tv [untitled] June 10, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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thank you very much. >> thank you very much i'll call a couple of more names (calling names). >> good afternoon. commissioners thank you for being here today, i'm allen low a member of the south beach with the association i'm here to state my opposition to 45 las vegas worst through turk street i've been a resident of the district 6 for 18 years and the tenderloin 9 years i've lost my rent control flarldz to the general plan seriously i've wondered about the need for group housing in tenderloin and it's associated with the 38 unit and the community doesn't have
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that type of income this is a project of opportunity we need to work our way through the house crisis i ask you reject this proposal for housing today. >> good afternoon commission i'm here representing the gray water technology called aqua sell a native san franciscan i understand affordable housing and the concepts behind it and understand the drought we're involved in we don't need to rehash that this project addresses that the original vision needs to incorporate some metrics there will be 3 thousand
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hetch hetchy water that will be saved in excess over one million gallons that was a partnering we see it as a successful project that can with reindicated in savings millions of goggles of hetch hetchy water over time thank you very much. >> thank you >> good afternoon planning commission and i am a resident that lives on turk right next door to the 3 61 turk i say the same thing listing the human spirit and creating a better quality of life people who make 78 thousand to hundred and $20,000 a year people next door at 351 will
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never approach that amount of income they've poor people what lifts my spirit and my quality of life at 351 i happen to be fortunate enough to live on the tenth floor i have a beautiful view of city hall and twin peaks and mount david son but my concern about the people that live belief me on the lower floors people that will probably die there thank you, very much. ma'am, ma'am your time is up. >> appreciate it. >> good afternoon. i'm james joyce are the construction a document that you have regarding the community outreach is is in the package it has a lot to be deserved most of the meetings never happened not
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meeting where the tenants at 351 talking to street regarding those we've met several times with richard to try to work out light and air our main issue and not come to that agreement yet thank you. >> hello, i'm donald with the san francisco bay area we're in support of the turk projects that will have 12 percent bmr this project does not displace anyone and takes over parking lots for thirty years we've reviewed the architecture design and very impressed that the architecture green design and know it is properly fund our ford champions are board certified and taken over the two
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parking lots are not displacing anyone the cost is 6 hundred k the cost of inflation and construction costs go up there should not be clay and it's 2 hundred and thirty units we need housing in this city today thank you. >> commissioners thank you for hearing us i'm the president of the residential association i'm here to speak in opposition to those projects and frankly it comes down to a couple of issues they found a loophole called group housing and now any inclusionary or trust fund and not have to meet the requirement for the set backs it was written and written i think this violates the spirit of the law
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to provide a safety net for people in the tenderloin and the kind of housing we need not tenderloin and quite frankly it didn't meet the affordable housing if they had the set back and consider the quality of life of the people into the neighborhood they're trying toe build some spit of the neighborhood we with all due respect to our correction workers it takes as many workers to build affordable housing as this housing thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm martin we own the 351 turk building next door it is ironic we're builders we support building we've built a lot of the over the decades in san francisco and the thing we're strict with here the lack of compromise with the light and
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air on 351 turk 80 are percent of the people pay less $300 a simple 80 units will be affected by the light and air the courtyard will help we're looking for air and light relieve for the residents on 351 turk that's our issue. >> we're going to. >> if we could refrain from the clapping. >> save it for the warriors game (laughter). >> good afternoon commissioners my name is a scott i'm speaking on behalf of the turk and it's resident i have a handout it is a 3 minute outline it goes through the problems trying to figure out a compromised on the set back on the screen is what was first
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proposed by the developer the a 10 or 11 to the set back those are windows on 351 turk blues a courtyard with a 13 set back to those windows that gave him light this was where we were before today it got worse the property development shutting off would it be fair to say and 14 set back that went down to 8 feet and this planning staff so this is through a negotiation we start out with something and get an accomodation to the neighborhood it worse and worries. >> thank you your time is up. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm director heinecke e deborah a land and project consultant i
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was originally here to talk about the loophole for the market rate housing but curiously they are now going to provide the inclusionary units when all along they claimed they wouldn't be able about to do that i'd like to talk about the light and air the proposed development that people living there will have fabulous quality of life that the apartment dwellers and others have windows shut off and light and air dramatically reduced thank you. >> as your approaching diane evans and
