tv [untitled] June 8, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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woo and richards and came up with ideas to start the process of how to get things going and there are others working on how tacreate the affordable plan. get the zoning phrvisor to go a walking tour and look at the violation jz illegal conversion. get impact development on displacement study added to renewal plan to eastern neighborhoodss with a government document showing the reslaigzship between these things. we add this cultural impacktd report similar to environmental report so the field mouse native tree and human resourceerize all taken into the consideration when altering the terrain of the city. it is time to the look at wealth and preserveivation through a broader lens. [inaudible]
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>> thank you. next speaker please >> hello supervisors. my name is scott cipeer and cofounder orphcell space [inaudible] we were evicted in 2012 where 26 artist lost their home to make way fwr a new housing development manifesting next year. i will have to read this to get through. it has been a rousing public hearing today and ask that supervisors wiener farrell and christensen, i know there is a logic qu you believe saying no is the right idea but listen to your heart and everyone who came here today and believe they have a consider to make their neighborhood a better place to
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be for all san francisco. i agree where supervisor campos we need to fake [inaudible] increase density and new construction are inevtable [inaudible] thp only further drive up sth cost of land for potential och future speculation as a resource for [inaudible] build baby build with no process to a healthy city is blind and dumb of drifening down housing cost and maintain opportunity for diverse economic system [inaudible] shared even significant amount of new construction will not increase affordability or [inaudible] it failed we need new solution and
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this is a chance to come up with some. peoples liveerize being wrecked from having their homes and [inaudible] playing the drinking game at home, there is ed lee! no, he is absent from all of this. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon nigh name is deborah [inaudible] i work with muncht association qu small business and non profit doing outreach and also arts and cultural group in san francisco to bring street fairs and other outboor events to san francisco. i heard plenty developers give presentation on what they wim develop and can tell you i have nench ever once heard a developer say they will
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build 40 to 53 other affordable housing, i never heard 33 percent. what i view here valie on their part of what affordable actually is. i support building and that is what this moratorium will allow, 100 percent deeply affordable housing. i also support the restoration of existing arts and cultural spaces. there are groups within the mission i think y think that maybe you can see a lot of them today so if you don't know what the plan will be i think you have my e-mail so you can ask me. we have lots of plabs in the work and meet weekly to come up with things we can do to sustain the housing and cultural spaces. these tr the same people who have been banding together in solidarity to create solutions that allow us to remain in the sate to lovement we don't need
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a condusending lezen in oltd economics. we need a pause in the building for the welty so we can do the work it take frz the ones who need it most the & who the cities needs the most >> we welcome back former supervisor chris daily back to chakeber >> my name is chris daily. some may know i was evicted from my mission district apartment in 1997 in the early dot com boom. last week ed lee acuds me of not doing enough for affordable housing during my tenure at city hall. yeah, he said that. what mr. buckley said is true but when it comes to aforedsable housing this board of supervisors in the
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entire ed lee administration is guilty of willful neglect. supervisors you heard passionate appeals from a proud community, a community for decades on end is home to immigrants working class renters mom and pop owners [inaudible] a community with social qu political activism but we find had mission, the heart of san francisco in the cross hairs of a epic real estate land grab and we know about the associative displacement and gent fiication. i know many on the board would rather not hear all this and not be here dool dealing with this. get it. non billion budget. [inaudible] party like it is
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1999. the politics in the building today may be as bad or worse as they were back in 1999 when we turned out hundreds of people from the mission to demand our grievances be addressed and demand the community members actually have a say in the future of the neighborhood. look, this controversial piece of legislation >> thank you. >> [inaudible] >> thank you, next speaker. hello everyone. i hope you can hear me. my name is elizabeth [inaudible] and live in supervisor wiener district. i have lichbed there for a long time. i came to san francisco many years ago to go to school
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as a matter och fact. i'm from philadelphia. i thought i would come to california and become a resident like pleny others did y. use today live in north beach. when i came to san francisco i paid 450 dollars a month for a 1 bedroom apartment on chestnut that afforded me to be full time student and part nime worker. imagine that now. my daughter is 3 to 2 years old and full time student and can't afford to live anywhere near san francisco. i support. i support the moore toratorium measure. if we don't have high density development for a little time maybe the landlords won't feel compelled to
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elisact. those buildings have tear town valia. tare town val tew make way for high rise luxury can dough. we don't need those. we need house frg real people, people who work and pay tax squz poo take care of children and eldserly parents. please support this measure and omen wroi hartss. i know pleny is powerful exhilarateic thing, but the health and welfare of your community, people who actually you are supposed to represent is much more powerfulfelt if you don't tairk e take care of us, do you think we will take care of you? we ain't. we will fight to hang on to our homes. >> next speaker
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>> my name is [inaudible] and live in the bay view district here. bay view hunters point san francisco! we have been set up y'all. [inaudible] skull to heart, heart to soul rkts they are trying to play us. shots rang out the other night on nob nab shots all over the place. if he is targeting you should have hit someone [inaudible] it is not who we think it is. it is for black blood. it isn't a blue or red thing, it is a heart thing. i'm from africa and my grand father is half white.
