tv [untitled] June 9, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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lk about a quick example. 16th and mission, that should be for first responders. what is it? it is luxury housing. it is ridiculous. the mission is become ground zero for luxury housing and we quite frankly don't need it. you are going to have people come up and say it is supply and demand, quite frankly that argument doesn't hold water. it hasn't held water for over wn00 years. we live in a oligarchy aeecan am. it is about the top trat control the bottom. conspearancy theorist, but say it is. knr worked carn vollast weekend maybe the weekends before i think, i can't remember and we got signatures for this moratorium. we got over 700 signatures in 2 days.
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we had signatures from people that live here and had signatures from people who were kicked out. people that lumeant the fact they were evicted because somebody bought the building and elisacted them. what is happening? well, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the people in the center are screwed. what are you going do about it. what i also want to know is who is getting money from ron can squaw the big developers in the town to say now? >> thank you, next speaker please >> [speaking spanish. my
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name is mariea [inaudible] i represent the >> for your interpretation can you use the microphone? >> [inaudible] the reason for being here is i want to tell you i'm rather worried i have been notified of eviction. they are kicking me out of my apartment and i'm worried i have no where to go. and i my kids, i'm a honest hard working person. but it pains me greatly this is happening to me
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and many more people. i would also like to tell you to stop the construction for the rich because we the poor don't need it. because if we are evicted where are they going to build for us? put your hands on your conscious and everybody wroo whoo can help us those who can help against the evictions. thank you very much >> thank you next speaker please >> my name is julian doll and organizer where community group ace and we work in multiple
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neighborhoods and have a chapter in the mission in bruno height jz oshave a chapter in the bay view and we work with folks who have trouble with dealing with secz 8 management pusing them outd, folks being foreclosed on, people evicted andal who need affordable housing and paying rents too high and just people fed up of seeing the neighborhoods around them change beyond recognition fl profits of a few wall street developers. right now we are hearing there are is so much common ground on the board. we are hearing everybody wants to see more affordable housing and everybody wants to deal with the housing crisis and that is great and hope that is true, but i only hear a few people quite frankly who are the sponsors of this initiative say
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how it is that we will get that affordsable housing. there is actually a plan the community came windup and saying before we get that affordable housing we have to stop the land grab happening in the communities. now, if we don't do that i don't know how we will get that affordable housing, how it is we will not continue to build at the 7 percent rate in the pipeline now in the mission. no, i know that you know that the entire mission community is asking for pass this proposal. i know there are other communities starting to ask the same thing of other supervisors to please come up with a plan to rein in the wall street develops and also know that we are not the only ones you are hearing from. i am sure there are meetings with >> thank you very much. next
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speaker please >> my name is glena [inaudible] i'm a artist and curator. when i came to san francisco in 1994 i found a place for under 400 dollars a month and i was able to support myself teaching photography in bay view hunters point when i did for 12 years. the mission became my home. i am paying a mort gj now, but i am not happy to see my property values rising. i'm worried about every arts institution being in peril and more than that worried about my neighbors being displaced. my immediate neighbor mary a dear freend and she is in section 8 housing so maybe she has a bit of protection but i don't think so. she raised 12 foster kids and now raising a little grandson junel and i'm not the
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only one who lovesmery. everyone on the block loves mary. on mur birthday she gets a mar auchy serenade but they were evicted across the street. many families were packing yesterday and the day before. i asked where they were going and many didn't know. marby's house they told me is slated to be next. i look at junel and i think that junels life can go in very different directions and the choices he will have and the decisions he will make at 16 could be radically different if he is able to stay in the neighborhood where he is loved with people from all walks of life and grow up there. think about it we need moratorium that is basically long enough to be there until junel comes of age and ready to vote in my opinion >> thank you, next speaker
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please >> my name is sieveia [inaudible] i'm disabled senior from the postal service. i deliver mail every day going up and down hills in san francisco. i immigrated frame argentina in 19 [inaudible] i never leaved san francisco. now that i live in 1139 gurera street and 10 months ago this lady bought a building and since she became the building i have become the worst criminal in san francisco. i'm selling drug jz doing sex love to everybody in the neighborhoods with my osteoproses hands. i have been there for 41 years, never had a complaint. one complaint from private owners
