tv [untitled] June 6, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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le] who is a [inaudible] we are thankful the supervisors are recognizing the faculty of the san francisco police department mental health providers and community members that are part of this endeavor. san francisco holds training 3 to 4 times a year where we train about 40 officers on de-escalation skills and procedures. this is a great [inaudible] and the chief department. on behalf of chief sir, thank you. >> give these hereose who make the city safer a big hand. >> thank you.
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light cort if anyone is interested in trying to get into the chambers. we do have a overflow room in the south light cort and room 263. supervisor kim >> thank you president breed. today i'm introducing a alternative vision for city [inaudible] also known as lot a lease today the giants and utilized to the parking lot. this is hat @ the heart of mission bay and one of the largest public vacant sites left owned by there city. the site has been writtenben a giant development, this is actually a city development. the partial should not be drirfben by a developers vision of what they want to builds and property from. this is a question of what the city and residence want to build. nob calling for the city to guarantee at 333 percent of new
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housing is affordable to 60 percent of san francisco residents. this is the first-- >> ladies and gentlemen, we have a long ajunda today so per the board rules if you can sit in the audience and not clap so we can finish the meeting so we can get-if you want to speak during public comment there is a opportunity but if we continue to interrupt it will make for a longer meeting so we will get the the item soon. can you please respect our meeting? thank you. before i move on i would like to acknowledge supervisor chris dally is joining us today. supervisor kim if you can continue >> thank you president breed. voters also approved that 50
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percent of housing be affordable to low middle [inaudible] it is on public land. if is sometime to stop talking about building affordable and middle income housing as a aspirational goal. let's make this a reatement inwe cannot make probsition k realty on public land we are not going to be able to produce substantial affordable housing in san francisco. we have #2c3w08den opportunity on one of the last partials used as a parking law to complete a neighborhood with a mixed of affordable and moderately price #d housing in san francisco. called for development that is 50 percent affordable to low, moderate and middle income families. this is housing for teachers, families, police officers, service works and
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many white caller office workers. this proposal also increasing the buildable height on the site by 1100 percent while remaining compatible with the neighborhoodthality peeks on [inaudible] providing a variety of height for the sky line. the next partial block one peeks at 160 feet. the proposal called for 120 feet and [inaudible] without losing any units of housing. the proposal also call frz study of transit impact on the foosest growing neighborhood in the sit einsureing as we continue to build that we understand the infrastructure needs mitigate the growth 6789 we vacommit to the residence not to just [inaudible] a growing and vam udconcern in the city. measure also calls for a study of shouding impact to insure new open space we built and #3wi8ding are healthy and
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complete a neighborhood, gets the sun the residence want and enjoy in the parks and reck areational space. this is our land and look for work with the development partner to shireshareathize vision there is a competing measure. futher their measure mandates the city utilize our city wide affordable housing to subsidize their housing at no cost for too the developmenter. the fund that can be used throutd the city without negotiate aiz or discussion and leaving the profit from luxiary housing untetched. i'm concerned the developmenter is circumventing the [inaudible] let's talk about the structure of the deal. the term she guarantees
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a 20 percent annual rate of return paid to the developmenter by taxpayer dollars for infrastruck dhr developed oen the site. that includes the street and sewage system and the new park seen on the mailer sent to your home. the developer measure locks in height without building more housing units. before a public process to consider shadow impact on the parks we are building and how to mitigate them. last year another development [inaudible] also 28 ache rbs of public land. this measure ftss supported by elected officials, sierra clobe squaneighborhood oceans. know as propersition f they rezoned to 190 feet [inaudible] the important public process requires and committed to 30
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percent affordable housing without $30 percent affordable housing without guarantee of public taxpayer. the giants propose 230 feet [inaudible] beyond utilizing the word affordable in the measure and incoms public funds to build this. critics may call this a [inaudible] which prevent development. our proposal will build as much housing as their proposal. most mission bay developers are building at 120 feet. these developers are willing to [inaudible] if we don't do this on public land today we can't spect private developers to meet our goals on private land. let's model the leadership we want to see. giants fans dissever to be able to afford to live in the home towns team. thank you and the rest i submit >> they think supervisor kim. supervisor mar
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>> thank madam clerk. colleagues yesterday i joined many kicking off the saf rider [inaudible] other leadership in the city to ride muni tw fr 22 days in the month of june. i'm excited to step up to the challenge to make muni every day. it is a hardship at times for parent like me with children that sometimes demand rides everywhere, but i know there are opportunities for riding with families and seniors. i wanted to say that my bus line, the 5 fulton rapid which i thank you the mta for getting roleing is effective and efficient. i get from my home from innerretchhand to
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city hal l in 10-12 minutes. i know other colleagues have had belays by mine veliable. i only have to take 1 bus and don't have to transfer like other colleagues on the board. in the past few days i interacted with seniors and families and people approach me and feel it is a good tonight to be more accessible. riding muni every day allows me to take more routes within my neighborhood and throughout the city and looking forward to learning from not only my daughter who is a wizard at using muni and bart and public transit, but learn from her and others as i ride every day. i think it is important that hash tog on board sf is challenging to improve the muni system and
