tv [untitled] June 11, 2015 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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. >> the commission on san francisco aging & adult services commission standing only crowd i thought katie was appearing bridget take the roll arrest commissioner james is absent commissioner vice president serlina commissioner itani commissioner loo commissioner ow commissioner sims commissioner roy and please note that executive director ann is present the next item is the approval of the minutes do i have a motion to approve any decision comments or questions. >> > all in favor, say i. > any opposed thank you the
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motion carries item 3 approval the consent calendar do i have a motion to approve. >> second you. >> any discussion or comments or questions from the public hearing none. > all in favor, say i. > any opposed thank you the motion carries item number 4 approval the april 1st, 2015, minutes duo do i have a motion to approve seconded thank you. any questions or comments questions or comments from the public? hearing none all in favor, say i. any opposed thank you. the motion carries is there any general public comment at this time comment noted associated with the specific items on the agenda? seeing none, moving on item number 6 report >> employee of the month
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recognize leslie an employee from ats office (clapping). >> come forward please. >> put you right in the middle of the room you couldn't hardly get out; right? leslie this is your first chance to meet a colleague you thought it was because you were chairing the meeting it is really we're here bus leslie is being honored leslie is with adult protective services you've been there a long time (clapping) so let's see is there anyone in
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the adult protective services longer let's see i didn't can you stand up and then (clapping.) no, no stay standing and anybody that's been there back up back up back up anybody been there 10 plus years (clapping) anybody who's been there 5 plus years? (clapping) anybody 3 plus years don't sit down stay up 3 plus years all right. everyone from ap s hold the applause everyone from ap s stand up okay >> so is now sit down the point of this experience even though we all know that ap s a
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difficult place to work in the sense that it is got a great mission and people do great work the work is hard xhovrt things everyday that people don't know and certainly not confront but it is interesting people have been there quite some time it says a lot about you and your colleagues although the work is hard and difficult it makes a difference difference in people's lives and so it is good to be mission focused and it is good to be be able to remember the good outcomes not always the outcomes but people are committed not limited to to this work so it is great your colleagues have written about you i want to highlight some of the words that were in this what i was giggle about you so the
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words that stood out knowledgeable about community resources how else do we solve our problems commitment to protecting vulnerable adults showing respect to clients, being polite, good linking sclerosis skills and trying to said the clients point of view in this work it is numerously difficult sometimes; right? trying to understand how it is that things got to the place they are and understanding the client and the midst of this all those are wonderful attributes and the final final thing you're knowledgeable with clear i thank you for your example and thanks to the folks in ats are that i
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happened this last month national association of aging held their spring advocacy days in d.c. we had 6 agent directors from the state when were able to meet with the congressional spectacles it was a good cross section folks from north of us and some folks if the southern part of the state we've covered the area and were able to cover the issues in urban and rural areas this is important we - i had meetings with jackie spear and both all of us met with feinstein staff and the boxers staff the one of the most interesting meetings was with the minority pelosi staff we meet with her folks and
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the person if her local office is here in d.c. we meeting met with the health care person and the person that does the social support side of the office we spent almost an hour covering transitional care and the issues in our various communities to transportation policies that the federal level so it was a really, really interesting conversation we will be doing a followup with them regarding the things we're interested in in terms of feinstein and boxers'ss office we've asked them the american act passed out of committee if they'll consider signing on as to whether this happens and we know that boxer was interested if having an implementation for the adults so
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we're not sure if they've been taken place the amendments or not appoint but this chance that feinstein and boxer will finalize and go to the house on that side just so remind you the things that's been holy up the reauthorization was the funding formula they've reached and deal ultimately will result in california having a little bit more money in our pockets then before not much but some it is expected when it goes to the floor some debate the states are losing money and, of course not wanting to lose the money but it is coming out of the count i committee with the bipartisan support this was another conversation other things i want to mention not such great news at all is
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i'm sure you're aware of we'll have a contract with the folks with he had medicaid and medicare for 2 invades of and a half years and we've received it last novantrone extension to may to see if we could improve the numbers cms wanted us to serve 5 heed people a month we've been serving about two or three plus closer to 4 they gave us an extension actually may we knew we'll he will 0 hear in miracle or april for a third full year we look forward to this with all we've learned in our business practices to sunday morning ahead but we're not getting american people extension the contract will end with them in june we're told we couldn't appeal because the contract itself was
