tv [untitled] June 11, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT
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rodriguez another person that is a firm san francisco youngest adult then done a lot of great work in his short career and invested in education and someone invested in bringing a strong component to this committee and rob has been an amazing critical thinker dedicated to the lives of young people i know will be a strong candidate on this committee he truly understands what the needs of the vulnerable young people a die-hard advocate for them and i know will bring that to the table and lastly me a i submitted a letter of recommendation brings personal experience with the challenges that and brings professional experiences and has served on
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the citywide advisory committee and i think will be an amazing commitment candidate to represent the voices on this committee. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon my name is a julie i'm here to support tracey brown a personal friend of mine and also i've known tracey over thirty years shows serviced me when i was a youth put me to work and certified any children now i think shows an excellent candidate has the passion to speak up for families that can't ant speak for themselves directs and guides them a great candidate for your committee explicit thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is a sarah page i
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live and reside in the city of san francisco i am supporting a candidacy of patty segal i've known for almost 40 years she is an outstanding person to serve on this advisory committee for children youth and their families her expertise expands access to quality services, her footprint actually is there for the current inches initiatives in the city for access to earlier childcare and entrance in productively because of pat jim smith i didn't see work in the refrlt area 35 or they've years ago very refined and
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redesigned in home care for children we refer to as daycare secondly her initiative to find resources and referrals in the city now is collaborative in the since that it is foundational to a forgives workforce in the city and county of san francisco most of the young children who cares for in infant care where in the facilities her vision and effort that has been foundational to what we now look to as quality care so i endorse her wholehearted from the tenderloin when infant mental
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health was not known thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm eir can i'm the coordinator of the san francisco childcare and advisory committee c pack thank you supervisor avalos in particular for your leadership and the members of the board in strengthening the legislation for the youth fund and the san francisco voters that allowed the fund to continue for the next two years we've submitted a letter in our packet that is a strong supporter for alison patty and others c pack recognized there are other candidates that have prospective representing early care and consider those candidates as well there's a tremendous you think met need for the young
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children and this is why the children fund 38 percent of the children is zero to 4-year-old 3738 percent that is why we have an early education framework that will fulfill the intent of the legislation and make sure the youth fund it pilfered in administered in a way it is great for the community it is great so many people are her committed to the youth fund you have a strong slate of candidates i encourage you this xts hunter's view 1/3rd of the candidates bring expenditures to the advisory committee thanks. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker >> good afternoon. i'm monique the ceo of the children's
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services and in support of candidacy for alison of course for anwar as well as but i want to speak to albertsons expertise not only has she demonstrated through her earlier presentation a deep understanding the immigrant as a young children growing up in the project in new york by her dedicated work in san francisco for nearly 18 years serveing as the visionary and really stronger elimination of the comprehensive array of young children i think that alison brings a depth of professionalism to the mission of prop c in terms of the dcwf if providing assess and quality and the sustainability for
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comprehensive children's for the city i want to point out the children's services didn't receive any direct funding from t c w f but the money we get are working order from dcwf but didn't serve as a decision maker on the fund we receive from the city of san francisco. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi thank you for hearing us today, i'm molly brown part of the child funding coalition and co-chair of the committee that pit forgot so many wonderful quality candidates thank you for being willing to commit i want to clarify we've been instructed
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our nominees are eligible to serve i'm hoping that is the case and we were not told that erroneously it would be a huge disappointment i want to speak in any capacity as the program person one having a fourth child who's the child i had when i collected signatures to put it on the ballot we did a really good job but we tried to fix f this by adding k to the population we know how much they need as well to violation of law into adult especially, if they've experienced difficulties in their lifestyles of lives i've worked closely with rob he's a fabulous candidate he knows what the youths homeless
