tv [untitled] June 10, 2015 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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. >> good afternoon we and welcome to the planning commission thursday, june 4, 2015, disruptions of any kind. please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. and when speaking before the commission if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'm going to need to ask did people that can't find a seat but if you're blocking that
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doorway you have to move to this side of the room for me we are arranging on overflow room in the lower light court i'll let you know commissioner i'd like to call roll at this time. commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards we do expect commissioner hillis to arrive late commissioners we have first on the agenda is commission matters item one deposition felt draft minutes for may 21st joint hearing with the rec and park and the draft minutes for the 2015 regular hearing i'll like to note the joint hearing minutes will be
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amended commissioner hillis and commissioner johnson were absent and the draft minutes for the may 21st will be amended to correct typos i have no speaker cards. >> is there any public comment on the draft minutes of may 21st not seeing any public comment is closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> move to approve the draft minutes for the regular and joint special on the agenda- a joint meeting with rec and park. >> is there a second. >> second. >> thank you, commissioners on that motion to definite the minutes commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously have to zero and places you under item 2 commissioners questions or comments. >> commissioner antonini.
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>> yeah. a few things first of all i was part of a panel discussion on tuesday morning and the law institute i was asked to comment will informational comments on the prop m allocation a very good panel one of the interesting presentations came from tracey the head of the bay area council economic institute and she talked about growth we've heard some of this already in other reports she said san francisco job growths was 16 percent last year as opposed to the bay area 12 in the area of 9 and quite interesting she said at 2014 a huge jump in venture capital the
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four largest venue capital firms were in san francisco airbnb and lyft and others it both sides well an interest in the companies that are growing that is one reason which why the employment growth is so great that's interesting for anyone that is interested the commission secretary has a sipping synopsis those are available if monikers to get them on a less positive note an article in the sunday chronology san francisco san francisco measure up to real big cities many of the things i've noticed in the trips to other places take too much time looking at in the mirror and saying how beautiful but up close not so he
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crafted is with new york and it seemed to be less people with social problems on the streets and the control as in san francisco and went on to a lot of the instances there are problems that he didn't see in other cities the other thing that's troubling the san francisco museum and historical society was taking care of the mint i guess i've lost their lease i'm not sure of the details it is falling apart and becoming a camp out for homeless people and it was a mess not the case last year this is something to take a look at it and why it is not maintained he also alluded to how bad manhattan was thirty years ago i can speak to that that was much worse but i've gone a good job of improvement and asked for
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someone to take the leadership and start to do some things here i'll say the same thing everyone has things they're doing but not all working together with the common thing in particular when you look at some of the rules that exist and don't get endorsed that's one of the big problems we have and thank you very much. >> commissioners commissioners if there's nothing further we'll move on to item 3 commissioners rules and regulations there's a desire to continue this matter and commissioner moore. >> i don't we've had enough time to thoroughly read the issues we ousted to set aside a block of time to decide how relevant the points are i'll ask to continue, please. >> second. >> to my particular date
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commissioner moore? >> pick two weeks out if you want. >> two weeks whether or not you prefer and end of june. >> july 2nd looks at good. >> july 2nd is the full commission and again want to thank the subcommittee for doing the work obviously want to do it and get to right and the extra time will benefit all of us. >> thank you. >> any public comment on - okay yep that will be coming up in a second any public comment on rules yes. >> on the matter of continuance only. >> on the continuance nothing else. >> very -
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>> is there any public comment? okay public comment is closed. >> very good commissioners on the motion to continue the rules commissioner antonini. >> commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on department matters item 4 directors announcements. >> good afternoon, commissioners the mayor announced his proposed budget this week of 8.9 something billion dollars part of the budget is largely intact what you approved with a few changes we're shifting through we'll prepare a short memo to talk about the changes but there were a few changes and i object to get those to you in the next week. >> commissioners and members of
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the public we have a fire safety issue here we've got too many people in the room in order to accumulate the people the north court will be televising and you'll be able to watch and lincoln listen and when your item comes up line up outdoor we'll allow for time to people to come back into the room anybody that didn't have a seat go to the light court if you're item is later in the afternoon if you care to giving you give it up a seat the people who's items are coming up next, i appreciate your understanding and cooperation. >> commission on item 5 review