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never. but i like i said i'm the worst crimial. i want to thank supervisor kim that she listening to me. that is all i qu say. i'm going through eviction for no reason. i'm vised i don't see mr. edsmz lee. maybe because there isn't a giant or 49ers parade. this is latino parade. we fight for our barrio the mission. we don't want big buildings, we don't need big buildings. thank you sfr visor campos too for doing for us. now i convensed san francisco is not thp land thof free, it is the land of the rich. thank you. >> next speaker please >> hi, i'm frances caulines
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and i'm for the moratorium. this will be short. we shall not, we shall not be moved and if you don't vote with us you shall be removed just like a tree that is planted by the water, we shall not be moved. [singing] >> thank you. next speaker please. >> good froong, my name is christy achemoand i'm a 40 year resident of san francisco renting near [inaudible] in district 10. i'm also a member of ace and strongly urge support of supervisor campos resolution coming for a temporary halt in market rate
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development in the mission district. i'm completely shocked and appalled wall street assault on the city and concernedwit the brutal effect on elders and families. in the case of a friend of mine, the family had to split off [inaudible] stayed ouf the street only [inaudible] holding a minimum wage job and seeking enough [inaudible] who is couch surfing with friends cumunting as farb as pittsburgh to the high school in putrery. moving out sthof city kmt a option due it increasing costf rental throughout the bay area. as we all know waiting list for subsidized housing is long and sunchss are cut for low income along the food stamp benefits. is this how we want to street
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displaced fmlies in the city? what dt about the the estimated 1200 to 3 thousand homeless children in san francisco schools many are living in vans or church basements. what do we expect them to do, just disappear? as we have seen in the mission district the influx of market rate housing is obl making the crisis worse. very few new development include affordable units and as more luxury housing is built it lead tahigher rent and more displacement so what is to be done? the mission district lost 5 sites that can go to affordable housing and now only 13 sites are left. >> thank you ma'am. next speaker please. [speaking
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spanish] [inaudible] i have been working for our community many years and retired, but i didt noretire from the peoples struggle. i would like the supervisors to please meditate over what the moratorium means to us. the moratorium is the medicine that is meant to treat the cancer that is finishing thauf mission in san francisco. that is the whole
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thing, all our stories flow together here. san francisco, the mission is a city that lives from a constant struggle and is a characterized by defended just causes. if san francisco didn't have these organization the rich would have been able to make their goals and put in those goal kicks they did. they have managed to come out ahead with
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theirs, but we need to get ours as well. we need our residence to be strong in the field. it used to be the chains now you need 3 incomes to pay rent. thank you >> thank you next speaker >> [speaking spanish] good afternoon my name is [inaudible] i'm here to support this moratorium which supervisor campos with his fellow
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supervisor who are in favor there of are supporting and we got your back. because the community is calling out, clamoring for a place to live. now san francisco community is asking you for your support. it is in your hands. and don't forget that when tomorrow comes you are going to be asking for our help to occupy the seats you now hold. that's why i ask you to please not abandon us in
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this suffering we are in. because there isn't rental property anymore, the rents are twenty-two too high and don't want to rent to us in san francisco anymore. every day i hear it clamoring of the community that clamors for housing. that is why i want to thank those who are supportive and i want those who are not spoteing us to have your hearts softened and come to our side and support us. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker please >> my name is [inaudible] and
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>> [speaking spanish] good afternoon my name is gloria [inaudible] i'm here because where have been struggling with my community for 15 year tooz have a home that i can pay for. somebody said this started many years ago and that they are thinking long term about solving the problem. and i have seen many supervisors talk just to talk without supporting the community. remember
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[inaudible] that is our work. more over you are here because you were elected by us. and that job also supports us. that's why i want to thank those who are honestly doing their work as work for the community. thank you very much for supporting the community and doing your job without joust talking hogwash and pretext. because your kids