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actually ending in may we did do a letter of reconsideration we gave to our congressional delegates we've heard at the end of the lecture we'll not get a reconsideration we'll end the program ends in may but we'll be billing a little bit farther up we're working now with our community partners and the hospital partners to determine what we'll do avenue july one we know we have to do something because the program we were running was costing a substantial sum of money we're daikd draikd the good news we showed in the intervention one year we were able to bring in
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200 plus new admissions they've paid us one million dollar so we know there is good reason to continue in some way as i said we're going to have to reach the members and reserve costs last two more things the state budget the announcement the states revenues are much higher than projected one million dollars on top of the administration projected the information though indicates that we're probably not in a better situation than before because most of the additional dollars go to the school that leaves a small tomb uh-huh sum of dollars to be redistributed so good news and not so good news and the mayor has been
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meeting with members of the board in their districts and having budget contestants so we've been notified to those and participating nothing i can say is sprooipd in what people are asking for pretty much goes along with the community living campaign and sympathy or prejudice i'll say that to a person in all the ones the community partners are well-spoken been the needs not community related to older and youngser adults with darlts our budget should be going to the board at the end of may so we're still in conversation with the mayor's office what they will be putting forward on our on behalf that's all i have.
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>> thank you. >> any questions or comments you mentioned one the conferences we were discussing the issues effecting the senior population in rural and urban situations the difference and challenges were there common issues that everyone is having problems with. >> it is amazing the common issues transitioned from hospital to home were issues across those 6 areas and those 3 different communities transportation i know that san francisco we have free muni that actually puts up, up us in a much better cephalospot but at the same time we have issues with populations so it is still an issue for all of us funding issue the lack of segregation and the lack of -
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determination i suppose or the i forgot determination the lack of votes to amend that and go back to what we describe as real budget days. >> sit down and figure out what you're spending money on those 4 things we are the same across the board people have longer waiting lists for programs we might have here they eloquent had the local support that folks in san francisco we hear in san francisco that's with an the differences but everyone is struggling under the state not stepping up to the plate and having huge reductions i think that those are clear issues one of the other things we discussed especially in the office was the 1115 waiver that
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the governor and staff are allowing him to put in place and what the policy public policy initiative - public policy problems around the 1115 waiver i have to say we come in with our asking but boxer comes away with things we want to drill down and have good work on those as well so. >> thank you. >> any questions or comments from the public there hearing none moving on theadvisory council report. >> there's the executive director on april 15th thank you the advisory council met at r at that meeting the staff person came to give a review and seek
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approval of the 2015 2016 area plan update also the education committee will be meeting at the end of this month to look at where we're going from here and i'd like to thank pubically dos staff rick apple bee for having a wonderful training at the last training that was held that he i o a and thank them for allowing us to use that space membership committee we're seeking members for the advisory council and i could report today that two site visits were made one to the curry center and to
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the san francisco downtown senior center both of those sites serve some of the most needy folks in the tenderloin i was made a site visit and thank you for the opportunity to speak to ann occurring cannabis dispensaryy and the program director at the downtown senior center i was impressed i mean the tenderloin is a very diverse community and those centers are doing an excellent job maintaining and keeping the seniors with disabilities well in place that's my report any questions. >> thank you. any questions or comments from the commission? questions or comments in the public hearing none thank you very much >> the next item it the joint
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legislative committee report. >> in the early stages of a cold so if i start to cough please excuse me. the joint legislative committee met on april 16th few committee reports not given but when review my notes i felt we accomplished a lot in a short period of time we mentioned i sent letters to support we approved on the adult protective services training and the long term care bill supported by sheryl brown went out we've been following and our supporting the adult protective services is interesting we recognized staff member we're talking about that funding as well this legislation is supported by
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the governor and c 1910 a a report given that supervisor scott wiener held a hearing regarding long term health care i think i've mentioned that situation someone is on long term care long term disability when they reach medal and the security age they go off of that funding and their salary the household income decreases leaving them at risk for losing their housing and medicare and housing are there is a large focus on the lgbt community we've asked from someone from supervisor arrest warrant next year's officer i'll be happy to i once that occurs i'll recorded