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getting public official tooz understand from a direct point of voohow riding muni can help the city and environment as well. also, this is the 30th anniversary this year for san francisco richmond district neighborhood center multicultural childrens arts program is this sunday june 7 at richmond district neighborhood center from 12 to 3:30. join us for the many families who participate in the program each year and ol the supporters. work shops teach contemporal and contemporary art from mexico, japan, hawaii asian and africa. different teachers likegeny louis who started with the program in the 90's and now retiring have poured their lives and speernts in the program. in the 10
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years as a director mrs. lieuer doubled from 24 to 54 different workshops for young people and diverse mix of kids. i absolute the richmond district neighborhood center and m cat and hope people will come to join us celebrating 30 years of a great program. the rest i submit >> supervisor wiener >> thank you madam clerk. today i have an in memorial for a leader in the lgbt community who passed away [inaudible] who was the chairman oaf the empyreal court of san francisco which as you recall celebrated the 50 anversity. the empyreal court is a critical part of
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lgbt community civic identity and fur nando was a key part of the institution and great leader in the xhunty and we are deeply saddened he passed. he was born in 1969 in red wood city and moved to san francisco in 1991 and lived here for the last 24 years. as i mentioned he served as chairman of the empyreal countsal. in 2000 he was elected mr. gay san francisco and there after he was elected by the knhunty to be the 32 empper of the empyreal court of san francisco. heef was a life long advoicate of lgbt rights through had empyreal counsel and his leadership in the community. he was a manager of the gap flag ship store in the aearly years of the company. he loved hosting parties and
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making people laugh. his smile was infexs and one of the warmest people you can meet. know when he walked in the bar they play love was in the air and throw napkins. survived by mother 3 sisters and 2 mothers. he wasy are spected leader in the xhunty and deeply missed and request we adjourn the meeting in his memory. in addition today colleagues a few week uzigoi mentioned we were wucking on this legislation and today introducing tenet notification legislation to make sure tenets in illegal units receive notice before landlord applies for demolition permit for the unit. currentry when a lands lord or owner seeks to demolish a legal unit insuch the tenet living in the
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unit is required to receive notice so that the tenet can take whatever steps necessary and exercise whatever rights they may have to contest the demolition. however, for illegal units and we have 10s of thousands of san francisco residence libing in illegal units whether a in-law unit or other unit, currently if a landlord desires to demaunsh a illegal unit, no notice is required for the tenet chblt you can have a situation where a tenet is living in a unit for many years and raiser their family there, the owner gets a demolition permit and the tenet finds out about that demolition perm only after it is issued and after it is too late to do gng about it in terms of contesting that permit. we are at a point in san francisco of course where we in the midst of
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the housing crisis and job one is keeping people stable in the housing. we should chbt have situations wrapeoples homeerize demaunshaled and did want get notice. this legislation will treat illegal units the same as others that if the property owners wants to demaunsh they must alert the tenets ahead of time to allow them to cun tist the demolition. the rest i submit >> thank you supervisor wineer. supervisor ye rks you are up next. supervisor avalos >> colleagues today i am introducing for consideration for this ballot or later next year a tax on electricity for non renewable sources. this
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measure creates additional 2.5 percent utility tax on natural gas and electricity from whether it is just non renewable sources that use gas or diesel that is often used in electricity generation. the control [inaudible] this would generate 14-16 million a year. if we bond against this million we can fund 140 to 160 for capital projects like affordable houses or renewable sources. this will also include exemptions. if a person is a clean power sf customer that person is exempt from the tax. the tax continues the broad exemptions in 24 utility using tax. for instance, all tear one
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customers customers that use a smaller amount ofinary are ex. and that represents 40 percent of the residential customers mpt also care customers and customers in the family lecterate rate are also ex: those are based on income requirements so low income people are exempt. part of the environment now is considered who is responsible for allocating the funds within city government with the priority of the funds going to projects that leverage matching funds from the state cap and trade program and other sources. the department of the environment alcaitds the funds subject to supervisors approve to the categories of programs. affordable housing programs in areas served by public transit, renewable energy resources, naerj efficient and urban force
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projects. this is something i have worked closely with a lot of groups in the xhun squaeae and splust u just in the process to do that and spect to move this to committee in the summer [inaudible] all the people that have input on the tax that would be essential to be a tool to promote prenewable energy and also generate funds that can be used for many projects that expand housing and eare newable resources and also ways to green our city and actually take had burden off property owners in other ways if they had to pay for managing trees and other parts of the forest close to thrair property. i look forward to your support and consideration as this moves through the public process and this is just
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the staurt so my office will reach out to many of the stack holders across san francisco to talk about this proposed tax. thank you >> thank you supervisor avalos. president breed uare next jrshz colleagues today supervisor cohen and i have a in amemoriam for jiarichardtion born may 18, 1955 and moved to california in 1960. he attended high school at sake railroad heart and part sthof west coast basket ball champ. jiawent to dioblow valley and transferred to cal stateese bay. he found [inaudible] hieroglyphics perturnty with [inaudible] later became known as jiaand friends. he has given back to the community