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still have teachers, they still have homes, you are still together because you have money. enough already, stop being a complicist to money. see the xhunty for what it is. see the workers who produce the richness before you and stop hurting us because our kids dissever to have a roof over their head. at the very list we are not king for luxury here, and the moratorium why? because sthra problem, we need to studthy problem. you are
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waiting for the 13 plots of land to come out soia can kick us out. we will be here [inaudible] our neighbors of ever color will be here holder you responsible for your wickedness because it is wickedness. don't try to call it by any other name, it is selling out to the rich. we are not saying we don't want there to be construction, we are not saying we don't want housing to be built, but we want housing for us because we
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are the ones who worked here in san francisco, we are the ones who created the wealth and i would ask you please >> thank you very-thank you next speaker please >> [inaudible] michael lion great panthers. so, there are supersupervisors who don't want to wait 45 days when the number of available lots in the mission are rapidly decreasing from 18 to 1thry all most over
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night. how can you possibly be against holding things up when lots are disappearing that fast? there is only one explanation, you want them to go. you want the people to go, you want people to be driven out, you want people to be evicted and sent out of town where they not only have lost their family, they lost their health care, they lost their jobs, they lost their whole means of living. what it is saying is that you want the mission to be converted to a area where the police come in, where they hurass and stop young youth, black i latin youth hurassing them. where people are killed within impunity by the police. we
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will not stand it any longer. you can hear what it is like outside. your time will come. >> thank you, next speaker please >> good afternoon my flame is olgu[inaudible] and i want to talk about the all latino people and people that live in the community of the mission district. it is not fair that in my case [inaudible] disabled [inaudible] i have so much stress dealing with my [inaudible] and there is no way [inaudible] they say section a is closed. it is not right for
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all citizens we need to right to live a place to live as we have to eat and as we have to do something important in our lives. i am not working but now [inaudible] my slry, i pay nor than 70 percent on my rent and it is not right i have to do that. i think that you have to see in my case how many citizens we have in the same situation. i have been a citizen for 2 years and haven't seen the rise [inaudible] honestly i don't know what is the benefit to be a citizen because i didn't receive. thank you >> thank you, next speaker please >> hello, my name is susan
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survan as and founding director of [inaudible] center on 24th street. we have been established for over 38 years. i'm a resident of mission for 54 year jz seen a lot oof changes. i was evicted from my home on vulensia and 22 after bart was in because all the land owners at the time felt it was progress and can double and triple the rent and that is what happened and were evicted at that time and now i see a bigger wave. there are other evictions since then and the huge suave overwhelming for many families and people. i'm also a member of the
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[inaudible] and feel they are extremely active in creating awareness we are here for today in support of this moratorium. i have 3 sons born and raised here, none of them can afford to pay rent here as well as the teachers, all of our health care workers working class, sunchs providers, cultural workers, everyone of those people can not afford. we have to have a minimum wage that will allowtuse live here, thereat is 27 dollars a hour, not twev.25 cents so if you can doot doo that maybe we can afford your lexerary housing, but now we need your consideration if the moratorium so we can figure this problem out. thank you >> thank you next speaker
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please >> good afternoon spl visors my name is vander hill and sf native child of the mission and i come here speaking on behalf of a house where just lost called cell space. cell space that is where i learned thew kwans do dance. i was teaching regularly every monday night for about 5 years, but last year they told us that we are losing cell space due to luxury housing so compose shout out to your for this legislation and everyone eson board. i want to let it be known that also through cell space that gabe the motivation to pursue career and be a teacher so i'm trying to be a teacher now and work 4 jobs to pursue that so it would be nice not having to do that. the hardest thing last year is
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telling my student we don't have a place to practice as well as my sister company they have no place hope you consider the legislation brought up by compose >> thank you next speaker please >> david you look good up there. i offer you are a poem. my name is magic. so many corporationerize knocking on our door, they couldn't care less blt the homeless, the artist and working poor. cold, soleless, sleek and greedly, they'll steal your heart and leave you needy. yes, corporations now have the rights of people, but do we really want to sleep with them? i'm wondering while we fall for their line, i'm too big to fail they say with a smile. there are not any laws that can put me in jail, i
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