tv [untitled] June 8, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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are happy to set that up. we have brought developers through it. i think the key important in my experience with water reuse is 95% of the water goes into a commercial office building and 50% of the residential nonpolar resources this is an opportunity for us to deal with water supply and keep the potable sources with nonpotable supplies that is an important point. if anybody wants to know more about how the water works urban fabric blog i think the key points are the system practical i spent a week last june to kick the tires on the system they installs we brought the owner j
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paul kelly to being look at this we would not have it in if we didn't go through that experience -- cost recovery is reasonable there is an identity-nine year pay back the cost of water is where it's projected to go and the technology is real and practical i will leave it there and open up questions >> one quick question in terms to the cost to the system the break down in terms of the pipe installation versus the actual equipment to treat and recycle the water my understanding is a cig kant majority for the pipe is the cost itself -- >> i agree. the cost of dual plumbing on the sanitary side so you are separating sinks toilets and showers which is gray from black
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is a notable cost if you built with a black water in a commercial office building you would not have that point >> i have two important points black warter is important and in the years we will see more black water as we should to be clear for members of the public in theso called purple pipe zone these buildings have already been built with the dual piping for 25 years? 20 years >> 10 or 15 years at least. very long time. >> a long time. >> yes >> so they're already required to be built with the piping that cost is already there. >> that is the cost of doing business in the purple pipe district which is 181 >> thank you. da ma'am chair at this at this point we will move to public comment i have a few public comment cards peter boys ter
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from the bay institute and mr. cleveland brought in boma members to meet with us. tim colin who brought in several large groups to meet with us. john rizo for the sierra club peter g -- gym hof and bill already spoke. mr. cleveland? >> good afternoon supervisors thank you for the opportunity to xent on the legislation i would to bring words for caution and context to the legislation in the past boma supported and worked for the cities in terms of adopting green building code we have one of the strictist green building codes in the
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city. we supported management and districting of the officings we supported when we need to recycle and do compost as well which is another added expense for operating an office building we supported the city when we need to man date for toilets and urinals refitting in your buildings we supported commercial construct with you need to put money into public transportation open face privately owned spaces you need to put money into new parks and art we supported the city when it said you need to allow bicycles in office buildings now comes the latest requirement for construction in san francisco which is a small part of the water consumption in the state we're facing a statewide drought
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all commercial buildings throughout the state only use 2.5% of the water in the state so regulating this use of water is a tiny piece within san francisco it's really .9% of the water consumed in the state. to turntly understand the impacts of this cost benefits developers came up with statistics costs i will have a report to give you on the planning discussion with numbers -- >> if you could finish your thought there. >> we're simply saying look at the cost we applaud your efforts to get the sfpuc to work through trailing legislation to provide incentives thank you very much the water you are using for
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water reclamation that is the water stream that will no longer be available >> thank you. if you would leave that on the banister we will put it into the record thank you mr. cleveland and thank you for bringing folks to meet with us. mr. colin -- >> i want to commend supervisor weiner and other sponsor in support of this legislation. i think the drought global climate change and california too painfully limited water supply is brought us to this day here we are. we think this is important moving in the right direction i echo some of the comments mr. cleveland said this is one more cost that should be recognized you alluded to it in your remarks putting these in in a good idea and using hedge
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water squandering for the water we use now is no longer depenceable building these systems is a benefit to the rate payers and puc which has a grant program to incentivize this i think it's important to recognize where the benefits are and what we want to create i think it's important to find ways i recognize your legislation can't do this here to find wayses to offset the significant cost this is going to entail. and certainly the puc has responsibility to do this. they're working on this you alluded to other things that probably would come from the planning department that may be far or parking space offsets there a lot of things we do that might be the wrong approach to say here build these were were
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supposed to provide recycled water years ago that being said don't hold this legislation up but continue to pursue ways for the benefits of this. thank you. >> thank you frr colin. mr. rizo >> john rizo with the sea ar raierra club -- as the new york times as other outlets have put forward california's whole water system is outof date unfortunately it's based on a 19th strent ree model of still packs that lasted through july melted and filled up our reservoirs those days are
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gone with climate change we need a new water infrastructure it's got to be complete top to bottom redesign. this legislation sees that and attacks part of it. and we're happy to see this introduced and hope it goes forward. i would also point out that there are further legislation there are models to look at the city of san diego has done great things in particular cities in australia has done great thing in terms of water conservation and use in ten year they have restructure that california needs i urge you to take a look at that as you go forward. thank you. >> thank you very much come on up.
