tv [untitled] June 13, 2015 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT
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not to exceed 29.25 million for the term ending december 25, 2015. >> item 18, resolution to approve an agreement amendment between the department of public health and the public health foundation enterprises to provide program management services to support the san francisco homeless outreach team and increase the total contract amount to 23.76 million. >> same house, same call, without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> item 19, resolution to approve the sixth amendment to the contract agreement between public health and fort health for substance abuse treatment for users with methadone and other replacement therapies to increase the total contract amount to a not to exceed amount of 6 million. >> same house, same call. without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> item 20 resolution to
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approve a contract amendment to the agreement between public health and the san francisco study center for programs providing services to adults and transitional aged youth to approximately 13.45 million for the term ending december 31, 2015. >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, can you call items 21 and 22 together, please. >> item 21 is a resolution to authorize the director of risk management to enter into the first amendment of a contract with aen risk insurance services west for insurance broker and risk management consulting services, to increase the contract limit from 9.5 million to 15.7 million term ending july 21, 2016. item 22 with aliepbt services to increase the
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contract limit 19.52 million to that.28 million for the term ending july 30th 2017. >> same house, same call. without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. madam clerk, please call items 23 and 24 together. >> item 23, resolution to authorize the real property lease with klw investments, item 24 is also authorizing a real property lease with klw investments, the first is for 3119 mission street consisting of 11,000 square feet for approximately 474,000 in base rent. the other is for 3120 mission street for a base rent of an initial year for use by the human services agency for a 5 year term from july 1, 2015 through june 30, 2020. >> colleagues, can we take these items same house, same
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call . >> item 25 is a resolution to fix prevailing wage rates for workers providing public works and improvement janitorial services storage facilities for automobiles for workers engaged in theatrical or technical services for shows on city property for the hauling of city generated solid waste and for moving services under city contracts at city-owned or leased facilities, for workers engaged in exhibit display or shade show work at special events on city property. >> same house, same call. >> item 26 is a resolution to authorize the director of public works to execute modification no. 5 to a professional services agreement with montgomery corporation to provide inspector of record inspection services for san francisco general hospital rebuild program in an amount not to exceed 11.6 million for
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a term expiring december 31st, 2016. >> same house, same call. without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. item 27. >> item 27 is a resolution to approve amendment no. 1 with the new flyer of america inc. contract to change the propulsion system from parallel propulsion to series propulsion and to purchase an additional 48 standard and 50 articulated low floor diesel hybrid busses for a total contract amount not to exceed 168 million. >> same house, same call. wait, the house has -- oh, same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. . >> item 28 is a resolution to approve and authorize the execution of a host site agreement with pga tournament corporation for the use of tpc harding park golf course for
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the 2020pga championship for a site fee of 2 million. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call. without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> item 30, resolution to approve an extension agreement between the public utilities commission and the turlock district to extend the term of the sales agreement to june 30, 2016. >> same house, same call. without objection this resolution is passed unanimously.
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>> (inaudible) proceeds of future bonded indebtedness authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application and related documents to the california debt limit allocation committee to permit the issuance of a revenue bond in an aggregate amount not to exceed $30,024,000 for walker drive. >> madam clerk, call items 32 through 34 together. >> item 32 is an ordinance to prohibit advertising of sugar sweetened beverages on city property. item 34 is an ordinance to amend the health code to require advertisements for sugar sweetened beverages to include a warning about the harmful effects of consuming
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such beverages and to impose pepbltds for noncompliant. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you very much madam president. colleagues, today before us is 3 pieces of legislation and i'm proud to coauthor these pieces of legislation with supervisor mar and supervisor cohen. the three of us have worked together, also supervisor avalos, to confront a major health problem for our city, for our state and for our country, and that is the significant negative health impacts on our community of sugary beverages. these drinks are almost half of our sugar in the american diet one 12-ounce can of code code soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar. we are trending toward 40 percent of
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americans having type 2 diabetes, 50 percent in community of color and approximately one-third of teenagers today have either diabetes or pre-diabetes. this is a looming disaster for our health care system and we have to take action. last fall 56 percent of the voters in san francisco voted in favor of our proposed soda tax. 56 percent, a strong majority despite $10 million in opposition spending by the soda industry. while we did not achieve the two-thirds required to enact the tax, the voters sent a very clear message that they agree that this is a problem and they want us to take action and today we are taking action. i will talk about the health warning legislation and leave it to supervisors march and cohen to talk about the other pieces. this legislation for the first time anywhere that we are aware of will require health warnings connected to sugary drinks, specifically health warnings on
