tv [untitled] June 12, 2015 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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they will benefit the property business owners and neighborhood as a whole. on june 2nd as supervisor stated we had 33.25% in favor of this district which is over the 30% threshold the cbd is proposed for a year period. if it is passed here at the committee and advanced to the board tomorrow and also passed we will be mailing ballots at the end of the week to all property owners within the district. additionally per the resolution of intention we will be counting on ballots on july 28th. if there is majority petitions in favor of forming the district the board of supervisors may take a vote to establish the proposed district. if approved the district will collect them as of july 2015 and
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services will begin in july 2016 -- a power point presentation will go over the prospecific goals for the district. i would like to turn over the presentation to her. but i will be present to answer any questions afterwards. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. thank you for allowing us to present today i'm tesa for the management grown for the greater rincon hill community benefit district cbd the greater rincon hill community benefit district cbd will advance for workers and visitors in cbd for enhancing beauty and viability in the economic base.
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28 whole and partial block from the east side of the second street and the west side of embark dar row here's an areal map of the district. the goals are to improve the safety and security of the rincon neighborhood through green activities ensure that maintenances funds are available for streetscapes and cbd and visitors and residences in the cbd provide faster lease up increase retail sales and decrease merchant turn over and residential in apartments. some daily actives are sidewalk cleaning steam cleaning reporting of bulky item remove
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of dpw and graffiti and dispatch. the greater rincon cbd will maintain all parks and trees within the district boundaries green space include but not limited to planting and weeding irrigation systems management and repair horticulture pest control pavement and path way care and repairs improvements fencing and lighting elements. open spaces by the cbd are below. including the future city park. the cbd supports the full some
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areas. ifd the cbd will be a contributor to city parks budget. city park will be paid by the grh cbd and t hp i. -- sell bonds up to 15.4 million to secure for parks treat trees and sidewalk improvements this has a maintenance plan requirement the grh cbd fulfills the commitment of those requires and allows them to move forward. the cbd will use three outreach public safety and hospitality and public service. -- on the street and connect
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them to local services the guys will patrol treats in the district to address knew sense behaviors and public disruption -- workers and visitors they will act as eyes and ears for the community safety agencies and service provider the guides are seven days a week 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the patrol could be four days a week 4-7:00 p.m. the budget is outlined here for the 2015-16 years this assumes maintenance of bay place park the total budget is 2.4 million with the general 45,000 and the total. wo be 400,228. and the cbd reimbursement of
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228,000. the staffing plan i described plan is below community guides there is 4.2 fte staff the structure will be 5.25 full time cleaning and maintenance disbatch 3.2 equivalence and three full time equivalent staff executive director plus support staff. now in print 2012 the san francisco office of economic development had an impact of cbd's -- including public cleanliness and -- to the cbd's recession while citywide sales
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tax re knews decreased 20% sales tax increased by 4.8% in april of 2012 an introductory committee formed a committee and throughout the months others joined for the efforts of cbd we have a list of them below. now 3,279 petitions were mailed out 33.25% in support and 1.13% received in opposition the next steps would be to vote on the intention by the board of supervisors tomorrow ballots will be mailed out june 12th. and the vote to form a district. thank you. >> thank you.
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for the presentation. i believe at this time if there are no further presentation or questions from committee we can move to public comment. i do have four speaker cards before me feel free to line up if you did not sign up. i have john corn wall laura post petina johnston and andrew yip. even if you hasn't signed up please feel free to line up. >> thank you for allowing me to discuss the cbd formation my name is john corn well. i'm a third generation san franciscoian 20 year resident of south beach and president of the hoa port side and i have two
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kids 4th generation san franciscoians i'm here for address the need for cbd everybody knows how hot the real estate market is and the for games at night. but there are high pr file that brought residence -- that are neighborhood serving are still having a tough time it's because it's not a welcoming atmosphere. when the sun goes down people don't want to park cars there they get broken into the streets are dirty people go to other parts of the city from there to go out to dinner to shop. there needs to be a cbd to form a neighborhood identity and provide some mechanism and forum to address the kind of issues that a village if you will needs to address.
