tv [untitled] June 9, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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the prop k sales tax capitol budget expenditure and it is $135 million and he specifically asked for what pieces of this and what, what are the funds going to? and as you can see from this, chart, 25 percent of it is going to the sfmta vehicle, procurement, and ten percent is going to the radio communication system project. and the transbay terminal, and the cal train receives ten percent and the brt will receive 7 and parkway will receive 7 percent and all of the other projects will receive the remaining, 41 percent and that includes, street resurfacing, and the state of good repair and the muni forward. and for you these expenditures represent and anticipates 53 percent of future allocations
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that will come forward for the board for a full approval. and our estimates are from and the reimbursement for the past fiscal years and received on a quarterly basis and any additional sponsor information and the adopt the strategic plan and the five year prioritization programs. and with that, if there is not any other questions, and i would like to and end my presentation. >> no other questions here? >> thank you. >> great. >> so this item is now opened for public comment and any member of the public who would like to comment? >> and seeing none, we will close the public comment. and we have a new house, and so the first the motion from commissioner campos and seconded by commissioner kim and i will have a roll call vote. >> item seven, commissioner avalos? >> aye. >> commissioner, campos.
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>> aye. >> cohen. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> and commissioner, mar. aye. >> mar, aye, the item passes. >> okay, very good, we are going to the next item and item 8, introduction of new items and this is an information item. colleagues any new business, commissioner kim? >> no. i don't have any new business, but i did want to make a motion to rescind the consent calendar to do a full vote on that item. >> the public comment is open. >> none forward, and we will close public comment and, so we have a motion from commissioner kim to rescind the vote on the consent calendar. >> seconded by campos and we do that without objection. >> and so, now a revote on the consent calendar. >> okay on the consent calendar, nexter avalos. >> aye. >> campos. >> aye.
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>> cohen. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> commissioner mar. >> aye. >> the consent calendar passes. >> okay, very good. and our next item. >> nine, public comment. >> general public comment is now open. any member of the public that would like to comment, seeing none, we will close, public comment. and next item? >> item 10, adjournment. >> okay, thank you very much we are adjourned..
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>> commissioners before you have the minutes of may 26th additions, deletions, or changes. >> i'll move approval. >> second. >> any public comment on the minutes of may 26th hearing none i'll call for the vote. >> all in favor, say i. >> i. >> opposed? the motion carries next item, please. >> item 4 general public comment. >> i have one speaker cards david. >> good afternoon david pill pal two items related to power i believe the commission had the first workshop on the plan at the end of april what happened to the scheduling of the success workshop. >> would you like for me to answer we're working on it
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several efforts right now the team is in michael and barbara hale are in washington, d.c. so dealing with the, i.e., extension we're planning to have it probably next month so we're trying to schedule the june 23rd meeting. >> next meeting. >> we're targeting i appreciate that and look forward to the next workshop i hope in the future when part two gets rescheduled listed on the haven't calendar and the other item i appreciate point jennifer lowe have people working from washington and appropriate things are in place following june 30th i know the important changes happen and hope to continue delivering power to our customers and i'm sure people
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are working hard to make that happen and appropriate disclosures when things are ready to be disclosed thank you very much. >> thank you any other public comment yes. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm value ofier work with w cd the youngest community developers in san francisco we have a current partnering with san francisco public utilities commission and we have a lot of young interims that join our program i brought on interim we're forming a papering with private sector communities a
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coming and also the public utilities commission so it is a unique marriage between the public and private sector we've brought a young person person to speak about the job readiness training and skills over the last two weeks or so. >> good afternoon this following monday i'll be in my fourth semester at the san francisco i started between my junior and senior year that was my first job i've got minimal professional skills cleric work this training has helped me in my professional life how to send professional e-mails and be able to better my presentation
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skills i've learned how to inspecting indirect business appropriately and truly know how to work in an office on a project and see the development and see how true professionals work together to help a project and to help it's projection i got to work on a music video on the public utilities commission impaneling chapel and had a small part in such an important project for the moderntion of san francisco was truly amazing and i'll be able to go home and say mom my music video is on youtube it is something i'll not forget i have pamphlets there's
