tv [untitled] June 11, 2015 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT
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the highway operation and the preservation program, one of the categories there is operational improvements and they want to clarify and mtc would like to clarify that indeed, the money can go for system operation, and management, and not just into preservation. a little bit more flexibility for the kinds of projects that are needed in the con guested areas of the state. and as a technical amendment, and there are also asking the author to consider making the five-year program his bill, permit rather than a five year sunset. and one of the measure, set, the staff asked me to bring to your attention, is ab 40, we have spoken about this in the past and this started off as a prohibition of the tolls on the golden gate bridge as it passed through at december assembly and so any of the bridges that
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allow the prejudice the bike, and it would not be able to impose a state policy as opposed to a local policy. that is it. >> just a question on the 1560, the bill around chartered party carrier of passengers, and the individual fare exemption, did our position evolve on that? or has it always been a watch position >> it has been a watch, the bill has some what evolved if i recall the history. >> and just, wondering if you know, if we are this legislation is coming, in the middle of it is coming before the city is really made a decision, about how to incorporate the tnc and the over all transportation plan and it seems like, we are getting a foot in the door
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saying how the dncs will operate, before we actually have a global plan about really how they should be participating, it seems that the verdict is still out on that. >> okay. >> and i think that this legislation kind of, you know, pushes, you know, the certain type of participation on our streets, that necessarily has not been approved by the mta. and has not been waited on, in very deep level by policy makers like the board of supervisors and transportation authorities. and so i would like, and your position is watched something that makes a lot of sense but i could also you know, even swing to you know a no position as well. and because we have not really gone through a correct process and this is putting something, in the middle of the process that we have not created yet. >> i understand that. >> yeah, i know. >> just a comment. >> yeah. >> my colleagues have anything to add to that?
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and we can move on. >> okay. >> so, i did have a question about a couple of pieces of legislation. >> okay. >> so there is four from anthony from the central valley on slowing the speed down around the school zones, and i know that we are supportive of sb 564 on page 28, and then there is three other ones one is a technical one, and sb 595, and there is another one that is dealing with distances from the schools. >> right. >> and then the last one, sb 698 out of the funding from the cap and trade to fund the school safety zone project and all three of those are a watch and i am wondering if you could give us a background on the politics of those. >> well, certainly i don't have the bill number, but the one
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that deals with the distances has been made into a two year bill and the sponsors and the authority will be working with the department of transportation. and uniform manual, folks, to see if there is a pathway for that. >> the other loans i mean taken as a whole, in mr. canella has long tried to provide more safe travel around the schools, for the benefit of the pedestrians and bicyclists. and i, think that the bills that you cited are likely to move forward as is. with the having set aside the one measure, for the further work. >> okay. >> and thank you. >> commissioner kim? >> thank you. >> thank you, i just had a brief question. and i am not sure if you went over it, but it has been on the roster for i think that the last three months and this is just on ab 528 and i was just
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wondering if you could give any up date on where the discussion is at on this bill? >> i am not recalling it by number. >> ab 528 is the san francisco bay area rapid district strike prohibition. >> from baker? >> oh, yeah. >> those are part of the employees. >> right, i am sorry. >> and that is not going to proceed this year, or next year. >> okay. >> thank you. >> okay. no other things on the roster we can go on to, and thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. >> we can go on to the public comment and any members of the public that would like to comment and the floor is yours. >> (inaudible)
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>> thank you. >> no one else from the public that would like to comment. >> seeing none we will close public comment. >> if we can have a motion to approve. >> i move --. >> that is an information item. >> okay, great. >> and next item. >> item 5, recommend awarding a 3-year professional services contract with an option to extend for two additional one
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year periods to vavrinek trine and day co in an amount not-to-exceed $300,000 and to authority the executive director, to negotiate the contract pavement in terms. this is an action item. >> good morning, deputy director for finance administration, what i have before you is a request to work on track two, and for the audit services and the physical policy prescribes as the transportation authority should undergo an audit each year, and on march 13th, we issued an rfp and on april 22nd, we received, three proposals. and from three qualified audit funds on may sixth, we selected each and we had interviews and the panel consisted of the transportation authority staff and we fund the interviews and the criteria and we would like to award the contract to
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vavrinek and on their experience they are auditing the santa clara and transportation and the golden gate bridge and the transbay joint powers and the owninger county transportation authority and along with alamena county and we felt that the wealth of experience and a fresh set of eyes looking over the financial statements and the information would be a good change for this coming fiscal year. we have also proposed a ten percent gde requirement, and they had come in with the meeting this requirement and we will be assigning the work to a dbe certificated, vendor. in and this contract will be funded with the prop k funds and the federal and the state funds and possibly the regional funds, depending on the type that they are performing, in
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addition the cac, was briefed on this item and they voted on a motion of support and with that, i have a representative and they will answer any questions and i am more than happy to answer any questions for this item. >> thank you. i don't think that we have any questions. >> thank you. for your presentation. and you work on developing the proposal. >> looking like the public comment and any member of the public that would like to comment? >> seeing none, we will close public comment. >> and colleagues could i have a motion to --. >> i move approval of this item. >> and seconded by commissioner kim and roll call vote. >> on item 5:00, commissioner avalos. aye. >> campos absent. >> mar. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >>, and item passes. >> next item please. >> item 6, recommend increasing the amount of the professional
