tv [untitled] June 7, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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criminals this is going to be passed but reapproved for consideration maybe coming up next year emergency services silver alerts people over 65 similar to amber has moved open to appropriations ab 788 chow the pharmacy requiring the information for the drug what it is for the author pulled it we know why personal income tax for retirement excuse me. military pay being xhoufd military pay from tax that one i know about are the family care giver conference committee 38 that one
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with the assembly committee right now an revenue and tax and the the 0 bill that is ab 193 another adult services bill seems to disappear i couldn't find it on the assembly website any questions. >> you need me to follow up on. >> thank you. >> great. >> thank you. >> okay. next is the long term care coordinating council report. >> hi, good morning and director so name margaret the executive director of home bridge and on the council and i'm doing the report this month so the council met on may 14th and basically, had some outstanding presentations this month the first one was on the
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first meeting the long term care integration body i don't know if it has a particular name it is the members include the department heads of the department of public health the department of aging & adult services and the human services agency the others are both the health plans the san francisco health plan and the blue cross heartache plan as well as the take over of that group to carry out the recommendations of the long-term plan that is cleared two years ago and the first recommendation being roanoke county t is the one on how to enhance and improve the data schaffer within the departments
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public health department dos and others as well as community-based organizations that provides the silver that is all part of the integration plan the other pies it looks like the california coordinated initiative is not going to come to san francisco until 2018 that's not on the horizon as fast as we thought but i did ccii is moving forward having problems with people opting out of the program it is moving forward the second presentation we had was marie who presented on the san francisco let's see see connective program it brings computer technology to older adult and people with disabilities it's been and still
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a grassroots campaign and led when i the community-based partners funded by dos which we requested additional information for this program this year and unfortunately, the mire did not fund it we believe this is a crucial upcoming piece for seniors and disability with veto advocate the funding for, however, the new tech council was established this is to advance the digital inclusion for the authors and the cities connected as ann mentioned earlier it is funded by the mayor so that was great and the last thing was a presentation on the daily fund campaign which is backed and funded by coalition community-based organization
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and 8 members of the council actually were part of the fund and the daily the coalition is working to put this measure on the 2016 ballot and it dedicated 2 percent of city's property tax approximately $29 million a year to be used for critical services for older adults and people with disabilities and veterans those are the populations as we all know who face the unstable futures living in san francisco and citywide poll found extremely strong support for this bond measure that coalition we'll be continuing that work those are the 3 presentations that the council was presented so any questions? >> okay. >> thank you very much. >> thank you
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is the kathy restraining order so we have no report president talk. >> case report. >> good morning, commissioners director hinton representing case and our case membership had a meeting in may with the advocacy efforts moving our focus from the mayor's office down to our board of supervisors and educating about the need for the tasks we have we'll be declining working with the process as we made headway at the mayor's office but didn't get all we were looking for we want to let everyone in the audience and the commissioners and the department staff that our meeting in june our annual membership drive meeting but also, we have acknowledges for
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the people that have been serving the seniors with disabilities we're acknowledging mare from the department (clapping) and also lo let from the episcopal community services (clapping) so while it should be a fun event it will be held next motioned june 8th from 4 to 6 at the sugar lounge that's (laughter) we mean to have a little bit of fun (laughter) and we have a little get to know you gave him we're encouraging people to bring new people to see what case is all about and how we work you know just do our acknowledges and have fun and realize we work so hard through the year it is nice to let lose thank you the sugar lounge is on
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377 hate street we look forward to seeing you there. >> can i ask a question you said working on add backs from the supervisor as what's going to be from the ad backs from the supervisors and the case platform we put-down forward to the commissions in january is the same platform we're working on areas around aging and disability and extra funds for case management salaries transportation for adult bay programs and i'm missing one maybe i got them all that's what we are working on. >> what's the research - the first one you mentioned i think. >> the aging and disability resource center. >> the do we have one now. >> we have this is an off-line
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conversation can i, do with you commissioner all okay. >> commissioner. >> any questions thank you very much. >> okay our next report is commission in the meantime committee commissioner. >> the nomineeing committee met on may 28th we nominated to the advisory committee do you have a motion to discuss. >> so moved. >> second. >> the it's been moved and seconded we discussed voting for betsy to the advisory committee>> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> thank you. the motion carries. >> bids if you may busy put
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herself forward as a member to the advisory council she's in brief born in san francisco and director of the h.r. for a company that is specializing in safe handing and owns her own business-related to health care and writes a blog about caregiver in her own words i'm super interested in joining the committee it fits with everyone i'm focusing on right now do we have any questions or comments. >> impressive background. >> thank you very much i'm delighted to participate in my community and in this way and looking forward to working with all of you and all of you
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(laughter). >> since the president of the advisory committee is here can you stand up and meet the president (laughter). >> we just say (laughter) thank you. >> thank you. >> any questions. >> any questions comments. >> we did - i just wanted to make one comment that we know your membership is sort of low at this time so we added in we read that in our bylaws we went over our bylaws seeing that half of your committee should be over the angle of 60 she's a little
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bit under that she could slide into this category and i and fit very well we wanted to let you know we looked at your bylaws and went over this in terms of a conflict of interest voting on different things she may have to admit to that and recuse herself i think millennial that is site visits we hit everything if we missed something let us know and attend meetings. >> thank you commissioner president james and commissioners there's great to have a new person we'll work declining to bring her up to speed. >> thank you. >> any more questions?