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the yearbook and short biography of everybody involved it is a true memory book of my experience and my time here thank you. >> well this is a wonderful story continued good luck to you do we have any other speakers? okay. seeing none i'd like to take the agenda out of order at this point, i'd like to call item 7 the report of the general manager supervisor cowen would like to speak >> good afternoon, commissioners how are you madam president thank you forces allowing me an opportunity to report out i've had an opportunity to - i'd say life-changing to learn a little
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bit about the technology out there in the world it has a positive impact on the community eave heard from the previous speaker about her internship with the puc going and having an opportunity to travel with the puc staff and see how the technology states out that there can be available for us to incorporate into the wastewater treatment plan and the digest plan is a phenomenal opportunity is it allowed me to look at the future and see what is available to youngest people ♪ room can have opportunities to work on jobs that are in the community but more importantly given me an opportunity and a approach to talk to constituents and people in the surrounding area about the thermal hydraulic
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process i don't want to insult kathy she's done an incredible job but i've development a expertise i didn't i can after 5 days i want to encourage you to get out of the city and go ahead and, if you will kick the per verbalized tires of the technology that is ousted and available it was mind bloepg to see grade a cake i don't know if you guys talk about cake but this cake to house of delegates hold it in our hand and hear from the people that are utilizing it and farmers it is phenomenal this experience has allowed me to be a fierce advocate quite frankly commissioner president caen joining our advocacy and moving beyond the hurdle now i know we've had an opportunity in years past to get legislation it
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in place to correct what i consider viable injustices in the bayview but now is the moment to strike the community complains about the smelled because of digestion it is things e admitted into the air it helps us to eliminate that and find and help to identify a way to be efficient in dealing with the wastes if not for this trip i wouldn't be able to talk about the h pc process and the iowa's way it works and understand the what's the technology? the buck can presto see that and you know what was extremely powerful being able to talk to the invert of the technology and
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learn first hand the practices that the countries are learning because of mistakes they've made the other thing that was expressive was to be able to look at the cfo and ceo in the eye and talk about they're overall vision where in technology will impact our plant in san francisco so there was it is an opportunity that i'm grateful for and thank you to the puc staff for extending an invitation to go to on this 2ri78 e trip that was 5 days we were on planes and trains and buses we were in cabs we were utilizing all different modes of transportation the unfortunate thing it wasn't your traditional thing or thing to kick it and have a good time we had people
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but focused on the technology now another highlight is not only were we able to discuss the bio solids and but visited a food processing plant to see how the scrapes are processed it's a smell i didn't experience your technology has they have eliminated the odor but it stuck with me the smell i'm sensitive having grounding grew up in san francisco people grew up smelling the waifrment now we have a chance to write environmental i think judged 4942 intelligence and finally depart 80 percent of the city's waste is going through the
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wastewater the plant in bayview we deserve to have state of the art technology and for me the best selling point of the proposal it's an elements that will educate people and educate people and inspire them into a field they're not that is an untraditional field that women and minority are not a part of we're fortunate to partner with several different engineering partners with the summer internship when you look at the students they talk about the exposure the mind opening experience they've had with working in the field they wouldn't think about and anyhow we're inspiring future engineers that's not only do we have the engineers that are inspiring and going on to school but be able
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to create jobs to come back to the neighborhood and come back and do their work it is poetic so i think if you can count on me as a sponsor i'll where else 4 other votes on the board it will not be difficult seeing where the reactors are and be able to speak from that is a great opportunity so every single one of you there's a trip in the fall forget about the newspapers take it >> commissioner. >> i'd like to get the expressions besides the smell from our prospective for the bayview for the treatment. >> i don't know in terms of the plan if we can accommodate that on the treatment i'll defer to
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the engineers that are helping spatially vices lists the wastewater plant has possibly 3 b-6 is it. >> b-6. >> i know it's a b-6 but two or three of them and we'll have digesters as well fewer okay. so if there's an opportunity for us to find a way to process our food wastes in a more efficient manner it should be at the froert we shouldn't be behind washington, d.c. we have the technology and the were with all we're a city leader and we need to continue to move in that direction thank you so much for your leadership ms. the leadership you guys are i'm on our team and ready to help you.
