tv [untitled] June 7, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT
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has done some fabulous work for the city and i introduced him to a few people i knew in the business community and everyone of them asking the same thing, idea you run for supervisor, you have a lovely wife, a family, great job. what are you thinking? he said, i was born in san francisco, i was raised here, i have my family here and i want to make it a better place for san francisco and for city san franciscans here. that's what's carried out every step of the way. to follow this and hear more of this stuff today and see there is absolutely nothing that's come up in all of these years of investigations and serious people involved in this, there is nothing that even vaguely ties him to maybe conjecture that he may have had
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a jamba juice with one of these people that live on pacific heights. i know mark and raising a family, running a campaign, he wasn't sitting around at the bay club having mimosas. he was out trying to get elected. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> charles marsel. i just want to say that i'm disappointed the supervisor didn't come here and make his case. i'm saying that's really the problem is that he perhaps was advised to stay away and i think that was a mistake because i think there are unanswered questions that he could have come here
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to address directly. i don't know if you could have asked him questions or if that would have been appropriate, but i sure think there are a lot of questions that still need to be asked of the supervisor directly. >> any other public comment? >> chair, i have a question. can we seek advice from the city attorney? >> on what? >> on the legality on the statute and is that something that should be handled in public or closed session. >> item no. 6 was the contingency that any commissioner wanted to confer with the city attorney. so that if you would like to invoke a request that we go
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into closed session so that you can discuss it with the city attorney, you can so, we will move to agenda item 6 before we vote on the outstanding motion. >> could i, i don't mean to interrupt you, commissioner. just a suggestion and we are following up. if we do that, and that's fine with me that if we seek city attorney's advice in what the city attorney thinks. i think we ought to do it publically. we often get advice from the city attorney, we are asking him all the time in public and see what he thinks. i know what's going to happen and it's fine. i know what he's going to say because we've all seen the memorandum as prepared by disclosing anything that is not in existence of
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the memorandum. i'm content with having this discussion openingly in terms of what the city attorney thinks related to the statute of limitations and i think the public should be pure view to that as well. i didn't mean to interrupt your motion. >> on the issue of whether or not it can be public or not. what i worry is that given the subject matter, given that we've been, isn't that basically a waiver that we are opening it all up which i don't know that we can do, but i'm looking to the city attorney. >> if you wish to discuss the legal issues presented at this hearing, i would request we discuss it in closed session. >> the question is do we have
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to do it in closed session ? you might prefer something, but is it something we have to do in closed session. we get your advice all the time in open session. >> let me, i guess, let me call and ask commissioner hur to make a motion under agenda item 6 that we go into closed session and see if you get a second. because if the commission as a group is prepared to stay in public session, they obviously have a right. >> sure. i am curious to the answer to commissioner keane's question. is that just your preference, do you see that as a requirement, what do you mean by that? >> for the purpose of this requirement that we should discuss it in
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closed session. >> why the requirement? >> given this matter, i think it's in the best interest of the commission, best interest of the city to discuss these issues in closed session. >> i will make a motion then. >> i would like to interject one point. i will be very brief. >> i think i will let him have his motion first. can i have a second to the motion. >> second. >> what's your comment? >> my point is in regard to the privilege like any privilege, the privilege is held by the clients. we are the clients. it's not held by the lawyer. so if the clients want to wave the privilege. the fact that the lawyer says, well, no, no, you shouldn't wave the privilege. went the ones that can make that decision. the fact that he's uncomfortable with it is
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irrelevant. the idea that we have to do it even though we have the privilege and don't want to do it is simply that he's wrong on it. >> i don't want to do it. >> i'm suggesting that we should. >> any public comment on the motion to go into closed session on item no. 6? >> i'm bob plant hold. i want to concur with commissioner keane that the commission had to decide. if you do go into closed session would you at least make known to the public what issues you are going to discuss that way we better understand when you come out of closed session what might be the basis for your decision if everything
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is held saccharo saint, we are lost. we are adrift. if you go into closed session, it's a good idea to air this because so much has been kept hidden, unstated, unasked. at least let the public know what are the issues you are going to ask. thank you. >> commissioner, hur, you want to say what it is the question that, i understand, but i want to respond to what is the question that you envision us to be discussing in closed session. >> the topics is the statute of limitations. >> okay. >> hello, commissioners, larry bush. i think it's hard to imagine given my experience with the city attorney's office that you are going to get any advice other than the fact that the provision that would find that
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the statute of limitations applies and would represent with this commission with whatever it decide. which is not a hard call. everyday, i saw it so many times when i worked in the mayor's office. that's what comes back, you are likely to lost but we will represent you. you had an irony working on this and it's been hidden for months to allow the statute to expire and now you want to have a discussion to discuss whether or not the expiration should also be done in closed session. it's not good. thank you. charles, again. yes, all the optics has never been good. it would
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be a disaster for this body to rescind this letter personally because i think, in fact, it's necessary for you to rescind this draft. and let it go ahead under a forfeiture and you can imagine how it would go to the public and it doesn't help your reputation at all. the chair made a reference to item no. 6. are you planning to take up the executive session with the city attorney on the next item on this matter as well? item no. you kept referring to item 6. this is item 5. >> i said that item 6 was placed on there in case it was necessary for us to go into closed session to deal with item 5. >> both issues?
