tv [untitled] June 12, 2015 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT
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in the last few weeks that had a star work inspection that i am not sure how much work they done they did have a start work inspection, which sort of would be the start of the process as well for construction contract we would hope. as i said, the very unusual. have seen a few of them but not very many with the application date of 24. i did have the documentation showing dealership i could use the overhead please. this is just a snapshot of our application. for the construction, permit construction tracking. it does show the dates of the extension one, extension two, extension three. that would have been reviewed by probably senior building inspector chief building inspector and approved
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based on good reason. i am available for any questions. >> commissioner: inspector duffy, was the prior history to this permit in 2004? >> testifier: that to good question back i should did not take their show looked it up on this computer quiz i read her the brief i but the 27 years. i did see earlier permits to do the same project that got canceled or withdrawn good i cannot remember which. there were other modifications but basically have a history of projects that never got done. so, over the years and i think that is the lady said. i do not have that with me it is about six permits i saw going way back if there was one associate >> commissioner is a different permit? >> testifier: this way back in the 90s >> commissioner: next question
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is the fees for construction, that was taken out in 24. were they still apply today or that the structure be amended? >> testifier: that these are okay because that the permit allotment if the permit had expired it might be different to the dictator extension fees. extension fees -- i do not have them here, but it is based on the evaluation -- 10% i believe. they pay an additional fee. i do not have the amount they keep paying fees every time that we keep getting money off them and sometimes it can be a big amount depend on the size of the project that around this time, i will just that, we had buildings -- note 7 that i remember a few projects that could come out of the ground because people did not want to build in a bad economy. survey extensions were put in for that. probably for one of those reasons
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>> commissioner: since they have not started with the construction costs have changed since 2004? >> testifier: being construction cost initially but down this on the site permit was $3000 back is now up to 630,000. that is not bad that i did check that as well and that is pretty typical for this type of building. again, >> commissioner: i did not see that. site >> testifier: we counter this and we cast him to pay additional fees. so that something that we [inaudible] >> commissioner thank you. >> clerk: we can take public comment on this item. kci show items make evil plan to speak? if you want to support a you also speak on this item? okay. wanted to support. >> testifier: good evening. my name is russell marine come here to support the dr request. i am sure when you first saw this what, 2010. it seems to
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be unusual but actually does go back to 2004 and it has been a long process. i think at some point in their enough to reset the clock just to give the neighborhood a chance to reevaluate things. i came across the project when the 30 11 notice first time i heard about it. i live in a neighborhood on to get these things. [inaudible] i did not follow up on it until but it is true she is a neighbor and she is some issues with the process and the project through meeting her and talk note going to civil meetings, kind of got the sense maybe this thing needs to be looked at olympic closer. 311 notification went out, toasted what she should have done she tried to talk to the project sponsor and developer and architect are met
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with some resistance. she invited him to a least two community meetings to show the plans to discuss it in a group setting back that did not happen. as time went on, the dr seem to be the only option to enforce them to sit down with the developer. at that point, nobody mentioned that well, the 311 was in error. the city did not correct the developer did not really mention this was in error and that after ms. chu of the dr she found out it was an issue with that. she was denied a chance to have that right to speak. i think which i do say planning my demeanor i think they might have but they did the right thing planning do the right thing by putting the 311 at the because they thought this was a project that was restarting again. i think lower asking for is that we get the opportunity to sit down with the developer, not stop the project, not drastically change it just kind of address some of the concerns that are very real that has been floating around for over 10 years. thank you. liquid neck
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speaker, please >> clerk: thank you. neck speaker, please >> testifier: good evening. my name is -- williams and i live one block from the project that is being discussed. i think my speaking is futile because i only found about this yesterday. i have owned my house there for 39 years. so, i just want to speak -- i would want to see the project stopped, but i would like to get more information just to see, because the identical project happened about 10 years ago. i peeled it. it was denied. so it just seems these things kind of come out of the woodwork. survey, if i
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am at area one block away i never suit any kind of notice and i have moved and the address has not changed. thank you for your attention >> commissioner: ma'am, you appealed it in 2004 roughly? >> testifier: no. i appealed the one that was two stories over a garage and for some reason people think that is two stories, when i look out my window it is three stories >> commissioner: my question is, you said the same project meanings insight? >> commissioner >> testifier: similar project >> commissioner similar site >> clerk: any of the public comment? >> testifier: good evening commissioners my name is -- and i live at 11 sparta two lots up
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the hill from number 23. i am here to ask that you -- well i am here to support the jurisdiction request. i have live data 11 sparta since 1998. i am not very well versed in the process here, but i understand that this house will be essentially 4000 ft.2 and a neighborhood of 2000 square-foot homes. it will be three stories, where as most are too. to me, this is out of character with the neighborhood and i understand that he will be a great deal of more parking issues, for instance. i am concerned about the loss of weight involved with such a large project. so, with those things in mind, i would humbly request that you take up the jurisdiction request. thank you.