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advertisements for sugary drinks. it is modeled to the concept of warnings for cigarettes where 20 percent will have to be health warnings, it will warn people that these drinks are a factor giving people diabetes and obesity and oral health problems. the legislation will apply to billboards, to signs connected to stores and any other kind of sign in our city. we think that this is an important step as with cigarettes, as with other products that make people sick, in terms of making sure people have all the information they need to be healthy. we know with cigarettes that over 50 percent of americans smoked and due to a combination of smart public policy interventions around cigarette taxes and health warnings and so forth we were able to collapse smoking rates down to a little bit more than 15 percent. we know that health warnings
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work, they have worked with cigarettes and they will work here and i hope that this legislation will lead other cities and states and ultimately the federal government to move in the right direction in terms of warning consumers that these are not just harmless products that taste good, that these are products that are making people sick and we need to take action. i want to thank all of the many advocates who have been working for so many years on this issue and who have helped us with this legislation. i want to especially thank my legislative aide, jeff creton for his work on this issue and want to thank again supervisor mar and supervisor cohen for their work on this legislation as well and colleagues i ask for your support. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much, supervisor wiener you've got my support. absolutely. here's something that you may
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not realize that, that without action on this legislation today, one in three children will develop diabetes in our lifetime and among them african american and latino youth will be half of this particular population. the three pieces of legislation we are going to be discussing and hopefully voting on today is part of our continuing effort to address the health disparities in making our communities healthier but also better and more informed. the piece of legislation that i have introduced and that we're going to be voting on today will prohibit advertising sugary sweetened beverages on city property. what's interesting about this is that the legislation is modeled off of a prohibition that already exists. it applies specifically to tobacco and alcohol products inside san francisco. so what we're proposing here today is not something that's so new and
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earth-shattering. i actually fundamentally believe that we are doing the right thing and that we should be adhering to the standards that we hold for alcohol and tobacco, particularly when we know that these sugary beverages ar product that we know is identified by science and research to be slowly killing us. our youth, our youth are one of the main reasons why i'm involved in this effort. i fear that they are heavily targeted. back in 2013 the beverage companies spent more to promote events and sponsorships specifically targeting our youth than any other food category. now, this prohibition on sweetened beverages and advertising will help us begin to move closer to bridging the gap of the health disparities that exist. i, too, would like to acknowledge a few very talented people that have been working
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with us. i want to acknowledge deputy city attorney anita wood for her efforts on this legislation. i also would like to recognize yoyo chin on my staff and every advocate, every person of the 56 percent of san franciscoans that voted on this measure, we are doing this for you. we have heard your charge and we supervisor wiener and myself and supervisor mar, are picking up the mantle and charging ahead. the advocates to our research sponsors, to the research universities that are with us the medical and dental associations this has been an incredible effort and we are very grateful for your leadership. colleagues, i hope you will be able to join supervisor mar and supervisor wiener and i in this legislation. >> supervisor mar. >> i would like to thank my colleagues supervisor cohen and wiener and avalos as well and acknowledge this dpbtd start with four politicians, it started with generations of activists that are now chart of
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the choose health sf coalition that includes advocates shape up sf and many, many other groups. i want to also say it's not just a looming public health crisis, it's a racial justice cies says as well. as others said my daughter's general race, she's 15, one-third of them will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. one half or more of the african american and latino populations will develop diabetes in their lifetime. that means they will live 8 or 9 years less than other folks who don't have type 2 diabetes. it is literally taking years off their lives. this is round 2 of us against big soda. it came up in our hearings to approve these items and supervisor kim was in the hearings as well. they troted out a dietitian that was paid
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for by the mefrpb beverage association to testify don't worry about it. who are you going to believe, a paid-for dietitian or are you going to believe this broad diverse coalition for public health in san francisco that's been working for decades on this issue. i also want toad say that besides the addressing the predatory marketing of soda companies and the right to know health warnings that my colleagues have proposed, my piece of this trio of legislation would prevent city departments from purchasing any sugar-sweetened beverages and also city contractors and grantees from distributing sugar-sweetened beverages because they are so harmful to people's health. the broad coalition is committed to not only looking at these types of legislation but also addressing other issues with hopefully next steps to pass a soda tax as
