tv [untitled] June 13, 2015 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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ng log if they don't have other credentials or the have none of those practical issues burglary the implementation really means have been analyzed or more have we gotten information even though this is not the first time we've decided even this year adding something else to the high school curriculum i actually had an opportunity to talk to teachers about an entirely different subject not know i was talking about that a number said we can't possible teach all the things your requiring us so big deal i said that's exactly my point not that it effected them in any way by it maybe we know by intuition is teachers and probable causes that are working and running the high schools are
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concerned this is not easy for us to say do this i'm hoping that the next time you report here's where we are and how we're addressing some of the issues and here's some of the solutions we've come up with and at least idea and further that will be in the context of all the things we're telling people they need to do and the last part, of course, i understand we're not proposing to require kids we haven't proposed this as graduation requirement but the sort of how does the student actually able to access all the or even accomplish all the things we require them never mind we're dealing and recently
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seen some kind of disturb data never mind the ad g requirement and increasing them with the c requirement but just all the things we're telling you you have to take recently its occurred to me one the things we haven't discussed when we talked about the our well-intentioned kind of primitive high school program we're laying out piecemeal i'd like to know i'm hoping that someone is looking at how students are able to take the classes they want to or need to so have certain competitive edges in applying to competitive schools if you want to get into a into a journalism program and
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not able to take journalism because we've restricted our requirements that the journalism program has disappeared in most of the high schools it would be good this should do the option access to computer science throughout the continuum ought to help our students most of them lots of kids to be more competitive but we don't know that we haven't looked at whether or not they'll be able to take that. >> i'm glad we're doing this i'll be supporting it i also know it is a big goal and not necessarily a good implementation plain said that some plan but no specifics we definitely i'm concerned about the - i'm truftd we actually are but i don't think along the way
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we've addressed the issue of the difference kinds of resources available to high schools and different sizes thank you. >> superintendent. >> yes. dr. murase and consistence again thank you for as far as i am concerned the questions we're noting but again, i'm reiterate we're well on the path to do the analysis on the questions you've asked a couple of things to keep in mind that the question around additional tasks, if you will for our teachers is something that has been front and centered in terms of how we approach this i want to remind everyone we have a partnership we're proud of with the united educators with - that have funded the innovation money to develop it train it will look like for our teachers it is really, really
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pro tem moderating i remember that president kelly came to the microphone and spoke favorable that's a big deal to have the teachers union on board and have this kind of that the second thing i'll mention kids are doing coding for the most part in san francisco their currently doing it for us what we want to do in the issue of equality it get used a lot this is an equality issue because cited that are exposed to those kinds of skill sets either at home or in after-school programs or enrichment programs or enrichment experiences get that kind of support he know there are a lot of students in the
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classrooms that don't get that kind of experience that gives of gives that equality so they'll have that experience as we going forward if you that about what this means for the students i'm going to say it we're in san francisco this is a epic center of innovation and technology of computer science is behooves us there's an incredible energy in the community around rallying around helping us to not only fund that but help us to think about how a integrate i'm excited as i speak to employers in the community they've made a great point if you're having students come through a process they'll have this experience in their pre k through 12 and get additional college experience we'll give them jobs they'll stay and live in san francisco
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and make a living here there's a lot of people talking about you been how folks are getting kicked out of san francisco for the purpose can live and thrive in san francisco this is an exciting time for us. >> commissioner norton and commissioner walton. >> thank you you know it's interesting consistence brought of the generalized complaz i was remembering i took introduction to computer programming when a jorge junior in college as was good i got an a and fixed my desk computer i was surprised and support tucker's benefit i decided to go into a career in journalism than computer programming and i ran for the school board it's down on the
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financial scale ever since i want to ask about the budget implications i apologize what is actually included in the budget before us tonight to start ramping this up and the fiscal impact going forward. >> thank you dr. murase and commissioner renne i'm going to ask mr. to work to speak to that. >> for inform next year we're hoping to do work as a middle school and other school level we have the fund from the function grant for the middle and high school grant but not the elementary work so financial implementation from the funding is nothing funding for future years we have a budget creative we've got
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determined not determined where it comes from and the innovation grant that's that. >> the - gym is learning more than that he didn't have a lot of information ahead of time but the regard is funding a staff position that will work to create an innovative opportunities for the current teachers to learn the skills and the knowledge i started - i believe on the e bs side to create the opportunity for the teachers. >> i want to thank you for bringing it forward it's a great opportunity for the does the students and the fact that the kids are doing this out of school we need to provide those are equal opportunity for kids i wish my own kids were interested in coding but hopefully other kids will have the opportunity
