tv [untitled] June 12, 2015 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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40 thousand extra hours in the venture oracle proposal we looked at the several proposals to look at it similar complex government for the state of california is to the state of kansas to the state of of virginia to riverside county and looked at it what are the number of hours it took those types of implementations and we believe that given our complexity which is consistent that the 45 staff that's the solution that provides water what we need as a large $9 million entity i put together a brief slide for you not in our packet on your screen as you can see the proposal before you covers our $9 billion annual budget and for the number of hours related to this question
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at about hundred and $10,000 as you can see comparisons for kansas and virginia and riverside county and other i types of entities how many hours to implement their contracts were and as you can see our contract is million dollars 23 and we compare riverside mr. in particular $5 million budget and hundred and $7,000 but given the complexity and the city staff as far as 98 percent of the needs this is the best recommendation for us. >> i have one more question about people soft i epic that temple years ago there were scandals but now oracle has acquired people soft it meets
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our needs more for the system. >> the counter some is not supported we can't get updates it is one that we have vulnerabilitys if we don't upgrade given the oracle platform as well as the thinking lying technology and the fact we've implemented the people soft on the h.r.o side to pay folks and track time keeping and hire staff there are collateral benefits this is part of modern day you'll have to do upgrades on the id pads or on the city flips so any of the proposals require the licensing and maintenance that will be going forward. >> what's the relationship of oracle p to people soft and
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oracle inquired people soft and people soft is now, one of the pursuit lines within oracle and the consolidation of the software w is witnessedly known it puts an attractive company for oracle to integrated the h.r. management side as well as the financial so we have the human capital side already this is adding the financial suit to that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. colleagues any further questions all right. mr. rose our report please. yes mr. chairman members of the committee as shown in table 3 on page 10 of the report the city experiences all 9 year options to renew and the consistencies the maximum oracle contract is
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$27 million plus and then on page 11 we note that the optional extension will not nooiftd i've not to exceed to be $23 million plus on the bottom of page 11 this controller's office looked like this was the point that supervisor mar references the controller's office allocated 210 percent the total 2 thousand possible points for the cost portion of the proposals table 6 the costs submitted by itself bidders is shown in table six the oracle bid $26 million plus was $10 million plus more than the $16 million plus for the second place bidders c g index
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the significant costs was attribute to the bid and the 17 thesis work hours in the outcome bid as compared to the c gi bid we state on page 12 of the report shown in table 6 the cost of $26 million plus were included in the proposed oracle contract after the bid cost was awarded to oracle the controller's office then negotiated an additional 5 years of software maintenance and software increase in costs of the contract not to exceed $50 million plus for the two property contract so in conclusion on the recommendation on the bottom of page 12 we
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recommend that you approve the proposed resolution we note the oracle capriciously bid was 10 or 681 percent more than the second place bird the total costs for both contract were bit up for additional software not to exceed of $50.9 million the controller's office went there a comparable bid and in their professional judgment the proposed contract was the best option to replace the city's system. >> i'm available to answer any questions. >> thank you, mr. rose for the discussion i appreciate it. >> colleagues, any questions for mr. rose. >> okay seeing none, open up for public comment anybody wish to comment
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on item 11 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> so i lend my name so a core i know that leading up my name it is shocking we still have this financial system in place beyond shocking actually but i'm glad we're moving forward obviously an expensive contract one of the things we need to invest it in the city of san francisco and about benefit us for decades with that colleagues we have a recommendation to approve that by the budget analyst can i have a motion. >> through the chair i'd like to for the record out this recommendation to the full board. >> have we taken public comment yet. >> no problem. >> motion we'll take that without objection. >> okay. mr. clerk call item
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12 and item 12 ordinance amending the administrative code reduction of the non-essential vehicle fleet more than technology systems in utilization of the fleet assess and allow the zoning administrator to document it for the underutilized vehicles and officers and employees seek to use the cars services before the vehicles and authorizing the zoning administrator to enter into this car sharing services. >> thank you mr. clerk. >> so colleagues today in front of the is legislation i've supported to approve improve our fleet since the offices work to merge our hecto legislation with my proposal for one comprehensive policy that governs the city's fleet in
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implementing the cars and russ the green house gas emissions and this proposal will insure our city continues to push the nephew overall this legislation leverages new technology in order to reduce the costs for the lower green house gas emissions we have four key goals and four pill razors the fleet were practical no to read track and use the data and second establishing for the fritter in city history a restoration system to move away from the paper and clipboard system and third an overall bring the green house gas emissions in alignment what the executive order this past march and the cost savings with the fleet and better
