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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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municipal like what we're taken care of here over and over you mentioned argentina it is national; is that correct not a carr blank so there are restrictions. >> there are restrictions like most of the restrictions in the united states like maryland they're allowed to vote in local elections very don't have the local authority for the municipal elections they can't participate in the national elections. >> i'm wondering if there are a commentary on the limits. >> like the thought i understand the local level they'll do it and make it invading like the uk when they saw actually my colleague will introduce moss more of the ideas but has concerns
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thank you. >> and really this is median we have jurisdiction over our panhandle election but not federal and state so i wouldn't call it a limitation but we want to make sure we're promoting you know franchisement one our jurisdiction. >> slide okay. >> we have also seen the legislation that 16 and 7-year-old are prepared to vote but since they have a grammar access to knowledge for debating political issues than ever before due to the internet and cola's in school able to discuss the issues with their classmates and people outside of their
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community 16 political knowledge is about the same as as 21-year-old and quite the afternoon of the adults a they've development the ability to make independent voting changes to whether or not it teens will influence the pressure to vote like their parents we've seen especially in the independents referendum that most teens voted not like their parents but they discuss it with their parents they'll not vote with their parents they can swaes r access and analysis their information independently on their own. >> and we're not asking to be accompanied by snare parent. >> you go alone with your
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parents not over your shoulder your own choices. >> and finally we believe that 6 and 17 year-old have the rights to vote with the responsibilities accruing crew at the age ever 16 and 17 they can work and pay tax and drive cars as people that eye public services are effected directly by government decisions 16 and 17 year-old are ready to have a say how their government is ron run and now to commissioner joyce. >> before my colleagues commissioner comes up like for example in 2014 they saw a huge 55 percent turnout of young people when they saw the huge turnout why not allow young
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people to vote and in elections that property owner to matters the national matters to the uk this is then empowers the city councils with the elections the british at that particular time supported it and lowered the voting age and the 3wrish9 at that particular time created a committee like a researchers saying it is this is good for uk youth regardless where they come from when they published that report they decided it is a good idea to lower the age in the uk and hopefully abroad. >> commissioner cardenas before you go the presentation
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references a lot of research but didn't cite our source. >> where do you get the sources. >> my commissioner will cite the resources. >> we got our information from a lot of resources thank you for that such as. >> so on the slide i think the second one there is raven that shows the 16 political ability is the same as 24 years old so the entire slide references research i want to know your sources. >> i believe in our packet in our youth commission priority report and resolution it cites the sources and we'll send it to our office as well. >> we wanted to read into the record today so folks will
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listening at home know. >> so looks like there are two sources a few sources cited becoming a habitual voter and the american science review and the social actions amongst the first time voters and the election and 17 years old voted that's the chicago tribune and it is highest among the - >> in the resolution we have 26 citations. >> thank you. >> thank you and before commissioner wu speaks is great to see how thorough your commission has been doing the
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research and hadn't jumped to conclusions but helped to have the knowledge around this charter amendment that's the thing a lot of people without seeing the studies or information you know think this is like way think outside the box but when we see when experience the young people in have in terms of the understanding of the political issues it make sense especially, when you add in the research that's been done. >> this raven has been built on since december of 2014 so for 6 months we've started reaching this before i introduced this to the commission and before our commission hearings you know like special reaches as well and before commissioner wu speaks
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there's a great deal of ages that's in place around assessing whether young people can do this kind of work the youth commission has done a lot of work in putting together this charter but when the idea was floated in the media it was all about supervisors trying to control young people it was not about young people trying to create the space to participated more in our civic life this was greatly missing in this decision so it make sense when we see the second look type of issues the more you understand the experience of young people how much they contributed to the sovereignty is it make sense. >> supervisor joyce will talk about that as far. >> thank you for that comment
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that actually goes imperfect into the response the response is quite huge since the charter amendment walgs introduced in march a lot of local press authorities in the new york times and the chicago tribune and the detroit news as you likely saw the chronicle come out against the legislation hours in the legislation unfortunately, the chronicle was not reaching out to the youth commission or contact the effort before mar march macro their decision you've invited the chronicle to a debate weep be leading and hopefully hear back from them. >> i hope you're able to have an editorial on top of that to
