tv [untitled] June 8, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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know i have to keep on my foundation -- >> supervisor are you finish snd >> yes >> i want to recap and follow the suction to the ccba were negotiated 20 lenar and ad ten. >> yes >> ad ten is a group of organizations >> that is correct >> can you tell me those organizations >> alliance of californian's for empowerment >> ace that is ssop >> and the san francisco labor council >> and we have the labor council. so the ccba which negotiated with lenar we have an representative here and ad ten from sfop here to speak and ace are here and largely played a goal in the negotiations
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>> and the latter organizations chaired the sub committee and housing >> they chair the sub committee that means they were responsible for moving in in this case not moving money advancing the rfp to get the money out in the community. >> they share the community >> it was on the agenda. these item thes were publicly noticed we will get to that later on i'm on the agenda i'm connecting the dots something doesn't smell right. i will ask a couple questions i will move farther [applause] i want to know what supervisor weiner was talking about. the seven vacancies the community member seat has been vacant how many years >> one year >> thank you.
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>> the seat was originally occupied by jacob moody with the babe bayview hunters point foundation he resigned in march of 2014 and the seat has been vacant since then >> okay. were there any -- okay i'm going to step off on that maybe you can talk about where we are in the process of recruiting a 7th community member on this body >> the ic established a nomination committee to nominate candidates for that position. they set it aside they set up rules and criteria. >> let's back up jacob moody va indicated in march of 2014 it's been over a year when was the nomination committee
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established? >> can i have him help me with some of the dates? >> mr. mic kra can you tell me when is the nomination established? >> established fall of 2014. >> okay. >> early fall and held a couple of meetings, regarding the criteria. what requests we will ask in the interviews what the ic is looking for held interviews in the winter and december throughout january. made the recommendations this past ic meeting it was -- they did not get agreement now we're back in the process of making new criteria and searching for a 7th member >> that means there was was a vote actually taken for to
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accept a criteria for the 7th member >> yes >> so it failed because there wasn't a majority >> correct >> was there say discussion on why there is discrepancy used? >> there was. there was a matrix for each candidate what their strengths and weaknesses were they were reviewed by the entire ic when it came to a vote they did not have the majority to move forward >> fair enough i will say between the two of you i will throw out questions to you two more i will ask la shawn to answer questions once we're done here the ic meetings are not open to the public >> that is correct >> if you want to attend the meeting you need to reach out to the ic public which is funny if you don't know who your public representative how do you reach
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out to attend the meetings >> there is a website that is posted the names of the ic representatives and the process to be invited and the minutes for the ic are posted >> can you imagine if we conducted business like that in the chamber you need an invitation to come talk in public comment that is ludicrous. if the community seat is vacant who had the community reach out to attend who can they reach out to attend? i know it sounds funny >> there is no mechanism. >> so it sounds flawed. >> the method for selecting the 7th member the ultimate decision to made by ad ten and the
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developer it doesn't necessarily improve the pak and the cac they have no vote. >> i imagine ad ten holds the majority of votes on this body? >> yes they do. well there are six they hold three of the six votes. >> so it's at least half. >> yes in this system it's enough to veto. >> my final question for you is there any follow up information on the grants that have been made to ycd to the summer youth program to the san francisco housing development corporation to the community first funds is there any foul up information? have they been successful? tr there metrics available for us to the success?
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>> yes on the youth development program and on the financial impowerment program sfh d.c. we have two semiannual repourts where they talk about the metrics where they have been successful and anecdotally we polled folks they felt the program was being effected but there are mayetrics >> my contact is on the website as well i can get that to anybody that is interested >> thank you for answering tough questions i i appreciate it. i will call up mrs. walker i have six questions for her and i think supervisor weiner and kim to ask them questions as well first of all did you hear any remarks you want to speak to?
