tv [untitled] June 10, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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today, we'll create a better flow for people to fill their cars currently, the serve station used the space for car storage on on the west side that causes automobiles to have to wait because of the of the property has been repurposed so - i guess i'm out of time so - >> you can show the diagram. >> the 3 minutes it up i understand there are changes there when we open up for public comment the commissioners may ask you to show the diaphragm.
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>> opening it up for public comment i have speaker cards. >> (calling names). >> in any particular order if i've called our name. >> if your name has been called feel free to step up. >> i'm hard work on sacramento street just not far the same block between steiner and pierce i regret the loss of a good repair facility because those are going quickly i don't see what the convenience store offers to the neighborhood we don't have i don't like the idea
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this is an expanded convenience store gas stations sell soda and chips any kind of thing behind the register to replace that with a real chance convenience store a flying in the face of the chance ordinances that are in effect in the area and i just don't see that we need it i mean we still have co-sponsor our stores i hate to see them cut i haven't seen the revised plans i can't comment on the style the loop stores that shelf was putting up well, we argue aesthetics they're not operate in an urban setting that's basically my objection thank
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you. >> i'm susan making bride between scott i don't see the net for having the convenience store of that type of in the neighborhood the neighborhood has been changed i support to keep it moving forward but feel the convenience store is not necessary and increasing the traffic on that block which is heavy right now we're trying to create a minimum amount of traffic and accumulate bikers and adding this is not in our interests thank you. >> commissioners, i building this project if proved in its current form robs the neighborhood of on eir
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applicable the car business run by the owners and the substitutes in its place the so-called formula retail business that is hiding behind a sale add bar about will be a high fat and high sugar and poison mistaken for food for dismal diseases so on one hand assumes the consumers are intelligent and never talks down about automobile matters runs an emaculate shop and provides convenience service to the neighborhood in an efficient and this and competitive manner on the other side the neighborhood is robbed of this convenience and gets instead a down scale
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business at a later date to transit for unhealthy temptation with more gas pumps more traffic and more noise and making more robs robberies because of the construed business people probably bought this office space at luminous net they proclaim this replacement that is causing them to have to impose those hash economic realties i'm sure that the commission sees through those employees and will stand with the people and allow 0 environmental little deception to degrade the quality of life in the neighborhood thank you. >> the members of the public please silence any mobile
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devices that may sound off during those procedures. >> hi my name is darlene frier a long time resident of san francisco i'm absolutely opted to the loop project along with a hundred of loldz i started a written petition this last monday and stood in front of moll i didn't see stones and collected over hundred signatures and i actually had people waiting in line to sign the petition you know how it is at a grocery grocery store if neighbors were walking up the ramp i told him that was a petition to stop a petition of a chain grocery store and the removal of the
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automobile shop you wouldn't believe how many people said, yes i'll sign i was really amazed i know or knew that the neighborhood was upset about the project but really had no idea to the extent i was told over and over quote is belongs on the how not pacific heights why is it being required i also heard many times i love it repair shop it is so great to have an honest repair shop we don't need a convenience store the owners have not reached out to the community they know the community didn't want this store but want what they want and will do anything that is unbelievable instead of meeting with the neighborhood to work together on
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this plan like what you guys have recommended they just started talking with the planning department sponsor to does what little changes they can make in order to make this project fly i thought one of the things about chain stores with the conditional use issue they need to prove their business is necessary and desirable it is clear that the loop door is neither thank you very much thank you for your time. >> hi, i'm chelsea a mechanic at shell serviced i've been living in san francisco for 15 years i moved here from oregon and one of the things i've appreciated from the beginning
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was the diversity and balance of the neighborhoods here we go i'm sure you can imagine the blue-collar in san francisco but i get paid by the hour i can afford to live here i have one job the corporation that is going to be removing the repair shop will replace me with 3 minimum wage workers i'm sorry i think the best plan is to keep the automobile repair shop on the property there are a lot of retail spaces and keep people working as skilled tradesmen is going to contribute to the diversity of the community thank you. >> (clapping.)
