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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2015 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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stronger community within our neighborhood and not only a strong community so i know i've that that many, many times but i don't think it can be said enough that this is not a resolution that will turn everything on its head this is a resolution that helps us push us closer and closer to ours strategy goals and 0 remind us education is a foundation of the democracy we want everyone to participate in our democracy than i think this is time to look at the schools that are chronologically under enrolled and chronologically isolated we help to build and strengthen the community and strengthen the community in which the schools are located in (clapping.) thank you, my other figured out
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generations san franciscan i everyone to vote it is a strong statement to say that we're allowing choice we're not line item choices i want everyone to be clear parents can still have the seats of preference for 14 of our citywide immersion programs and our k through 8 schools i'm hoping to build a stronger community i know that is not a huge push it is a gentle push in the direction but from the board would vote on this i feel it will be a very, very strong voice in that direction. >> commissioner wynns and commissioner vice president haney. >> thank you. >> well, so i'm kind of sorry we've gone through this so many times it is difficult this was putting ourselves back in the difficult decision but i am
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quickly as i can say what i think this is first, as a matter of information and for the facts being on the table this proposal didn't apply to the middle so the speaker it didn't have an effect on them. >> but i want to say that one i don't agree with some of the statements in the whereas resolution the climaxed conclusions are made are not correct i don't want to take the time but the position which i agree with somewhat that a choice system a i think equitable and is true if we really don't want to have a choice system be willing to is that what that means we have to give up on our language program i want to reiterate the last time the recent cherries on the chronicle got it broken the main
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segregating effect was the development of more and more language programs and their extremely popular in line with our goals about language acquisition we have this that's the real tension we should be willing to address and i'm not advocating getting rid of it only advocating we say ross the segregating influence and what can we do within the law that's what we should be doing when the authorize says this dials down choices i want to say that's true but a small negative change it will not turn everything open its head only make it a little bit worse in my view and by the way, i want to point out that is the analysis that we got from our academic expert that came and spoke they're the same
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experts on who's analysis and research we base this in the first place they said, yes this would be small but the small change that makes clearly to disengage those we say we're trying to disengage and vantage those who are already vaejd not a sweeping change but the direction this proposal would move us and i'll end by saying obviously for the record i'm absolutely against this i'll not vote for it in fact i'm for doing thing are these that are more to take us in the direction of making those changes that turn around the segregating investments we've seen involving talking about how we conducted our language programs in a different way that does not give us some s
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so much segregation i'll make a short reference i want everybody to realize i've not seen minimal we'll have the data on whether or not people want the data it is that the number in percentage of incoming kindergarten families has gone down every year to the late data to 17 percent of in coming kindergarten single-family homes so the parents of 4 and 5 years olds we've seen it's been recorded in the papers but our own data tells us, in fact, equipment's for small schools named in the resolution if you put auditor area first. >> get it that's the message we ought to send to people if you wanted predictability we've gone it by putting in place putting
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the attention high not first or second after siblings but high you have - you can have a predictability ability and people are not choosing it i urge my colleagues to keep in mind that's the data we have i won't be supporting this i urge my colleagues not to >> commissioner vice president haney and commissioner walton. >> first of all thank you, commissioner fewer and commissioner norton it's been almost a year process we've gone through i just early on slow down slow down let's unpack that it let's figure out what this means and put it in context i know because you brought it forward we'll have communications before the board and cultivations conversations
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in the media that wouldn't have happened this is a learning experience and hopefully it was also sort of a i'm becoming the commissioner bassham by i can't person but i feel like the reasons and the rational have go tremendous agreement on the board because you brought it forward a level of urgency so i hope whatever with this resolution whether or not it passes i hope this conversation continues because this question of whether or not we're going to accept schools that every year are more racially solicited i agree around the need for diverse environment in the public schools and we want our families to feel like they can choose the school near them
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commissioner wynns pointed out that less than 20 percent 17 percent of families choose their attendance areas schools first, the reason is not because of seated they're not choosing and going to other areas there are other reasons that is occurring we need to address and be intentional and thoughtful and bold around how we go about doing that with that said this particular proposal on the questions on the crucial question this change will reduce racial isolation and the number of isolated schools we have a simulation done this the what the report ranking the attention area higher than the low test or
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eliminating them from the test resulted in a decrease in racial diversities as well as an increase in the gap of the achievement levels of schools in which white and asian students enroll relate to african-american translation more segregation and xaend the achievement gave him unless we have strong data that board shouldn't be taking a position that the research is going to expand the racial achievement gap and the second question of the access to the families to neighborhood schools consistence pointed out this question applies to 9 schools 9 attendance area schools in which families that put it first didn't get did there are only 9 that means 50 or 60 plus of those schools a few this is a