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i'll support this. >> commissioner walton and commissioner vice president haney. >> i want to briefly state as i did in curriculum instruction committee that is cutting-edge and know we have statement and questions about equality and providing opportunity for blas black students and more students the fact that offers the same amount of elementary and more high school at least that addresses the equality ability and last thing in terms of resources i know we have sole if i did over one thousand tech companies in this city with over hundred schools and hopefully gratefully seek the resources to fund things like computer science in our schools that aligns with what we want to see in the market as well thank you. >> thank you
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commissioner vice president haney. >> yeah. i mean, i'll be quick as well i want to thank everyone bryan andinterim chief and the superintendent and my coors could authorizes it is how to understate it is a big deal what this means for the future i think not just in our schools but in our city when we're literally going to have k through 12 what this means for folks their ability to live and thrive in the city they call home, i think that is more 43 me the most situated how do we
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equip them with that not some of them but all of them and invest in the students who rely on the and the families that rely on public schools to provide those opportunities many folks are doing this outside of school not neighborly to everyone a world in which san francisco those skills and experience this exposure what that means for the city is exciting and inspiring i know hopeful if we imagine san francisco to be a plays of innovation there is literally companies here and people here and ideas that are transforming the entire world our young people that graduate should be the ones doing that should be at the table and leading those conversations when it happens the world looks at different? in
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many ways recurs and wooelt will close the equality gap in the city definitely not the with only one but has to be done by putting equality at the forefront so one the things to answer is how we're thinking this was brought up in the public comment how we're thinking about which schools are chosen for the pilots i agree with the gentleman who made the comment in the context like the commitment to african-american students achievement and opportunity i'd like to see if we're going to start somewhere with an equality mind to start with our african-american students so i'd like to hear about that and then the subsequenceing aspect is
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important but stuffing brought this up but making it relevant and engaging and assessable we have a couple of you know not just ap computer science but two game design academies that's extraordinarily and so this is adapt active and as the comments were put forth grow and learner over time not going to happen tomorrow but is it starts with planning department a flag in the ground? something as the superintendent said we have to do this is who we are if you visit the students in schools they'll say we want better lunch number one but high-up there would be more technology more time open computers and what we they know we're catching up to not only because it is fun and enjoy is it that's what at the need to be successful and that's
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what they're doing outside of school and not doing it in school their missing what they feel like the world is where the world is going in terms of the communication and learning and expertise and technology so thank you for putting this together the last thing getting a since of where the pilot schools are and again, thank you for all your work. >> thank you commissioner vice president haney so absolutely everybody we're doing in our initiative through the lens of equality and the board adapted as priorities and focusing on our historically disengaged community is a lens we're applying the lens of where are the opportunity to do some good pilot work and preexisting conditions to that endeavor i so want to ask brighten to
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elaborate. >> as commissioner haney mentioned equality is at for the most part of this initiative to posing to the principles completely let us know you're interested we commit barriers like did devices and funding for a specialistocytes those are were to the barriers to the schools that want to participate we originally intent to allow space for 6 schools to participate and due to overwhelming participation we have 13 on board we are expecting to impact 32 percent of our middle school schools that's a huge number of 13 schools those include 3 of the schools this year the current the highest percentage of enrollment of academic students and projection for next year and willie brown and as you can see from the map other than the
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slide 5 this school is in the middle grades program represents all the parts of san francisco and we're excited to learn the context of those individual can see while throwing a similar process when we pilot the emergency room grades we have interest from the k schools and many elementary school and equality is at the for the most part in marshall it's available for all students. >> thank you very much commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> i'm really excited about this this is been a lot of work in the making i want to thank you all for being part of this so the superintendent and laura and might have and the mayor had the opportunity to being the sal's on friday to do another pitch our third year of funding
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in support of four middle grades i think one of the things if resonated for us we started to present this idea we have deny gone so much over a short period of time the technology component of the computer science work is really resonated at an a little while for people it is this is coming our way and really be able to set a foundation for math in bring in computer science and or even how to expand this has taken the efforts of a lot of folks and the ripple effects are tremendous not only as a school district but as a city it helps us to be kind of slow and steady and intentional how to implement the fined for the middle grades i appreciate it in all our
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middle grades we didn't come in and say let's choose a couple or let's think about how we want to do this from a kind of a model that did was not inclusive and i also appreciated that was a division we account still go in we were working with 6 and 7 and 8 grargdz the success of that has been we have to think about you know how to insure our pre k through 5 are ready to come in of and so i the intrirmz we've gained from thinking about computer science for our students all those participate in our hour of code we chuckled