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and. >> excuse me there is no disruption or outbursts during those procedures thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm douglas the owner the repair shop on california street been there 10 years right now my lease will end on june 30th i'd like to continue to conduct my business at the current location and not in a position to retire and not for another 10 years i've been looking for 0 a new location but no site i've the chevron they did the math and determined to sell the automobile repair busy for 3 times the price the price is far too high i've seen the project design it's not much better than the railway space on steeper and
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is would be a creative option but told did royals will not consider it i love the fillmore neighborhood and not put my needs in front of the community if the neighborhood wants this store a sale add bar and hotdogs and so forth so be that is not what the folks are saying they want a gas station and support keeping the essential services repair services local in the commissioners go to fillmore and do a random survey they'll hear about this what are the needs and the folks that live and work in the neighborhood set aside for a better investment each
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alternative that that happens it takes away i want to read a chronology it is a culture up healer triggered by money and demographics and seismic force they're a victim of the rising costs and is more novel the better the era in the urban sites their leftovers to be cleared from the scene i don't want to see the fabric the fillmore change i understand that upgrading the fueling system to the late and greatest is the best but it will cost one million dollars i don't know if this includes the new buildings or the entire cost of the project if the new energy has done the primentsz indicates the upgrading the pumps runs $210000 i want to submit the details so commissioners my
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suggestion give the shell station a facelift preserve the look and feel of our neighborhood and the shell station and keep the service station. >> next speaker >> hello my name is katherine i've known doug since we were children i couldn't believe my happiness when i heard he was running a shop i turned people into his mechanic ability i've had a number of people say what a great mechanic to have this loop go in feels like a big change for san francisco is keeps on happening we keep seeing those changes when is the
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small guy going to be okay to maintain and allow the neighborhood to have like doug said have their facelift and keep the shop and gas station and the small convenience store but please let's not lose this mechanic and their capabilities just like caffeine their honest and capable as a a woman i know doug and chelsea they're not going to pull the wool over my eyes i encourage women to go to those mechanics and they do it with a smile on their face i hope that you consider this and everything everybody said they said is beautifully and i second it thank you.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners my name is paul wormer after the last meeting i nodded in my e-mails i look forward to engaging unfortunately before meeting with us they denied to have neighborhood premeditation and came and spent two hours going over a fully backed plan with no various was considered acceptable yes they've improved the traffic flow on the lot however, they have begun nothing to address the back up problem occurs because cars are blocking blocking the driveway waiting to turn left and traffic on steiner
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gets backed up because traffic is waiting to make a left turn into the station drivers get frustrated a back up from the street light at california drive up the left side of the road after that it's a corner they've not addressed that planning staff said oh, well we don't look at that that's part of ceqa they don't do a site analysis so no one has seriously looked at the traffic safety impacts that are visible i've never seen traffic backed up because cars can't get in because the parking space on the wall are blocked unfortunately they've refused to discuss seriously any changes they've, however in a node to the future indicate where they might put hygiene if i look at
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the n f pa 42 and or the a f d c sfgov sites is did not ply with the necessary separation lots of flying words how have they've done a good job but not ground in data if one digs 0 into it is frequently contradictory i can't august with the comments i think this project is serve an inappropriate all loop stores not possible to make left-hand side because of medium strips or a major intersection with a small dead end issue you'll see
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at steiner this is the wrong design that explicit respect the local conditions thank you. >> next speaker i'll call another card (calling names) you first and mr., sir. >> good afternoon, commissioners is that better- and i'm carol brown son on california street on the other side of fillmore the services station and i first heard the raised neighborhood serving business after moving to san francisco and inironically i heard it from a fellow patron in a coffee shop is it not there it was replaced by a chance store
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selling expensive blouse i believe we're losing the neighborhood serving businesses i've been asking people who will this loop store serve and people say taxi drivers for instance, can use it i looked the loop and a lot of things in bags grab to take with you and cans you know grab lots of sugar no shortage of sugar well, i finally figured out who it will serve a number of schools in our area that surrendered this and it will do a roaring business with school kids and what are the health problems in this country at this point well with we have smoke and diabetes and obesity related oil neutrons
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i start with my phrase neighborhood starting business and those service the tourist that's fine but now a neighborhood disserving business in the loop i really seller hope you'll not push that on us thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm david i own the chevron across the street from the shell station you were talking about commissioners i'm a long time resident of san francisco born and raised and lived in many different neighborhood and been involved in the small business community throughout the city being the past president of the merchants association and all the neighborhoods in the san
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francisco that comprise the gyms in the merchant cords i empathize and understand the comments that have been made today, i live in the neighborhood and actually live in the marina directed and feel like the fillmore merchant area is a wonderful area to be in and same as the marina and the with respect or the sunset they need to be taking care of i understand some of the comments that in my neighbor across the street was saying wanting to be in discusses with many my brother thinking of retire from the repair shop those discussions with well, to
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continue this is something they've been talking about, however, i know that that business has been there for many anybody years we're in a tough business whether shell or chevron those thanks need to be maintained tanks breakdown what they're proposing is good for the neighborhood and the economy and the environment and i believe that it will be a nice edition to keep it that way but to modernize it small businesses are talented it's. >> tough business to be in i'd hate to see another one go understand it will be not detrimental to the neighborhood but an addition i support the project. >> is there any additional public comment on this item?
