tv [untitled] June 8, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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to tell you that. this is post poenting going on i'm here eight years accountable to the members of our community no way would this be going on. there are people out here that came to hours and hours of meetings to get this thing on and people promised them this money would support them in getting some of this opportunity this stuff that is happening is happening because you have ad ten groups that are kicking the can down the road postponing things they don't want the 7th member they would like to kick off the pak seat and acon transition. they would like not to fund san francisco housing development in the program when the mobilization program has given out $200,000 to local african american contractors out there
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who otherwise wouldn't get a loan took a year to put it in place by the time they put it in place those people had already started so it didn't have the impact it was supposed to have and this is to help them support the jobs they were trying. the point is the idea is you have the local people work for the contractors and they understand the folks that are now entering into the union you can't have people -- we have ace not to be like this we have ace on our board where is the rental assistance program? where is the foreclosure program why is it bayview is still behind in the number of people entered into the lottery this is only way we're going to get it this is not rocket scientists
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people down here for affordable housing and sitting on $9 million you need to ask your city partners who you are talking to you are directly over the money to change that you are not helping to impact change instead what you are trying to do consolidate power to kick off the community voits that were there to hold you accountable to say no you can't do that you have to do this have you to talk to those people to let community members stand on equal footing with them ask them to do the process inside of the ic not outside of the ic right now they're holding up the technical assistance money for san francisco foundation there might not be staff there will not be a vote for rental assistance that
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was supposed to be voted on three months ago there won't be that this month either i told them they were supposed to do that two months ago here we are. this is the kind of game play. if you have watched cnn and disgusted and the dead limit you talk to the partners that are didding a disserve to their labor member tell us and churches the people they're supposed to respect that is disgraceful don't talk to me about anything until you solve that. >> thank you. next speaker please? >> good afternoon supervisors thank you for calling this meeting supervisor, cohen it's appalling as a resident of the bayview community to know this money is out there and supposed to come to the community for
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people to be better for lives to be changed. it's one in a month where is the money? why isn't it being allocated to where it needs to go? who do we hold accountable because we always say we need to hold someone accountable when we don't pay our rent they hold us accountable. when you don't do your job us who put you in office we hold you accountable we need to hold someone accountable where is the money? where is the funding for all of these programs we so badly need in our community. i'm not saying it's your fault it's not i'm asking as humbly as i know how you work with us so we can get the funding allocated to the right places that it needs to go so our community can thrive so we can grow so we can
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prosper prosper we deserve that thank you. >> next speaker please? after this next spooek speaker i will call up irene mathies vander court alease vincent. >> hi my name is robin ron sinson i want to know when is the next meeting and we would like to attend the meeting if it is okay when and where >> i will connect you to mccay to answer that question for you >> i'm in labor i still haven't got a job in alice grifth and still looking forward to having a job down there can somebody help me to get a job there? i live right across the street i have been waiting and waying.
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thank you. >> next speaker in queue irene mathews you are here? is that you? okay. >> hello supervisor my name is irene mathews living in alice griffith what happened to the money and you held the money for seven years what happened to the interest on the money >> thank you next speaker please? >> my my name is adrian vaneder court a resident of alice
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griffith and attention association on the palmitariaan for eight years it's disgusting on the hold up on the money i hope one day soon they will release it then another thing i have we have been disrespectful the tennis association of alice griffith we don't hear nothing. i'm wondering why is that? >> thank you. >> thank you. >> cathy dave sis ronay kent. >> hi miami cathy davis director of the senior centers i have been in bayview for 44 years i can't figure out how to penetrate this system to get funding i think my organization has done a lot could do a lot and would like to see something
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happen they paid us $6,000 for this lovely listening sessions if we had them i would have done them for free for the 5th time we can purchase the property take the money invest in property we could have dubt i'm so frustrating i know i'm not the only one trying to see something good happen it's a travesty that much money is sitting there with the housing crisis we have i have gone to the san francisco foundation they have funded me for the crisis for bayview's point i can't get the so kuled private money in the community to support the work i'm doing the work that the community is trying to make happen i know it's got to change i know it was agreed upon at a certain point