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>> good afternoon peter drek mire with the pole trust i appreciate weiner bringing this forward i think it's timely and porpt tolumi river is 85% of our water we support this legislation one it could help the restoration of the wild talami river and prepares us for an era of uncertain water supply before there were dams on the talami we had salmon -- there were a number of regulatory actions takes place. -- the don pedro dam of hegechi
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-- if more water is required for the river the puc would be responsible for some of that the state water board is working on standards for the bay delta. they're looking for increasing unimpaired flows of the twamali and san gentlemanjoaquin -- something that is loetly controlled and helps us out with the storm waste water collection system this say great legislation we support you wholeheartedly and look forward to moving forward thank you. >> thank you very much. [inaudible]? >> good afternoon i'm peter boys
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ter geographer with the bay institution the bay institution is part of a new umbrella organization which has a black order machine recycling system as well as the aquarium of the bay the sea lion center. we too support and thank supervisor weiner for working with developers and city develops for better stewardship of our water resources this is kind of integrated work that is needed in california dealing with water issues of course the drought is a wake up call as we realized more fully value the locally available water and the value of the water we diverse with the water that flows into the bay delta this is not only critical to meet the short term
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challenges of the dwouth but essential part of the integrated strategy for increasing demand and improve the long term for san francisco area and the whole region including the 1 million folks that get their water from the hegechi system -- and help the bay delta which has suffers from diversions san francisco can and should be a leader in the on-site reuse movement we look forward to working with weiner to further on-site water conservation thank you. >> thank you very much. john math?
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>> i live now at 100 van ness there are some pumps in the basement of my building that takes the ground water to the sewer at a cost of $100,000 a year. in the civic center there is best described as an underground flew that causes water to flow east to the area there are ignorant and naive people that claim there is a hayes creek running in a babbling brook no it runs 80-50 feet below the grounds there is an added cost to build what you call a bathtub under the building to make sure the water is doesn't seep into
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the liar and the garages. 1917 the city put a well at city hall to irrigate. that well was removed in the 30s when van ness avenue is rebuilt. it's good to know the puc and dpw is going to build a new well in un plaza but that is going to take the bulk of the water underground we need to have programs to take that water that is now being pumped that is now flowing underground and use it in existing buildings new buildings rg and public irrigation in the area i don't think your legislation addresses that in the way that's required we're talking about 100s and mills of gallons of water.
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>> thank you. mr. hathorn we're working on separate legislation working on foundation which i agree we need to make better use of our foundation water i think the first step is to do an audit and compellation of the foundation water thank you for raising that issue any additional public comments on item one? seen none we will close public comment >> public comment is closed thank you very much. do you have any other remarks >> thank you for scheduling this today thank you to members of the community who came out to testify and to the environment community working with us to the city develops as well as the development community we really need a fundamentally drifrnt approach to water in california and water recycling is certainly not the complete solution but it is a significant piece of the
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solution. i will be honest san francisco is behind where we need to be in terms of the water recycling in terms of orange county let alone australia awes we need to make sure san francisco as always is leading the way in terms of environmental sustainability. madame chair i will ask the committee the to su porlt the legislation first i would like to move the amendment i described in the beginning which i distributed i move the amendments. >> okay. there is a motion to move the amendments i think these amendments can be accepted the unanimously thank you mr. chair. >> i move to forward item one as amended to the full board of supervisors with positive recommendation >> okay seconded by supervisor kim and this moves forward with
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a positive recommendation. thank you supervisor weiner responses to item one with kim. >> resolution of intention. greater rincon hill community benefit district >> okay so supervisor kim is the author of this item. supervisor kim will lead the discussion at this point. thank you. >> thank you. so before us today is the resolution of intent for the fordaegs of the greater rincon hill community benefit district. thanks too the hard work of the executive committee and just for the public knows there is been much rapidly changing ownership of the property in the area making it more challenging 200 petitions which forms -- exceeding the 30% requirement this area is a dynamic part of
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the city transporm form, from a formulae industrial nabl to mixed use of housing office and transbay terminal and city park. the community district is an part of the transbay and rincon plan -- will continue to grow over time and public focus on public safety cleaning and maintenance parks and space -- key to -- the city is committed our residence and workers i want to take a moment to thank the executive committee john corn well patina johnston and lawyer ren post who have been working tirelessly today to ensure the
