tv [untitled] June 12, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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[inaudible] to address concerns. each of these designs was code compliant supported by a planned apartment and residential design team and would it -- [inaudible] january 22 this year. after many delays by the appellant in the building which they corroborated by the planning department in accountable for decisions made up a bread bin appealed multiple times. plant department completed site visit to both properties which confirm -- self-inflicted nokes door neck conditions existed in addition [inaudible] sunshine request a project that we have addition [inaudible] and when it is time to schedule discussion review hearing last about the hearing date was [inaudible] at a monster the process might be action of the appellant to delay along each separate project been consistent throughout the considerable impact on both [inaudible] in terms of our project it could not
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[inaudible] under the city guidelines and thoughtfully designed by laces local san francisco architects george -- is here with me today that our project consist with two stories on country stories on the site to respect [inaudible] that were not increasing overall height of our home front and side with a number of stories and the appellant's house was the projected full roof height above us. our project is a -- not adding any saline windows whether house has many. we have also made numerous modifications to address the concern aside from the cover desk rear setback is only does she our home is the scale encounter with the neighborhood that were not expanding the full scope of what is allowed and no were near the side of the pounds property. currently, their home extends to 40 feet beyond her rear wall click most disappointing is that the appellant concluded our
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renovation their property including extensive renovation work burnout contest our project and that they include [inaudible] more suitable to quiz is now charging our remodeling plan will culminate outgrowing needs of our pain of five mac [inaudible] may compromise all the chains were voluntary and not mandated by the planning department made a high economic cost to us that is include initially we projected beyond the pounds three-story structure that we reduce the setback [inaudible] this change meant our two boys not sure bedroom as first having their own packets and corporatist of design and our second-floor deck will project 16 foot but it is only going out 12. are cantilever third-floor office was removed back no north or south wall saline windows exist that those original the plan removed voluntarily pack verse four deck was reduced in length
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roughly 50% of their allowable seismic ground walkway was integrate on the south side and joseph having discussed and the pawns are requesting additional three design changes to the eight we have made and we would have a huge impact to our project back thursday setback as invested with it -- and does not mitigate the fact the pounds on 3 foot cannot deliver structure is blocking the light to the living room that provides the deck karen [inaudible] decreasing the size of the third story deck will make it unusable that it will only be for foot in depth as purposely done to allow two chairs to be placed on. second-floor deck is also the design taken both neighbors into account. is 5 foot setback from our southern neighbor and a 17 foot setback from the pounds we are one-story structure met with customize the design of 12 foot projecting -- which was still ousted on the deck -- will not
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maximizing to the full 16 feet unnecessarily that for 2 pounds beavers never been -- as opposed to ours and for that i would refer to the modifications we made and therefore design iterations in the consistent board of three government planning department over the past 499 days back i like now like to let my dad speak. >> testifier: good evening commissioners met my name is donald -- i am her father. i was and i are here to support them in the request to improve their home that they spent honest tell you they could be aired tonight. sunnis from can skip rope a special work visa
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to hiv aids research the last 12 years back they came to study business at berkeley. the bus for a successful careers. if three children all born in san francisco last year. sinning it became american citizens. they love america one estate or., live in san francisco mac that the matter can. at present their home only as 2.5 bedrooms and a small bathroom. the children are going up in a 12, 10, and seven. the was three years younger before when they moved in another grown-up. pics family and her family to visit the house is too small for even two grandparents. laissez we had to sleep a couple mattress in the living room. this house badly needs repair and expansion. with requesting his modest back the nokia mega house as was alleged it will not even be a big house. ms. west
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the appellant is concerned about privacy and the freedom to enjoy her deck and backyard which she seems to [inaudible] she said cameras placed on her house but after the last in the art that the pilot [inaudible] this is caused anxiety mature business and young daughter got two nights ago is that on the backyard the chemist as 10 feet away back [inaudible] glickman and the other objections [inaudible]. design and delay is their program and i think you thought this program go ahead so [inaudible] >> clerk: thank you we can hear for mr. sanchez. >> testifier: good evening scott sanchez planning commission direct where to begin. the subject property is located -- the project is completely code compliant. it has been to section 311 identification not once but twice that the dr was filed after the first notification and prior -- prior to the dr
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hearing in september it was pointed out that there was an error in 311 notification. so we did we notice the notification there were no additional dr's file during that time. we went to the dr hearing in january of this year the planning commission unanimously held the permit find that there were no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances here. the permit holder has asked that apartment to maybe characterize processes far and hesitant to do so but certainly process has been exhausted and we are now here before you to make a decision. i would note some of them it shows that were presented by the appellant is showing, which i had to google to find out what family that was on the photo apparently, it is a sitcom big bang. so when it does not show you is that the deck that family would be occupying xavier way
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back is not actually hovering at the property line. i think a gross misrepresentation what the impacts would be pick something i was advised to see in the dr packet on even more spice to scene appeal packet to the sport and i got whenever a troubling. in regards to the residential the design guidelines i think to point out -- do not think this was an improper application acting even if we did determine that this was a cards that need some additional level protection, residential design guys was active but on the overhead would be clear that a deal with that. so, have on left ear, the batson area which is the not the product -- the good scenario was what the project actually does. and has a setback direct additionally
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the deck that his concern is that that additional 3 feet because the stairs intervened. so again, it is completely code compliant. is been to a significant amount of process. residential design scene supports the project planning commission unanimously supports the project. i was not at that hearing but i was told that mission or -- made the line this is the thing we shipped dr reform for back certainly, i think with concerns on the part of the commission about the project as it is before you. so come >> commissioner could you explain -- tested that this is worthy of extra optional were were exceptional circumstances again we think the process has been exhausted we would speculate request mitchell pulled the permit. >> commissioner there is a lot of buildings on this lot. >> testifier: on house property, correct >> commissioner can you tell me but that? tested that was not
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part of our review process but that does extend into the [inaudible]. >> commissioner: if that structures there usually the main feature and property has ability generally go half that distance. >> testifier: you can get additional benefits when you have an adjacent property and extends toward you can use averaging to extend further. >> commissioner what would it do for this particular case? tested out think they can avail themselves because in order to qualify you have to -- you have to be at least two stories in 20 feet tall it is a single-story structure in the real so i do not think they be able to qualify. sterling terms of the wide open space the property has much more impact on the [inaudible] the proper permit holders property would.