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youth on the streets but as a advocate for sorry i'm checking my time as an advocate before they get open the streets his voice will be powerful to understand what the youth are in trouble we're all here about the preservation a wonderful voice and recognize along the spectrum working with the families with young children and versed in their needs and fun to work with. >> thank you very much i don't have any more cards public comment is closed. you already commented thank you very much and we'll public comment is closed. >> public comment is closed. and so thank you, everyone for
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speaking and presenting speaking on behalf of the people that are candidates and presenting as well we have a difficult decision because there are many very high qualified and high quality people before us to be on the dcwf advisory committee and there's a couple of things i think are unclear about eligibility i go back and forth about it i believe that we need to have a good balance of representation we need to make sure we have diversities and we have not had a lot of applicants from the chinese-american community the one applicant it is or that is an organization that receives fund not directly from dcwf by 5 i have an e-mail
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from dcwf that saying there's a decision making that dcwf who will be receiving fund that needs to be worked out but i would like to i'll go through the seats we have before us seats 7 i'm actually would like to support me and told from the people that are are qualified mrs. sal is a there's an opportunity to serve and seat 8 like to support tara impressed with her experience and knowledge and involvement already in serving this population and seems a
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couple of generations working with young people in here own household in seat 9 anwar that seemed a fairly easy one someone very, very qualified came with recommendations and the only person for that seat made it a little bit easier seat 10 and 11 it is challenging i've had personal experience working with people that are politically applying for those seats and coming with the best vision and so it is a challenging decision for us but i also was pretty impressed with rob and i think as we're especially looking at the k services having other voices that are part of k is
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important to have i believe that he has presents really well, some of his good understanding of challenges that k u face in san francisco i also really like the idea of having someone in the mission district in the latino district i want to support tracey brown in that effort for the 4 seat but torn between tracey and alsolee that's about eligibility we need to work that out those are my places my positions so i'm still torn between the 3 people for 10 and 11 and could consider alison in place of atrocious or rob if there's an eligibility for that
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seat and i guess that might be a question from mr. gibner but first from my colleagues about their considerations. >> through the chair thank you supervisor avalos and again thank you to you all the applicants that came out and everyone that came out to support i think that, yes this is a very difficult decision for us i think that two commitments candidates had dropped out but 12 applicants going along with supervisor avalos had said for seat 7 i'm in agreement with me and seat 8 i honestly could have gone two applicants showed up i could have is gone with tara or maria. >> seat 9 one applicant we're in agreement with anwar and
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seats 10 and 11 we have difficulty i think that all the applicants were wonderful and bring qualities whether representing southern neighborhoods again, this is very tough so i like the idea of mr. rob with the community i think he's a wonderful candidate and in terms of the 80 other two candidates tracey or alison i'll agree with both as well so i know that we'll only be able to vote other two names i guess i'll look to supervisor wiener but for me personally i like the idea of diversity on this committee from my background in the asian
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community i'll lean towards alison not to discredit any of the other candidates but the challenges that as well as i did like what many alison said in her statement. >> great i also support - there's a reason why i have never requested being assigned to the rules committee. (laughter) ever and it is because you are like every week have to choose amazing super qualified people and pick one i never walk away from it feeling great you end up disappoint people once in a
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while i will fill in for people once again thank you for your services we need so much more support from early childhood education for the kids k through 12 our transition age youth and extending it to k i hope in the upcoming budgeted for childcare and really childhood education germany see some good things happening so this body will move forward with that >> thank you for everyone that want to be on this committee with that said for seat 7 he agree me is a great candidate and continue serving after she turns 25 she's 24 now in terms of seat number 8 i
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thought that tara and mare are a are both very, very good i mean, i'll be happy to support either one maria i was pretty impressed they're both impressive i don't have a strong view on that seat seat 9 i'm happy to support anwar seat 10 and 11 i definitely rob is terrific want to support him arrest i thought ms. segal was incredibly impressive i've not seen cv u as expensive in terms of 40 accomplice work in this area and helping to build a lot of infrastructure we have in place today so i would be