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of the past events in historic preservation commission meeting. >> good afternoon aaron planning department staff there was no items other full board of supervisors this week the supervisor wiener's ordinance for certain uses in the upper market passed its second reading and the designation for 4th street the manufacturing building passed its second reading and finally a hearing on the interim zoning moratorium for the residential used in the mission sponsored by supervisor campos are supervisor mar supervisor kim and supervisor yee it will prevent the issuance of my permit that diminish didn't demolish or convert
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examples with 5 or more units it will prevent the puss use of pdr state law establishes moratoriums can only be infected for a 45 day to insure that the emergency ordinances are established stalling requires a 40 fifth majority to limit the protections to critical issues for the immediate threat to public safety the supervisor president london breed determined the issue was important it should be heard by the full board at the hearing the primary co-sponsor supervisor campos said it was a decided property impact into the community and the moratorium was needed to take a break from standard development reviews the city has time to
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develop a few of the soft sites for affordable housing supervisor campos has joined in the sxorp and supervisor jane kim and supervisor wiener supervisor farrell said the moratorium will only cause housing crisis to arise supervisor president london breed encouraged the public to be heard and is commissioner richards called for the moratorium more finland the mechanism the hearing starred at 3:00 p.m. and last day until midnight the full wealthy and the personal stlal in the latino will - several times the room e.r. erupted into chant and the board struggled to continue and
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two individuals were arrested the number of housing promotions will be captured in the moratorium was that 3 and the number of potential inferred units of the total units developers will either constrict or pay fees to have a minimum of 12 percent on the other hand and while it depends on along the board will keep the moratorium in place there are impact fees and hundred and $25 million in inclusionary as for the planning efforts the staff described the work and meta and the 2020 this draft will be finalized to keep 65 percent of the mission affordable to low income and others this is new construction
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acquisition when the moratorium was rejected by a vote and 3 supervisors 2 3, 4 opposition to pursue a similar ballot to be considered quite a few of the introduction the financier an amendment to the planning code this ordinance requires a written and posted notice to all the building or mergers of dwelling units are proposed and required an affidavit for the bathrooms to be removed and second an amendment to the planning code supported by supervisor cowen we zoning a portion of a street this is in concert with the establishment of damaging even though park the third item was amended though
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the planning administrative code that was spofrptd by sxhifshgs is allowed the construction of adu's within the boundary the the board of supervisors district 3 and corrective measures fourth introduction was in interim zoning control supported by mat mayor and supervisor campos it improves the prohibition and the proposed quarter district for 45 days with corneas with the government code fifth introduction with the amendment to the planning and building code for a dwelling the 6 was an amendment to the administrative codes this was sponsored by the mayor this
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ordinance amends the administrative code for an affordable housing code fund for the 8 amending the planning for correspondent changes recommended to the city affordable housing fund and revising the program fee to change into a pro rating fund and the reintroduction the first one was supervisor wiener's adu dwenlz for about district 8 you'll be hear in the near future and the last one was the rezoning properties supported by supervisor yee you'll be hearing in two weeks that concludes my report thank you. >> any public comment on this report. >> okay. not seeing any commissioner richards and. >> wanted to make sure to
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remind staff other than the 2020 presentation and i'll hoping to do that we have a number of work sessions coming up. >> appreciate it. >> commissioner moore mr. star could you give me a little bit more background on the diego rivera it park and how is that changing the game board. >> the only thing that ordinance will do to rezone this portion of the public right-of-way so it is public and open space and that will be coming to you for review another piece in the puzzle it didn't change it. >> it didn't change it. >> by it becoming public the pun will now have to maintain it the original art. >> i'm not the familiar with
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the it only allows it to be a park and open space. >> as it is the legislation is developed i'll like to hear more of that background. >> certainly it is coming to you for adaptation as well. >> commissioner johnson. >> just a question on the affordable housing change the fact it is self-appropriate is that a material adjustment or currently that is part of the annual appropriation where they know the amount they'll appropriate and that's not part of the discussions. >> i'll have to get research and get back to you. >> oh yeah. >> deputy directorcity attorney right now there are references in the planning code some have the fund self-appropriate already that means it didn't go through the
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normal process the cd gives the fund and not clear whether it is self-appropriately or not to the cleaning references that all fund in the citywide affordable housing funds are self-appropriate and under the city that will i think will come to you as well. >> yes. >> thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further the zoning administrator request i submit to you his brief the board of appeals met last knitted they've heard the building commission on polk street that proposed two expand an existing two unit building and for the garage levels to include habit space it was heard on 2014 and voted to
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not take dr and approve the project the board of appeals voted unanimously to deny the appeal and uphold the issuance of the building proposal. >> commissioners that places us in general public comment this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. i have i have no speaker cards. >> is there any general public comment? sew essentialist next week you're about to hear two projects that are coming back to planning commission for amendments the original projects were approved in 1997 at