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currently everybody lives in isolated islands in the sty that's not how you build a neighborhood the cbd notes not to exist for mechanical issues to clean the streets and the rest it needs to be the local you know village meeting place if you will for issues. so again really support the creation of the cbd i think it's really necessary for a lot of reasons that are not obvious for residences and for the businesses again the real estate's hot in the office everyone has a good time at ball games but it's a ghost town at night. thanks. >> thank you so much mr. corn well for your leadership. >> good afternoon. madame chair and members of the committee my name is laurn post arret of transbay part of
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district six which is part of the proposed greater rincon hill community benefit district as you know there are thousands and thousands of newer residential units planned for this neighborhood one benefit of this district will be maintenance of all of the new neighborhood parks to serve all those new residence supervisor kim knows too well. her district has the lowest amount of green open space that is only going to get worse as the thousands of new property owners move in without the cbd there will be no funding for our neighborhood parks including the park on top of transbay terminal so no cbd no park funding no parks. 181 fremont you heard earlier today and a number of others in short this neighborhood is rapidly becoming the densest and
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busiest in san francisco without the distribution it's will stay one of the grittiest in san francisco. a neighbor loved in the high-rise area in the yurga buena area they said the difference with the cbd is night and day. so i support the establishment of the greater rincon cbd thank you. >> seeing no further comment madame chair can we close public comment on this item? >> yes public comment is closed on item two. >> thank you. i want to thank again all of the members of the neighborhood that worked to bring this before us.
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i want to stress again a lot of work went into ensuring we reached the 30% threshold to have the intent for formation i want to agree with the comments made the cbd's i work with in district six have been critical to dfling building welcoming neighborhood neighborhood aye teentty and unity for our space while making the neighborhoods cleaner and safetier i have seen the additional benefits the dollars bring but just having a committee committey of residences business owners nonprofits to build a stronger neighborhood has been just as important in the cbd process as the additional dollars to the neighborhood is as wl. i want to emphasize a point that
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mgm had brought up which is my first year on the board this board did approve the first infrastructure financing, direct for rincon hill this say neighborhood we're putting a ton of workers without necessarily all the funding for the infrastructure this is needed to have a complete maybed whether it's streetscaping -- the management requirement this with the cbd to greece the wheels to make sure it moves forward so we can sell bonds,ened invest back into the neighborhood for the infrastructure we committed to our residences i ask my colleagues with support and move this forward with positive recommendation that is my motion. >> motion my kim to positively
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move forward >> dam ma this is going forward with a committee report. >> that is right. supervisor kim i agree with you i think the is the right direct your district should be going in we're in the process of creating something similar in district ten in the dog patch neighborhood, this is something i would like to expand along the quarter not only in the dog batch -- so we can take control over the future and particularly in my case merchant corridors i support you 110%. without objection this motion passes. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> madame clerk can you call number three? >> hearing. bayview hunters point core community benefits agreements update >> afternoon colleagues i have called this hearing to provide
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the district ten agreement implementation committee we will also hear referred to as the ic a platform to provide the community with an update of the ic's work to date this agreement was negotiated in 2008 meant for a multi-million dollar expansion of workforce and housing opportunities in the direct the agreement obligates the master developer for district ten residences again the master definitelier is lanar. some of these obligations, i want to spell out for you it's important for the record people to know. $27 million is to be used for affordable housing for district ten residences hearing is poignant coming on the heels of the record breaking public
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comment we heard about the mission and the concerns that are happening in the mission direct 27 million are to benefit district ten residence 8 million is job training for district ten residences as well this is easy clean and straightforward it's a simple report what has been done thus far what programs have been implemented what success have the program seen to date i i believe this is what will be most beneficial to the community this is to highlight the programs for people so they have the opportunity to take advantage of them. today we will hear from a number of presenters as well as members who are going to be contributing to the discussion in public comment. first i'm going to call up la shawn walker who is the chair
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woman of the implementation committee followed by chung representative of the -- he will be speaking in public comment dr. veronica is the chair of the add advisory committee. a representative of the san francisco organizing project. mrs. martinez i'm not sure if she's here. but sfop will also be speaking during public comment tamale den drew pr the investment infrastructure will be making a presentation lan don william and zachary mic clay will also have a brief presentation for us and there a staff and housing corporation not a present they will offer comments during public comments these representative organizations serve on the implementation
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committee they have a responsibility responsibility to the committee to oversee the responsibility disem nation of these funds or the staff members of the various projects related to this committee also on the committee is the reliance for the community empowerment known as ace and the neighborhood council. separate are the chair of both happen committees and the workforce sub committee john known as ace and respectively these were invited two months ago when the hearing is called they declined to participate. we also want to -- actually at this point i will bring up the occ representative townsend drew to begin to map out for us the community benefit agreement the