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cliensdz inclined to support her excuse me. those those are my initial thoughts. >> so for seats 10 and 11 rob and patty segal. >> i'm thoroughly impressed with patty segal and some people with great experiences and patty segal stand out the most so i can see that as being important to consider mr. gibner so i have communication from d cf to a work order to the children's
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services dcwf has decision making how those funds are distributed so you know what your thoughts in terms of eligibility whether being on the committee. >> just about first, i'd like to talk with dcwf directly after the committee makes their decisions i'll give you further advise about the eligibilities and rodriguez work for an organization that may receive dcwf fund i'm confer and understand exactly what role c w f plays the qualifications for
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this committee provides that a person can't serve if his or her is american people employee if dcwf makes decisions for fund they used a different term that precluded people from serving if they work for a dcwf organization if they're giving the moneyed and the prohibition brought it as the decision maker for funding it sounds like from the e-mail your referencing dcwf is a decision maker formal yee but i'd like to talk with dcwf and the controller's office to make sure we really drill down and
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whatever the advice we'll give you that before on the 23rd before they vote you can adjust our decision making a okay. thank you. >> so we can only forward one person per seat so can't provide more than one name as we move to the full board. >> that's right on this one name unless you duplicate the file for instance if you recommend one lady it turns out she can't serve the full board could replace her name with the name of another applicant on today's agenda. >> okay. and then i want to make sure we're following
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eligibility rules some clarity there's language for the k u if someone is appoint at age 24 they'll be able to serve. >> that's right 24 at the time she's appointed. >> so colleagues here's what i want to see a consensus i neglected to mention maria an interim in my office i worked with her closely very, very quality as well she'd go be a great person as well as we're all in agreement i did despite my friend with mare are a i felt another candidate would be great to tie into the committee that's why i put her name forward. >> me a i want to support for
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7 rick for 8 and anwar 9 i'd like to move alison name for 10 and looks like she's noted eligible we'll replace her my recommendation is either rob or tracey brown for seat 11 trying to decide between rob and tracey and rob for that seat 10 i'm proposing alison 11 rob, and then atrocious brown for not - my list. >> commissioner tang. >> through the chair so i would say you know for all the previous ones i stand by the
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appointees but i was torn between tar are a and maria seat 10 second the motion for alison and i'm sorry did i get that wrong. >> we'll need a residency waiver and seat lovingly rob. >> okay so we're in agreement for anwar seat 9 and for rob i'm in full agreement and so your suggesting alison. >> i'm happy to support that she's well qualified in addition to ms. segal that is very impressive i'm happy to support that motion and sound like we
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don't have a resolution for seat 8. >> i could go either way i actually you know, i have a preference for tara from her background and also living 90 in the excelsior it is an area that will have good representation for the committee. >> i think they're both terrific i think i'll lean slightly towards maria but happy to support either one depending on supervisor tang they're both very, very strong candidates and will do well. >> through the chair after the interviews i was learning towards maria but i may second supervisor wiener's thoughts on maria. >> maria waters for seat 8 and
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seat 7 and anwar 9, 10 alison with the residency waiver and 11 can we. >> yep. >> if we have an eligibility issue with lee i'll be for tracey brown for the full board if we have to make an appointment i'll request her name go forward and have to get to that point. >> i don't think we need to forward additionally any qualified applicant, substitute at the board. >> that's motives preference get to the full board i'll telegraph that peril. >> we have a motion and second from supervisor wiener any public comment? and colleagues we'll take that without objection. and you got all the - and yes mr. speaker
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day. >> item 4 to establish the task force to advise the mayor and the city departments for the state legislation legal listing ensuing cannabis. >> before supervisor wiener gets to the floor rewant to welcome you. >> thank you very much mr. chairman for calendaring this item today colleagues before us is legislation to create the cannabis state legalization task force here in san francisco i want to thank my co-sponsors commissioner james and supervisor eric mar for joining us in this effort and also thank jeff in my office for his work in moving forward that with
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legislation we've seen cannabis legalization issues skooemd succeed in states very likely 2016 will bring legalization of cannabis they're working on ballot manufacture and some of you submitted the ballot language if this passes and likely will san francisco will be at the epic center of this change we need to take a smallest and thoughtful policy approach to this new law if we don't format policies swelling we'll have a fire drill after legalization occurs some good planning it need we can look at what has happened when it happened in golden gate park to see what happened when we're not prepared we're
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