tv [untitled] June 10, 2015 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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street including the compass extension 1501 mariposa street so, anyway pay the costs and other recommended costs approval of that legislation has no fiscal impacts to the city and county of san francisco and to give you a little bit of background on the bar live outcomes school founded in 1971 k through 8 funded by a forward group of thinking parents that wanted to have direct interaction it was originally k there 5 and added another program their total enrollment is 2 hundred and 81 students sponsored by supervisor cohen i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> colleagues, any questions okay. seeing none open up for
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public comment anyone wish to comment on item 8. >> send our children learning in a traditional chinese culture children at 8 years old good through a proper manner seeing good behavior at 15 good to college to engage in quick learning but not unified the wholly holy principle of buddhist a quick united holy way and past civilization the aspect of learning thank you. >> thank you very much anything else wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, can i have a motion to send this forward. >> so moved with a positive recommendation.
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>> motion pie supervisor mar we'll take that without objection. mr. clerk, call item 9. >> item 9 resolution determining the clearing of the demand the construction acquisition prompt preservation for the affordable housing improvement a related costs necessary or convenient for that the business to be financed through bonded not to exceed $5 million. >> okay. and could you call item 10. >> declaring the public interest the construction acquisition rehabilitation and affordable housing improvements and related costs necessary for having seen for the for going purpose to be financed not to exceed $250 million. >> thank you very much colleagues two measures
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specifically on the same item with varying directing amaze supervisor avalos go first and than the mayor's office. >> thank you supervisor farrell it is kind of familiar to be here in this room budget committee thank you for posting this item today i've been in my office is in communication on with mayor's office with the bond moving forward we want to be able to come together on this one bond i spent on the other hand expect we'll be able to do that we'll keep this one going i want to amend it down to $315 billion on item 9 amend this $500 million to $350 million want to recognize we have a new bond amount for the mayors bond and
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thank you to the corral and staff in looking at how we can take advantage of lower interest rates for our next bond oifrn coming up in 8 days that enables us to increase the amount we can deal with affordable housing we are having the mayor and i are having good conversations with the aspects of the what the bond looks like and what it is still being worked out we embrace a larger bonds right now hope to have things up to $350 million according the piecemeal i've seen so far for what's considered for building in san francisco is centralized in certain parts of city principally in district 3 and
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where our public housing sites and mission bay and transbay and bayview hunters point area this year formal redevelopment areas but terms of the outer areas the expiring and sunset and a visitacion valley there are opportunities stooits sites but not a lot of work put forward to develop those if we have a larger bond we can help build in those areas that haven't seen the connective boom going on in san francisco and building next year's housing on the commercial corridors will help achieve that that's one of the bigger goals to extend our project to at part of san francisco have a member of the budget committee motion to amend this down to
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$350 million to keep it together with the mayors bond would be great. >> we'll entertain that after public comment and there are different speakers thank you supervisor avalos at this point ask the mayor's office of housing to speak on item 10 and note colleagues i'll be introductory an amendment to extend the amount of monies up. >> good morning, supervisors kate hart i didn't deputy director of the mayor's office of housing i have a brief presentation i'll load that up here
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we are here today asking for our recommendation to the full board of an approval of $300 million general obligation bond i'm sure you're aware of we were able to increase this from 250 this week as supervisor avalos stated that was savings and we are very happy about that we have been working on this for quite some. the outreach was in april with subcommittee he meetings we are very anxious to get to november and to be able to get this bond approved by the voters this bond at $300 million fits within the capital planning framework and will not result in a praiks increase we know that
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based on prior attempts at housing bond legislation that did not pass this effort to maintain the capital planning framework and it our best chance of success for package guarantee job think this is necessary to spend much time receiving the need we've heard over 10 hours of testimony about displacement and loss i think that is suffices to say 2/3rd's of san franciscans were to lost their homes today would not favored the each one sale price of homes in san francisco further we need additional production to meet our population growth needs especially in the moderate
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housing range we're also far behind in low income housing production this has coincides unfortunately with a loss of significant research for affordable housing development $30 million a year lost with a depletion of proposition one c and 46 we lost another $44 million a year and had our funds cut repeatedly and the san francisco housing authority has been cut to a point that is very inadequate the mayors response and the city's responses has been quite strong we voters approved a housing trust fund in 2012 that provided significant resources for the affordable housing development we've instantaneous on the difficult task of