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services contract with parsons brinckerhoff by $224,600 not-to-exceed $596,000 for planning and engineering services for the 19th avenue, review project, and the terms and conditions, and this is an action item. >> good morning, liz bryson with the transportation planner, and also wearing a hat as sfmta contract manager for the 19th avenue, motion view project, and today i will cover just a little bit of a history of the 19th avenue, project's purpose and the tsa role in it and talk about the request before you today and so as the background, many of you know remember between 2012 and 2014 we conducted a feasibility study, and considering some of the pretty substantial and exciting changes to the mocean view and 19th avenue and one of the big rationales for looking at major changes was the major
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development that has been approved at park merced and tripling the density there and as part of the agreement they are committed to making an investment for the 19th avenue and the m that is valued at 70 million through the feasibility study we considered several options for grades separating the costings of the mocean view with the 19th avenue and by considering taking it either over or under the street, and near the galleria and the park merced and in march of 2014, we concluded the feasibility study and having developed several options and identified one that we found to be the highest performing to advance into the subsequent phase of work and additional questions that we wanted to answer, in the phase of work that we are now in. and so this new phase we have been calling the preenvironmental and we need to prepare a document, called a study report and the project development support package and this is the first stage in preparing a project, that
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effects the state owned right-of-way and as we move to the phase, there was agreement between sfcta and sfmta that sfmta would take over the lead role of the project and sfcta would be collaborating on the multiple fronts and including lending me as well as serving as a procuring agency for the effort. and about a year ago we conducted a competitive procurement and selected parsons for this phase of the project it has about a year and we have made strong progress, and cal trans, has engaged as we are having the meetings and anticipating being able to submit our draft, psr package some time this summer, and however, after a year, there are a few additional scope items that we see and we need to invest in, in this phase and that is subject of this request, the main rationale is
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twofold, i made the level assumption that the level of engineering work that haded been conducted was going to be adequate to carry directly into the psr process and what we learned is that we needed to make some changes to that work to get to a set of plans profiled in the cross sections that can go into that package that is the major addition, and in it and the second piece of the addition has to do with wanting to take another look at the southern part of the project study area, and this is near the park merced and the omi neighborhood between randolph street and the park merced at this point, we are very interested in doing some conceptual work of additional option that will take the m, underground and there is several reasons that we think that it is important to do this now, and one is that we think that it is going to open up the phasing opportunities to be able to put forward the part of the project on the aggressive time line that we need to for
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the development time line and a second reason is that we think that there is an opportunity to minimize the community, impacts and a third reason is that the more that we look at the constructbility of building a bridge over the right-of-way by lowering the roadways, and that will be a substantial cost driver for the project. and so the attachment to the memo and the scope in in addition and more detail as well as the rationale. and the plans and programs, committee next week will be considering prop k to fund this work and i have kept today's up date focused on what we need to do to continue the technical work, but we are anticipating our next major round of out reach somewhere in the fall to wintertime frame and i would be happy to do a thorough up date on the project at that time. with that i will conclude my presentation and happy to answer any questions.
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>> thank you, you covered a lot of ground there. >> very impressive. and i appreciate you working with my office on the alternative for the m, through the omi, or over to the omi from the park merced i think that is, really important, to consider what the impacts are going to be there and so that is an ongoing effort and so i appreciate that work. >> commissioner mar. >> expressing one of the bits of information that you rattled off was a state own bridge? where is the bridge? >> sure. i was told that there might be a question so i did bring a visual if we can get the screen up. so this shows the study area if you look in the top right this is the south west corner of san francisco, and the location of the bridge that was proposed in the feasibility study was crossing from fox to ran dal right here. and the idea was that to build this bridge you would lower the state highway so that the
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bridge would go sort of gradually mark merced to randolph street and so that bridge would be crossing the state right-of-way and of course, 19th avenue is i am not talking through the mic, the highway about 72,000 vehicles per day that cross on that road and so the challenge of needing to disrupt the traffic to actually get in there and build it, is one of the many things why we think that it is good to look at this additional option. >> okay. no other questions, here. and thank you for your presentation. and we look forward to seeing the actual, you know, the next you know, the deeper presentation from that. >> and so the public comment is now opened on item number six and any member of that public that would like to comment. >> seeing none we will close. >> and colleagues if we could have a motion to approve? >> i move approval. >> and seconded by commissioner kim? >> and we will have a roll call
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vote? >> same house same call. >> item passes. >> thank you. >> next item please? >> item 7, recommend adopting the propose ad fiscal year, 15, 16 annual budget and work program and this is an action item. >> deputy director, for the administration, and what you have before you is the action item to adopt the proposed fiscal year, 15/16 annual budget and this item was brought to you for a preliminary review last month, and what has happened from this point from then to this point is that we have updated the numbers, and we have updated the numbers by 21,554 dollars, and this is a net change from additional revenue sources we have received and we have received the commitment of up to 200000 dollars from sfmta and the planning department. and $100,000 each, for the sf champ, and san francisco,
