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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2015 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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in favor of the motion to reconsider signify by saying aye >> (multiple voices): aye. >> all opposed? so ordered the chair is ready to entertain a motion. >> i move we move 65 + care prescription drug plan and the blue shield medicare coordination of premiums and contributions for the 2016 plan year >> is there a second? >> second >> it's been prop rly moved and seconded that the plan be retained is there board comment? commissior sass? >> in the last round of voting i chose to vote against that option i'm mraenning to change my vote this time around i want to make one observation in doing so continuing with the 65 + plan
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is sort of the status quo plan similar costs and for those people who are reichly to be disappointed those people who favored the national plan and were looking forward to making that change they still have that option available to them through uhc and they did a similar to the blue shield plan and has case management features that the blue shield plan does not have what we have here at least, we are in the fortunate situation of having a national ppo plan available to members who are really interested in taking it on and for those who really require the primary care support in determining what their larger health care needs are they continue to have the benefits of the 65 + plan. >> all right. is there any other board
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comment? is there public comment on the motion to remain with the existing blue shield plan? seeing no public comment we're now ready to vote all those in favor signify by saying aye >> (multiple voices): aye. >> all those opposed? nay. the aye's have it. we need four votes. did i say aye? i said nay then aye. >> we need four votes. >> i'm sorry i meant "aye", i'm sorry. pardon? (speaking off the mic) in doing this i would point to my blue shield colleagues to take into account the public comments made in the second round. i also would encourage that as you consider future change in
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this program the future change in the present carrier be actively part of the plan design that you bring to the board should you desire to do so. so at this point we have a passed that item. we're now ready to move onto item number six >> item six action item approve unitedhealthcare advantage prescription drug plan national ppo fully-insured premiums and contributions for 2016 plan year aon hewitt. >> aon hewitt you have before you the presentation entitled unitedhealthcare medicare advantage prescription drug plan national ppo -- >> would you please pause we have voted to offer this option we're not going to have a discussion whether we're having
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this option offered today so please don't go there we're talking about the how much it's going to cost at this point that's what we're voting on. all right? thank you. >> okay. so on page four of the presentation is the read card just to give you an idea what it costs it's 30512 for a fully insured national ppo discussed in the prior three meetings it's slightly more expensive that our existing city plan be knowledgeable the city plan is afforded a high stabilization credit if you look at it apples to apples comparison it would be slightly more expensive for credit. at the bottom for clarification we put the rates are for the existing city plan this program has never been part of our offering and to give you an an
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idea of what the city plan costs in pif teen the city plan ppo program. so these are the rates. this is what we're offering. this has been approved, the benefit has been vetted by the board in a substantive way i move you approve the rate card as presented >> is there a motion or questions? >> i move we approve the mapd national ppo premiums and contributions >> second? >> second >> it's been properly seconded is there comment from the board? public comment all those in favor, say, "aye." >> (multiple voices): aye. >> all those opposed? so ordered. next? item seven >> item seven action item approve kaiser permanente senior advantage fully-insured premiums
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and contributions ff 2016 plan year aon hewitt >> you have before you packet seven entitled. panel review -- excuse me for medicare retirees this program is a medicare advantage program cmf doesn't provide the numbers you can compute the final number in the hcc we get an early number a final number depending on what that number is we get a credit to the following year or an add-on a reduction of credit or what is the opposite of -- i'm losing my mind here so we add money or take money away >> on the offset >> thank you sir. so last year the pure rate we used to calculate our number
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with a credit from the prior year is 3003052 for the kaiser population is 37277 so this generates a credit to the 2000 medicare rate is $7.75 where we applied the credit we're at 31491 it's an excellent number it's an excellent program it's well managed with a large percentage of your retirees are in this plan. with that being said we have the rate card on page four as in all other rate cards we provide the vision and the stability pee fee and we add these together to consider the premium for the program then we do the offsets the ten county up to the premium
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level as applied to the difference those kinds of thingses so this has not increased much from last year this is a low trend number there is was a great fear medicare cost would increase years ago kaiser has done a good job of maintaining low trend increases for the advantage program and they do deserve credit for this exercise it's been beneficial to the members that help in that number quite a bit. that being said i would like to say that i recommend highly to approve these rates as presented for plan year 2016 for the retirees under kaiser you have a question? >> no >> thank you for your recommendation is there a motion to that effect >> i move to approve kaiser permanente senior advantage fully-insured premiums rg and