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(calling names). >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen i'm a community outreach corridors today, i represent the residents of the t n d c they're the senior they're living at san francisco so many year and the most is a family so they are already have one time subject with the family and now they come together in san francisco but one problem right now is not enough that affordable housing they need to get some families move out of the city or going to another state we need to save
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more working families stay in san francisco, california make the city balancing and no more separating families thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is a dining evans i live at the curry senior center on turk street i lost everything in katrina i finally found housing anothers curry and a ray of sunshine i came to sunny california and another curry we had decks we could sit in the sunshine and had breakfast and lunch area two huge skylight that let in sun so seniors can see the sky and sun we have
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seniors that dance and sing on the decks in he air and see sunshine our parent also but those people don't care about what in their going to do to our quality of life we're only little old people but we're human beings of san francisco thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm john nolte who is the community liaison for this project the proposed project does that meet the current residents not north of market neighborhood do you down to 2 hundred and thirty group housing with 2 hundred square feet the cost of this building in 2014 was $16 million divide
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that by 2 hundred and 40 unit comes to $68,000 with the proposed one thousand 2 hundred a month lease a month rent those units will be paid for in 5 years so again where is you know the community didn't need this and i request the commission to table this item until the agreement are met with the several property owners around it do the math. >> okay. i'm going to call. >> come up couple of more names come on up (calling names). >> good afternoon my name is
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ashley a live-in resident manager on turk street i've concerned about the life the light and love of everyone in the tenderloin and my tenants in my apartment i work also at the cannabis dispensaryy senior center we provide the only place off the streets of the toivend at the sit and gaze at the sunshine and i'm concerned about losing all that in our environment we'll loss altitude assess to the gardening and they'll be no sun nothing will prosper we need our light and love as well at the cost of building another unit for people that don't live in san francisco thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm dave the executive director of curry senior center i want to
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point out the tenderloin is the retirement community here in san francisco 14 thesis seniors they're retired in the tenderloin 2 thousand come to are you awarey every year 3 hundred everyday one - our issues with loss of light and loss of air you know we don't want our patios with we have a two patios and skylight we don't want to live in a cave i've worked with the negotiation and asked for a continuance i also ask if this building goes up that this is the building is recorded to be a leadership program they can help our patios and backgrounds to have a state of the art area for seniors to relax thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner rob pool about the his or her
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action coalition thank you for the opportunity to speak before i speak on the merits we've support it we've reviewed it and decided to endorse it i want to acknowledge we've see the set backs have been and the and the tmc has made requests to the set back and they're a valuable member of the organization we care about their impact but hope this can be met without continuing this project we feel this project a initiative project that will serve the underserved and will be naturally more affordable besides the under ieltd land and the construction is more sustainable those are ideas we need to support if we're going to address our how's crisis we need initiative solutions so we ask and - support this project
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thank you. >> hello, i'm a resident on turkey street light i lived in san francisco since 2007 an art and filmmaker i approve that because the lack of community outreach this is the first i've heard of inclusionary units or set back eased the power point it is insulting there's no community entity i request the item to be continued so as a community we understand the changes that are implemented and make informed decisions with that time thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i'm alex speaking on behalf of the of mr. fisherman i'm a co-founder of a car
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sharing transportation i support this proposal and proud to be a sponsor as offering alternative parking solutions in the building our service provides car sharing option i support this construction. >> thank you, commissioners my name is tom, i live at 341 turk been there 6 years if one of you saw i live in a box 10 by 15 box this window that looks at out upon the parking lot where it is going to be when i asked the develop the spokeswoman so for the develop developer who was cigarette was going to be i hope you don't approve of this project. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners my name is bret miller the owner on turk street 3 61 is on this right hand we're support of this project we've owned the building for the last year and a half we've gotten to know the team over the last 9 months and found them to be extremely reasonable they've listened to our needs and we can or think they're a topnotch group and given the experience on the block it project will help immensely are loitering that takes place in front of the parking structure so again, we're in total support of this project and think they've done or g done a great job of thinking it through thank you very much. >> i started as a renter federation for this situation
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we're no, like the last it is supposed to be making it easier for people to live here is decisions to oppose 2 hundred and 38 this is the organizing imagine if the howard would be having in exchange to finish t n d c decided no thanks we don't need the money or the units we need all of those units all of the 2 hundred and thirty and the hundred and 86 on howard and the others on howard i am disappointed to is this opposition to what we need is units thank you very much. >> good afternoon. i've got