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demand forecast modeling and what this 100,000 dollars from each of the agencies will help to contribute with the care and the maintenance and the up date of the champ model and we are, we will be able to implement the new relevant, features and reporting tools and a much, much, more. and now, this comes out at a crucial time since the state's planning and programming and monitoring sb 45 funds for this fiscal year is to be received for the transportation and we have received, 400,000 for this type of funding but because of where the state is, we will not be receiving any, this allows us to shift other funds that we have, the federal surface transportation programming, and three percent grants, and we will be able to save these funds, since we are receiving the additional contribution, from the two agencies and be able to save these for the future projects and the future upcoming projects in this
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coming year or future physical years. ei also would like to, we also have a presentation from last month and commissioner campos requested additional information regarding one of the line items in the budget. and i would like to bring your attention to page 7 of the powerpoint presentation. and this represents a pie chart of the prop k sales tax capitol budget expenditure and it is $135 million and he specifically asked for what pieces of this and what, what are the funds going to? and as you can see from this, chart, 25 percent of it is going to the sfmta vehicle, procurement, and ten percent is going to the radio communication system project. and the transbay terminal, and the cal train receives ten percent and the brt will
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receive 7 and parkway will receive 7 percent and all of the other projects will receive the remaining, 41 percent and that includes, street resurfacing, and the state of good repair and the muni forward. and for you these expenditures represent and anticipates 53 percent of future allocations that will come forward for the board for a full approval. and our estimates are from and the reimbursement for the past fiscal years and received on a quarterly basis and any additional sponsor information and the adopt the strategic plan and the five year prioritization programs. and with that, if there is not any other questions, and i would like to and end my presentation. >> no other questions here? >> thank you.
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>> great. >> so this item is now opened for public comment and any member of the public who would like to comment? >> and seeing none, we will close the public comment. and we have a new house, and so the first the motion from commissioner campos and seconded by commissioner kim and i will have a roll call vote. >> item seven, commissioner avalos? >> aye. >> commissioner, campos. >> aye. >> cohen. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> and commissioner, mar. aye. >> mar, aye, the item passes. >> okay, very good, we are going to the next item and item 8, introduction of new items and this is an information item. colleagues any new business, commissioner kim? >> no. i don't have any new business, but i did want to make a motion to rescind the consent calendar to do a full vote on that item. >> the public comment is open.
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>> none forward, and we will close public comment and, so we have a motion from commissioner kim to rescind the vote on the consent calendar. >> seconded by campos and we do that without objection. >> and so, now a revote on the consent calendar. >> okay on the consent calendar, nexter avalos. >> aye. >> campos. >> aye. >> cohen. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> commissioner mar. >> aye. >> the consent calendar passes. >> okay, very good. and our next item. >> nine, public comment. >> general public comment is now open. any member of the public that would like to comment, seeing none, we will close, public comment. and next item? >> item 10, adjournment. >> okay, thank you very much we are adjourned.
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francisco. we have 3 guest today. we have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. i want to talk about urban myths. what do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance? >> he's sleeping during those earthquakes? >> have you noticed him take any special? >> no. he sleeps right through them. there is no truth that i'm aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. >> you hear the myth all the time. suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something >> i hear they are aware of small vibrations. but yes, i read extensively that dogs
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cannot realize earthquakes. >> today is a spectacular day in san francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. is this earthquake weather? >> no. not that i have heard of. no such thing. >> there is no such thing. >> we are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. there is no relationship. i have heard it's hot or cold weather or rain. i'm not sure which is the myth. >> how about time of day? >> yes. it happens when it's least convenient. when it happens people say we were lucky and when they don't. it's terrible timing. it's never a good time for an earthquake. >> but we are going to have one. >> how about the ground
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swallowing people into the ground? >> like the earth that collapsed? it's not like the tv shows. >> the earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but it's not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. >> it's not going anywhere. we are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. >> southern california is
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moving north. it's coming up from the south to the north. >> you would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. >> for better or worse. >> yes. >> this is a tough question. >> those other ones weren't tough. >> this is a really easy challenge. are the smaller ones less stress? >> yes. the amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. >> i think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4.7. >> so small earthquakes are not
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making our lives better in the future? >> not anyway that you can count on. >> i have heard that buildings in san francisco are on rollers and isolated? >> it's not true. it's a conventional foundation like almost all the circumstances buildings in san francisco. >> the trans-america was built way before. it's a pretty conventional foundation design. >> i have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. is there anything of value to that ? >> yes, if you are in your room. you should drop, cover and hold onto something. if you are in school, same thing,
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kitchen same thing. if you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, it's not a bad place to be. >> the reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. you are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. you are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. >> you want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the
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richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as
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