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>> commissioner: sir, did you receive the notice in 2010? >> testifier: it has been so long i cannot remember, honestly. >> clerk: any other public comment? please, step forward. >> testifier: good evening. i am -- mccoy and i live on six sparta street. when i will became aware of this project, i thought immediately, that the height of the building would just set everything off because we have one building out there that is not even as tall as my house. then, all the other things named seem to be at level that i would say that we need to talk and share more
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about this house that is going to be built. >> commissioner: ma'am, i will ask you the same question at the gentleman before. you are probably within the radius to receive notice. did you receive notice in 2010? >> testifier: i think it was because i come down and spoke with them i guess, the planners or something here. i posted at that time. but i did not know what the changes were. >> commissioner thank you. >> clerk: next speaker, please >> testifier: my name is alejandro -- was speaking on behalf of my parents that they live right next door to the construction site. they been living there for 29 years. pretty much, ever since they
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started construction,, from the beginning, they pretty much not down their offense and ever since, back in the day when they first escalated and everything they live without a fence at their house on one side. basically, [inaudible] nothing -- just today they had a trespass or go through the empty lot and towards their property. where they had to call the police. ever since then, they were told that it would have put up a fence afterwards and so far, nothing has been put up. >> clerk:: overhead
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>> testifier:: that is the empty lot right there. my parents house is on the left. right here, they broke up the sidewalk, the concrete. it pretty much broken up to put up a retaining wall. it just came back from mexico to see all that. so, that is why we are against construction. >> clerk: thank you. neck speaker, please. >> testifier: good evening my name is ian seaman and i do not live on sparta street down the hill a little bit on campbell. were getting a lot of housing in our neighborhood lately, much of which i support greatly. at -- and a candlestick and at sunnydale, high density housing is really appropriate there were certainly willing to take it for the greater good, but much of our neighborhood consists of blocks of modest single-family
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and extended family homes. while we do without a lot of the amenities that is other san francisco have, we have lovely background gardens -- we do not have lawns i will distribute cuttings and seeds to neighborhoods can we share with each other and the community has a vestige of a rural small-town flavor in a better neighborhood character, that is kind of what is at risk here with these big bloated homes being stuffed in in every available empty space. i just want to say, either of the recounts for anything in the planning code, but the issue of sunlight and shade and massive walls cutting off views, those really are important to us.