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sometime in san francisco. the last point i'd like to make, i think the time has come for san francisco to join other cities and this trio of legislation will help establish us to protect our young people and our public health but also to establish that health is, there's nothing more important than health in our city. thank ?ue ?oo thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madam president. i'd just like to add myself as a co-sponsor to all these 3 pieces of legislation and briefly will just say that i am really glad to see that the practices of our city departments are going to be consistent with our public health goals. i think that we've seen ipbs stases where the city has not lived up to our public health goals but now we are stating them very very clearly. over the past few years in civic center plaza we have had the mountain dew tour come with giant 20-foot bottles
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advertising mountain dew in front of city center. they have actually brought, i don't know, a whole acre of dirt that they have piled up in front of city hall to be able to spread out over our plaza and they attract people to come and they give samples of mountain dew to the guests who come. this is something that i have actually been very vocal against, is this the best use of our public land, is that how we want to use our parks, even our park department has had an expression of trying to limit access to sugar sweetened beverages but when it comes to a company like mountain dew playing a lot of money to the city, we turn a blind eye. this will change with this legislation passing and i i am
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totally in support. >> supervisor yee >> i am going to be very supportive of it but i'm glad the three of you have been consistent with your message and have pursued these different avenues to counter what we have to deal with in society. i know the damage it can do in terms of these drinks and how things are advertised. i mean, to me, soda is the cigarette of the teenagers. soda is to our kids as early as zero, as early as one year old they are drinking it. and we need to do something about this and educate our community about the hazards of overdoing this. thank you very much. >> thank you. colleagues, can we take these items, same house, same call? without objection these ordinances pass unanimously on the first
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reading. madam clerk, call the next item. (applause). >> item 35 is an ordinance to order the summary vacation of a sewer easement and authorizing sale for 16,000 for the prompt at crown terrace. >> item 36 is a resolution to declare the intention of the board of supervisors to establish a property based business improvement district to be known as the dog patch in northwest potrero hill approving the management district plan, the engineer's report, the notice, the proceedings, the assessment and the required findings and setting a time and place for the public hearing as july 28 at 3:00 pm here in this legislative chamber, room 250. >> supervisor cohen.
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>> thank you very much. this is also an exciting piece of legislation. so what you have before you is a resolution of intent to form the city's first ever green benefit district in dog patch in northwest potrero hill and a few years ago i started, began this conversation in working with groups of dedicated neighbors and property owners on creative solutions to fund open space improvements and maintenance to our growing eastern neighborhoods. and at the same time i worked to pass legislation which would establish a process for creating a green benefits district which would allow residential commercial property owners to voluntarily assess themselves to pay for improvements and also to create public space, that is so preciously needed. now this model is nearly identical to the city's process
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for forming community benefits or many of you may know them as a cbd, but this is the first time foes residential and commercial property owners are cooperating in a district to use them for a wider variety of services sufrp as graffiti removal, tree planting as well as park maintenance. it's a little bit of a new answer on a cbd, hence gbd you have heard me time and time again discuss the challenges we are facing in the southeastern part of the city and we need to be focused in prioritizing our new instra structure improvements in the neighborhood. this is one creative way, one creative strategy, where both the city and neighbors are taking up the challenge to create and maintain desperately needed public improvements. i have already heard from groups
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across the city who are looking to form something similar and they are modeling their work on what we have done in the dog patch northern part of potrero hill. i want to thank the members of the neighborhood steering committee who have worked hard in advance of this process, bill public for providing the technical assistance we need today, rec and park and the department of public works who helped get this effort off the ground. if there are constituents in the audience who have been working on this i wanted to thank jean personally for being part of the team that's been the heart and soul for getting this effort offer the ground. i also want to recognize jonathan goldberg specifically from dpw this is an exciting time and i look forward to having conversations with you so you
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can have success in your district in creating a successful gbd >> supervisor christenson. >> i just want to glom on to supervisor cohen's enthusiasm. i think everyone knows i've been an enormous supporter of our cbd's and 's and as a supervisor and resident of district 3 i'm very very grateful for the services they provide and the leadership in improving our commercial district. i wanted to commend michael yarney luke vasquez at build inc. who i know have been instrumental in this and congratulate the neighbors. i think this is a tremendous idea and i'm looking for a gbd in district 3 as soon as we can do that. >> thank you. our clerk has noticed a typo. >> thank you, madam president. on page 6 of this document, supervisor cohen, on line 3 the date in the body of the document says june 9th. the