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and the increasing of the single occupancy residents hotels with the housing crutch stock is less and i'll report open that monthly and housing stock is decreasing around the elevator stability we don't know where people want to put their dollars into income housing and the housing crunch is having an issue with the urban care the legislation ab 196 again around adult protective services allows ats it allow protective orders not the authority to enforce those orders concerns as they request them making sure that that fine line moving into enforcement didn't go over because we don't want that to be
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an enforcement agency there was a second adult logic serves ab 193 the national concern where one member of the couple has dementia and the other don't how does that person with dementia make their wishes known there is legislation and again a national discussion how do you handle that po to make sure the person with dementia concerns are being met that he. >> do you get consent and lastly ab 159 from chow from our area regarding the sexual orientation data this bill is supported by the duplicate services and geared to collect data across the whole population not only seniors and some of the upside would be decreasing the
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goal of that decrease the discrepancies out health issues but for long-term planning a bruise you'll have data to project into the future support is from the department that aging the senior legislation from the report their 9 builds that have received authorship and moving through the system i'll briefly mentioned we've sdpusz one the end of life options debates in the community but this is moving through identity theft for seniors we've mentioned is sponsored and continuing to move forward and successful aging for developly be disabled a two year pilot
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without partiality caregivers and emergency services silver all right. similar to the amber alert important missing seniors over 65 and the labels telling me what the drugs are for those we've mentioned 3 new ones on long term care increased the perm that he personal insurance for medi-cal recipients to create a task force on family care giving it similar to the long term care task force they'll have a board range of stakeholders proposed resources website for the community and lastly a personal income tax these and it's that's to include military pay the 3 new ones
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today, the senior rally on the 20th capital day and between our meeting on the 15 and today, the alzheimer's advocacy day was held in sacramento are there any questions. >> that was very, very thorough i do have a question regarding the important issue regarding people who go off disability and on to medicare it is a state program. >> some of it maybe the income respect insurance that one can take out from their job when so if i were disabled and to supplement my income with the others pissy think there's probably changes let me look into that and report next month. >> thank you very much any
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questions or comments for diane from the public thank you very much. next i am the long term care coordinating council. >> well good morning directors i'm from dos to the coordinating council our last meeting was april 9th just a couple workshop things one they're continuing to talk about the constituent events held in late fall and the focus on acknowledging and disability friendly san francisco so one the goals of the group to have action items come out of the the event they've been break out cigarettes with a group identifying action items to act on moving forward and details will follow as their developed the finance and policy committee is continuing work on a study to
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identify the upper important they're looking at income perimeters and have those needs met that population also the council has decided this body will be the group that delve into policy issues in other groups in the council so there will be more meat to the discussion but the primary focus on april 9th was the presentation on the coordinated care initiative we had an update on the state level and deductions on the local level implementation from the health plan of san mateo so the presentation generated a lot of discussion and interest how to integrate care in san francisco and lastly nomination we're waiting inform 3 new members and
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in addition, we have 3 additional openings so if you have my inform nominate i'll get the nomination form thank you. >> thank you melissa any questions or comments from the commission any questions or comments from the public hearing none thank you, again moving open kathy russo. >> again day commissioners the quarterly take meeting is the 19th and 20th of this month i'll tell you about it next month (laughter). >> but i might remind you that take is staffed by the staff the state commission on amp so if you have a question or want to give something to it staff when i'm there i'm glad to do it also representatives from the advisory courage throughout
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the state if you're wondering or hear about something in some county or city and usually want me to i'll gladly talk to the person representing that ear. >> thank you very much any questions or comments questions or comments of the public? thank you. the broadcast completed speaker cards and documents should be submitted to the clerk. admissible laughter next up is the case report >> work on brevity. >> the chair case so case has been busy this last couple of months last meeting sheryl from aging comments talk about the hubs created in san francisco and the services provided it was a very welcomed discussion we've - we're in the midstream
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of the postcards campaign we delivered 3 thousand postcards to the mayor with the letter we've had from the department of aging a few months ago and we're in the period of the supervisors to talk with their dissatisfy and deliver the postcards to them and to give the direct number we've been asked to come back to talk with kate howard of the mayor's office for the dollars we're going to have a boarder discussion that's tomorrow i want to invite out to a rally on the steps of city hall today it came up suddenly a combination serving the elderly for the disability advocates we're doing a rally about fair share for fair
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