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>> yes. >> so you would be doing item 5 and item 6 which i assume has to do with one -- 1114. >> correct. >> okay. that was your thinking. okay, the public wasn't too clear on that. i understand. >> i will say just for everybody to understand is that item 5 is still open. and if we go into executive session and come out. we are going to deal with item 5 as well in public. any other public comment? all right. i will call the question. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? >> no. >> it appears the ayes have it 3- 2. we will go
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>> all right. the commission is back in public session. the commission has voted not to disclose what was specifically what was discussed in closed session except to advise that no decisions were made as a result of that closed session in the closed session. >> we'll now go back to item 5 where there is outstanding supervisor keane's motion. you want to repeat it so it's clear. >> we need to vote on the
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closed session in public. the same thing again. >> except the fact that we made no decisions in it. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? >> i should have public comment before i take a vote. but i think given the time. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? it's carried unanimously. we'll now go back to item 5. whef we have appending the motion. mr. keane? >> yes, i move that the commission overall -- over rule the
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petition to waiver. >> by that you mean not sending the letter? >> correct. public comment? hearing no public comment, i call the question. a couple things i would like to say. first of all. i don't think the matter before us is an issue whether supervisor ferrell committed fraud or any wrongdoing. i really don't think that's the issue before us. my view on this has nothing to do with whether or not he did or didn't. that's not what we are here to do i certainly don't want to i am pun his his
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integrity. but i will say that i think this is a close call. i will say i think there are legal and factual disputes regarding statute of limitations. >> any other comment? i will also add to what commissioner said and that is we are not making a finding in support of this motion at least i'm not making a finding that supervisor sd ferrell did or did not violate the campaign laws covered by the stipulations by the fppc. what i am saying is those findings by the fppc did
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demonstrate an egregious violation of the campaign ordinances. and for us to say we are going to put it under the rug and waive it, i'm not prepared to do. let it take it's course and let some other fact finding body take the correctness and determine whether or not supervisor ferrell did or did not file in those campaigns. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? it's carried unanimously. >> turning to item 7 which is adjournment. i guess i don't need public comment on that. so we'll declare ourselves adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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rec and park camp mather located one hundred and 80 square miles from the bay bridge past the oakland bridge and on and on camp mather the city owned sierra nevada camping facility is outings outside the gate of yosemite park it dates back before the area became is a popular vacation it i sites it was home to indians who made the camp where the coral now stands up and artifacts are found sometimes arrest this was the tree that the native people calm for the ac accordions that had a high food value the acorns were fatally off the trees in
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september but they would come up prosecute the foothills and were recipe the same as the people that came to camp camp is celebrating it's 90th year and the indians were up here for 4 thousand we see every day of them in the grinding rocks around the camp we have about 15 grinding sites in came so it was a major summer report area for the 92 hawks. >> through there are signs that prosperity were in the area it was not until the early part of the century with the 76 began the construction of damn in helpfully a say mill was billed
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open the left hand of the math for the construction by which lake was used to float logs needed for the project at the same time the yosemite park and company used the other side of the camp to house tourists interesting in seeing the national park and the constructions of damn when the u son damn was completed many of the facilities were not needed then the city of san francisco donated the property it was named camp mather the first director it was named after him tuesday morning away amongst the pine the giant sequoia is the giants inventories first name if our title is camp means there's going to be dirt
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and bugs and so long as you can get past that part this place it pretty awesome i see i see . >> with a little taste of freedom from the city life you can soak up the country life with swimming and volley ball and swimming and horseback riding there you go buddy. >> we do offer and really good amount of programming and give a sample p of san francisco rec
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and park department has to offer hopefully we've been here 90 years my camp name is falcon i'm a recession he leader i've been leading the bill clinton and anarchy and have had sometimes arts and crafts a lot of our guests have been coming for many years and have almost glutin up, up here he activity or children activity or parent activity here at camp mather you are experiencing as a family without having to get into a car and drive somewhere
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fill your day with with what can to back fun at the majestic life the essence of camp mather one thing a that's been interesting i think as it evolves there's no representation here oh, there's no representation so all the adults are engine i you know disconnected so there's more connection the adults and parents are really friendly but i think in our modern culture i
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you know everyone's is used to be on their phones and people are eager to engagement and talk they don't have their social media so here they are at camp mather how are i doing. >> how are you doing it has over one hundred hundred cabins those rustic structures gives camp mather the old atmosphere that enhances the total wilderness experience and old woolen dressers and poaches and rug i do lay out people want to decorate the front of thaifr their cabins and front poefrnz their living room is outside in this awesome environment they're
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not inviting their guests inside where the berms are people get creative with the latin-american and the bull frogs start the trees grow and camp mather is seen in a different light we're approaching dinner time in the construction of the hetch hetchy damn the yosemite park built jackson diane hauling hall to serve the guests it does was it dbe does best service s serve the food. >> i'm the executive chef i served over 15 hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks breakfasts are pancakes and french toast and skranld eggs
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and hash brown's our meal formulate is we have roost lion it's reflecting of the audience we have people love our meals and love the idea they can pick up a meal and do worry about doing the dishes can have a great time at camp mather after camp people indulge themselves everyone racks go in a place that's crisis that i air after the crackinging of a campfire
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a campfire. >> the evening is kept up with a tenant show a longed tradition it features music i tried this trick and - this talent show is famous for traditional things but we have new things ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the first 7, 8, 9 being on stage and being embarrassed and doing random things >> unlike my anothers twinkling
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stars are an unforcible memory ♪ ♪ ♪ admission to camp mather is through a lottery it includes meals and camp programs remember all applicant registration on line into a lottery and have a rec and park department family account to register registration typically begins the first week of january and ends the first week in february this hey sierra oasis is a great place to enjoy lifeiest outside of the hustle and bustle and kickback and enjoy and a half >> everything is so huge and
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beautiful. >> the children grew up her playing around and riding their bites e bicycles it's a great place to let the children see what's outside of the city common experience is a this unique camp when you get lost in the high sierra wilderness camp mather is waiting and we look forward to city manager's office you here soon ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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