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>> i do chair cohen while the invitation to the ic included specific specificity around the chairs of the sub committees as you alluded to in your comments the workforce and sub committee i wanted to acknowledge while the cac and pak we're not signatory to the ccba they're significant parts of the ic and their representatives have joined us today. >> okay >> you may hear from them in public comment you might. >> okay supervisor weiner raised this question i want to touch on it again can you give us the overall structure of the i c.? >> so it again in summary it is a 7-member body. the 7th member the additional
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community member seat is currently vacant as we have highlighted mr. mccray give you the details it is a 7-member body made up of the ad ten groups which were signatory to the agreement along with the developer also the cac the pac and that 7th community member >> thank you. now is the ic working on a plan for the current displacement of the african americans and pacific islandsers in district ten? >> the rental assistance grant as it was originally conceived was originally conceived to support rets of those ethnicities >> where are we with the rental assistance grant? >> it's still pending we haven't
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moved forward with it yet. i'm trying to answer your question about those specific ethnic groups >> the ic has been around for five years? >> the agreement was executed may 30th 2008 and the ic was formed shortly there after. >> okay thank you. is there a plan for more workforcement for district ten to be revised or a workforce in process. >> please clarify your question >> for workforce development that is a huge component of many of the constituents desire to have a job i am wondering if there is anything the ic is working on in this vein >> so your question is about
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further workforce funding for this initiative >> correct >> there are a couple at the sub committee level but they have not reached the full body >> okay. and if the ic actively seeking to grow and foster partnerships in the community and develop new ideas? new grant programs? that's a lot of money >> it is. and i'm hesitant to respond two reasons one because i only one vote while i'm the temporary chair of the committee i only represent one chair of the developer i can't speak for all of the representatives on the body. i will say that representing the developer we want to see. the body do more and more money get out to the community from my
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perspective more par nor ship is better. >> my final question can you describe to me how they communicate to the larger body? >> fantastic question one of the things i started in the opening comments the time of the representative developer and urban. one of the thins when i came to ic our minutes are not posted to the d ten website now they are so we posted 6 months worth of minutes after they have been approved from the previous month we also now have a website that has information about the implementation committee as far as i know that is the only way we're regularly getting information out about the ic
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meetings. >> thankula shawn i appreciate it. thank you. so we are going to begin to transition to public comment before we do supervisor kim has a few remarks >> i'm learning about this process as we move forward i'm not familiar with how the community benefits agreement one note having worked on community benefits particularly in the tenderloin tax exclusion area this is completely 100% privately negotiated between a group of parties and developer on-site so it's not clear what role the city plays enforcing this for the money to be spent out to the community. a lot of the communities you
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made compare how we would structure notification board agendas go out how they don't match when they're privately negotiated i know that supervisor cohen is concerned about this we want to make sure these dollars are getting spent down in the neighborhood and in terms of how the goals are being met workforce development i feel uncomfortable without having the key stakeholder to hear their side of the story as well it seems like there are things not occurring it's hard to make that sumgss without these organizations there. just to say i respect the organizations in the city and i sh would appreciate their
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aspectivive in perspective. >> thank you very much public comments linda richardson. i think this is dr. walker we're going to work on that pen min ship. >> i can start? >> yes >> good afternoon supervisors, for coming to this meeting supervisor cohen actually this is the only recourse we have had in the community for years trying to understand what is going on. there are two messages that you all need to take away and people that are listening to the community lenar the developer is meeting it's obligation as you have heard they're providing the funds the issue is administration of the community benefits. community benefits by name sounds very nice however you
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need to look at the structure. you need to look at community over site and transparency. the signatories to the cba for the community benefits in the bayview hunters point is unprecedented in 2008 the majority of the community organizations are seniors that used to come out here for decades establishing advocating for the project. here comes the san francisco labor council. san francisco organizing council sfop and acorn has been disbanded these organizations are not the ones you saw meeting after meeting but they were able to strike this agreement this shady agreement and it's prooifly held how do you expect the community 207 million to manage. this might be a litigation
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issue. there is frustration. the goal of the people in the bayview hunters point is to make sure our youth have after school programs we talked about that for decades as part we're building a community center senior housing center for it's seep yors that came out to advocate for the establishment for the >> can you let her? thank you. >> none of the funds are being used and the audacity that the sfop and the labor council will be holding this private meetings none of the people here have ever been allowed to attend a meeting so we're calling on mr. tim paul son coming forward to the public they have explanation to do to understand to resolve this it might be
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litigation they need to dissolve the ic and start over again this is unacceptable. thank you very much. dr. walker charlie walker james bryant next. >> madame chair i'm actually disturbed about the various conclusion about problems. i want to thanks the san francisco foundation for it's report but it revealed even more there's problems very difficult problem. i got back involved 2 or 3 months ago concerning the committee. one is that the politics have entered into the committee i have not been able to do basic business because of that that is one of the problems i have been able to learn i'm working with 7