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efficiency for the first time the zoning administrator will create an system for the 3 housing unit car sharing fleet which will be the largest in castle and one of the largest in the country he fleet management oversees the software for the management and it will think implemented beginning with the pilot of approximately hundred and 65 vehicles this fall and fleet management will review the data from the telling masking to extend a program with 3 hundred vehicles next year and it requires expanding and formalizing the implementation of the telling masking system to date they've instead of over 27 hundred vehicles and operations and used data fleet managing is going to leverage this to have
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the restoration system by identifying and any retiring assets that are high to maintain and the submission standards and insuring the city owned vehicles are used for city business this helps to generate costs saves when implemented and the installation of the data systems will be the main driver of the city's savings and identify the vehicles that are simply no longer necessary and subject to retirement a 5 percent reduction to the fleet janitors a savings over 4 years or $5.8 million
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with a 10 percent reduction and the oversight of vehicles are to reduce the fuel costs a 5 percent reductions will entail $360,000 in savings or savings if it was to achieve a 10 percent reduction those demonstrate the extended savings green house gas emissions will be further reduced by the federal executive order to cut the emissions by june 2, 0021, we'll meet those by asking the deserve to report and review to make sure the implementation of the best practices and consultation with our department of the environment san francisco has one of the greenest and friendly fleets in the country and this proposal makes san francisco the national leader
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still i want to personally thank our zoning administrator, what say you? office john our fleet administrator and office naomi kelly and jennifer and from others from my office of the department of the environment for their hard work and coming up with the fleet martin luther king policy the amendments were substantive i'll hope we'll make today but will have to sit in committee everyone is in agreement with the recommendation i'll be making a motion with that colleagues no questions turnover to the budget analyst report and move from there and. >> mr. chairman and members of the committee on page 17 of our report we note to the- will not
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be subject to the contract for the administrative code or environmental code for the solicitation of contract for the hiring we also note on page 17 of our report as supervisor farrell has gone over we would like to emphasis a journal report on the 5 percent for the non safety fleet generates savings in a 4-year period other efficiency will be achieved through a greater oversight of vehicles use a 5 percent reduction in fuel restriction is more annual savings and 10 percent reduction will result in $17,000 plus in annual savings our recommendations on the bottom of page 18 we recommend you request the master car contract be
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extensively bid and we ask the proposed bid that raises the others administrative code environmental codes such as the local business enterprise to be a policy decision for the board of supervisors we recommend you approve the provisions of the property owners. >> thank you very much mr. rose any questions or our staff at this point open up for public comment anyone wish to comment on item 12 seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor mar. >> yeah. i wanted to be added as a cory have one question about the use of city car share versus the vehicle on demand technology for the city i'm wondering if someone can answer that question what we're looking at this is bans an analysis
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at&t's as other cities reduced their ordinary vehicles then using more of a sharing committee type of using use becomes more of a priority. >> my name is tom from the zoning administrator, what say you? office car share has been in contract since 2010 the city departments have access to the contract and have limited use since then partly due to the constraint of being able to plan ahead with serving the vehicle on time and specifically returning the vehicle on time i'm sure you're aware of meetings at the end to be fluid and it's difficult for the department and drivers to manage their time
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and excuse themselves from various meetings. >> i wanted to ask you the shifting of the fleet management and vehicle section elements to the healthy air and transportation program is transferred if the oversight of the office of environment to the zoning administrator is that for use. >> in fact the decision has been moved from the department of environment to the office as of july. >> and then can i ask of the city's 38 departments the budget analyst report said that 15 are number one compliant or have waivers what are we doing with departments that are fully compliant with the hecto program in the city. >> what we've been doing staff
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is working with the various departments that submitted their waiver be currently there are the department we're working with the being reviewed and we're engaging and negotiating with those departments to encourage them to into into compliance understanding some of the departments are unable to but we are trying our best to work with them. >> thank you for overseeing everything with the quality math district and next year i'll be the chair of the body it is great san francisco is making improvement i love car share we're reducing our carbon footprint thank you for doing such a great job. >> that's correct thank you very much supervisor mar if noting no other questions or comments asking can i have a motion and continue this item
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for one week. >> through the chair i'll move this through the bust and move we accept this item as amended. >> okay. and then continue for one week. >> yes. >> so we have that motion by supervisor mar and we'll take that without objection. >> thank you, everyone mr. clerk. >> that matter will be continued to june 17th wednesday of next week. >> thank you very much mr. clerk, call item 13. >> the conveyance of real property from the office of community investment & infrastructure to the mayor's office of housing and community development. >> thanks very much we have the mayor's office of housing on this item. >> yeah. good afternoon supervisor farrell and supervisor mar i'm kevin with the mayor's office of housing and community development as the resolution before you is to authorize the conveyance of real
