tv [untitled] June 12, 2015 8:00am-8:31am PDT
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our curriculum particularly in the social studies they're coming piling those are surveys. >> using those to find opportunities to insure that we are abide by the fair education act to its fullest stent and the lgbtq community is reflected in the curriculum and other update very likely the first lgbtq course that is offered at the school of the arts we have a teacher that will teach that and it was offered and that is the first one and the mission was considering that an update on high performing students that has a couple of impacts around the process our district is using to reaccess and think what
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gait looks like in our district some of the progress towards that both where we have come and going and some further discussions from the committee and from the folks that were there around how we support the educators in accelerating the tints for hire achieve students and what that looks like and how it enacts with gait. >> if i could add actually, i think the gait conversation was interesting because t we looked at the ratio breakdown of students that are identified as gait and some of the gate we looked at was disturbing what the committee discussed was is that this gate what's the purpose is it aligned with the plan and if not what should we
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do that about it this we didn't know what was happening with the gate program in general but looked at the criteria and look at who it serves and should it be what should gate look like is it really gate we have a high percentage what was it oh, yeah 27 percent of the population is identified as gates a norman around truly gifted students is one percent of the population so we are a little bit overrepresented that almost a quarter of the students i know we that it raise questions and that 46 period of time of the gates identified are chinese and they make up 31 percent of our
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population sow we were a little bit concerned some disproportionmently was going on for a aboard discussion. >> i've not seen the data that was presented at curriculum so i'd like to get a copy. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you very much i'd like to ask committee chairs to nun miss committee meetings schedule for this month. >> i'll say we're asking staff whether or not to have a rules committee meeting actually, i read about a bill but we're already the teacher evaluation bill we have a position opposing it but might want to discuss that but have a rules committee meeting next week hoping that not to happen.
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>> any other committees that may meet this month. >> so we have 1086 scheduled for the 15 next monday but i know that mr. gotten is coming out of a trial hold it to the 21st i'll check with my colleagues. >> this saturday the board will be meeting in retreat here at this school district and let's see other general announcements colleagues. >> commissioner wynns. >> i just make a report i want to report i had an opportunity to go to the pb i s train and which was very interesting i was there points whole morning by the main thing that was good for
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me if you are interested i have the train manual but the main reason i want to report that was the kind of final cohort so all the schools have had the basic training i don't know if they call is it basic training but the first train teams from schools remember the middle school were the pilot groups of the school groups were elementary school school teams i wanted to thank the staff for allowing me to share a part of that it was available for me, i i believe for the participants thank you. >> i want to recognize the scholarship winners from our public schools chang from the
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high school and lowell high school daniel the gladys scholarship and tim ethic from burton high school payroll from george washington high school they're our recipients of funding for made possible by this needy students incarcerated during world war 202 on june 20th i want to graduating congratulate rosa parks elementary school they invited me to speak and the amazing scholar award one of the best in the district and congratulations
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to the vietnamese culture center and couple of events if more magic happening that with work it f their college and career fair at school and on friday june 12th from 8:30 to 3 the summer learning day i know several of us will be under 83 to press conference 11:30 and phenomenal to our educators in the during the trial the chinese-american is malia cohen this summer in san francisco and on friday july 3rd offering a workshop for the educators managing our careers into the principle offices and beyond targeting the classroom teachers to think about
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professional enhancement and former superintendent glen and many of our leaders in the district superintendent dee dee and david waning and principle kenneth lee july 3rd you can find a information to register at a national convention website any other announcement. >> i have one last friday on june 5th i was invited to be a speaker at a skwlil celebration and actually a college track additionally we had a lot of students from lincoln and lowell and washington a student that was given a scholarship it was wonderful to speak to young women about the importance of education particularly for
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women. >> commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> in addition to the efforts with more magic between 12 and four on thursday, we'll be announcing the mayors eye in reconciling skipper with superintendent carranza 4 hundred students being awarded scholarships. there are 7 of whom are already in college but previous sfusd students hosted at the north light court from 2 to 3:00 o'clock >> thank you very much so that concludes item s and actions no one u no one and item reverberation are v is adjournment this meeting is
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9, 2015 and welcome to the finance committee of the san francisco county transportation authority, my name is john avalos and i am the chair of the committee and our clerk is steven stamos and i would like to announce the sfgtv staff who are broadcasting today and jim smith. could you read the first >> roll call. >> avalos. >> present. >> campos. >> present. >> cohen. >> present. >> kim. absent. >> mar. >> present. >> we have a quorum. >> okay let's go on to the next item please. >> consent calendar, items two and three, comprise the consent calendar, they are routine, and the staff is not presenting if a member objects any of them may be removed and considered separately. >> okay. we have two items that are on here, i don't see any comments from colleagues and go on to public comment and, anybody member from the public that would like to comment on items
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two or three, seeing none, we will close public comment. and motion to approve these items. >> from supervisor compose, and seconded by mar and we will take that with a roll call vote. >> consent calendar, avalos. >> aye. >> campos. aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> passes. >> item four, state and federal legislative up date and this is an information item. n >> good morning, pleased to be here mark watts and the wear ors band outside and good luck on game three and so there are three measures that we are adding to the bill matrix, and all for a watched position and i could cover more briefly and unless you have questions and then the staff had a couple of items that they wanted me to and that were not specifically
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matrix issues but catch you up on a few of the measures. >> and the first measure is ab, and 318 and by chiu and it is on page seven and it deals with a problem that the la metro has identified and that is the storage of lost or unclaimed bicycles, and they are asking for a pilot program, to be available state wide, to for the return, and, it did pass the assembly, and it is in the senate and it has not been set for a committee yet and it has, and it has run into the questions about the, and whether it is, and it is appropriate to move so we wanted to watch it for now, and rather than stake out a position, ab 1360 i is on page 19. and this deals with tnc's desiring to allow split share,
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or split fares in their operation of their vehicles. and of the cpuc has taken the position and notified them that this is inappropriate and because the puc does believe that these are really closer and these uber and lyft is closer to a charter party carrier and there is a restriction in state law that prohibits split fares or reduced fares within a vehicle and this law or this bill will exempt tncs from that puc regulation. and allow smaller fares for individuals in a split share or a split fair circumstances. sorry. >> what item is that? >> that is ab1360, on page 19.