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date should be july 28th, the date i stated in my opening for this item. >> so can someone make a motion to make that correction? supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much i will make a motion to change the date from june 9 to july 28. >> okay, motioned by supervisor cohen, seconded by supervisor christenson. can we take that amendment without objection? without objection, the amendment passes and. >> thank you. >> and on the item as amended, colleagues, can we take it same house, same call? without objection this resolution passes as amended unanimously. thank you. >> thank you, members. >> madam clerk, please call item 37 and 38 together. >> item 37 and 38 were referred without recommendation from the land use and transportation committee. item 37 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to revise the residential unit conversion ordinance among other
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proadvices, require hosting platforms to verify that a residential unit is on the city registry prior to listing and removing a listing once a residential unit has been rented for tourist or transient use for more than 60 days in a calendar year. item 38 ordinance to amend the aid minimum administrative code it revise the residential unit conversion ordinance to among other provisions limit short term rental of a residential unit to no more than 120 days per calendar year. >> thank you, supervisor farrell. >> thank you, madam president. colleagues, last year we came together and passed the first regulatory legislation for short term rental in our city. the topic is extremely complicated with a thousand points of view. since that time our city departments as well as other interested parties outside city hall have continued to look at the legislation, its impacts and
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its logistics all towards an effort to continue to work to get the law right. i do believe that home sharing is here to stay in san francisco and we should support home sharing, but we must short it in a manner that protects our city's affordable housing stock, make sure that we streamline our registration process and remove bureaucratic red tape for people looking to share their residences so we can incentivize hosts to be good actors under city law. given our current housing shortage and affordability issues we must ensure we keep our city from turning into a city solely of short term rentals so our residents continue to live and thrive here but also have an appropriate ability to share their home so they can make ends meet. we know home sharing is allowing seniors to earn extra income, help people earn extra money to pay off mortgages,
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helping people pay off medical bills and exposing tourists to nontradition tourist venues. with eyes on san francisco and how we continue to approach short term rentals i believe it is extremely important to strengthen and streamline our current process and i believe mayor lee's and my amendments strike the right balance that we need. with that being said our goal of putting forward these amendments from the beginning has always been to drive toward consensus where possible and avoid a complicated measure being decided at the ballot. deciding this issue at the ballot will lock the policy in stone and will be the wrong approach as we continue to work towards getting this policy right. we all know if it goes to the ballot and we want to change just a comma in the law we have to go back to the voters and one thing we have learned in this process over the past few years, this is extremely complicated but our sharing economy, which this is a part of and i would imagine
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over the next few years we're going to talk about regulating other parts of our sharing economy, this is a part of our economy that is here to stay but also growing and in flux and is challenging for our city government to get ahold of. we know we are going to have to revisit this law much more frequently than other parts of the law that we continue to address here at the board of supervisors. the ballot measure also in many regards, in my opinion , has been politically driven and not policy driven. i believe there are a number of advocates that i very much appreciate a dialogue with where we have disagreed on the underlying basis but have approached this on a policy basis and not a political basis. i look forward to reenergizing those dialogues moving forward. i also understand my colleagues on both sides of the aisle have other policy components they would like to have time to discuss and sort out and i would welcome conversations on this
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complicated topic. from my perspective we passed a framework last year, now let's take the time to get it right. i know ultimately we will get a policy crafted that protects our affordable housing stock, which has to be the no. 1 goal, incentivize hosts to be good actors by streamlining the registration process and fully fund it so we ensure the law we pass here at the board of supervisors is fully enforcible. with that all being said i would like to make a motion, colleagues to continue both items 37 and 38 for another month to give time for those additional discussions to take place. >> supervisor farrell has made a motion to continue items 37 and 38 to the meeting of july 14, 2015. is there a second? seconded by supervisor tang. supervisor campos.
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>> thank you, i would ask supervisor farrell through the chair if he could amend his motion to focus only on his item as the main author of one of the items i would like to request a yes or no vote on my item and so with that i would like to respectfully request that out of deference and consideration as the main author that his motion to continue ply to his item but not mine. >> supervisor farrell and i appreciate the comment so from my perspective they are items, boat of these pieces of legislation i would like to continue, again the point being to make sure that we continue to have a discussion on all these items so i respect that very much so, but i would like to continue both of these items. >> okay, supervisor campos. >> thank you very much. i am disappointed by that move. i think that there has to be some consid
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