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>> hi, i'm irene a resident of pacific heights for thirty years i'm not going to reiterate i agree with all the comments we don't need a convenience store not what san francisco is about but doug and chelsea have been beautiful my car's were in oregon and i was on the phone of what to do and i've taken my car for something checks and oil changes tire repairs it is a neighborhood place it feels really happy and friendly and you feel secure at that time what most car dealerships are out of the city it would be
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horrible if we lost this garage in existence for years you see from the comments people are really saddened by this and hope that they can still stay in business thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners rose hill son a member of the coalition for the san francisco neighborhood but i don't any public comment? son on behalf of them i have a situation since i've been involved with the member organizations that belong to the coalition i stand on process and rules and regulations that were previously which i won't talk about but i have to do with the fact i don't know too much about this case that's good so there won't be big disputes but listening to those people
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speaking with the residents association their comments are important to preserve the neighborhood i'm concerned with one thing that could impact them and i heard the project manager medication the business will be open until manipulated that is a residential neighborhood and concern that the financial store close 7:00 p.m. a walgreens is a parking lot it cross not running i running to midnight we have additional times i ride muni i won't go to this convenience store riding muni past 10:00 p.m. the lines that run along muni are the two and on those buses they don't run often there is an additional traffic flow it is one consideration and
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again, the noise level i don't know how that will get handled up against a residential neighborhood thank you >> hello, i'm marlene i live in castro street and member of the jewish community center an california and presidio i travel that corridors often and uses this station mid-market and the service provided i want to comment about the idea of looking at a broader neighborhood not just right at pacific heights we see we're losing gas stations and repair shops all over san francisco is it so concerning on the gas station through the western neighborhoods there are fewer and fewer and fewer serve stations we definitely want to
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support keeping a full service gas station in this neighborhood they're an engathered species we ask you deny the proposal and support keeping the local serving businesses thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm i'm voting against loop i was a member of the pacific heights association for 5 years i had my own health and fitness in petting for years doug and chelsea have bin my mechanic for the last ten years i want to vote no on this and i think that would be a large if not significant problem for this
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loop to stay open until midnight molly stones closes at 9. that. across the street that's 48 hours for our salad bar and not the gas station with unnecessary products thank you very much. >> good afternoon mr. president i'm thomas with the fillmore merchants association i live two blocks from the station and a long time consumer of the gas station and the garage i think you've heard the sentiment of the neighborhood not surprisingly that they've been gracious and have a good word to say about this fellow station owner but it is clear how the people in the neighborhood feel
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whether this is desirable or necessary or compatible with our residential neighborhood i was really delighted to hear the video from the meeting last month all of you seem to be raising the same questions and concerns so many of us live and work in the neighborhood have one thing that surprised me that he last hearing the emphasis on the healthy food increased jokes about gnash at the gas station to get sew should you or pickup a sale add i brought some show-and-tell here facebook a friend stopped by the loop on third street and was she's a very good artist was delight by the artistic patterns
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donated this one she called sugar this one is fat here (laughter) looks at good. >> saturated fat my favorite (laughter). >> so easy to see those comments today it is not going to be bring much to the neighborhood i would encourage you to reject this proposal i applaud the comments that many of you made last time around we're lucky to have an honest mechanic in the neighborhood we've got two honest mechanics in the neighborhood we're lucky and the idea that someone that as hundred and 26 gas stations you know is economicallyndangered i it
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