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>> commissioner action to popout cook on 20 feet were single story like this, popout could have gone the property line on both sides. >> testifier: you are absolutely correct. >> clerk: inspected up is no additional common semester of questions we can take public comment. gonzales public comment. you could step forward. >> testifier: thank you. i know it is late my nose christopher willow. i live at 430 10th avenue. we have lived always on the house for 30 years of live there for quite some time. this content neighbor who recently correct i have been both homes i know both homes but i speak here but amount of due process and about an issue. akin to 311 am attorney by trade i am here representing the party both sides asked me to come to the
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311 meeting. it became quite clear to me was very narrow issues of disagreement. home was about 2 feet to allow a light to come because there is a window have been to both properties back i was in the property and the russian families who lost out some foreclosure owned it i been in the appellant's property numerous times for holiday celebrations have also been there while the -- were briefly their. unfamiliar with well about to discuss. there is a large window that gives light to one side of it. to 2 feet setback was put were allowed like to come and that the session issue is the size of deck i do not these bit the property of the person from planning department does overlook a hot tub in a very nice accurate area. if that was cut back from the requested door checking it 16 be or something, cut back to six or 8 feet it would give privacy.
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then, the third issue, which was out there was again a -- issue worm say near the altman agreed upon my oath is an attorney all the issues in the first application they did they agree to that. pendulum impact on the living space but then they reneged. i think the integrity of the 311 process calls for this body,, to hold onto their agreement respectfully request that begun. thank you. >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> testifier: good evening. my name is todd --, residence of the richmond district of san francisco have lived there for 20 years. i have known the -- for the last three or four years. i leave this project should move forward as is matt referred from the building and
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planning department here and for my interpretation, for what it is worth, the 300 pages plus of the proposal is very compliant if not -- what is allowable under code. as importantly, i was going to say the varying city department said approved it already a multiple different ways. besides, the time this is taken i know the children -- our children go to school with them and this is exactly the type of family that will want to keep in this neighborhood. we have seen many many families moving out of the city because of delays like this and i know that it was mentioned that a discretionary review vs. some other may be limited form of that would be appropriate in things going forward. again,
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just wanted to offer my support for this project. thank you for your time. >> clerk: any of the public comment? tested good evening my name is -- am the eldest daughter tracy and i grew up >> clerk: i am sorry related to the appellant >> testifier: yes >> clerk: your time would be related to the appellant. any of the members of an seeing none, mr. -- you have rebuttal. >> testifier: on the neighbor
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next door to the holman. to bring up that the cameras -- summary, gates and -- not my neighbors property since they will not talk to me anymore i cannot tell the mat but anyway we moved into the richmond but 20 years a government we bought our house in 1997. it is a 1890s victorian and that is why you do not really know [inaudible] but were the only third damage on this piece of san francisco history and the family that owned it first, they bolted and the kids lived in it until the oldest went to a nursing home that we really have an added the square-foot to this home. always done to this home is structural work and been very diligent about doing restoration. and maintaining the history of this victorian. the neighbors expansion design
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with all the design compromise we previously agreed to a very detrimental to the overlake area privacy to her home. these plans were completely undermine privacy of our telling him we spent a majority of our time.@were asking that it be -- for nonconforming structures that we find it interesting that the holman's worry about privacy to their yard with avenue problem undermine the privacy inside her home, which is what were worried about him that we have no objection to the first floor popout the private additional space to the appellant's family and we do not have a problem with the expansion of the second floor and also the addition of the third floor structure. just asking for setback on the third floor so that we can have some light in our dining room. we have eight 1890 victorian and it is it is basically all the lights are gone into that room. our
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neighbor construction is allowed -- forever significantly change and significantly impact the light air and privacy to our dining room family room and home office in her 1896 victorian bent is heart wrenching to say the least with the impact of this project will do to our home. >> testifier: i want to add to mr. sanchez's comment that photo of the -- was not meant to be this scale was meant to give visual what could happen because it is right our property line obviously mac we could not find photos of --
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>> commissioner: the setback, i was not quite sure is parallel to the property you want to further setback is that which is same >> testifier: no. the setback on the third story is in an area across from the dining room window. >> commissioner i do not see how that does anything. tested that is the south of the sites of the light would come in that area. >> commissioner: third floor, right? >> testifier: therefore, yes. in this area right here. we do
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not have any objection to the person second-floor expansion deck with two third floor if we sit back to fleet on that for this area here. because the dining room window is right here. >> commissioner: counsel, gino the square footage of the appellant's home tested 2700 ft.2 >> commissioner are these attached are detached >> testifier: they are all attached. >> commissioner there is not an alley that [inaudible]? >> testifier: there is an alley. extension the main house is a single-story building back >> commissioner there is a setback in the rear portion? >> testifier: yes.