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pennsylvania and on the 5 hundred block of brandon identify communicated to scott wiener those projects the developers are asking for another another bite of the apple a variance those are approved as work projects and while they were being built they were active complaints to the zoning administrator two separate zoning administrators that was by people in castro hill buster the plans were designed by jimmy in delta design he went to prison because he committed fraudulent plans and dbi was not checking the plans and
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construction there were active cases on those and the variance is an exception to unit that would not be required in the buildings had been constructed legally that was the basis for my appeal and sent subsequent letters to the deserve and many cia about this there's been - you have the briefs there they don't deal with this at all it is going on to original construction who does it if plans were originally approved by the planning commission and they're coming back to the planning commission for another entitlement on brandon and pennsylvania street and you don't have acquiring minds to find out what happened? the assumption is great we're not constructed in corneas with the
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planning commissions approval a bus their modifying the plans to getting give it legitimate and b two complaints on pennsylvania i've asked mr. sanchez and mr. seiu crepe to pleased amend their reports and duo deal with the issues outlined in my letters and the letters from buster i'll asking the - i will give you my copies at break what's the planning commission doing second another bite of the apple when they don't know the first was fraudulent that's the question. >> is there any additional public comment today okay public comment is closed. next item. >> under our regular calendar
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at 2501 california street conditional use authorization on april 30th, 2015 after hearing in public comment is closed. the commission continued to may 28th by a vote of 7 to zero and continued to today. >> good afternoon cheryl with the planning department the request as a detailed in the draft motion it a conditional use authorization to demolish the pump gas station convenience store and all shop and reconstruct the shelf gas station at the corner of california in the dog patch neighborhood it was reviewed an after the planning commission hearing and detailed in the draft motion for the construction of 10 pimp gas stations and an retailer store that is known as the loop during the previous hearing the public
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expressed concern including the potential traffic of pumps and the neighborhood character and the proposed site since the last hearing the sponsor o sponsor has ritd reduced the bumps to 8 and add a second space on steiner street and reduce the advice of the formula retail store from 10:00 a.m. to maintained the entitlement is conditional use authorization for the reconstruction of a non-common gas station and 5 thousand square feet and in excess for the convenience store and an expansion of the formula retail store the verifying was conducted and the negative declaration was issued on march telephone the document is in the
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draft motion since the publication of the packet staff has an additional petition with a hundred and 34 signatures in opposition of the repair store and the department finds the reconstruction upgrade of on all used to be appropriate and will continue to provide gas services for the city this has been appropriate designed and the screening for public department finds the respect formula retail to be well-designed not a high concentration of formula retail that will reactivate the neighborhood and increase the public safety therefore the department finds this proposal desirable and recommends approval thank you.
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>> commissioners that matter was heard so the project sponsor is jefferson provided an opportunity to submit any additional matters for 3 minutes. >> great project sponsor please. >> go ahead it's fine. >> commissioner fung and commissioners thank you for your time once again, i'm sunny boil our families on this property since 2010 to give you a background that is to present the project on california street since our first hearing in april 23rd we've made several changes to a teed comments from the community as well as the commissioners not only do those changes allow us to work better in the neighborhood we believe the challenging changes improve our project those a changes are the
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reduction in hours from 6:00 a.m. to midnight and 20 percent reduction in the pumps and the retail location on steiner that includes a messing then level and an basement for storage the reduction in the size of the convenience store by 10 percent and reduction in storage by more than 50 percent and the redesign it fits the neighborhood character as our packets indicates the commission asked to consider the consideration was a two story building space for the gas station and additional retail opportunities opportunity after speaking with the architecture the two story self-make sense that increases in resulting of costs and in
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addition after speaking with the commercial realtors the second-story spates located above the convenience store is not coveted space in my opinion we've planned to redesign all the models we understand the frustration of our tenants during this time we've been transparent and open about this change since 2010 we've not raised the rent which we set based on the 2005 rate at the previous other than had set while we've heard from the community and this commission about maintaining the service states use it didn't make sense for our project and the business after speaking from with the neighbors it is objective the traffic flow around the project is a concern the congestion that
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exists today, we'll create a better flow for people to fill their cars currently, the serve station used the space for car storage on on the west side that causes automobiles to have to wait because of the of the property has been repurposed so - i guess i'm out of time so - >> you can show the diagram. >> the 3 minutes it up i understand there are changes there when we open up for public comment the commissioners may ask you to show the diaphragm.
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