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me after they came to a conclusion without discussing with the young people they're trying to achieve not the type of process they go through when it comes to charter amendments and issues. >> yeah. some of the commissioners are in the process of writing an editorial for the chronicle this is an issue of democratic engagement the chronicle framed this as a partisan but backed by research increasing the kickoff participation and youth 16 and 17 years old voting will be good for democrat but not for the following reason it is not the biggest hibernating more 8 to 29 years old registration as democrats but san francisco is
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different in the city for example, more than 1/3rd of sf students attended private scott taylor's schools have more moderate youth next slide we talked about the reaching and background but the question everyone wants to know if this will have an impact to answer that, we have to know how many 16 and 17 year-old in san francisco based on estimates with the census 8 thousand plus and not all eligible to vote this will increase the electorate by over a long term an important impact on the turnout in san francisco with that i'd like to say that the opportunity before us is very immense and san francisco
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has an opportunity to build on the reputation of innovation and participatory democracy to extend the voting rights to 16 and 17 year-old we'll invest in the young people and encouraged by young voters and increase the 1r0e9 turnout i'd like to conclude the presentation and thank you for the opportunity and we'll entertain questions. >> i want to know if incarcerated youth will be able to vote. >> i believe in february this february we met with the chief of the department and said most likely extended the ballots to the youth no problem. >> that's the goal to make sure we can extend that level of franchisement to the
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incarcerated. >> it's not part of the resolution. >> it didn't have to be. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney under state law people who are currently in prison for a felony or on parole can't vote so this provision will apply to youth who are incarcerated not for a felony. >> thank you. >> and if you're pre1y5u9d adjudicate the state law that passed two years ago that shifted people into county jails. >> ab 109. >> realignment yeah. yeah the word escaped me under repollinate yes yourably to
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vote. >> that was also the issue we had so. >> i'm sorry. >> we had a concern will come incarcerated youth participate in the electrical process can they vote and we discussed this so they can for the public record. >> and chief said this is something he can do. >> from the legislation passes with the restrictions that the city attorney dablths. >> okay. very good really great presentation and thank you for your work and your around to answer questions weight have a couple of other speakers and then go to public comment next will be john the director of our department of elections give you
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a little bit of background with the costs and things in terms of young people voting. >> good afternoon john with the elections cost will be around $90,000 to cost and this is installation to $90,000. >> correct for us we need to know the breath of the privilege to vote for the 16 and 17 year-old tie into how we sdrabt the ballots do we tie the contest for the youth voters to the same ballots given out to over the 18 or older to make sure the proper contests are given to the correct voters also with the registration database it - right
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now if someone is not 18 can vote how to tune it to 16 and 17 to cast a ballot and 2016 a statewide database so the local issue as well as the information is concerned then 2014 is a state issue how to sync san francisco to the statewide approach since the state is in charge of the registration not the county and how to distribute the rentals how to count the 16 or 7-year-old information those are things are doable noted how we can't do it but the issues. >> the policy before us is
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whether the voters you know when it comes to voting if we move forward to the ballot if they approve and the department of the elections to make that happen. >> right right of. >> your department to insure the franchisement can happen in san francisco and make sure that votes are done and accounted and recorded within the pressure verify but law. >> yeah. yeah. for us if our process needs to change we'll make the accommodations and move it. >> you said $90,000. >> yeah. we said basically, we're by and large that on looking around 13 thousand voters 8 to $10 a voter for the support costs per legislation and maybe that number will the expected increases in the voter
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registration. >> yeah. supervisor cowen. >> thank you has the election taken a position. >> not before the elections commission. >> - >> i can bring it up to the commission. >> great. >> thank you director art we're going to - we are expecting a couple of school board members commissioner fewer or commissioner vice president haney don't see them off not able to make it opening it up for public comment before public comment against i do - i actually neglected to say that we're working with the youth commission and their disconnection there's been a lot of talk about not going to this ballot in this legislation by increases november 2016 election we'll expect the turnout to be the highest and expect the wide
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it amount of participation and deciding whether or not the youth can vote that's something that i will have at the end of the meeting and we also have as a member of the whole currently the way the term is written for the manipulate not the school board side we've expanded with the member to include the community college board legislation and the school district election as well into this effort those bodies as well will be participating in the election okay . >> before we real quick
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supervisor campos. >> this is a charter it the told her 2/3rd's of the majority. >> this didn't require a 2/3rd's majority. >> but we need 6 votes to get it into the ballot next year we'll move forward moved with a vote from the board of supervisors we'll need 6 votes and any any public comment on this item? if there are cards to turn in for the speakers give them to our clerk first up welcome. >> good afternoon rules committee my name is anna i'm a 17 year-old youth commissioner and future senior at george washington high school i'm here with my colleagues to talk about the vote 2016 legislation that gives 16 and 17