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or 10 subcontractors that need all kind of help. and they do not have any way to get the system so they can employ people from the community those are things that i'm really concerned about. then the oppression to fulfill dr. moody's position that is in turmoil at this point. in the committee in that particular area it's not working so unfortunately the six member committee i know it's made up of seven but the six have been working for a whole year and not able to come to a conclusion to elect the 7@person i'm very concerned as well as the other community members most communities members don't know what the ic is doing each person
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on the board can only invite three people just to come and listen they don't have a voice. i'm not condemning the whole thing but there needs to be restructuring thank you. >> walker followed by bryant followed by enna or malone >> i hope it's not embarrassing to you mrs. cohen either he had bad information or standing up here lying you can't have it both ways i have a document in my hand today black contractors that work for ibic nibi and kale owe them over $500000 every
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black contractor that has work the out there has not been paid all their money. there is such a thing a lady with me they didn't give us any more for grants or anything like this. this whom thing is a cher read white people don't send black people to tell the truth they tell us a big lie we're supposed to bite into it. we're not biting into it. i don't understand how he can be so disturbed to something he's paid to do but not give you any better expectation he gave to you today this is not fair to him not fair to us. and this document is document to
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owed to all the black contractors in san francisco and all three are left the rest went out of business. something needs to be done somebody needs to come out or there needs to be investigation to the way this whole thing is going because that money you are talking about ain't no black people got any of that money he's talking about things in 2011 this is 2015 the party is over. >> thank you james bryant deanna is next betty malone and christina sand value. >> thank you very much. james bryant the originator of prop g. ladies and gentlemen there is promises there was a promise that the community would be involved in this process two that was negated there is no
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transparency three there has been no jobs dlvled in behalf of this process four where is the community input? you know in may i think it was the 28th. i was out of town on union business i got a call and they said you know mr. bryant there say deal crack with the labor council and lenar that is worst deal the bayview had ever had in it's existence what it did is create a team of monsters that control money for the community they don't care about at all. i come from labor i can tell you about mike and tim i can tell you about each one that got in this position cony and well all i got to say not labor council
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not acorn not sfop spent five minutes going out running that campaign to give this community not one of them. and i stress that to say because if in deed they had maybe lenar was a little concern maybe they didn't know that they had a real brand election going i think it was 68-69% on a positive vote. but they cut a bad deal the community is suffering and you board members please help us do something about it. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> malia i give you the credit. >> thank you. come on up. betty christina you guys can start queuing up so we can move quickly >> hi malia. one question one project -- >> if you can pull the
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microphone so we can hear you. thank you. >> what projects that will benefit benefit benefit griffiths's have you been fit d >> thank you betty sand value is betty not here? after christina will be william warren angelo p king. robbie titus and robin son. >> hello my name is christine sandival i work for a peaked attics office in bayview i felt the need to come here today because this need is important i walked out of my job and toll them i would be back i thought this was going to be an hour
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this it longer than that it has to be heard and known that this community is in need. i have been coming here for seven years fighting this fight and i still have not seen one change basically i'm actually truly saddened about this i have gone to more funerals and gone to wakes then i have gone to any one of these meetings that are supposedly being held we were never invited to them. our youth are getting kills because of lack of opportunities i have a 22 year old i'm scared and petrified every time he leaves the house because there is lack of opportunity for him. he has done ycd he is graduated he is sitting with certifications and no job.
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no job. i'm sitting here struggling raising four kids two jobs and not one have i been involved in these meetings or anything this needs to stop this needs to end i'm tired of going to funerals i feed to see a change and we need to see something for our future black lives matter all lives matter. >> thank you. william warn please? >> hi can you hear me? good. supervisor cohen thank you for doing this. i'm glad supervisor weiner and kim are here. i will keep this short and sweet. i'm an assistant immroement strategies in partnership with lenar i'm a guy people sit down with i do a resume with them when memories or pains come up i work with it with them to
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they're willing to be employable what i heard today when you hide things from the very people it's going to effect and you don't let them be on the same page you are causing them to be trapped in the what we used to called ghetto life. all of us you me the people here the people out there we want city life not ghetto life. so with what i just heard my will be i will end it like this my question would be what are all three of you going to do to help correct this situation and help move it along and help this $27 million come out more? >> thank you. angela p king lawny tie tis
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robbie robin son. >> in my older age i'm learning to get to the point. so the question is asked what can you do? the fact is the organizations that will come to you some of these organizations are city-wide organizations. you need to tell them first of all to respect community to have their community partners as members ad ten regularly has meetings outside of ic meetings which are already private meetings more or less they come with the information out of those meetings to say we thought about something else. do you have minutes? you don't have xhnt minutes what was it about? we don't know yet can you can you tell us what it's about? we are not sure yet. they post poent it not ready to
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tell you that. this is post poenting going on i'm here eight years accountable to the members of our community no way would this be going on. there are people out here that came to hours and hours of meetings to get this thing on and people promised them this money would support them in getting some of this opportunity this stuff that is happening is happening because you have ad ten groups that are kicking the can down the road postponing things they don't want the 7th member they would like to kick off the pak seat and acon transition. they would like not to fund san francisco housing development in the program when the mobilization program has given out $200,000 to local african american contrac
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