may 16 and 23 as part of small business week >> same house and call? without objection the ordinance is passed on the first reading >> imet 22 is a resolution reing continued membership in the 18 county [inaudible] renewal of hult packards [inaudible] human services to expand expendsture authority from 53 million to [inaudible] totaling 82.6 million from [inaudible] >> shame house same call. without objection the ordinance is adopted unanimously >> imet 23 is a [inaudible] knhunty development to accept and expend the [inaudible] california department of housing and community development to assist low income first time home buyers and low income home owners in the amount of 925 thousand
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through sept24 nob na >> same house and call? without objection the ordinance is adopted unanimousically squlrks item 24 is approving a cost sharing agreement not to exceed 10 million nob gas house cover for the term of october [inaudible] >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you madam president. i just thought we would break up the meeting a little bit. same house and call as question on a items. there was a rementdation on the budget committee-there was a recommendation on this item for the budget analyst and wondering the rational for why it wasn't considered by the budget committee? it looks
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like it wasn't made. it is item 24. it is the dredging and harbor reconstruction. i believe there was a request that any work over a certain amount of money comes back to the board of supervisors for considerationation. it was including? >> the budget analyst recommended amendment over 500 thousand dollars coming batook the board and believe the budget committee did adopt the amendment. it isn't reflected thichb resolution just because of the way-it isn't reflected in a special font of the resolution because of the way resolutions are drafted. we can drubl check to make sure that amendment made it in here >> can we take this item same house and call? without objection the resolution is
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adopted unanimously. item 24 >> item 25 is the resolution approvering the [inaudible] official statement in preliminary and final form. [inaudible] city office building multiple property projects in thumount not to exceed 188.7 mimian >> without objection this resolution sudaumented aunanimously >> item 26 is a resolutions proving the form of authorizing the dustbution of a preliminary official statement relating to execution and deliver of participation fraub nob seismic up grade and improvement and authorizing [inaudible] >> same house same call. without objection this resolution is adopted >> item 27 is a resolution
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amending resolution [inaudible] authorize the sale not to exceed [inaudible] seismic safety loan program bonds andthex cushion of a declaration of trust in and continuing covenant agreement and granting authraising to take action in connection with the authorization sale ixuance and sale of bonds >> without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously >> item 28 is a nob nab mayors aifs of housing and community gement rent board and board of supervirezs to create a early warning system >> same house and call? without objection this is adopted unanimously >> item 29 is a ordinance [inaudible] chapter 6 public works contracting policy squz procedure to increase the thresh hold amount to 600
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thousand. authorize sol source [inaudible] under [inaudible] increase to the time to issue task hoard-order to 4 years, execute [inaudible] construction contracts and as needed inspection. inclees crees the limit of a task ord er to 600 thousand to services that the department of public health and division of the state are authorized [inaudible] rail grinding to [inaudible] allow bids to be advertise only the public website and newspaper and [inaudible] professional service proposals >> supervisor weener >> thank you madam president. i move to continue item 291 week >> okay, is there a second? second by spl visor campos. supervisor wiener made motion to continue the item is there a objection? without objection this is continued to the next week on june 9, 2015. madam
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clerk can you call the next item >> item 30 is the resolution authrising the earn litigated claim against the city [inaudible] 1.3 million plus interest and cost following the embesalment [inaudible] as a matter of public discloser supervisor kim mar and christensen is [inaudible] there is no conflict of interest >> colleagues same house and call? without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously >> item 31 is a resolution to [inaudible] intonegz of board of supervisors renew and [inaudible] levy and multiyear assessment [inaudible]
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engineers report and [inaudible] in ordering and setting a time and place for the publichering >> same house and call? without objection this resolution sudopted >> item 32 twoe is a ordinance amending the administrative code to [inaudible] fire safety task force to make recommendations on proposed legislation and suggest resolutions to [inaudible] multiunit residential and buildings >> supervisor campos >> thank you madam president. as all know the mission has seen its fair share of fires in the last few months and we have before you is a effort on ourport to address this isue and make sure that we protect the residence of the neighborhood and we protect the residence of the city. i want to thank you sploovisor kim for the cosponsorship. the point of the ordinance is is create a
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interagency emergency fire task force that meets over the next 3 month to review and development legislation as well as any other solution if the improving fire safety in the mission and throughout the city. again, i want to thank supervisor kim and also president breed for waving the 30 day hold for this legislation sowe can move expeditiously with this wurks. we need to do everything we can to protect that sit a and county of san francisco from future preventable fires. this task force will play a critical role in making that policy. the 7 member task force will include represent ivs from the department of building inspection [inaudible] department of public helt and focus on fire safety spirfckly in multiunit residential and mixed use buildings. we decided to limit the focus of the task force so we can move and have a recommendation as
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quickly as policy. wie have seen a disproportioninate number ofs fires in my district this year and 3 tragic deaths sesh would the fires. we will do everything we can to make sure we protect our residence. i want to talk about what the task force will focus on. first, thiweview and make recommendation to the board och supervirezs on rejilation to improve fire safety in multiunit residential and mixed use buildings that will allow housing inspectors to siteeeners ewhen fire alarm p larms are out of date. [inaudible] the right to file an anonymous compliant regarding fire safety issues and third expanding the scope
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of fire investigation. the second point the task force will focus on is suggest new amendment tooz the municipal code to improve fire safety in the city. we need to plake sure we are doing everything we can to praurnly enforce the coud and go go every code violation. the last thing the body will do is make recommendations on to the board of the feasible of requires the institution of fire alarms and fire sprinklers in existing multiunit buildsings. this issue is of certain to supervisor kim that held a hearing own this subject. the task force will meet once every dwoweeks fwr the next 3 months. it is important the meetings are public and open to any resident who. s to hear from the agency so the h whether it is tenants or buildings owners