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and the final bill to bring to your attention is ab 254 by allen on page 27. and this is a legislative alternative to something that the administration had hoped to do in the budget, and it is, it is a process to stream line and relinguis h the state and instead of having to bring it to the capitol for a special bill to authorize it after the commission has reviewed it and this will say except for the interstate segments or the major in the regional roads, if the locality and the department to an agreement they can go to the commission and the stream line process will apply and we think that there may be applicable and we will monitor that as well. >> okay. >> moving on, one of the most interesting bills that
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self-help counties are following this year is ab 194 by mr. frasier that deals with the toll lanes and hot lanes and this bill is sponsored by the self-help county coalition and again this is another, legislative measure that was in competition for a while with an aappropriate that the administration sought to do as the budget trader bill and both houses rejected the approach and mr. frasier's bill is the last bill standing and it cleared readily through the assembly. and it is pending referral and the senate rules likely to go to the senate transand in the meantime there are discussions going on and there have been amendments put forward most notably by the transform, which is the ngo that is supports the transit operations and other forms of transportation. and they are saying that when in the case, and in a corridor where there are excess revenues where you are using it to
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adjust the traffic and it may occur and the administration would like to have is an expenditure plan and the pill conceives of the plan, that deals with maintenance ongoing and rehabilitation preservation and activities, and the transformed proposal will be also to include as eligible expenditures transit service and active transportation. and i am not sure where the administration is going to come out on that and so this will be an issue that will be decided in the senate transportation committee, in addition, the committee consultants are in discussions with the author's office and one area that has emerged is how to treat low and moderate income drivers, who have access to or who would have access to hov lanes under this bill. and to in the case where, it is a hot lane, or a managed lane that requires a transponder
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what is the right way to pay for or reimburse for the cost of it and la county has two roadways where they have a system in place that offsets them for the certain categories of the motorists so this will be an issue that will be worked out in transportation committee as well. and i have talked about this bill in the past but as a reminder this measure does have language particularly to the bay area that allows the local agencies, and as defined, which includes the cmas in the bay area as distinct from the ntc and the mp o it has the authority to develop the systems but under a language and mr. frasier's bill they have to do it in this area, in mtc would have to do it in culttation jurisdiction and to
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operate under the operations and it would be unders the ages of mtc and so that is the framework in the bill now that the self-help county coalition is supporting and endorsing. senator bell's major transportation funding program is on the senate floor, and for parlimentary reasons and it remains eligible and the date to remove out of the senate was last friday and however because this has an emergency clause in it it is not subject to that and emerged in the last week or so, there had been a thought about trying to embed the transportation funding solution into part of the budget process. and that was decided not to be the approach, and basically the speaker's office and the protem's office have indicated that they would like to address the transportation package, including senator bell's bill later in the session and probably in august. and i bring that up just to let
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you know that mtc is seeking several amendments that we would make you aware of them and one is that there is an incentive program of 5 percent of the revenues, off of the top, and they are set aside for new self-help counties but not existing self-help and mtc is saying, no we should broaden that using it, and so that the current counties that may be seeking in addition or an extension would also be eligible tap into that pot, and this could be, one of the more contentious issues because there are strong feelings by legislators on the side of the so-called aspiring counties that don't have the current sales taxes and then so i am not sure how it will turn out and it is an interesting discussion. one helpful amendment that i have come across is that while a lot of the state money is going into the shop program which is the highway operation
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and the preservation program, one of the categories there is operational improvements and they want to clarify and mtc would like to clarify that indeed, the money can go for system operation, and management, and not just into preservation. a little bit more flexibility for the kinds of projects that are needed in the con guested areas of the state. and as a technical amendment, and there are also asking the author to consider making the five-year program his bill, permit rather than a five year sunset. and one of the measure, set, the staff asked me to bring to your attention, is ab 40, we have spoken about this in the past and this started off as a prohibition of the tolls on the golden gate bridge as it passed through at december assembly and so any of the bridges that allow the prejudice the bike,
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and it would not be able to impose a state policy as opposed to a local policy. that is it. >> just a question on the 1560, the bill around chartered party carrier of passengers, and the individual fare exemption, did our position evolve on that? or has it always been a watch position >> it has been a watch, the bill has some what evolved if i recall the history. >> and just, wondering if you know, if we are this legislation is coming, in the middle of it is coming before the city is really made a decision, about how to incorporate the tnc and the over all transportation plan and it seems like, we are getting a foot in the door
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saying how the dncs will operate, before we actually have a global plan about really how they should be participating, it seems that the verdict is still out on that. >> okay. >> and i think that this legislation kind of, you know, pushes, you know, the certain type of participation on our streets, that necessarily has not been approved by the mta. and has not been waited on, in very deep level by policy makers like the board of supervisors and transportation authorities. and so i would like, and your position is watched something that makes a lot of sense but i could also you know, even swing to you know a no position as well. and because we have not really gone through a correct process and this is putting something, in the middle of the process that we have not created yet. >> i understand that. >> yeah, i know. >> just a comment. >> yeah. >> my colleagues have anything to add to that? and we can move on.