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contributions >> is there a second? it's been properly moved and seconded to move the kaiser as presented is there public comment? seeing no public comment all those in favor, say, "aye." >> (multiple voices): aye. >> all those opposed the aye's have it. so ordered. with that we have completed the agenda items under rates and benefits. and while we're in this point of transition to our regular meeting our chief financial officer pam levin will be the next item coming to the podium i would like to first of all thank the hhs staff for their outstanding work and diligence throughout this process led by
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our indom nabl executive director dodd i know this has not been ease even though the overall result is substantially less we're saving the city and county of san francisco millions of dollars again this year millions of dollars by this renewals. secondly i would like to also equally thank the provider partners that have worked with us throughout this year we have asked a lot of tough questions you have been very responsive you have tried to bring to our attention things we may not have thought of and we continue to hope that will be the active part of our partnership as we go through the next renewal cycle and i again thank you. find it truly remarkable again in this season this chamber is almost empty as pared to what it was three years ago when we sat
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in this space and had people standing in the hallways with chronical headlines and people threatening one another and all kinds of things going on my grape hope is we will continue to do the work that is the charge of this board cooperatively and diligently to that end our actuary you without a doubt you and your team have been superb working on all of this throughout the year to everyone i say thank you for bringing us to this resolve again i reiterate these rate cards will be posted on the website for all of the actions and the decisions we have made as a board for this meeting as well as last meeting and will remain there until such time we're in the open enrollment
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period it will be a standard place of reference with that we will move to the next item madame sec care >> item ten discussion item. reporting principle 30th 2015 pamela levin. >> pamela levin cfo deputy director i will make this quick i know you are all very tired. we are still projecting to have a fund balance in the trust of $83 million that is down $9.8 million from where we were june 30th, 2014. the details on why the up and down is presented in your report i would just like to note that this will probably be where we are when it actually closes
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because we are always reporting several months in rears so we whether now be looking at and getting ready for the audit and making sure all of the reserveses are correctly reflected and that we will have no problems during that period of time. in terms of the general fund administrative budget due to the fact that we have had so many delays in hiring we are projecting a balance of almost $900000 by the end of the year we have filled all but two positions? five positions? we have two people starting monday it's incredible how we
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have been able to accelerate the filling. but filling pogsitions is a large concern with the city the controllers report the budget analyst is also doing a report on hiring and i think not only do we need to make sure we can hire people but we can retain them. the director made short comments about what our 2015-16 budget looks like at this time the budget analysis has not publiced final report i had several discussions with them essentially they city-wide increasing attrition in departments to reflect the length of time that it's going to take.
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they are not effecting work orders which in a way is contradictory to have our budget correctly balanced. they're looking at our electronic content management system that we got "qate", money for they're cutting it they're cutting a portion even though we have not actually scoped out the work because we have been reviewing the various systems available. i suspect as the director said we told them it's either all or none so we will be going on in monday saying that and we will have a week to work things out. we are the first departments that are going through this so there is always a pattern that is developed they may change the
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pattern but i suspect that not much will change between noon today and tomorrow. >> all right. thank you very much. are there questions? >> one question on the third page it's e transfers of forfeitures to the general fund. .4. >> yes >> the four pictures are.2 where does that come from? >> we have to -- as part of the general fund administrative budget we have revenues, coming in to cover the cost of providing the flexible spending accounts both on the health and on the dependent care. we got to transfer that over i
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don't know what the majority of the savings is going back to the general fund i suspect t he be transferring over the majority of the amount. so we're receiving less on a year by year basis as i explained last time when the $500 came into play where people could save their money and not con tribt -- contribute next year we have using forfeiture years to balance the budget we told the budget analysis this will eventually dry up that's why more is going out than coming in. >> are there other questions? thank you very much. pam for the work you are doing day in and day out for the budget process ahead of us i will try to be a volunteer
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companion as you go through it. thank you very much. next action item. action item. 11. i will secretary to read. >> item 11 action item. election of health service board officers president and vice president for fiscal year 2015-2016 president scott where i will defer to commissioner breslin to preside over this item. >> all right. i will nominate commissioner scott for president i'm assuming we can nominate commissioner lim for vice president >> i will second that >> any public comment? all those in favor? >> aye >> opposed? >> that was unanimous >> unanimous >> thank you.