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in the board meeting we thought we were getting devices into the students hands the way in which we rolled it out in the professional development that went for the teachers was incredible important because we weren't saying here go and let's say what happens but instead paying attention to insure that the curriculum that accompanied the tool was appropriate and got rolled out properly i think we also over the years and over this last year with our eye labs and the innovation happening across the district p will entrance clay enhance we've been congregating a lot of ideas throughout the district we're the the district it embraces
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that the way we are and thinking about we have a task force together tool think about how to do this introduction statewide to we can be the innovator and this is a natural part of statewide curriculum i wanted to just address what kevin said earlier in his concerns about making sure that all kids have the opportunity to do this this was you y it is a district wide resolution and why we're really this is not about who can who's buying equipment and what schools have it but vesting in computer sciences for all the students so i also wanted to acknowledge an organization like zinc go
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that partners open the high school end with the game academies and with organizations like education startup that has been helping us on the parent and early ed and how all those pieces are starting to come together and what that means for us one the other things we have been talking about this is coming to a head how to diversity our workforce if you want to change the tech community in terms of diversity our public schools is where s you should be investing we're hearing that more and more i wanted to give a shout out to laura and michael and micro and the entire middle grades team jen new and richard and outlines who helped as challenges challenging as it was during moments it really has provides water some incredible opportunity for that the young
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people i think that this k through 12 is going to open doors for the young people we're looking to doing the salesforce this year i want to encourage all my board members to sign into this resolution we would like to have you as could authorizes and have all the board members to embrace this with the institutional change in the district thank you. >> in addition to the staff for all the hard work behind the resolution i want to thank the could authorizes i want to acknowledge two individuals that came to the curriculum committee good years ago on the topic of gorilla and stem and google and
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an alumni of the college they were punishing the district to be the first to adopt the computer sciences in high school new york adapt as a requirement for their high schools but now we're looking at prek through 12 a bigger broader approach demonstrated a resolution from the thinking two years ago this is an equality issue as public examiners have advanced it is a gender issue i really am so excited is that it has potential to bring in more girls into the fold moral young women into the fold when my daughter took a robotics class she was the only student out of 15 it is
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important we use the gender lens to make sure it is assessable to all girls as well we saw smart phone app generateer that was hosted for 26 middle school and high school students an saturday brainstorm about the apsz it is of the first time they stepped up to the plate inside a tech company i hope there's an experimental component unless the skids steps inside the office there's a transformation between young people between being consumers the technology and to be producers their ideas matter
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they can contribute to the industry this is the excitement that spark and the gaming academy while commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell as acknowledged many people i want to acknowledge her leadership and the mayors leadership and laura marianna and the team for making those connections and building a bridge so we can have faculty member and employee of the teach our acids of kids in pr that class kwiefrt of quite a few young women and in terms of the resource question that commissioner wynns asked api i've been a proponent of the 7 component i know in the vision 2024 is it maybe in the interim i'm anxious to see how the school day can be expend we're
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alexander in march options to kids it is unfair to make kids choose between music and computer language we don't want to force them into those changes i know the superintendent wanted to make a comment before we take a vote and would everyone want to have their name added very good thank you. >> thank you dr. murase so i do very briefly want to especially thank bryan astounding here and gym ryan who's not here this evening for their incredible leadership and incredible work on starting to frame out with a prek through 12 if i'm not mistaken if the board approvals that resolution this evening we'll be the first large
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urban to have a prek through 12 approach to computer science the difference it stark most of the country is talking about coding or an hour of coding hear and there are we're talking about making computer science as part of the curriculum it's a big deal and lots of people are keeping track thank you, brian and gym for their incredible working and thank folks that don't get a lot of recognize folks to make sure that the equality epilepsy was in place and the schools identified were schools we wanted to make american people impact doss because they're our middle school team (calling names) and our assistant superintendent of k h they were at the board
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and writing out the names of the schools to make sure we had a good representation so thank you all fewer comments and considerations i look forward to your vote. >> let's see we're missing two of our colleagues at the moment. >> commissioner fewer as recorded her vote already. >> 5 of us. >> all right. ms. casco roll call please. she recorded here vote. >> commissioner fewer as voted mr. haney ms. mendoza-mcdonnell. >> ms. norton mr. walton minnesota and dr. murase that's
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7 i's. >> thank you clapping. >> thank you very much we move to item j request for general matters he have 3 comment cards and let's see susan andy and reverend brown arrest two minutes each please. >> this is a copy of a letter for us superintendent carranza i only have 7 copy so two of the board members will have to share as i think i know there's a lot of controversy another marshall elementary school i am a parent of a daughter that recently graduated a wonderful school you should be proud of it on february 12th we had a meeting
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