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transforming every unit of affordable housing in our city with the reenvisioning of public housing we are on track for the affordable housing 10 thousand units to low and moderate income households we're fully supportive of the goals of prop k and making changes to have our production be more efficient and faster our exist resources are significant we're on track to build or rehab over 10 thousand units by 2020 but unfortunately we need additional resources over the next 6 years without the bond we'll have about $862 million to spend on affordable housing and almost $2.5 billion over 20 years we need the $300 million air
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force bonds for the next year's we've got low income and middle school housing we specifically want to serve the city's most vulnerable residents that's the consensus of the working groups that have advised on this bond measure we're proposing a range of resources devoted to each the indications the reason we have a range is because rather than a specific project identified is because all the funding we get with the bond we can take and leverage twice over depending on tax credit availability and other state funds we also are working within the market conditions so it is at at this point it is not possible to identify a project and put a
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price on it and exactly record how the bond will be used but those are the ranks for the 2 categories we have and just for illustration purposes provides water a sample how the bonds for public housing we want to accelerate the development timeline of potrero and sunnydale if we don't have the bond procedures the build out of sunnydale could take 28 years so people living in substandard conditions for 28 years we can build family housing and senior housing supportive housing with precedes and also acquire rent control buildings and stop the loss of affordable housing and we can acquire new sites to make an investment in 9 future in
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addition for middle school hours we want to put more resources into a downtown resource program a rental program convert market rate to middle school you units and refund the future next door program and just very quickly a few examples of what this bond can do the prerenovation of hunters point with boarded up windows and the post renovation with new parkland and new unit s again for the low income housing category we have a range of potential uses that will address critically affordable housing needs to hours that have area an end to the means. >> ms. had a rightly what's the
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definition of middle-income housing. >> middle-income housing would be housing between 80 percent of ami up to hundred and 50 percent of ami roughly for our middle-income rental program the cap we're proposing it hundred and 20 percent of area medium income and to give you a feel for a 4 person holders they'd hundred and $22,000 for that family at hundred and 20. >> thank you. >> this is an example of low income housing it was incentive with tax credits and serves formally chronically homeless and it has a job training site our fund were effective leveraged in this development. >> middle-income housing is in great need we are only at 19
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percent of our original production goals we wanted to launch this new middle-income rental program we want to increase down payment assistance loans and extend and a xaendz to reach more holders it has a high-level of accountability providing quarterly reports inform the board we conduct excessive outreach and our citywide loan has the underwriting the loans and this board of supervisors as your do you go approved our housing revenue bond issuance that summarizes our presentation that concludes my presentation. i should say again, we're very excited about the 3 hundred
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employed e million dollars bond and appreciate our recommendation. >> okay. thank you very much colleagues if no further discussion commissioner tang. >> thank you. i want to say briefly i added my name a co-sponsor to this particular bond item 10 because i felt that in our city we haven't done a lot to address the low income housing at least one 50 percent ami so given some of the other federal funding grant programs for requirements for the income levels i felt strongly how this bond level how we can achieve the help from middle-income housing and excited about the down up to that time loan and helping the teachers those are things i know we will have difficulty exclusively in other
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ways i know we've given a range for the middle-income portion i hope we can go to the higher end of that thank you very much. >> supervisor mar. >> yeah. first of all, thank you for the great presentation i want to thank commissioner avalos for his opening and the request for the adjustment of the 5 hydromillion dollars down to $350 million i'll ask about the small site fund works into the forest to protect affordable housing in the city and how we need to identify more of the small sites for acquisition rehabilitation as well. >> our small sites program got a false start but now gangbusters and we have fully funded we have enough units so that all our allocation today for small sites is assigned
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and so we're quite anxious to use the proceeds to basically expand the small sites program ideally to buy bigger buildings that are rent controlled and preserve the housing so the bond procedures for that use about fall into the low income housing category because with small sites we've serve holders up to medium income advertised a great long term strategy we want to keep our small sites program going and broaden it. >> i want to thank jeff the mayor's office of housing advisor for working on innovative ways to increase from the density bonus to many other
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programs and i think as admission moratorium discussion and debate ravaged on last week i'm really prevalent of the bumping up the mayors budget and key places where displacement of low income busy artists and things are happening i know that is spread as other supervisors are thinking about the development and equitable development all those types of programs are incredible i want to ask one question about the mayors goals i know you mentioned renée the assessment association bay area government goals are much higher and 60 percent affordable and our own gentle plan has huge goals and needs of the city
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so the thirty thousand units what percentage of the goals of the 10 thousand units she mentioned or the thirty in house thousand goals are new units versus rehab of public housing we know that is a harder question i'm trying to get at the huge niece and the range middle-income is not being that met i want to get a better sense of how much is new of the 10 thousand goal and the thirty thousand goal. >> i can tell you exactly of the 10 thousand 7 hundred low and moderate income units in the pipeline today to be completed by 2020 that it does include the rehabilitation of the rental unit that are 35 hundred and about another 4 hundred of substantial rehab developments in here this leaves 6 thousand 7