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now that i have officially in the seat we will move onto the next item. >> item 12 action item approve health service system membership rules updates mitchell griggs >> this is the only thing keeping you from vacation mr. griggs >> mitchell griggses deputy director of the health service system on this particular item we were asking the board to review the policy for the health service system rules the health service system rule govern the eligibility policy of the membership these particular changes that are listed here in the summary are effective january 1st 2016. so the first policy change is a clarification of the deadline for new hires to provide medical
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documentation in the cases they may have a disabled dependent over 25 years of age since they are a new hire they don't have the time to provide us with the medical documentation prior to the dependent turning 26 i want to align that with the operational policy they must submit that in 30 days which is typical for a new hire the second policy change is a clarification of the medicare and pd requirement that previous previously said if you are hmo you must be enrolled in mapd once you are medicare eligible enrolled we want to make sure it's clear regardless of the plan you are in if there say medicare sponsored piece of the plan once you are medicare you must be enrolled that is sponsored a piece of it whether
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it's mapd or papd in terms of medicare ppo the change to policy are a change of correction to the dependent dates health care accounts the effective date of coverage and termination of coverage the effective date is the first following coverageage period after enrollment and the termination will be at the end of the coverage period and the last policy change is what we do every year to update the coverage year for the plan year so it's changing everything from the 2015-16 year weekly monthly or semiweekly or movely pay periods >> there questions on these
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changes? >> no questions >> there any questions or comments? >> i move to approve >> it's been moved >> second >> it's been properly moved and seconded we approved the rule changes are there comments or questions from the board? is there public comment? seeing no public comment we're now ready to vote. all those in favor, say, "aye." >> (multiple voices): aye. >> all those opposed? next item. >> item 13 action item. vote on whether to cancel july 2015 health service board meeting director dodd >> it's been the tradition of the service board to not in july because there are vacations board of supervisors is finishing up their work so >> i move that we cancel the july 2015 meeting. health service board
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>> been properly moved and seconded we adopt the item. of cancelling the july board meeting is there any board comment? is there any public comment? seeing no comment hearing no comment we're ready to vote. all those in favor, say, "aye." >> (multiple voices): aye. >> all those opposed? motion carried. >> aye team 14 discussion item report on network and health plan issues if any. >> there any network or health plan issues? hearing none we will move onto item. >> 15 item 15 discussion item opportunity to place items on future agendas. >> any future items? hearing none we will move to the last item. >> item 16 discussion item opportunity for the public to comment on any matters within the board's jurisdiction?
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>> any public comment? yes, sir? your name >> herbert winer i want to add a comment to jean-cross miranda's retirement i want to commend her on the workshops on work place bullying it started a very good precedence and i hope it continue and i thank her very much for doing so. >> thank you for your comment other public comment? >> thank you commissioners claire z. former member of the board i want to second what herb winer said and i followed her through thick and thin through a number of department the and she's been a very dedicated counselor and employee over the years and one of the more exceptional people in the eap world but i'm really up here to ask about the budget.
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in eves years commissioners have been asked as well as members of the constituent seas in hears for members of the department i'm not hearing that this year do we need that? is it okay we don't need to be there? i'm just offering the opportunity that some of us would call out trips but make a strong effort to be there for the report of the department i know it's a two year budget cycle but it's pushable >> thank you for your comment i will turn it over to director dodd >> thank you claire. what pamela said we will go before the budget committee on monday and say we don't agree then be given a week to figure it out. at which point we will definitely e-mail people to send in e-mails to the budget
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committee members you may not recall but instead of hearing from the public after each item now they have one day for public input so you have to wait for hours and hour so we will just ask for you to communicate directly with the supervisors it's largely around this electronic dijgitizing our records instead of going to the file and pull things out and compare them it's doing what the retirement system did over four years ago bringing us into the twenty-first century that's what the hang up is >> all right do you want to give the date or the location of that budget meeting just for the record? >> the location of monday's meeting is probably in city hall chambers at 10:00 a.m. that's where we will stand up and say we will disagree. then the following monday will
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be similar. so we will let you know. comment's-wise. >> all right. thank you. i'm willing to entertain a motion to adjourn >> i move readjourn >> all those in favor, say, "aye." >> (multiple voices): aye. >> we are adjourned. see you in august. (meet (meeting ends at 3:57
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>> ♪ ♪ we are definitely pioneers in airport concession world a world of nationally if not entirely or internationally >> everybody is cop us right now. >> the people that were in charge of the retail this is where that began. >> i didn't think we would have a location at the airport. >> we've set the bar higher with the customer commerce. >> telling me about the operator and how you go about finding them and they get from being in the city to being in the airport. >> so first, we actually find a table and once we know what we want a sit-down we go to the neighborhoods in san francisco
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and other people seminary of the retail let us know about the rain water and are excited to have the local operators in the airport. >> we have to go going through the conceive selective process and they award a lease to the restaurant. >> they are planning on extending. >> we that you could out the china and the length evens and the travel serve and fourth your minds and it's all good. >> how long for a vendor to move through the process. >> i would say it could take 80 up to a year from the time we go out to bid until they actually open a restaurant. >> i don't know what we signed up for but the airport is happy to have us here.
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and, you know, even taking out the track simple things there's a learning curve >> with once we're here they are helpful. >> it's an award-winning program. >> we're prude of your awards we have won 11 awards the latest for the best overall food address beverage program and . >> like the oscars (laughter). >> the professional world. >> tell me about the future food. >> all the sb national leases are xooirz and we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what your passengers want. >> well, i look forward to the future (laughter) air are we look fo