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big issue one is clare stone sea one congratulating to that we need an approach to insure those schools 18 percent of them got it have a solution that's a specific issue recommended to those attendance areas most of those 9 schools this will not guarantee a spot in the schools of we did the flips clare ton wouldn't have a great percentage of getting in because there are a small amount of spots this will not guarantee a spot for attendance area families, in fact, many of the 9 schools this makes no difference the difference we know this will have a relatively small and what it means for race and diversity at those 9 schools 20 less black and latino students that's what we for instance the simulations
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we've ran we have a responsibility to move forward with the goal that the co-authorize put forward i agree reduce the isolation and reduce the gap in assuring our folks choose the schools in the area i don't see how this does it i have the deepest respect for the could co-sponsors and i hope we can address this this is a small change but i think that the amendment you've put forward asking the superintendent to come forward with a plan and transmittal he'd those issues i'll vote on that hundred percent right now if i could vote on that pieced of it i can't support the day the simulation not address those
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issues but actually most of us in the wrong direction but i'll hope we support and work together around the bold issues that address the issues i think smart and wise to pit forward a conversation around. >> sxhult. >> thank you number 57 thousand runs through my mind everyday that's approximately, how many students in the district so when we put policies forward my role and he this is best for children or families and encompassing the idea we want to make sure there's a better atmosphere in learning opportunity for this entire 57 and much like commissioner wynns and commissioner vice president haney i have respect for the
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co-authorize can't support is it if you look at the simulation this is information recorded in the report we got from the professionals that were involved the tiebreaker ranging will make a flexibility issue and it talks about if it we want to increase the quality of schools we need to do that before we change the assignment this resolution says we'll flip neighborhood priority and c tip and also going to put this language program in f this isolated and this arts ♪ rationally and disenfranchised school and this racially disenfranchised school that's something i could support with this flip from the idea of making a neighborhood school was
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even something that comes from in resolution and i have too much data that's not the case it is our responsibility to make sure that schools in neighborhoods are attractive to the families and students in those neighborhoods and that didn't do this our strength i spent a good part of day meeting with the families of the community that times this resolution sponsored they feel that if we did this split up they'll have a better opportunity to go to the schools in their neighborhood i know from the simulation that's not the case it will be irresponsible to continue to communicate that will be what happens as a result of this resolution and then just the last thing i want to say i went to 7 different elementary school but we think that i had an
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opportunity to go with kids in the community we played together and enjoyed each other this recess didn't sole that problem i sympathy emphasize the intent of the resolution is definitely in the right place but not bold enough to solve the issues and concerns that i share with families that really feel this is going to make a difference it is not and therefore i can't support it but again like commissioner vice president haney and i share with a lot of families ether the past few days i'd like to work on bolder increase the opportunities for to be more attractive so families not have to travel across town to go to schools
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that are qualify >> commissioner fewer. >> i'd like to respond to some of the comments it is great to pull of research reports but i think that i need to remind folks what was also said from the experts so dr. carter specifically said for us to remind that racial isolation doesn't effect some communities as it does others i want to remind the board to speak broadly about schools for racially isolated she said at the point meeting quote she's the expert and that she said that racial isolation effects
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some adversely and some not adversely she said she was showed me showing shocked we have schools that are racially isolated their academics rating is high she also said other facts and circumstances that make a great school and not just pure academics but other factors addressed and why opponent go to certain schools our think our language programs are a good example some don't rank as the highest el camino del mar with you most requested to what we're seeing here in that resolution i'm glad that people think that the bold and it needs to be bold eerie quite frankly wish people were bolder and make a choice to a say whether or not rerecognize
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racial isolation didn't serve community well, we shouldn't have schools that are racially isolated in san francisco we serve here in san francisco the majority of our students are chinese a lot of our schools have over 70 percent chinese students, however as i said before as a dr. pursuance said that racial isolations for some communities are more negatively effected than in others let's remember that i want to say i've been to some planning meetings it's estimated that the commute to school during the morning commute contributed up to about 25 percent of the morning
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commute traffic so think of all those things when we are talking about a resolution like this and again, i think i'm so glad that actually, my colleagues have the utmost respect for me (laughter) it i mature, however i'm still urging them to vote for this i don't think your assumptions are correct if not to do anything saying the status quo is fine and not do anything this is a play for a long time i've not seen a resolution come up that is bolder or someone step forward with the many conversations we've had to bring up something bolder than this this is bold to vote for this i'm going to ask my colleagues to be bold tonight and remember that the statistics of those