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working at african american culture complex where i sunch as the director and help to create programs that kept people involved in music and arts overall. jiaplayed jass music at the fill more farmer market one of the only markets in san francisco that had live music and performed at the cities jass festivals and here in city hall. he worked for the paest 20 years. he fsh kind and giving to others with time and resources. he was patient and advocateed for seniors and especially those suffering from dementia. his calm and soothing voiz cecktded with the seniors. sadly jiapassed on may 28, 2015. he
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smissed by family and daughter ammony and many friends, the xhunsty and seniors at the bay view huntards point. with that colleagues the rest i submit. >> thank you president breed. supervisor campos you i r next on roll call >> thank you very much. colleagues in may of 2014 this board of supervisors passed a resolution coauthored by mayor lee and myself that established the [inaudible] latino cultural district. the purposef oestablishing the [inaudible] cultural district is recognize the importance of [inaudible] 24th street as a center of latino culture and commerce and enhance the nature of [inaudible] as a special place for san francisco residence and tourist. at part of the planning process for the
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creation of the [inaudible] latino cultural district the sit aawarded a grant to the [inaudible] theaert and lower 24th street [inaudible] to facilitate community input process to development a latino cultural district plan. a counsel comprised 06 residence business and other neighborhood stock holders meets monthly and brings together residence, workers artist, business owners. after years worth of meetings as well as several retreats and public community input session this resulted in the [inaudible] latino cultural dist rth report recently issued and want to thank the community members who worked to the make that happen. the latino cultural district report identified the merger of smaller store fronts as leading cause of neighborhood sunching
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business displacement in this part of the mission. this economic boom small neighborhood serving retail including a pet store, butcher shop, record store, grocery store as well as laundly mat in the [inaudible] neighborhood have been displaced and replaced by restaurants. several of these retail serving establishments operated in smaller store front spaces. some of the smaller spaces have been merged together to make room for a larger space that has accommodated restaurants. today i am proud to announce something that we will be introducing along with mayor lee and want to thank mayor lee and staff, the planning department staff, the mayor office and economic development for working with us on this.
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in response to the changes that have happened in the neighborhood and stabilize the displacement of small neighborhood service businesses, today mayor lee and i are seeking interim control to stop the merger of store front in the [inaudible] latino cultural district while the city and stock holders have a opportunity to work collaboratively on community planning process that may eresult in the designation of a special use district or other management tooz the planning code for the purpose of prurfb prurfbing the characteric of the neighborhoods. intended to provide stability for the neighborhood [inaudible] and any other planning code change are under development for review. i want to thank mayor lee for working with us and this community. the rest i
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submit >> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor christensen, you rup next on roll call >> today i'm introducing legislation that will allow the addition orphrent controlled housing within existing buildsings in district 3. this legislation will ease density limit tooz allow units to be added in underutilized space in buildsings in the district. besides rent control these units will have the advantage of having ground floor location where they are more accessible with seniors andinose with limited mobility. these units because they are located within existing buildsings also have the advantage of adding new housing without altering neighborhoods cairth. early counts indicate potential of00s
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location. we look for way to notify and encourage owner of buildser that qualify to take advant onage of this and transferring a good idea into dwelling. this is one of opportunities we have considering to have district 3 to do its part to house the people in the neighborhoods and those coming. i also have a in memorial for mrs. lynn [inaudible] who was attacked on mothers day this year. mrs. long became unconscious about a week later and less than a week after that died of her injuries. my condolances go to her family who one day had a helthdy and happy mother and grand mother and 2 weeks later founds mrs. long taken from them. the message the family has for all of us is to contact the police when attacks like this occur not only to protect
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our sesks and help others and know language assistance is available when calling 911 or the police force. it is our hope that the woman that attacked mrs. long will be identified through the help of witnesses so we encourage everyone to become familiar with the situation. there are pictures on line and report anything that may help the police to find the person that is responsible for this incident and for mrs. longs death. >> supervisor cohen >> good afternoon everyone. today i'm introducing something simple just a hearing request for the puc to report to the board on the biosoled digester facil tee project. san francisco through the sewer system improvement program known as ssip, and it is
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[inaudible] project has evaluated and recommended a thermal hydrolysis process also knon as thp to begin to treat biosolids. this is important and relevant to the bay view community because it is new and important technology that reduces patgens that are harmful to the community. from the bay view community you smell a stitch from the treatment plant thrrks is new technology on the market that we would like to bring to the community to reduce the odor and it generates energy for the plant. it also enables to puc to revuz 100 percent of the biosolid and gas. this is a significant investment that our city will be making. the project cost a total of around 1.7 billion dollars and the rest i submit. thank you
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>> thank you supervieer cohen. supervisor farrell >> submit >> madam president that concludes the roll claul for introduction >> at this time weal rego to the 3 p.m. special order. can you call the 3 p.m. special order >> iletm 38 is a hearing approved by the board on may 19 by motion m 1587 to consider a urgency ordinance [inaudible] permit to demolx convert or nob number result in gain or loss of 5 or more units or [inaudible] create exception for [inaudible] south side of tw 20 [inaudible] >> okay, so
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