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[inaudible] we need you to stop. this is the test here. stands up in your harbt. we all got religion and something we love, okay. it isn't worth it, do unto others no matter whos name it comes under, it has to be love or we are falloge the wrong thing mpth i love y'all >> thank you, next speaker. my name is lutonia jones and live thun mission and know about the mission. the mission is home to a lot of people, not white or black, everyone. i have everyone standing behind me that wants to be on the memoriam. we need the memoriam in the mission rchlt no more luxury apartments or condos. what about the homes for grand
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parents and kids and [inaudible] wlee we suppose today step up frashelter tooz sro to place. where do we go? where do people go? stop luxury condo >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is dave from the san francisco knhoo unified school district and i can say at 21.75 dollars a hour, that's our pay raise, it is tight. watching more and more condo's rise from the ashes of what used to be like at the corner of san car lose and 18th 2 houses from where i have lived for the last 10 years they torn down 3 fifen year old family business. it used to be a
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muffler shop and now a empty lot and took one day to tear the building down and another to start the foundation. i qu say ed lee, where is the doughnut hole on that one? what are you doing to bring in affordable housing? the 45 days, thank you >> thank you next speaker please. good froong afternoon my name is [inaudible] the first time i was here in san francisco it was in 1994 and like i mentioned in other meetings i have worked since i remember and used to work in construction, but you see above you, that is what i learned how to do. my father made sure i worked all the time so that i could never be homeless. there
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were times i was working 7 days a week. i never thought i would be on the streets. i have been a nob nab painter, former model and have also been homeless. i know all awful it is to not know what you going to sleep. it is ugly. especially when you have not been on the streets. my family comes in different colors mptd my grand mother had blue eyes and [inaudible] like all the people in here, that is what y my family looks like, that is why it is difficult to pick and choose one or the other. after something and my hand was broken i lost my house, my father got so sick he died, that is why i get rely
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iritatored when i see [inaudible] they invest very lity money. i yuzed to work there for tent years, what they do is tear down something that looks like this and give you glass and metal and over selling it mpt they saw a lot of different things, but thereat is not true buzz all the people that have worked in the industry they know it because they have seen it. >> thank you, next speakers helly my name is jacob angle [inaudible] composed of nation wide network of 67 thousand
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service members [inaudible] if you decrease supply of anything in this case haszing >> can you allow the public an opportunity to speak when their turn knhs up? thank you. >> if you decrease supply of anything in this case housing the price sky rockuts because there isn't a decrease in demand. we need a organization to take the time to identify more than 200 veterans and families who live, work and really just love this city. the thing is, then many are pushed out. veterans affording a veterans administration home loan however many of those veterans in san francisco have their applications denied because one of the largest
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pieces of that criteria is the over all amount of money it takes to put a veteran and family in a home. if we haument housing development it will substantially limit the ability of the nations hairees and sfamlies to someday in san francisco. on behalf of the more than 5 thousand veterans that i and my organization work with in san francisco police vote against the moratorium because it will only have more problems and not solutions >> thank you next speaker please. my name is rachel cisal and write to supervisor campos and eastern and lived in supervise rb avalos district [inaudible] i work for a san francisco reck and park and got evicted this year and i barely
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held on to stay in this city because my family libed in the mission with my little niece and nephew. my nephews prescrool school is evicted. this isn't supply and demand. and strongly support a moratorium t is time to take a breath. if you run out of all the space for affordable housing in the mission there is no supply for that. we need to take a minute. your skity workers with barely afford to live here. your teachers, garbdners labors, my own union support this build ing boom, but don't know how we are supposed to afford to rent. my rent is asronomical. my partner works at a tech firm down town and supports this
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moratorium. we vafleed for housing sfr support the working plas and pdr and make sure your dezser service workers are here to help because if your labors and first responders live in east bay i don't know how we will get here to take care of the city when you need us and i want to be here to help take care of this city >> thank you very much, next speaker please. mr. campos