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tentative or 20 students really she mentions 57 thousand 10 ask the or 20 students we're tarnishing e talking about a much larger issue and talking about quite frankly about thousands of students so to bring up a number ten or 9 or 7 really? we're talking about 57 thousand students and again, this is not i don't think a momental shift it is a chipping away a little bit of choice and i disagree with commissioner wynns i don't think it is in the wrong direction i believe it's in the right direction thank you >> i'd like to off my opinion i want to say there is clearly lots of agreement on this board about the importance of
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diversity i think our record and most recent votes show the unanimous support for diversity in our schools generally this is a matter of how we get there one the systems that gets us to diversity i'm going to be support for 3 arraigns first i draw a different conclusion from the data i respect my commissioner vice president haney my colleague we have data from simulation and 5 years of data that 5 years of data has shown very little impact in terms of the diversity very little i want to offer two piece ofs data we've looked at this issue the first piece of day we received from the bar chart of how diverse the schools are based on applications and then
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we saw a second boar chart that what happens when's we do our assignment that is more diverse than the application and the third bar chart of what actually people choose that's lower than the additional application or assignment that's reflected in the chronicle that families are not choosing to be in the most diverse schools that's really disappointing it is personally disappointing so the the first piece of data the second piece when we look at who is looking at the asset of preference it is targeting i think some of the low income families disengaged families and african-american and latino families and just not being used in great numbers by the groups we're targeting so in my view my conclusion a policy failure we have to be -
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what's the expectation and are we making it my conclusion not creating on impact with this particular policy, and, secondly this board and before i got on the board has spent a lot of time trying to eliminate the gaming of the system trying to reduce people sort of manipulating the variables around student assignment i permanently know a family that has moved into a neighborhood to take advantage of that preference when the ceqa preference is for underserved families not middle-class families not widespread the misuse was not widespread when you hear of the one or two high
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profile families that misused it it casts credibility issues and finally, the c tip the idea of getting into a better school is not the message we want to be sending to our 57 thousand students that we need to invest in the and hold ourselves accountability to make the schools for attractive what i appreciate about the resolution is the reference to asking the superintendent to develop a plan to encourage racial segregation for program placement what kind of attractive programs into the schools in under rolled and rosa parks and the japanese programs have changed the material
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diversity which we can document whereas i have to say with one preference i don't see evidence i'll be supporting this resolution. >> commissioner norton. >> okay i want to thank first of all dr. murase for giving me the privilege of going last it is a privilege but not much more to say i do think that has been a really worthwhile experience in past year for the board to look at those issues and dig into them and i think that was productive and variable to hold this resolution in committee for that year to look at those issues i'm left sort of
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disappointed i guess because it is surprisingly to me we couldn't come to a more consensus around with what we next i'm hearing different things from different things the reduces did he see didn't go far enough the research we've heard from the economic advisors it is moving in the wrong districts but i'm hearing that it showed not much impact at all is actually all of you are right and where does it leave us? i think i mean, i actually really don't put that much wealthy on the relations because they're a simulation of what of the behavior that occurred in the past under a different system we have a new system behavior will change we absolutely know that once we
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make changes in student assignment behavior is effected in the years i've been watching this this is sort of the story of unintended consequences this is a very messy complex system depended on on lots and lots of people i also want to thank commissioner fewer i want to thank you for your partnership working with me over the past year but she's pushed me during the time we sat on the board to look at those issues differently when i came into the board in 2008 i was absolutely a choice advocate choice is the most important thing how we're going to make wonderful things happen and programs it has been sad to
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release i was wrong about the change that can bring in the district i disagree with consistence it has to be all-or-nothing you, you can preserve some choice in the system send a different message how to constrict what opens people have right now we have a system that absolutely prioritize choice for certain families you absolutely should make a choice that's the moss most important thing choose something different and those families are in the precise neighborhoods where the schools we're most concerned and most trying to support are so if choice which i think we have been agrees with this to some degree if you agree that a choice system taking advantage
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of a choice system means the wherewith all to have transportation to visit the schools and requires you to have transportation to get our kids ones a bus or you know in a car every morning to take them across town whether or not that school is if you don't have the internet at home if you don't even have for whatever reason the ability you have to go and actually find out how the system works and make a choice the system will not work for you, your ended up in a school of last resort we have schools of last resort because of the system the kind of system and what stuffing and i have tried to do with that resolution trying to articulate we don't want to have schools of last
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resort as a board those schools of last resort are bad schools there's a strong principles they have issued we're working and invest in them i don't want a policy written by the board to say some schools you shouldn't go to and that was really the motivation behind this recessing resolution i welcome continuing this discussion whether or not this resolution passes tonight i think we all acknowledge there are problems a lot of things not work and it is very sad we spent a year you know my first two years basically redesigning this system and has so little impact on the outcomes so how can we fix that how can we not have students some of our most vulnerable students continuing