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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2015 11:30pm-12:01am PDT

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april 2015 residential per capital use the 15 lowest users in the san francisco bay area 11 of those are customers including the city their highlighted in the green there and again, this is a testament to the water use efficiency this is chuchd thought our water ear in terms of the storage hetch hetchy as of yesterday was 92 percent full at the same time the trade off has dropped to an extremely low level i'll talk about that but the jest is the system is working the way it is intended to we scarce water for the sake of storing water in the hetch hetchy that's a really good thing and chris tall
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springs it looks absolutely full that's because we operate water in the bay area just in case there is an interruption in the hetch hetchy so people driving on the integrate think the drought is over but the water bank is way way down in captivity as though an extend drought. >> it did that come up. >> i think i made reprehensive to drive home that point yes, it looks at full but as opposed to a metrology reason. >> doesn't we have to pit water in the water bank. >> i'll show you a couple of slides what future looks like and our plan to put water in the water bank it comes up this year as we operate but every year we
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draw on it it gets lower and lower only happens so long i'll talk about that later. >> cumulative precipitation the red line climbs above last year's 2007 we had late season storms and anticipate a couple of more that news is a good pieces of news and on the snowpack it didn't mean tests great but in april and may little bumps we get a little bit of infrastructure snow helps the storage flow every time that hemispheres that is the index in may we normally have about 1/3rd one inch of precipitation we got
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a better than average may up country here in june the 9th of june we have 50 percent of average for the month of june so too bad those are the late months but as opposed to what happened in january we take took a hit on the local front the different story may and june were virtual uses of the front that is the way it is played out in the bay area. >> total deliveries this chart is a little bit different now the red line the 5 year average the deliveries to our system wide customers that is the same just maybe every year it changes the blue that is last year shows where we came down starting on
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june 1st people got the message on skepticism and the green it this year, the black dashed line our reduction target and the first part of the year shows the reduction we've asked for of 10 percent off of the projected purchase level starting with the state board regulations kicking into effect with that and our consumers what their demand you get the lower dash black we're starting halfway through the target as you can see from the green the level of deliveries we're well below that lion a tribute to our customers we're ahead of the game achieving what we need to comply with the state board requirements. >> and again total savings last
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year the reduction formula for 8 billion gallons and now looking for 50 percent more we're ahead of the curve by the safes from our customers the indications relative to our customers are all very good. >> but i want to talk about what about water bank that's a good thing it is expected to bottom out 60 thousand to capacity it may go to zero but end up at 60 hetch hetchy b will peaking peak at 97 percent of capacity we are expecting it to get you up and look like a full reservoir so going forward with the next year if it is a 1977 type of water year and the customers meet the reduction
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requirements water bank should peak at if 2 hundred thousand that will be fed from the cherry side where we're generate even though hydro power we get up to 2 hundred thousand or 35 percent capacity and next summer is it goes to zero again the 77 type of year it will be emptied out it is great for three or four years but it only lasts so long hetch hetchy should drop down to hundred and 90 thursday thousand that april and peak at 2 hundred and 7 up thousand feet and get down october 1st to 2 hundred and 10 so next year hetch hetchy will be preserved flashlight of the 1977 not as full as this year and start to come down this fall of 2016 so we're looking at
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east of we have a dry year we'll get through it but suppressed at the end of that year without significant precipitation so the whole idea of the water bank to get us but for several years and hopefully another year. >> so the summary even though this year we expect to have the 7 percent of hetch hetchy the water banks works for several years but next year will have limitations the slide we've not included we've lurked the demands of 1972 as is an annual review for the 2014-2015 has not been that low since 1977 is the only year lower than this year's now it is really incredible the amount of population growth we've had since 1977 so the
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demand is that low and in fact given the trend there last year lower we'll be setting record goals levels in the coming year and the last thing we've mentioned this time after time the state water board talking about the pre1944 rights this is going to happen very soon very soon the latest rumor it's going to happen very soon and we'll take appropriate action in response to that notice that's where we are in the drought. >> i have a question. >> how much you guys bank or anticipate on el nino i know it has fizzed but. >> i think i've been told by more than one time el nino has a
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50/50 chance it is a nice thing but now el nino it may not happen it could be an el nino or an immediate cac year frankly we need to plan for the worst and hope for the best every year is recycle that. >> on a press conference today so show my nephew a website he asked what full frontal. >> instead of you used something san francisco so i want to applaud your team and tyrone's team. >> thank you thank you. >> thank you very much so the last item is the cca update barbara hill hale is in