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hundred around 6 thousand units that are new. >> 2/3rd's. >> right. >> that doesn't include any units opportunity with the new bond procedures so we'll be added to that we hope that a good portion of the bond procedures precedes with the new construction and other bond please be seated, sir met as well. >> okay much appreciated open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on items 9 and 10 line up on the far wall two minutes please you can start. >> don't let me hear the term low income housing i was living in chinatown tiny rooms with my grandparents i'm good in my
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years i am in a nice neighborhood please drop all the funding housing along with education are the basic vital human life for america and hong kong they have good housing but public housing is people given life matter how much funding so everyone can have basically education and at least see mission statement of democratic of the government to help the people in time of difficult days helping our citizen people through the difficult days to perform the holy function through education, politics and hole religion and power
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people they're working before the recovery of the intelligence to terminate of their insecurities and danger conditions and national security lives everyone entitled to a good life and good teachers from church temple. >> and the establishment of the busy law through the land and earth and the law of hunlt r hunt and the human soul. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm asia wash asia on the case listen i'm here appalled of the mayor in his response and reaction to the protest of many people in the mission area as
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well as the bay area area i'm appalled but politics makes you you were it into a lunatic without a digitally doubt we'll have to follow the trend if there wasn't a teacup with supervisor avalos here the mayor wouldn't have went up think on that their getting getting ready to have a mayors conference they commodity a whole race of our heritage for a week prior to that simply because the mayor didn't want any brown and black not when the conference come he can hide that lets talk about the city by the bayer bay i'm glad the mayors conference is here not city i'm go to say what i see here you've got the
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reenvision and the p p ease the rad the public housing you have to understand our population is in public housing the residents don't have a clue of what you doing you call it city hall i call t it silly lastly i'm ace on the case the secretary of land use mr. castro mother visited any of the residents i'm asking some of the supervisors to ask the secretary to come back and find out what's been going with the public housing and the african-american in the city i'm ace damn it and i'm on this case. >> thank you very much anyone else wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i'll say i'll ems to my colleagues, i also sign on a co-sponsor of item 10 i believe
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whether the mayor or supervisor avalos intentions we spend more money without raising our property taxes for avenue and touching middle-income housing is something we need i'm a huge supporter and great that the recorders office to increase and increase the money to $3 million and the mayors push we'll be introducing that and excited that will be part of it i want to go thank supervisor avalos for his comments and as we have in front of us the resolution have to be voted on up and down and with the recommendation or without recommendation and i'll recommend this to the full board and supervisor avalos desire to $350 million we will continue to have the dialog and hopefully
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come to something going forward with that supervisor avalos. >> thank you just my office is in negotiations with the mayor's office yesterday we met with jeff buckley and the mayor himself and our budget director as well i think in the spirit of those discussions i'd like to see if if is possible to move them together both the resolutions together i know i wanted to see if mr. buckly was able to get any information from the mayor's office. >> good morning jeff with the mayor's office the mayor's office is open to that genocide in the chair is willing to consider it. >> to move both resolutions forward. >> to move both resolutions together from the chair is open
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to that. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you just one question we were able to raise 10:00 to 3:00 hydromillion dollars due to the changes in interest rate and whatnot for item 9 did desire to move it to $350 million what's the impact i know i've seen analysis for from the bond measure were $500 million but down to 3 hundred and 50 on the rest of the capital plan. >> well, it's this gentleman answered the question it is symbolic right now until we have the bond before us i'm curious as well. >> good morning the analysis has for $300 million and the memo that was distributed earlier but we did an analysis for the 3 hydromillion dollars
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scenario not one for the $350 million scenario the trade off is either to move other capital issuances back or else to change the policy of the 2006 level the 3-de hundred million dollars within the capital plan and the 2007 tax level. >> thank you so really having both resolutions together both of varying amazes 350 and 3 hundred is about acknowledging getting to a consensus measure i believe i intend to support a ballot measure going forward for
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housing and i would expect we will find common grounds that's the spirit of those two resolutions i appreciate the mayor's office acknowledging our discussions they're okay with both of the resolutions staying together. >> thank you supervisor avalos i will defer here to the chief sponsor of item 10 and so if that's our intent with the co-sponsor you know one or the other i'd like a consensus measure that is good for all of us having to choose between the two obviously i'll sign up for both but we'll move. o them together. >> from the chair wants we can move the one measure with the through the chair. >> it is either an
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