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property on thomas street from the investment & infrastructure to the mayor's office of housing and community development 474 as the apartment is a 9 story mid-rise building with family rental units that excludes a lot of units and studios it target households and is fully leased this property was acquired after the loma what earthquake that project was implemented in december of 2014 that is what bring me here under the assembly bill 1484 as the dissolution law the former agency was dissolved
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the san francisco board of supervisors acting as a legislative body as a successor agency to the former agency passed the ordinance which outlines the rights and responsibility of occ as the successor agency the excluding but not limited to exciting enforceable obligations physical affordable housing now that obligation of the project being built is completed it's time to transfer this to occ as the housing agency the legislation will go have the long term leased and m a. o a direction are finalize the transaction that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions open the conveyance. >> seeing no colleagues
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comments anyone wish from the public to comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, can i have a motion to move this forward. >> supervisor tang we'll take that without objection. >> that is with recommendations. >> mr. clerk, call item 14. >> resolution for the intent of the city and county of san francisco to reinforce the procedures of future bond indebtedness for the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application and related documents to the california allocation committee to permitted the issuance of the revenue bond not to exceed $35 million for 222 beale street. >> okay. thank you very much. >> we have the mayor's office of housing to speak on had in this. >> hi, i'm elizabeth with the mayor's office of housing that
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authorizes it to pay for construction for transbay block affordable housing located on 222 beale street mercy housing is the project sponsor it will be a hundred and 27 unit small project for many units along with the managers unit the unit will be targeting to households no more than 50 percent of area memoranda income when is $50,000 plus is on the east and west end of the block it is looked been from time to time and béal street two blocks south the transbay center it was issued by the form redevelopment or ocii
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it is currently under construction those transitions don't require the city to pledge repayment of the bonds and we anticipate submitting the application in 2015 if awarded we'll return to the board of supervisors to issue shortly thereafter and the project is slated to begin construction in 2015 and complete construction of 2017 here with me is sponsor william of the mercy housing that concludes my report i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> thanks. >> thank you very much if no other deduction and no budget analyst report we'll move on to public comment seeing none, public comment is closed all right. >> sthaung u supervisor tang. >> through the chair to make a motion to i move we send it to
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the full board with a positive recommendation. >> we'll take that without objection. >> mr. clerk item 15. >> resolution for the authorization thought to accept a grant from the center from disease control and preservation in a title program health for improved community design. >> thank you. is dpw here. >> good afternoon. supervisors thank you for including that item on the agenda the san francisco dunst is asking for an acceptance and expend annually for the next 3 years san francisco was one of the 6 recipients nationwide to be award for its healthy design initiative to help to fund our health program the purpose of the department of public health impact assessment program to
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inform and support of the decision making within the past year we've worked on health care to for bicycle safety to achieve the sro's and help to understand the city's shelter policies we use a disciplinary cross sector to address the health entities we're fiscal year on access to health care and transportation and safety and the health impacts we plan to access the neighborhood economic conditions and our program our goal to provide information and knowledge to decide maker for healthy outcomes through our city's design efforts to make it easier for people to live healthier lives i'll be happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor mar. >> i just wanted to say that is great i'd like to be added as a
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cora wide range of different types of planning this will help from food a access and safety to sro's i appreciate that approach for vision zero this is helpful not only around schools and senior centers but everywhere i'd like to be a co-sponsor and really appreciate our work. >> thank you. >> all right. thanks very much open up for public comment anyone wish to speak. >> my mom a a long time ago at the chinatown center we had a lunch center i've been had whatever moving away from a national location because of the
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renting of money no mcdonald's thank you. >> thank you very much anything else wish to comment seeing none, public comment is closed colleagues, can i have a motion to move this forward. >> i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> supervisor mar we'll take that without objection. >> mr. clerk any other business before this commission. >> no other business before this commission today and thank you very much we're adjourned
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. >> cynthia goldstein welcome to the board of supervisors budget & finance committee dumb my name is it supervisor farrell i'll be chairing and joined by supervisor tang and supervisor yee and supervisor mar and supervisor wiener want to thank the clerk andrea ashbury as well as the members of sfgovtv jessie larson and charles kremenak that madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes.
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