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d.c. so michael will give us an update and overhead. >> may we have the overhead please. >> beautiful there you go. >> i know sometimes that is a blurry slide and go ahead but it's okay. >> walk you through good afternoon, commissioners michael acting program director on behalf of the barbara hale to provide the weekly update in addition to our regular reporter on sf clean power i'd like to report on a couple of items of interest you started the discussion on
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this and discovered the letter in today's letter assembly on may 27th the council for the ibw local 25 submitted a letter to the commission stating that the city needs to comply with ceqa before the approval of the program arrangements in the letter are currently being considered by the city attorney's office but one thing raised in the letter it opens by stating the rates to quote comment on the san francisco public utilities commission adoption of the local build out of energy resources of the community choice aggregation prepared by enterex at the special joint meeting of the public utilities commission with the local commission on
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january 30th, 2015, we wanted to clarify that there was a special joint meeting on january 30th between united states constitution and lafco they took no action on the report second action of interest on june 1st a proposed ballot was proposed their press release is a measure circulated for signatures on the ballot and finally to our kind of blurry timeline i apologize for that so to begin with i'd like to note a couple of milestones we've accomplished in the month of may the first is on may 28th the mayor signed the new power
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contracting legislation into law that that legislation helps the sfpuc for the long term energy facilities for sf clean power and other power consumers on may 29th we issued the rfp for cca customer care and administrative services this will cover the data exchange and accounting and billing and call center operation services at program launch proposals under the rfp are due june 25th and hope to be before i for authorization to execute an agreement on august 11th. >> looking forward the thirty day period for the board of supervisors to provide february open the adopted not to exceed
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rate resolution will ends on june 15th also staff is on target to deliver an updated cca implementations plan for commissioner approval at the next commission meeting if approved we anticipate we'll submit that within two weeks to the c p uc that has 90 days puts us around october and last but not least we're working with consultants and our city attorney's office inform develop an over for the face one energy supply we're beating our schedule on august 3rd for the editions on arco simon symptom in july i know that commissioner moran earlier asked about the risk analysis we're doing that
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in conjunction with the process and i'll work with director hale so with that, that concludes my remarks i object to answer questions. >> thank you very much. >> that that concludes my messy report. >> any public comment on this item? >> jason fried chief financial officer first of all, thank you for the acting director michael hines and barbara hale for they're hard work to move that i want to thank them and address two amends items with respect address about the i e w letter the ballot measure we're a ballot measure one of the things you should be doing so instruct
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staff to so how it impacts the marketing should it get past i've got good examples that will be detriment pooeshl go solar can't be marketed go figure only category one counts as green house gas renewable energy how the sgror project some of the programs doesn't have the meters i'll courage you to you have staff look at the various impacts and come up with how this impacts people are aware this is what you're talking about you're talking about green programs not marketing as green for example, the power mix that was looked at i know that shell is an evil word but what we're
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offering to the office in 2013 you only be able to claim 25 percent thought that it would have been a win category rec facility and the other 25 percent from not handful and therefore their mix is 25 percent even though it is hundred percent ground levels free have our staff take a deep analysis of the parts of program and make sure increase an understanding for the general public comment so here's what is green and not green if you take pg&e they claim their energy mix is c n g renewable this is not considered so we'll be at a disengage where if we use their mix we're claiming 22 percent and then to the iuoe letter we
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accepted the report as implemented and finished i sometimes, i question i read their letter there are several questions if i was at the same meeting that is a different way p than the merging he attended and finally to knock after the ceqa that requirements strategy i believe the letter was filed but not had a utility filed from my memory serves me correctly they like to do scare tactics but not implemented in the at the end thank you. >> david pill pal i want to comment on items 7 ab i'm excited about the t h p not as excited as supervisor cowen's but having served on the west
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odor subcommittee very interested in accelerating the digester project itself and the due diligence on the technology is procedure apace and that's all to the good, i misunderstood that a certificate of preference is come out on the next month think the digester rebuild it is exciting in ceqa on 7 b i appreciate the length i didn't discussion you'll have had with ivy perhaps those changes do happen with the board of supervisors and signed by the mayor in addition to developing the reporting to the commission as contracts come before you for those efforts first few months that appear differently than previous because the stapling
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staff could highlight what's different about the process that modesty helpful to you and the public i appreciate the discussion on the transparency along with the low bid and all the factors we're trying to achieve in the public contract thanks. >> thank you any on the speakers okay. next item please. >> item 8 is policy and perspective update. >> good afternoon julia the general manager good to see you the purpose of this presentation to give you an overview and i didn't want from the from time to time and local level with regards to our policy and legislative work we're happy to have our federal and state 0 lobbyists before i turn it over