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get over here. >> i don't mean to be running away. >> do i have a motion motion to vote busy to the advisory council. >> so moved and it's been moved and seconded we vote - we approve busy to the council. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? thank you the motion carries (clapping.) and welcome. >> thank you very much (clapping.) i'm going to give you my business card your next any old business any new business? hearing none we'll move down to item a request and a an authorization to enter into a new grant for self-help for the council and the program high cap for the
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term july one 2015 to july ri6r in the amount of am i saying that right one million dollars plus a 10 percent contingency for a total not to exceed $1.203000 california i have a motion to discuss >> so moved. >> second. >> olivia and yes commissioner president james and director apprenticeship on with the office of the aging this morning by way of of a recent dos solicitation that we entitled rfp 165 we're presenting to you today, the 5 new grant agreement that merged as successful builders for our consumer advocacy programs later
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in the month the balance of the contractor but today, it's my pleasure to provide you the 5 in particular today and to include high cap at the varies programs through the senior and disability action i want to thank elaine for the rfp process and to my colleague michael for providing new fresh eyes from the office on the aging first up is indicated the grant agreement to continue serving as san francisco high cap and again high cap stands for health insurance consulting and advocacy program the purpose to provide community education and counseling to medicare beneficiaries those of us over
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657 under 65 on disability and persons that are imminent of medicare eligibility i've worked with high cap and realize how vital this service is medicare is a context system especially, when english or insurance jargon is not our primary language san francisco high cap meets the benchmarks with the number of clients served and those recruited and trained and registered since high cap is introduce a volunteer model it must run a volunteer friendly program to maintain a basis that includes persons with bilingual and boy cultural skills off as a side i want to draw your attention in the scope of
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services you may have noticed that there was on a mission of actual quantifyable numbers; right? for each the deliverables and a reason in particular, the california department of angling has recommended to dos that we actually not list the benchmark amazes but they change on a yearly basis so our services was three years and sometimes 4 we are showing what will be a particular unit of services and the quantifyable amounts that listed in a link to cd a's website that keeps it current every year we get new benchmarks from the state to give you an idea we don't want to keep i in the dark looking our phones to see what the link my unveil we
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want you to know that high cap this year is going to be responsible for providing services to one thousand 6 hundred and 74 customer service center consumers the number of contract are 18 thousand plus the people they'll be reaching in the area of 15 thousand or more and regarding low income clients there are 10 thousand plus and several more indicators that we'll be happy to share with you through a separate e-mail or attachment eaten if i could take this. >> i say i've worked we monitored the high cap for many years this year i added a new monitoring tool it is called becoming a client although the
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services is entirely confident and wouldn't come to our attendance i had to apply for medicare i turned 65 san francisco high cap and my representatives are here the program manager and the other leaders from self-help are here they did an excellent job providing me how medicare and the health benefits work together i was in great hands i want you to note is cd a assured me this will not have a clfrt we want our approval of this grant agreement. >> any questions. >> i think i should propose on amendment we should sing happy birthday (laughter) and i would like to know what
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the e r l is for the website so i can look at the metrics. >> we provided it on page 2 of the scope of services has part of our packet. >> my bio foblgz. >> mid page. >> oh got it great. >> it talk about the number of volunteers i noticed there's 7 paid staff and 6 full-time one almost full-time people in the budget is it apply how many volunteers they anticipate. >> we report on a regular basis to see how many registered counselor that high cap has they're expected to bring in now counselors san francisco high cap is very, very good about bringing in folks being a language capacity; right? to
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help understand the access to service and so they have been able to tell you on a regular basis and through the monitoring how many people are registered go counselors how many are in train to become it takes extensive training yes, we have members. >> my guesses in terms of magnitude. >> right now i believe there are 12 to 15. >> thirty. >> thirty. >> okay to include the staff okay. >> around thirty people. >> thank you ma gill. >> commissioner thank you. >> it indicated there are 10 outpatient locations throughout san francisco where are they. >> they're in the various
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communities throughout san francisco miguel do you have them. >> various senator centers i know that commissioner president james brings up the point at the booking center in the south west center not there any longer but city public library spaces they utilities and also. >> marie why not get commissioner loo handout where all the sites are sure. >> high a website so people can - we have all the locations set up i - >> i'd like to add we really used high cap whenever they have
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the federal meetings i encourage the commissioners to go to them this year san francisco is free i don't know everything about high cap i do attend the meetings they come out and i mean, we have an african-american participating and so every time we have a fair resource fairy always comes out so they will come out to the different if you have a community meeting and people want to know and explain it so i think this is a very beneficial service i use them they know about veterans benefits we've mixed it up to make sure they know about the high cap counseling so i call for the vote 2013. > opposed? the i's have it.