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>> supervisor cowen you've become our head ambassador (laughter). >> thank you very much so if you ever need anything my staff and you are available i want to help to cassette people and at changes are happening he hope to see you around all right. >> thank you for coming. >> my pleura huge investment thank you. >> so would you like to continue on. >> i think for order if you want to go through communications and cock it would be back on track or if you want me to continue. >> okay. we can jump back so item 5 communications. >> ? >> yes. on the tracking of the
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thing someone that disappeared the risk analysis because it was not in the work plan for the cca that's one of the dlieshldz we need before we come to enclosure on that. >> i wanted to ask about the under letters summary the ceqa leadership from local 1225. >> norway reign do i want to. >> it's in the letter summary. >> yes. there was a letter from the ibw challenging the ceqa analysis behind the community choice segregation and a resistance response from barbara hale pointing out that
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they presume that this commission had approved the enterex report and the local build out as part of that, in fact, no action was taken at puc lafco meeting so for now that's the response that was provides water and i know people are still revving the package that they sent in. >> okay. thank you. >> any other comments on this item. >> vacationed. >> any public comments on communications. >> the pin. >> that comes next. >> sorry. >> okay now moving along to item 6 with outlet commission business well, i have a presentation to make and this is for you commissioner
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moran. >> i think i have this right although you've been on the commission for seven years this is a presentation of your 5, 6, 7 years service it is a pin for 5 years of service although we're two years late (laughter) i don't have anything to do with that. >> it takes to years. >> i accept this with full pride a little bit of confusion. >> it represents your time served on the commission we normally takes us a major year or so to get them out to everyone. >> i don't think i ever received one (laughter) okay. (laughter) the first one (laughter) no, i - this is my pin >> okay any other commission business
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all right. we'll get back to the report of the general manager. >> so the first item supervisor cowen teed it up i'll invite kathy howe to give a full report ones the site visit. >> good afternoon commissioner president caen and commissioners it's hard to follow supervisor cowen i'll try to go over the presentation can we put it on the screen? okay. so what i'll start with the agenda i wanted to recap the bio solids digest oversees facility project that has presented earlier in previous mention and go over the site oufkz and the information we had gathered and our conclusions
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so when amelia cruz presented to the commission the bio objectives those focused on building more than treatment plans and have a true community asset we have a google opportunity to bring change to the southeast at one of the project milestones the thermal was selected as to help the object so, so there was t h p and the system is small in a constrained site it contains odors within the plant and proudz produce a class a solids project we take pride in is it can be used in a number of ways
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in europe they've used it for agricultural purposes >> t h p produces for treatment of the materials before it goes into the digesters is it removes the solids before digestion and reduces the volume of solids and ultimately the size and quantity of the digesters we need for treatment important for key stakeholders in various levels the project take place team it was important for the stakeholders and the project team to tour the treatment pa plants where the t h p was utilized and produce a pursuit that can be smelt and touched it is only in d.c.
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and d.c. is in the startup of the t h p and due diligence team included did puc and the bio solids leadership and supervisor cowen needed to be confident this technology will work as promised and produce no odors for the neighbors so the site visit objectives bans our aufltsz t h p b will be an have felt of over one billion dollars of construction costs for the project due diligence to confirm the selection of semi core process is sponsor for the potential investment in the thermal ohio drastic process and the sizings of all up and down streams the
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components are relying on the system team members confirmed the quality of the final product and discussed the process how it is maintained and discuss with onsite operations management with the steam needs and emission controls and any recycling impacts within the watermelon treatment plants and so this next slide is showing other agencies who are within the u.s. who are considering using this process and like i said before only wookd is actually has the plant installed and still in the startup peace. >> may i ask a question and sure. >> that last slide where are the different district in their
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processes. >> i think north carolina is the closet to us they went on the site vista week brother by the did and we find out asked similar questions so they're probably and they have the same consultants they're moving at the same pays for the going for the system. >> this is a map that shows the red is the agencies using the process and as you can see they're mostly in europe and china has one and australia but the u.s. we're all in the early stages of the either planning the project or working on the design for this similar hydraulics process. >> so our visitors included 4
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wastewater treatment plants, a visit to the thermal hydraulic plant and visit to the food digestion plant. >> so the team visited the most up to date t h p digestion wastewater plants in the world including the floodwaters and in addition to the sites you'll see it had extended travel each meeting a debrief on the activity and talked about what we took away with the visits of the operation staff. >> and so on monday ring was the first treatment plant in dublin ireland they're the oldest plant that is utilized in
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t h p been using it for 20 years we were able to ask them a lot of questions they had a lot of odor issues in the beginning and operating pretty well smoothly we didn't notice any extreme odors then on tuesday we actually went to two plants on crowley wastewater in 9 morning this produce thirty dry tons of solids a day and has a similar t h p for our southeast plant and important for our team to get an idea of what we're getting at the southeast treatment plant and the units arrived on prefabricated skids and so that's what our consultant was paroling proposing for our
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