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to let he knows about the work in washington, d.c. give you a little bit of background this is housed in external affairs around the legislative work we want to have the high quality support for the emphasis and the agency around core legislative priorities and then the other category of the priorities is around advancing innovative policies and really lifting up the san francisco puc as a thought leader with the utilities and industry overall we do that with 0 lobbyist and other public utilities and administrators and agencies as the local level work closely with the board of supervisors like supervisor cowen and others
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to make sure that any of the san francisco pucs business that requires contracts emergencies and appropriations appointment are introduce the process our relationship at the board of directors has been very important and so 5 years ago when i came on broad we wanted to get a sense of their priorities and connections with the authority that the sfpuc has and what that looked like in action last year, we brought 39 pieflgz legislation all passed $80 million professional service contract for the bio digester project both the local and underground projects were approved and now to execute the enter solar project so your authorities that have
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independently executed those and tracks over hundred piece of protections that are of interest to the enterprises in the puc and responded to legislation that has an impact on the agency we often having get requests from the members of the board we work to prepare furors hearing to make sure that the questions that the board members have supported through that process for example last year, we worked with formal board president david chiu with his water bottle ordinance and served as liaisons around prelims of that legislation this year we've successfully got approval over 50 items on the board power is the hot topic this year that includes the
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issuance of the revenue bonds and authorization of the general manager to enter into procurement michael hines talked about over 10 years and $10 million that is unprecedented to have it authority to the action and our counter priority for the necessary contracts with appropriations as we come to the finish line of sf clean power at the state line is the firm that represents the puc's center in sacramento we worked with them to monitor hundred bills every year last year we tracked 74 bills and the process is work closely with the enterprise staff and how we engage and identified policy staff in each the enterprises with - to help identify and track the interests
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lobbyist roepts our interests they coordinate the engage with the appointed officials that has an interest in the puc and since don gilbert is here i'll let i am get into the work i don't want to steal his thunder i at the end to do but have priorities we have and continue to present san francisco rules committee water rights and have been working with steve with the water bond and emergency drought for the recycled water projects we're engaging in the greater energy and we've been working controls with several members the state delegation around the bay area bio sold projects and
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commissioner has been tracking that at the federal level there interest 0 an associate that represents the tdr interests and w work with deafening there or 27 items of interest and they've engaged with administrative body the vice president of the interior and the regulatory licensing and potential financing opportunities that have dried-up it is long term and - one the priorities at the federal level to look at the insurance of our water rights they've done an amazing job and continue to stay on point and provides water key support as we're engage with the first progress with regards to pg&e we're seeing the local
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government to engage with the drought relieve and dearly will talk about that and the last bucket of work in addition to the legislative and regulatory work the sfpuc is collaborating with other agencies in an effort to elevate the water structure radios it relates to the job committee so 18 months ago general manager kelly talked about the coalition he helped to kickoff with the folks in washington, d.c. to create an inner form group of folks to impact the jobs in the community those those efforts we spotlight the work that the puc does and helps the industry so for example last year the sfpuc and group of 12 commissioners participated in the economic and
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jobless impact that the public utilities are having that study receives the elected officials and the constituents and with a data that shows that the infrastructure support jobs and has a positive impact on the economy the releases of that report shows the infrastructure summit last year our general manager was asked to participate and that the treasurers department actually noundz the report there we were able to get thirty my outlets and in addition the general manager had round tables with congress so highlight how the sfpucs capital programs and opportunities are invest in the strategies and community
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benefits for they've been a thread around the utilities of the future that san francisco has been represented through that process so, now we're looking at challenges and opportunities for the national conversation with regards to what is happening with the workforce so the jobs report we commission highlighted what's happening as far as trends with the fact that there's a huge number of employees ready to retire so as part that have effort we're working with our federal lobbyist to look at opportunities to build off the national part and create a more expensive study in offering resources for a pipeline process that will not only be for unstuck but overall figure out how to cease workforce training as i turn it over to our
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lobbyist i want to introduce you to two new people on the legislative affairs vicky johnson with the federal lobbyists and patrick that will building doing our local and region work and i'm sure you're aware of verna fox left us in january and aaron left us so during that time the two people in our staff has been carrying the level harlan has appreciated it they've carried the team for the last 6 months thank you so i'm going to turn it over to don and gilbert and dea