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in time it is dysfunctional it is not working there are too many people in bayview hunters point i don't like it when mr. walker is correct i want to choose to make him wrong and have this process work. >> mr. charlesly walker. >> charlesly walker yeah not -- >> thank you. >> my name is rola kent and with you are began strategies it's disturbing to hear some of the things i have heard today being that you know i have been here for years now in my position that i have working in the community and it's kind of sad to know all that money is sitting we have people that don't have jobs don't have --
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who can't pay rent that need assistance i wish something can change now. >> thank you. next speaker please >> i'm dr. veronica honey cut chair for the chair of dock yard supervisor kim it's always nice to see a breath of fresh air when it comes to our supervisors let me tell you this. you know i'm going to have to be -- i will try to push it through in 3 or 6 minutes you will give me >> two minutes >> okay i'm going to move quickly the san francisco foundation is doing the best it can with the reason strants they're in. when you sit in those meetings the way i do the way angelo does you have to keep praying to keep
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your mind straight. i'm going to be very honest with you about that what is not working? the 7th person issue has taken too long to take place all of the political foolishness can can has kept up from having the 7th brirn that can break the internal grid like in the ship -- number two the technical assistance program the f that does not get rat pied we will lose sak and another one. both african american male as both competent doing great work. the original pack was not to the private agreement you have the ad ten organizations coming in you have the organizations in the cac pack in l level of
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trust. transparency i have begged the ad ten folks put on the table we can negotiate it and move this business forward nothing is frt coming we need the public's feedback we need their access that's what keeps us in line. not getting the dollars to these folks is not working of coursely ace calling for a housing moratorium when housings is needed thank you. supervisor weiner for that particularly working class folks in the bayview. what else is not working? in plan to place to take some of the those funds and make them sustainable so there may be money we can identity liez in the future that's a problem. these issues must be addressed and they must be addressed now
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thank you for allowing us to speak to you what is wrong with that ic >> thank you. next spooeker please. >> i want to thank you. supervisor cohen for calling this hearing as well as supervisor weiner and kim a long time bayview red a member of the sfop one of the original -- pokes who are listening who are watching in the audience right now sfop what anglo said ad ten having separate meeting those meetings are open. i will take responsibilities if we haven't advertised them sfop, meets every 4th monday at ymca
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at 6 o'clock. you are more than welcome to come address the issues to figure out our game plan for the ic and get the community input. i thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about what the ic has done. it's good to talk about some of of our failures and stumbles so we can go back and readd joust those issues as a whole i don't want people to walk away thinking this is negatively impacting us we will hit here and crumble we will work harder so the next time we're here it will be a better representation of what we're doing some of my colleagues on the board have definitely alluded so some of our internal dysfunction i joined the board in march of
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2014 with la shawn when jacob moody was leaving i personally have been working hard to try to bring some softbreak some of the tension and bring uniformity get rid of some of the mistrust. it's been good moments and bad moments there is definitely more to go. i think there say lot of transition the board is having in terms of cony and john from the ace workforce not here their membership has changed they're not voting members of our board any more basically there is work that needs to be done we need to get the money out faster and quick leer come out to sfop meetings every 4th monday or the cac meetings which is tonight they give updates on the ic this with all of us working together we can fix some of the problems
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in our group. >> thank you very much. this is the final call for public comment on item three. if there is any other members of the public i'm sorry i think you have already spoken. sorry you can only speak one time. mrs. walker you presented but you have not spoken for public comment if there is anybody else that would like to speak on public comment if not she will be the last one. >> la shawn walker lenar urban i wanted to clarify or add to the discussion that i heard mrs. robinson's invitation to her request to attend an ic meeting there are several ways you can be invited to attend now that i know alice griffith would like attend i will make that
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separate from the ic urban spends one a month with the association meeting i will make sure i invite them around and invite them to an ic meeting i wanted to clarify some of the questions raised about general contractor and paying sub are different than ic funds >> thank you for that clarification madame would you like to speak in public comment please do so and you can follow. >> my name is lb johnson. i have been hearing about this that has been at hunters point and been looking into some of the abuse that has been contracted ak in the areas i'm
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concerned about and reconstructed the bayviews and i have spoken out son those that might be better on that subject that are passed we make clearance on a lot of the exercises that i missed out on. and have a good day. i hope for a better outcome than what i have been seeing. >> thank you. next speaker please? >> good afternoon supervisors my name is salapia workers in the alice grifth the question is who