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these houses that are being built without regard to the adjoining property, detract from our neighborhood character. i dislike comes up but thanks >> clerk: you have 30 seconds >> testifier:: i think this alarming trend and people are not notified except in a small radius compared his or my neighbors but of course i did receive a notice about this. thank you. >> clerk: any other public comment? >> testifier: my name is frank taylor. i live about a block away from this place and i was number notified by anything. i do not know how this neighborhood is owned one family dwellings. this building proposes 4000 ft.2. that is pretty huge one family dwelling. they built a similar one on -- avenue which is sold
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for eight bedrooms and five baths. no, i do not see how this can fit in a neighborhood here that these outside, it dominates everything in the neighborhood.. the one on while he has a -- hello ashley three family dwelling. they moved the utilities water heater into the garage and is room for one parking. for three families. i do not know how they can allow this. thank you. >> commissioner excuse me, sir how long have you lived in the neighborhood? >> testifier: about 20 years. >> commissioner same question that commissioner cohen had asked earlier. did you get notification of 24? >> testifier: note that about a block away. >> commissioner: that is probably outside the radius. >> clerk: any of the public comment? seeing none, the commissioner the matter is
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submitted. >> president: commissioners? >> commissioner this is a jurisdiction request.. the question is not necessarily the design of this building or the extent of it,. the question, then is whether due process has occurred, and a foresight for the people who spoke against it, it has occurred. it dirty went through a round. it is unfair to force him a to go through a second round if they do not want to. there is no limitation, as determined by work as stated by the building dept. representative, there is no prohibition on the number of
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extensions. so, at this point in time i am not prepared to sport a jurisdiction request. >> commissioner: nor am i. >> commissioner: i am similar, with my fellow commissioners. unfortunately, the problem here it is time has lapsed for quite some time,, and you neighbors have moved in and feel that the process has not occurred. on posted, they given the wrong information from the planning dept. in regards to 311 should not apply directive arctic onto this already. so, as much as i would like due process to happen here, unfortunately this is headed stay already. >> commissioner: i moved to deny the request for jurisdiction. >> clerk: thank you. there is
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a motion on the floor to deny the jurisdiction request from commissioner cohen. on this motion tonight present a lot of us aye as president aye commissioner wilson aye commissioners bay area aqmd is absent the vote is 4-0 it is denied and no appeal may be filed at for this permit >> clerk: were going to take a break. >>[gavel] >> clerk: welcome back to the board appeals: item 7. transferee vs. dept. of pub. works properties that 1850 and 81 -- and also create first-rate the issuance from april 2,
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2015. that tree removal permit that the movable of 27th street atlanta street and first-rate with replacements with approximately 21 street trees exact number replacement trees depends on site constraint and planting guidelines est. by public works. we will start with the appellant. you have 7 min. >> testifier: hello commissioners. they given much for having me. it is a long day today. i hope to be more interesting west number intense and more visual., slight slide show died direct hopefully [inaudible] hewitt my name is -- on the residence of the 18 lansing building or the last nine years. along with my
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sister transferee on the -- on the treatment removal they will. based currently, approved permit the 27 evergreen trees will be replaced with 21 deciduous trees. i like to show how our neighborhood looks like as of this moment. right here you see first street. those of the trees in question. there are two lines back there is a gas station. there is an auto body shop, and eight 45 lansing development. to give you an idea, if you are not familiar with the area this is the first street, pretty much full-time. there is traffic where. this is the gas station. this is the first street date from the
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ramp to bainbridge, and this is the close-up of the trees that are in question. here is a zoomed in view. on the trees. here is the permit, excuse me can we make it a little larger? okay i can control myself. >> clerk: if he could make it a little darker because it is flickering. >> testifier: so 80 lansing state building is right here.
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you see here residential windows , the entrance into the building right here. and this is currently approved plan without deciduous trees. as you can see, there are gaps in between trees and streetlights that were added as a part of the new plan. project drying, i put red marks where the, currently, the mature and evergreen trees will be removed. not replaced. so, those are the only trees that will be planted. those are deciduous. so you can see, there are a couple of windows on the -- where the trees will be removed and not replaced. these
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residents are in an unfortunate position that they will be exposed to the view of the gas station, which is located right here. there are two major concerns for us mac the public's plan. verse one is the trees, evergreen and there is no compelling reason to place them with the deciduous trees. on the other hand there is plenty of benefits we currently enjoy as a neighborhood by having those evergreen trees. the second major concern about the plan being proposed, the current group design does not take into consideration this specifics of our site map the current tree layout as pointed out, provides to layer screen for building residence. this is how it works particularly in my unit.