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overview setting the foundation thank you townsend. go ahead. >> thank you chair cohen good afternoon supervisors townsend drew for candle stick point and office community structure -- i want to give a quick overview of the project in total as well as provide specific informations for community ben pits as well as the disposition and development agreement quick background on investment aund community infrastructure we are the successor to the san francisco redevelopment agency and responsible for projects for mission bay transbay and cart yard. here we are in the south east of san francisco with high lie 101 running along the left side of the screen we have candle stick
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stadium to the south and hunter ship port yard to the right. this is the same map. with the project development plan over laid on top of it. this is candle stick and hunters point yard which is a public project between us and urban -- over the next 15-20 years -- >> excuse me do you have copies of your presentation >> i don't i will run them and bring them tow you. >> we would like them for the record please continue. >> sure. the program will also include 3 million square feet of research and office space and as well as 320 acres of open space. a quick project time line to provide history in 1974 the u.s. navy closed operations on the
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hunters point shipyard in 2003 the first phase of development was approved and in 2007 board adomed phase two conceptual framework in that may of 2008 the core community benefits was entered into lanar and for district ten and in 2008 the voters of san francisco approved proposition g was a ballot measure that made official development on candle shik and shipyard it was in 2010 the phase two of the development and agreement was adopted was ocii and lenar this is the first we have residences moving to the project area. the core community benefits
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agreement is a private agreement for hunter's point and candle stick point and district teb oad ten -- we do not participate the implementation of the agreement or distribution of funds it come prosed of san francisco labor council organization project and 2008 a corn reconstituted into ace -- support g which was a ballot to support the city development whiches paed in june 2008. under the provision of the core agree; lenar agreed to commitments related to housing and jobs -- $28.6 million
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communitiy housing funds which helps qualified residences to purchase homes in d ten. it also called for lenar to support for alice grifth and project in the housing area below housing rates -- they contribute $8.9 million to be used for workforce development programs for residences of district ten. the agreement also required card check neutralities living wage and source hiring the agreement is the seven member ic in addition to d ten it's representative of the hunters point shipyard the bayview area
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committee and the -- representative -- >> we have a question. i'm having trouble reading the words because they're blurry i went around in the 2008. when it was drafted this agreement did not involve the city but it was acorn and sfop is that correct? >> correct those organizations in addition to the representatives, of the c d.c. as well as the 7th at large representative and of course lenar urban >> okay. it's my understanding from the presentation of the supervisor none of the signatories are here today? >> there is a representative from helenar is here.
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>> i call a call that council wanted to attend that's what i had been informed. >> thank you. please continue >> i did want to take a moment to distinguish this core community agreement which the city and oc i. are members of. the ddda ensures that the visions goals and priorities of the shipyard and candle stick point are in the concept chul framework approved by the board of supervisors in 2007 as well as the voters in 2008 as implements the dda is in the core community agreements and continues continues parts such as finance infrastructure sustainability and community development --
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provisions that near the language in the agreements and core community benefit agreement there are prosituations in the core community benefits agreement that ocii may independently enforce this encollude the provision of 1/3 of housing be provided at below rates and the housing project follow alice grifth. the dis-- with rcac and legacy
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foundation other community benefits include 350 acres 280 million in transportation improvement and requirement that 50% of jobs in construction and positions are local hired with a reference for bayview and hunter's point rets and rebuilding and rehabilitation of 300 artist community on the shipyards with that i would like to invite la shawn walker the director of community -- i am happy to answer any questions the committee may have. >> seeing there is no questions at this time. i would like to welcome la shawn walker into the chamber and thank you for your hard work in the ic since you joined about a
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year ago. >> can you briefly give us the background on the agreement and talk to us on the structure and the work committee has been able to accomplish as well as the role lenar plays >> thank you chair cohen supervisor kim and weiner in his absence i'm la shawn the director of community affairs for lenar urban. i am the current chair of the implementation committee the implementation chairmanship rotates currently as you said i have been with lenar urban for over a year and been in that temporary role. to the role of the chair is to really try to move us forward
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and get more money into the community so i will give you some information here to your questions. supervisor kim hopefully these slides are a little more simplified version of the slides mrs. drew presented hopefully they will give you the kind of information you are asking or hopefully they're easy to read. as she spoke to her in presentation. the implementation committee was created as the over site body that grew out of the community ben pits or core community benefits agreement that was ratified by the san francisco labor county ace and sfop and urban in may 2008. when i became the chair of the implementation committee one things i asked
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