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year-old the right to vote in elections i am in support of this legislation many adults please we don't care about how our government works and most of the times their meeting are in the room without an adult supervisor the classes in many fundraiser vote wherever an issue comes up as my colleagues say germany and norway have lowered they're voting ages to allow the teenagers to take part in the process pursue i've spoken at a rally we share a passion for government we've been awarded an opportunity to contribute to our community, however, since we don't have the right to vote our impact a limited 16 is a great
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place to vote we drive and pay taxes plus once you start voting and 16 they may continue to vote at 8 and beyond i maybe turning 18 in a matter of months i hope this legislation passes so the next generation has this right to vote thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hi i'm available to answer any questions you may have david i'm also a male appointee from the san francisco commission i'm here to talk about why the voting age should be lowered we as said from my colleagues in our school abraham lincoln we have a certified family, however, instead of run by faculty and staff they'll give to to student government we're in charge of posting the entire event and organizing the
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schedule and organizing other activities how does this relate the reason why it relates given the responsibility the - we're allowed to actually have the expected results we can do it giving uslogically the voting age allows us to vote on policies that effect us why not been able to vote on policies if we can't do anything about it it is hypocritical logging the age to 16 will be impactful and habitual it increases civic engagement. >> if you've had the experience of talking with anyone that after you talk with them and share our experience was able to change their mind has that been - >> in my government class my
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teacher was skeptical but on my lore the voting age i showed him like how the countries that are lowering the angle to 16 maybe f this is not like something he is so excited but because the adults think that is too young we're too young but having the policies that effect us we should be able to vote. >> you're the mayors appointees to the commission has the youth commission discussed that with the mayor's office. >> i believe so my colleagues has. >> great, thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm tie david and i'm in favor of the 16 i met with the xhouth u youth
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commission a couple months ago and find the research to be compelling and one of the interesting points i grabbed into was the earlier that someone votes the more likely they'll continue to vote and one of the youth commissioners pointed out she's starting college next year and will be 18 and kind of what we were saying am i going to be voting absentee ballot and it was a confusing moment for her and i kind of remember going off to college i couldn't remember when i did if we get the 16 and 17 years old to vote that led leads a pathway to a positive thing we see the numbers of people that are turning out to vote and continuing to decline so it seems like with a one percent
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effect on the electorate i i don't see that having a direct impact on san francisco politics but more on getting young people on the road to associated engagement that's why i'm in favor of it. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> hello supervisors thank you for having us i'm here to speak in support of lower the voting age to 16 i support expanding it not only for the supervisors and the mayor but all the elections so i've been on activist since i was 14 i worked on the obama chaplain i was two weeks shy of voting so for obama his first term this is not four national elections we should have young people people voting as young as possible and
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to echo who was before me young people 16 and 17 are politically aware and savvy enough to vote i think having the youth commission is a testament when i was on the youth commission for two years i distancing had people 0 come from vice president heads our commission was one of the most well-spoken and target and the professional advisory committee we were unable to vote in local elections i think if the city values the youth commissions on policy decision they have value their time and voting rights i'm in support of lower the voting age when we look at maryland we saw an increase in the voting age to 16 and 17 year-old by over 50 percent i think that while san francisco overall
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voter turnout has lowered this could create a booster in future voter turnout thank you. >> great, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello good afternoon now supervisors my name is jose i'm the society director in san francisco i want to thank the youth commission for in effort it is commendable and great leadership on their part and speaking with the faith that is going to go in front of the voters we're going to look at it and be proud we supported our young people ♪ effort speaking on behalf of the t sf we're guided by the document that was created by the transitional youth task force preponderance of all the evidence made up by the direct service provides and others to look at what are the issues that
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are addressing the transitional youth and from that array of policy recommendations that come out i came out one of the big once increasing the opportunity for young people to be at the center of the issues impacting their lives one of the ways through the advisory committee to have our good fellows but this is an amazing effort what from the massachusetts month basic one the right to vote is one that we still are not able to be behind it is unable to participate and do it is really sad that i'm really excited about in new opportunity before us and i won't cite the research this is a basic thing we building in democracy and people should be part of the decisions
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effecting their lives this is at the core and lastly supervisor cowen directly appealing to you the supervisor the district 10 and in the bay area there are a lot of young i hope you get behind and champion at the full board thank you >> thank you, very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you sxhoovmentz and supervisor cowen i'm a rising junior in high school i started being involved with the politics when i was 15 i'm now a part of youth commission i'd like to present is another way of vote 2016 it is an embodiment of the empowerment and equality in 2014 half of outline