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so, this is my window. about 60 feet into my window i see a nice greenery and probably, you can all see the gas station right here. but, it is a very nice that i am not exposed to this unpleasant view as of now. i would like to elaborate a little bit more on a couple issues i mentioned. first is about evergreen trees. i think there are plenty of benefits to keep them among those are the -- look throughout the year that increase property value. another benefit would be less street noise because tree foliage will reduce noise pollution that like dust on our
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doors and windows, better air quality to reduce carbon dioxide increase oxygen in winter the privacy screen which is very foreign to the safety and those who will be affected. so we can screen our windows from the gas stations visitors. i just want to emphasize on the fact that in the past the gas station was a cause for some noise and privacy nuisances. reduce light pollution, and night will be another benefit. no seasonal letter, basically as of now because we have evergreen trees, we do not have a budget for janitorial were to sweep the street. that would be an additional expense on the building. [inaudible] because evergreen trees drop their leaves gradually. the second
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major concern is that the design itself. as you can see the determination of the removed tree and newly installed streetlights with some of the -- without nac eight privacy screen about in the gas vision that is the maven privacy aesthetic issue for the neighbors. the windows [inaudible] on the second floor there five units a mac i spoke to for other people, four of the owners were affected by this. they are all equally upset about how it is going to work out. to i saw tom >> clerk: your time is up. >> testifier:: can i wrap up with what a mix requesting >> clerk: one more sentence >> testifier: okay i like by the way to retain the privacy and install a different kind of
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light that would not be late pollution for the residence. and night that so this is something that was proposed by the developer >> clerk: thank you got more time on rebuttal. >> commissioner: sir, the window they showed us look at those trees and you indicated that gas station was beyond those trees farther to the right >> testifier: it was just an economy that i can show you >> commissioner: are those trees on the street or on the adjacent property? >> testifier: the trees are currently on the street. >> commissioner: would see the photo that you showed us through your window. >> testifier: just below my
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window and the there are total of 15 trees. they split -- >> commissioner: i understand that is first aid than? >> testifier: no, that is lansing street. >> commissioner which window are you taking that out of? >> testifier: right here >> commissioner okay >> testifier: soap but right now i have the same nice trees right here and then they will be gone >> commissioner: thank you. >> testifier: thank you. i knew the questions? >> clerk: we can hear from the permit holder now. the permit holder is not here. mr. buck >> testifier: good evening the mac -- >> clerk: is the permit holder not here quicker >> testifier: yes sorry long
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evening. >> clerk: let us hear from them >> testifier: adam -- the permit holder. the reason we were going to have chris and paul jason speak vs. because this is part of the -- we are the developer 45 lansing and were implementing the city's vision as part of our in-kind work. so we cannot be most helpful to explain that background and then we can address any questions after. >> clerk: that is fine. that is the logical way to do it, sure. >> testifier: good evening again chris rock urban forestry republic works. honestly, i can forget the order in which were coming up before you so i apologize for the confusion. public works issued a permit to
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the applicant of the removal of 27 street trees. the developer 45 lansing street 239 story building currently under construction within the cities ill plan area mac the trees are currently the maintenance responsibility of the property owners at 18 lansing, 81 lansing, 50 lansing, 66-56 lansing and 3/91 street. approximate 21 trees are proposed for replacement that the plan here is that the project sponsor of 45 lansing would remove these trees, replace them, and then be responsible for the maintenance of these trees. they are currently either be maintained. the reason for move on the application is that the street is a very narrow sidewalk this can become a shared street. so, the sidewalk and street level will all be at the same level, the same grade. the trees will not withstand that level of grade change so the approval
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