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district was inclusive seeing several cbd's renewing come before the board they can't be successful without the leadership and dedication of the residences on the ground of course the staff and cbd we have a staff presentation today qisitono at the economic woeshg force develop. and awed from the cbd management plan. >> afternoon chair cohen supervisor kim and supervisor weiner thank you for accommodating this item land use we are at gmao this has been a relief to cbd campaign unfortunately mary had an accident she will not present this item on me. i oversee the cbd program for
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the city. today before you the resolution of intention to establish a property-based district called the greater rincon hill community benefit district please note that an updated version of the management plan and engineer's report had been provided to you there were minor amendments to correct parcel issues -- in this neighborhood. further more to establish what services would be appropriate to deliver and the appropriate cost to benefit that would be a charge to each parcel. the proposed budget is $2.47 million of which 2.42 will come from assessment funds in the first year. there are 3,279 parcels represented under the cbd all of which will be provided a variety
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of important summit services activity and improvements they will benefit the property business owners and neighborhood as a whole. on june 2nd as supervisor stated we had 33.25% in favor of this district which is over the 30% threshold the cbd is proposed for a year period. if it is passed here at the committee and advanced to the board tomorrow and also passed we will be mailing ballots at the end of the week to all property owners within the district. additionally per the resolution of intention we will be counting on ballots on july 28th. if there is majority petitions in favor of forming the district the board of supervisors may take a vote to establish the proposed district. if approved the district will
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collect them as of july 2015 and services will begin in july 2016 -- a power point presentation will go over the prospecific goals for the district. i would like to turn over the presentation to her. but i will be present to answer any questions afterwards. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. thank you for allowing us to present today i'm tesa for the management grown for the greater rincon hill community benefit district cbd the greater rincon hill community benefit district cbd will advance for workers and visitors in cbd for enhancing beauty and viability in the
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economic base. 28 whole and partial block from the east side of the second street and the west side of embark dar row here's an areal map of the district. the goals are to improve the safety and security of the rincon neighborhood through green activities ensure that maintenances funds are available for streetscapes and cbd and visitors and residences in the cbd provide faster lease up increase retail sales and decrease merchant turn over and residential in apartments. some daily actives are sidewalk
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cleaning steam cleaning reporting of bulky item remove of dpw and graffiti and dispatch. the greater rincon cbd will maintain all parks and trees within the district boundaries green space include but not limited to planting and weeding irrigation systems management and repair horticulture pest control pavement and path way care and repairs improvements fencing and lighting elements. open spaces by the cbd are below. including the future city park.
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the cbd supports the full some areas. ifd the cbd will be a contributor to city parks budget. city park will be paid by the grh cbd and t hp i. -- sell bonds up to 15.4 million to secure for parks treat trees and sidewalk improvements this has a maintenance plan requirement the grh cbd fulfills the commitment of those requires and allows them to move forward. the cbd will use three outreach public safety and hospitality
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and public service. -- on the street and connect them to local services the guys will patrol treats in the district to address knew sense behaviors and public disruption -- workers and visitors they will act as eyes and ears for the community safety agencies and service provider the guides are seven days a week 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the patrol could be four days a week 4-7:00 p.m. the budget is outlined here for the 2015-16 years this assumes maintenance of bay place park the total budget is 2.4 million with the general 45,000 and the total. wo be 400,228. and the cbd reimbursement of
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228,000. the staffing plan i described plan is below community guides there is 4.2 fte staff the structure will be 5.25 full time cleaning and maintenance disbatch 3.2 equivalence and three full time equivalent staff executive director plus support staff. now in print 2012 the san francisco office of economic development had an impact of cbd's -- including public cleanliness and -- to the cbd's
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recession while citywide sales tax re knews decreased 20% sales tax increased by 4.8% in april of 2012 an introductory committee formed a committee and throughout the months others joined for the efforts of cbd we have a list of them below. now 3,279 petitions were mailed out 33.25% in support and 1.13% received in opposition the next steps would be to vote on the intention by the board of supervisors tomorrow ballots will be mailed out june 12th. and the vote to form a district. thank you.
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>> thank you. for the presentation. i believe at this time if there are no further presentation or questions from committee we can move to public comment. i do have four speaker cards before me feel free to line up if you did not sign up. i have john corn wall laura post petina johnston and andrew yip. even if you hasn't signed up please feel free to line up. >> thank you for allowing me to discuss the cbd formation my name is john corn well. i'm a third generation san franciscoian 20 year resident of south beach and president of the
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