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several things to demonstrate this proposal is not eligible because it is property owner the ordinance there are inclusionary affordable housing program adopted by the board of supervisors in year 2002 provide the inclusionary program applies to all applications for housing projects including 10 or more units it includes the variety of the development that intended to provide long term housing to individual and households particular group housing among other forms the definition of the housing project found in the can code e code has not changed and any material expect the program to apply to projects of 10 or more unit those dwenl under the san francisco housing codes whereas the additional
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exhibit the board of supervisors - >> thank you. sir, your time is up. >> i'd like to submit a copy of all exhibits so you can look at the city orients. >> thank you, sir if you could just leave >> thank you. next speaker, please come on up (calling names). >> commissioners i'm representing the tenderloin for over 20 years now a member the american community i'm being evicted from my apartment unit the building was sold and they want to raise my rent in the end i'm homeless i'm glad to stay in the tenderloin this is - i am
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concerned in the proposed development project on turk is previewed with no affordable housing this will involve many of the developers - prop k is a city policy for affordable housing for new housing we need more affordable housing in san francisco especially in the tenderloin it is your consideration of the low income recipe we ask the commissioners to reject this and on turk. >> thank you, ma'am your time is up. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm a resident of tenderloin for 15 years and board member of the filipino-american community association we would like to ask the
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commissioners to reject this proposal the 3 61 turk and leavenworth in the company it will not provide 20 percent affordable housing to low income people in the tenderloin and the development has not done enough outreach to the community and been unrelying willing to provide affordable housing i've lived in a community outreach to - i've lived in the senior housing for 15 years and i will be living in san francisco without the affordable housing i am concerned it if this proposed project for no affordable housing unit this is - >> thank you, ma'am your time
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is up. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> come on up and go ahead let me call (calling names). >> hello commissioners. i'm eddy husband a social worker i'm here to speak for myself as san francisco rapidly approaches a higher rent it is hard to provide rent control affordable housing this is one of the last locations in san francisco i feel if this project is approved without low income housing in mind this can jeopardizes the
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livelihood of the people i serve thank you. >> give this commissioners i'm a resident of the tenderloin and - i'm here to schizophrenia the commissioners to make sure that the proposed development on turk and livingworth under the company be having listening housing and in the tenderloin we ask the commissioners to close the review and so the development will not interfere with the quality of life and the apartment and car centering senior this community will provide affordable housing income people we ask the community outreach for the community
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i'm concerned the project proposed not affordable housing in the heart of the affordable housing in francisco i'd like to ask the commissioners to reject the proposal for the development thank you very much. >> good morning commissioners i'm a resident of the tenderloin for use now i use a community organizer with the filipino-american representing the filipino in the tenderloin but the tenderloin filipino community has seen the proposed project it is not providing affordable housing to low income people and it's building architecture plan will nell impact the quality of life of the resident in the o as a they care about the affordability and the grant i was lucky to be able
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to get avenue, i wasn't able to live in san francisco so we urge you commissioners to please you know reject this proposed development or otherwise or give time for the community to come to the table and discuss issues thank you very much. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm ryan i'm a community organizations with t n d c in planning for what and whom it is clear in this picture based on the affordability crisis in san francisco the cost of the units and the expected rental for the unit for the group housing not for the community and the sro and the community members that showed up in force as a matter of fact, it would be great in the developer will meet with the
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developers and not having to come before the commission i want to make a note we're held responsible to prop k and making sure we have anymore affordable housing within all new proposed 33 percent was passed in prop k and allows us to be in the planning code and want to give a reminder to the brothers and sisters in the labor units they're trying to seek a reduction in the labor so it the labor rate - >> my name is bill the vice president of the ymca of california we've been the owner and continuing provider of community services in the tenderloin and if we're kevin on into the future with our recent
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are partnering with the boys and girls club to reopen the park and manage that on behalf of the community 3 blocks from this site we've chosen in putting a developer for the parking lots the for this land co-company this is a initiative technology system that helps affordable housing in a market rate structure we think this housing fills an important need for workforce how's and help the tenderloin to be a more stable community believe me we understand the tenderloin in mrurs. >> hi, i'm jessie do this proposal through it in the trash
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