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can come and provide feedback. i want to thank the department of building inspection, the code advisory committee for the feedback they provided. i also want to thank all the aerjs airjss that providing their inpout on this very important subject and i think that at the end of the day this is about making sure we get 24 expert on fire prevention in one room we see can figure how to prevent fires from 457ening. i want to thank carolyn [inaudible] from my office who has been working on this and ask for your support >> colleagues same house and call? without objection the ordinance passes on the first reading >> item 33 is a ordinance amending the campaign and governmental code and
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disclosure requirements [inaudible] who has not qualified as candidate >> supervisor achb lose >> colleagues our campaign laws are based on the idea that the public has a right to know who is donating money to influencing elections and how that money is spent. 4 years ago in 2011 there were what were called general purpose committees. one called the draft at [inaudible] and one called progress for all that were formed and they were formed to actually urge at that time the interm mayor to run for mayor, but because they were juneral purpose committees didn't have to file who was actually donating money for those committee to do the work and urge ed lee and influence the public to urge ed lee to bl run for mayor. the ethics commission ruled on this there was no actual laws that
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actually determined how such committees working to draft a person to be b come a candidate could work with filing who is their donors and so they actually proposed language that would call such committees that are draft committees and drafting people that are elageable to be candidate said to be called primarily formed committees which have requirements on reporting. formed committees are about moving to support single candidates and single measure or group of specific cannel dts that are voted on a by a city or stho lecterate. this legislation is really saying that if a committee is formed and wurg to draft a potential candidate who is not yet eligible to be a cadge dt, to run for public office that committee will receive over 1 thousand dollars that committee
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will be primarily formed committee and will be required to go through all the reporting requirements that such committees would have to doompt to me this make as lot of sense. the oathics commission requested the board of superizvoors look at closing the loom hole a couple years 53 the legislation now is before us to make sure that we can make our campaign, local campaign laws meet what our campaign laws should be doing is making the public aware of knhoo whoo is working to influence. >> colleagues same house and call? without objection the ordinance passes on the first reading. item 34 >> iletm 34 is a ordinance [inaudible] reauthorize the san francisco sentencing commission and revice the sunset date >> soim rous houst and call
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without objection this passes on the first reading >> item 3 fifen is the ordinance to [inaudible] >> same house same call. without objection the ord nnss passed on the first riding item 36 >> item 36 is a motion appointing sawn rr hanes termeneding [inaudible] and feon an hines term ending [inaudible] sunshine ordinance task force >> without objection the ordinance suproved >> item 37 is amotion [inaudible] terms ending april 30, 2017 >> same house and call? without objection the motion suproved. at this time i would like to go to the the 2:30 commendation squz today we have one commendation and that will be given by supervisor norman yee
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>> thank you president breed. colleagues today i would like to honor a group of individuals from the crisis intervention team known as cit who worked tirelessly to development and implement training to police officers in training to help people in mental crises. last month the board passed a resolution declarer may national health awareness munt in san francisco. it is now june and i'm still waring my lime green tie and ribbon because this is a important issue we need to continue highlighting and bring up to shadows. the crisis intervention team helps to address the issue of mental health through the partnership with the san francisco police department, emental health and hunl services care system and
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multiaensh owe agency work group to develop, support and enhance strategies to building [inaudible] in the community and encouraging deescalation tactics. what is remarkable is this a multiagency collaboration. this innovation elite team works throughout the city to provide crisis services to individuals with individual disorders, people in mental health and or substance abuse problems 24 hours a day 7 day as week. today through the crisis intervention training program the san francisco police department trained 344 officers in the hopes to reach 425 oufsers by the end of the year. research demonstrates thefectiveness of the program in providing efficient crisis
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respuns times, increasing diversion from jail jz hospital, assistant with treatment continuity and decreasing police officers and community member injurys. on may 12 the firs crisis intervenshz team was held that scottish right [inaudible] to hewner officers who use their training. today i would like to acknowledge retired commander richard curare raw and michael dos former director of the mental health association of san francisco who were ininstrumental in helping to push this program forward. they are not able to be here today because of the other duties. i would like to also honor the training faculty who made the training possibly. the faculty serve and resources serve to the oifsers
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and remind them that life lines exist when assisting someone in mental crisis to provide a bridge to get them back to the path of recoverry. many faculty members work for city agencies that assist people with [inaudible] on day to day basis. while others are [inaudible] commit purnl time the work i want to commend each and every 1 of them for the dedication so san francisco can be the model for culture of trust, compassion and collaboration. my hope is this program will expand so transagys ininvolving those with mental health needs will be prevented. i would like at this moment to invite representatives nof crisis intervention team training faculty to accept this comidation. lieu tenent mario
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melina of the san francisco police department. jennifer freedomburg of the cit work group and doctor boid smith the chair of national alliance of mental itness. if you would like to say a few words >> this is really exciting for san francisco. we talk a lot about everything going on with the police and police brutality and hear we have something that is a very specific program to turn that around when people rin psychoatricate vices to use de-escalation and not force. i'm happy to be here and happy to push for this for so many years >> good afternoon, lieu tentant mario melina
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[inaudible] who is a [inaudible] we are thankful the supervisors are recognizing the faculty of the san francisco police department mental health providers and community members that are part of this endeavor. san francisco holds training 3 to 4 times a year where we train about 40 officers on de-escalation skills and procedures. this is a great [inaudible] and the chief department. on behalf of chief sir, thank you. >> give these hereose who make the city safer a big hand. >>