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>> clerk: we can hear from the -- 3 min. a rebuttal tested two quick points i will not put up the picture again to show that the window that they are talking about is to attend vadim oss abuts quite far down and known cantilever roof is that she blocking the light. my second point is yes, we had made some negotiations would we did talk to the plans and it was not that where reneging on our word. we give them some concessions they still took us to a discretionary view in that packet but they asked for was no third floor and no tax at all. so that is one of the exhibits but i think that needs clarification because that is in true.
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>> testifier: my name is george bush am an architect for the project went on to point out to you the site plan this right here indicates that there dining room window is about 18'6" from their corner of the property intact. furthermore, you see that there is a line [inaudible] and that is the wall of the dining room and they have not a foot cantilever that were talked about a 3 foot like, 18 feet and a narrow hallway. even with setting back 2 feet, 3 feet, i doubt that light is going to get in, maybe 20 min. a day in the summertime? we could not
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maximize their footprint instead we made many modifications. currently, her puzzle is to match their -- rear wall and that 3 foot 8 inches short allowable under the planning code. a proposed act is 12 feet and another 3 foot [inaudible] short of 12 feet extension into the really are as permitted construction. that is a total of 17 inches reduction. so, i am here to ask you to move this project forward and approve the proposal. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. nothing further from mr. sanchez so message questions commissioners, this is submitted.
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>> commissioner i have a question. in the various iterations that you indicated that was done, any discussion about privacy? raising some type of a lattice of premier rail height? >> testifier: there were discussions about -- we holman -- husband -- there were discussions about what banishes they want use but basically the thinking neighbor rather than the one that to be as miserable as possible so nothing to do with the privacy. on the flip side, one thing we have not noticed any mancini's pictures is that area, the living room area to live a 17 foot setback that is a raise that sword actually sit the packet
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repellent ec were standing up under those -- you can see she is begging a schuster should be looking >> commissioner that is a prefer my question. the issue i guess is it is a visual separation where people are cartoon dan in the appellant's brief, few object to that? >> testifier: were happy to put a screen of their.. we do not look into the property.. >> commissioner very similar to the previous. adding the project sponsor is made multiple concessions probably to a conforming project
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already. not sure i would have been as generous. i believe that i would deny the appeal. on the basis. thoughts? >> commissioner i guess perhaps we can look at each of the components what they are asking. and support the setback , which is on the interior of the building. i do not support that. the deck on the third floor comes off the bedroom and its role totally small. now think it makes it much since to shrink it further. the lower deck, whichever side stare is on the stair is not the thing that impacted because as you go down you not can be visible.
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the question is what happens on top of the deck. is it oversized, 12' x 12' is not oversized compared to some of the things we see. i had to be just doing a little bit but if they really are not talking and a noncommittal to get along perhaps they need a privacy screen. >> commissioner: would you condition or even approve >> commissioner, this was a common spirit >> commissioner motion >> commissioner i am going to deny the appeal. i do not necessarily feel we need to get to [inaudible] commission motion to deny the appeal because the issue was not [inaudible]
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.>> staff: there is a motion on the floor when the vice president to uphold this permit. no conditions on the basis it was issued properly. on a motion to uphold commissioner cohen aye pres. lazarus aye commissioner wilson amendment aye and commissioner seeing none, is absent the vote is 4-0 the boat is part >> clerk: there is no further business before the board. >> president: we are adjourned. >>[gavel]
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so much opportunity for this to be a stronger, more welcoming, healthier cleaner safer place for the people of this community to play. there are going to be new green areas, a full-size basketball court, outdoor fitness equipment, community garden, a brand-new clubhouse. it's going to be a much more welcoming spot for a neighborhood that really needs it. ♪ ♪. >> good afternoon and woke up to the planning commission regular hearing for thursday, june 11, 2015, disruptions of any kind. please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings.
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