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>> okay. >> so, i did have a question about a couple of pieces of legislation. >> okay. >> so there is four from anthony from the central valley on slowing the speed down around the school zones, and i know that we are supportive of sb 564 on page 28, and then there is three other ones one is a technical one, and sb 595, and there is another one that is dealing with distances from the schools. >> right. >> and then the last one, sb 698 out of the funding from the cap and trade to fund the school safety zone project and all three of those are a watch and i am wondering if you could give us a background on the politics of those. >> well, certainly i don't have the bill number, but the one that deals with the distances
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has been made into a two year bill and the sponsors and the authority will be working with the department of transportation. and uniform manual, folks, to see if there is a pathway for that. >> the other loans i mean taken as a whole, in mr. canella has long tried to provide more safe travel around the schools, for the benefit of the pedestrians and bicyclists. and i, think that the bills that you cited are likely to move forward as is. with the having set aside the one measure, for the further work. >> okay. >> and thank you. >> commissioner kim? >> thank you. >> thank you, i just had a brief question. and i am not sure if you went over it, but it has been on the roster for i think that the last three months and this is just on ab 528 and i was just wondering if you could give any
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up date on where the discussion is at on this bill? >> i am not recalling it by number. >> ab 528 is the san francisco bay area rapid district strike prohibition. >> from baker? >> oh, yeah. >> those are part of the employees. >> right, i am sorry. >> and that is not going to proceed this year, or next year. >> okay. >> thank you. >> okay. no other things on the roster we can go on to, and thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. >> we can go on to the public comment and any members of the public that would like to comment and the floor is yours. >> (inaudible)
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>> thank you. >> no one else from the public that would like to comment. >> seeing none we will close public comment. >> if we can have a motion to approve. >> i move --. >> that is an information item. >> okay, great. >> and next item. >> item 5, recommend awarding a 3-year professional services contract with an option to extend for two additional one year periods to vavrinek trine
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and day co in an amount not-to-exceed $300,000 and to authority the executive director, to negotiate the contract pavement in terms. this is an action item. >> good morning, deputy director for finance administration, what i have before you is a request to work on track two, and for the audit services and the physical policy prescribes as the transportation authority should undergo an audit each year, and on march 13th, we issued an rfp and on april 22nd, we received, three proposals. and from three qualified audit funds on may sixth, we selected each and we had interviews and the panel consisted of the transportation authority staff and we fund the interviews and the criteria and we would like to award the contract to
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vavrinek and on their experience they are auditing the santa clara and transportation and the golden gate bridge and the transbay joint powers and the owninger county transportation authority and along with alamena county and we felt that the wealth of experience and a fresh set of eyes looking over the financial statements and the information would be a good change for this coming fiscal year. we have also proposed a ten percent gde requirement, and they had come in with the meeting this requirement and we will be assigning the work to a dbe certificated, vendor. in and this contract will be funded with the prop k funds and the federal and the state funds and possibly the regional funds, depending on the type that they are performing, in addition the cac, was briefed on this item and they voted on
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a motion of support and with that, i have a representative and they will answer any questions and i am more than happy to answer any questions for this item. >> thank you. i don't think that we have any questions. >> thank you. for your presentation. and you work on developing the proposal. >> looking like the public comment and any member of the public that would like to comment? >> seeing none, we will close public comment. >> and colleagues could i have a motion to --. >> i move approval of this item. >> and seconded by commissioner kim and roll call vote. >> on item 5:00, commissioner avalos. aye. >> campos absent. >> mar. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >>, and item passes. >> next item please. >> item 6, recommend increasing the amount of the professional
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