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thank you for doing what you can frathe community. i hope to see you as a mayor one day but [inaudible] >> thank you. next speaker please >> supervisors my name is [inaudible] with the mission economic development aensh. just to give context we have lost 8 thousand latinos in the lest 10 years from the neighborhoods. 8 thousand. this is wie we have these
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people here. this is why you have the biggest [inaudible] on land use since 1999, 2000. if we do nothing about it we are on pace to lose another 8 thousand. i agree that we need a plan. it is only convenient and scenic to pretend there isn't a plan and not inteent to develop a plan. the moratorium is part of a plan. this plan will include setting ambishing goal said for affordable housing, new development, land banking, establishing dedicated sources of funding, neighborhood residence to take up the housing, eliminate
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evictions, support small businesses and create good paying jobs so people can actually afford the rents in the neighborhood. again, this is not in a vacuum, the moratorium is part of a plan. supervisor cohen, supervisor breed, as african americans you should know first hand what it is like to see such a trumendess loss of the commune to. why would you stand against us. supervisor wiener, spridez and demand works better in a text book than in the context of saving a neighborhood >> you can not address a particular member of the board and just address the board as a whole please >> i will do that. >> this is a time to show leadership. this is why people
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elected you. this is the time to be accountable and take action. approve the moratorium >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is joey gnaw nob native san franciscan. i work for a construction company and want to speak as a native san franciscan more than anything esmpts when supervisor campos first organized the march on city hall a lot of guys i work with subcontractors as well asfullyo coworkers 75 percent latino got freaked out. they asked question like will we lose our jobs if this goes through. small business owners and entrepreneur in the mission say i'll have to close my jobs. cause of the problem is
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technology. when a technology company starts the 5 wn employees are ivy league educated wealthy people so construction they feel isn't the problem. in the conversation with them i said look, don't be up set about this march that came on city hall because it is a good thing. it showed civic fl gaugement and passion. it was something that needed to happen because there is a problem in san francisco. i grew up here and a lot of buddies are forced out. what i urge you supervisors to do is detach from that emotion. your civic duty is look at this empirically. what will actually happen if the moratorium passes? what will happen is thos east coast developer funding this money will find a different way to kick people out. they will buy existing buildings and kick people out. people will lose jobs. we have a problem. ia
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gree with all the peopling in this room who have been ivected and served because of this. there needs to be a solution but the moratorium is not the solution because it will further indairj the citizens of the mission. thank you for your time >> thank you next speaker please. my name is sean rr and university studen in san francisco and here in solidaryly with members of mission community and others throughout the city. there is a alarmingly high level of displacement in the mission and today i'm here with you sprooizvoors to let you know that from the mission to mission bay we need more time. we do not need luxury, we need more time so please support this moratorium >> thank you, next speaker please >> my name is sandra and here
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because my grandmatold me to fight for my rights. everyone up there you are all entitled. i don't care if you raperson of color you are in a position of power and hopefully while i'm speaking those on the cell phones that are patronizing our community and thinking you can [inaudible] and you are laughing on the cell phones while the people talk that is vardisrespectful and rude. i pay fratheir salaries. the next thing i want to say is i'm here today because my mission community is displaced. you started this mess with the gang injunction mpt first red flag. you bringen the developers rchlt when i worked at raft we
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put a moratorium on liquor licenses because the community was dying of liquor and all of a sudden-you told us all these gentrifyers are coming in and got rid of the policy and i see drunk white people and drunk developers and entitled people all over my neighborhood. [inaudible] do your job. you are here because you are elected by us. yoi have a chance to actually pass this moratorium. do it, do i have to do this? [inaudible] i don't want to son to die like [inaudible]ime rrb raising my
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