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do you guys report to? thank you. >> thank you very much for raising that question seeing there is no more public comment i will gavel down we will close at this time i don't mow if you have remarks or ideas supervisor weiner has a few thoughts >> i'm still very confused about the legal basis for the i c. yes i have not had experience with cac where for example i work with market avc which impacts fees and doesn't make final recommendations but makes final recommendations to the planning commission and the cac members from the arganoctavia has to be requirement a small business owner or whatever the case may be and the board of
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supervisors appoints them i think it's every two years they're accountable we cannot reappoint them if they're performance we in fact made changes on the cavc and their decisions is a public process it's subject to the browned act they make recommendations typically of the planning commission which will defer to their reimburses on how to spend impact fees but it's very public and transparent and very clear what has to be done i'm not getting this sense here i'm not sure of the legal basis is the purely a private that the city has power to change with >> correct. >> it's 7-and-a-half million
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dollars it's sort of public money it's sort of not >> it's not public money >> we have no power to do anything in terms of -- >> privately negotiated in connection with a public development agreement and has to do with the approval of it. it seems like not a good model with part of the deigs with the decision with the mayor as part of that there is seven na-and-a-half million dollars over which there is no public can'tability no transparency no brown act nothing that seems like a problematic model and i feel like we explore whether changes can be made in this agreement. >> thank you supervisor weiner i appreciate that we will figure out legal questions you have raised i want to thank every one
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that took time from work to come and be part of this discussion i think it's incredibly important i think this hearing was able to shine the light on existing questions that exist in quiet circles that it's not publicly acknowledged i want to recognize those that presented today i thank you for time and reparation i appreciate your thoughtful answers to the questions that were raised by this body and importantly i appreciate you answering the questions to the rets of district ten that are not able to be in this chamber today and watch the televised committee hearing will have it. i'm excited about the work the committee has been able to accomplish i have general concerns about transparency and the community echoes the issues of transparency in the xhinty
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the number of dollars or in this case the lack of dollars have been spent over the last several years so this community has responsibilities and pressure that comes with that responsibilities trust me i know about that pressure it's not always easy to come to consensus on which programs to fund at what level i want to employ the committee members that are here to continue to work to work with the community so we can develop quality programses and provide funds that are available to strengthen the fabric of our neighborhood a neighborhood that is in transitioning extremely quickly. i further ask that the committee fill the vacant see especially given that it's a critical seat it's an access point for the
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voice of the community in the ic some members have expressed interest in having a hearing possibly later in september. this request we will consider and most likely we will honor this request. it comes from a compromise for the members not able to come today but i thought it was of urgent nature we held this immediately a would like to motion to the call of the chair. supervisor weiner seconds this motion. this motion passes unanimously i wanted to acknowledge that supervisor kim had to leave. thank you. madame clerk could you please let me know >> there is no further business. >> long day >> this committee hearing is
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happened next sf oh san francisco known for it's looks at and history and beauty this place arts has it all but it's city government is pretty unique in fact, san francisco city departments are filled with truly initiative programming that turns this way our goal is to create programs that are easily digestable and easy to follow so that our resident can participate in healing the planet with the new take dial initiative they're getting close to zero waste we 2020 and today san francisco is diverting land filled and while those numbers
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are imperfect not enough. >> we're sending over 4 hundred thousand tons of waste to the landfill and over the 4 hundred tons 10 thousands are textile and unwanted listen ones doesn't have to be find in the trash. >> i could has are the ones creating the partnerships with the rail kwloth stores putting an in store collection box near the checks stand so customers can bring their used clothes to the store and deposit off. >> textile will be accessible in buildings thought the city and we have goodwill a grant for them to design a textile box
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especially for families. >> goodwill the well-known store has been making great strides. >> we grateful to give the items to goodwill it comes from us selling those items in our stores with you that process helps to divert things it from local landfills if the san francisco area. >> and the textile box will take it one step further helping 1230 get to zero waste. >> it brings the donation opportunity to the donor making that as convenient as possible it is one of the solutions to make sure we're capturing all the value in the textiles. >> with the help of good will and other businesses san francisco will eliminate 39 millions tons of landfill next
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year and 70 is confident our acts can and will make a great difference. >> we believe that government matters and cities matter what we side in san francisco, california serve as a model phenomenal in our the rest of the country by the world. >> whether you do not to goodwill those unwanted text told us or are sufficient value and the greater community will benefit. >> thanks to sf environment san francisco has over one hundred drop off locations visit recycle damn and thanks for watching join us
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