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>> and so the motion is carried thank you. >> thank you. >> moving on to number 2 the request and authorization to enter into a new grant agreement with senior and disabled for the housing counseling for the term july one 2015 june 30th, 2018, in the amount of of $442,000 plus the 10 percent contingency for the total not to exceed amount of 4 hundred and 87 thousand can you have a motion to discuss. >> so moved and second. >> okay marie is here okay. >> commissioners efface there are many demographic changes and displacement within san francisco fortunately, we still have a senior and disability
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person with disability population that is very significant dos is committed to make sure that seniors and persons with disability have a voice when it comes to tenant rights and dos will enter into not disable action to provide counseling and advocacy services this takes the form of advocating for affordable housing options, prospective of unlawful evictions or no fault and counseling and create better quality of life of the retains for the sro's the single occupancy hotels they have an ambitious plans provide even though community education and outreach on housing and engage seniors and people's with disabilities to advocate on their own on behalf of at public hearings
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and continue to canyon an sro working group bringing the organizations and committee staff improvements in the sro's during the past few years we've held a position as a staunch advocate with persons with disabilities wanting to stay in san francisco living individually and with dignity we wanted to draw your attention to the fact that in 2013, the housing advocacy program for f d was recognized with a national award from the n-4 a at the national conference and particular due to due to the work in the sro's providing the leadership with the helpful legislation that improved the lives we want to ask for your
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particularly of those agreements. >> commissioner president james i'd like to talk about this actually this whole 5 advocacy grants that are before you to make some gyms because i think that my case be helpful one of the most interesting things i think about the oldest americans act those programs are part of the budgets and are part of is that it requires those of us at the local level to actually do advocacy on the on behalf of older adults and younger adults with disabilities it is written into the health law it is lgbt unusual this is the case i don't often city federal and state by the way law it indicates that privacy is a primary function of an entities but one of the primary few minutess that's
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related to our amp in other areas called the area aging those are a series high cap is one that you'll see across the country with lots of federal funding we get other dollars so community have the ability to choose wasn't we want a contract for in this record or regard that's why you're seeing high cap is a program that comes before you on a regular basis they've the contractors will come before you as well you may be thinking about activities that may not hit with some parts of our communities political philosophy or public policy that's okay for us we have this mandate to do advocacy on behalf of the folks that are older or
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young folks with disabilities i had a question easily i thought that might clarify but i'll take any questions if there are any. >> any - >> you have to have a motion. >> what. >> can we have another motion to discuss. >> so moved. >> second. >> okay any questions at this time. >> yes. >> commissioner. >> i'll defer. >> i just look at the operating expense details okay. it seems like the subsidizing subcontract is pretty high the first one is 39 percent of the operating costs are those the lawyer and
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whatever. >> or agency that they've contract with. >> thank you for the question commissioner loo this subcontract goes out into the community to the housing rights economy that is very, very experienced and capable of providing one by one counseling to the folks we've referred to earlier that need if right for tenants right issues and tenants evictions and so forth this is part of the grant this element has been with that particular contract for many years and there's a great partnership with an the housing rights committee and senior and disability action they go hounding so sfauchs there's the advocacy for systematic issues and changes the sro's and so forth
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