tv [untitled] June 14, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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two minutes each please. >> this is a copy of a letter for us superintendent carranza i only have 7 copy so two of the board members will have to share as i think i know there's a lot of controversy another marshall elementary school i am a parent of a daughter that recently graduated a wonderful school you should be proud of it on february 12th we had a meeting we were able to discuss with carranza our concerns of the proposed development next to our school more people that have ever come to any pta meeting that was the first of several meetings however, since then unfortunately, there have been
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two times what went on was very he misrepresented in communication with the parents of marshall school i e-mailed a letter to all the school board members comparing what went out in the flier to marshall parents that was actually said at the meeting i want to address the specific misrepresentations flyers stated the parent and the marshall elementary school stated loud and clear that the district shouldn't southern it's with the impact on the community, in fact, the parent said the opposite you have a summary of the apartment statement it was provides water to you by superintendent carranza some time ago you have it i'll urge you to going back
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go back and tolerated that marshall parent said that the school the building will have a negative impact on the community this year's nothing to provide to the school is out weighs the negative impact on the families it said that parent said they've been intimidated by the activist and no meeting when the calls for speculation is the case i sent is it to you in a detailed letter and urge to go back and read that letter much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hi board thank you for giving me a few minutes i'm andy blue here to kind of update you on what the community is doing about we've deemed the monster
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in the mission the project proposed for 197 will 9 mission adjacent to the school i want to update you on march fourth the vendors brought their community package we had 4 hundred people to say their community benefits will not mitigate the negative impact of luxury housing in the neighborhood will have and the message was loud and clear and on may 8th brought one thousand people to city hall people from across the city one of the remarkable presence of the community in city hall that anyone has seen in quite some time and awe you may know on june 2nd another thousand people to city hall asking for more to your memory on luxury priced development in the mission district i want to make it clear
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the mission district is more united about the mandatory priced development is happening in the neighborhood than any issue since they figure out redevelopment in the early 60s and disposing i want to give you a sheet that talks about the coalition i want you to know that the mission district understand the impact that market rate impact is having on the neighborhood they know that two tone story 24 hours of market rate housing next to marshall school drives the displacement of the families that marshall school is serving the mission has lost 8 thousand latinos in the last 10 years you can be hedge fund percent certain that the marshall
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mission will drive us further thank you. >> thank you very much reverend brown. >> oh, yes superintendent hats remarks before the next speaker. >> yes. thank you dr. murase i know it's not customary but give-up the timing of this issue i want to say i want to apologize to the marshall community and the person is correct the notice that went out to the marshall community was the confused with notes from various meetings that i've held here at district offices with various community groups i've had a total of 7 meeting with 7 groups unfortunately the notes that were concise and summarized into the marshall community the answer written as from the meeting at marshall middle
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school and that those were the wrong notes so i want to apologize to the marshall community assistant superintendent dr. stephen's as community i'll be send a corrected communication to the marshall elementary school community and give the appropriate summary of that particular meeting i want to apologize she's absolutely right. >> thank you, mr. superintendant reverend brown. >> thank you madam president and board do and ladies and gentlemen, in 19 hundred 2406 thousand lives were lost in gavl son texas to a terrific hurricane m
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our times the lost is not that severe because we have systems of warnings i come before you this evening as president of the ac p as pastor the bachelorette church for 40 years to issue a positive factual compassionate warning the warning is that if we are not vigilant about african-american mists and teachers are treatment e treated fairly in this school district we shall sweet a terrific
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hurricane that will destroy all the intentional matters that we have advanced regarding doing a better job of the treatment of of african-americans 1970 we had 24 thousand african-american students in this scapegoat and we are all in that loss that's given us a number of 45 hundred we're talking about diversities just recently as the other night i how are you going to be diverse and inclusive if only 45 hundred black students and over
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50 thousand total student the prophet is saying i've sit at the gate i've risen objective and there are too many wounded spirit of african-americans in this district. >> so let us show we know how to do the right thing we're a flairs city and a flars school district. >> thank you seeing none no further public comment we'll move on to item k advisory committee report appointment to advisory committee any appointments? commissioner wynns >> i want to appoint steve to the citizens advisory committee. >> thank you that's noted
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we have moved up the advisory committee report we've heard already. >> confines made an appointment okay. okay. >> and we heard from the advisory committee so we will move on to item l special order of business i call the public hearing the tentative agreement with the district and the united local 261 immature a motion. >> so moved and second. >> thank you superintendent carranza does it need to read the recommendation into the record. >> i'd like to ask the chief to please read it. >> thank you. superintendent good evening board members the
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requested item on the tentative agreement between the district and the laborers union local 261 the requested action that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell community colleges a public hearing and adopts the related public disclosure documents. >> thank you very much there are no public comments supreme court on this item seeing none ms. casco roll call please. ms. fewer mr. haney mentioning ms. norton mr. walton ms. wynns and dr. murase 7 i's. >> thank you very much. >> dr. murase before we move to the next item he have a question
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about one item on the consent calendar i'm wondering too sever that for a brief question k-32. >> yes. >> thank you. i apologize for missing my opportunity earlier. >> k-32 is severed and discussed under item p. >> all right. the next item is m discussion the other educational issues superintendent carranza. >> thank you dr. murase we're excited to have a short presentation believe me that could be a multi hour presentation (laughter) but important to have it presentation that will update the board and board around the strategy as the central supports
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through a mechanism we call the might want team of support i'm going to ask the deputy stunt for the justice our chief of research and planning and assessment and our executive director for the justice to take us through the presentation. >> good afternoon, commissioners two years ago the 2014-2015 impact learning sets a 4 o'clock as we think about how to background map through the profile vision in vision 2024 the document lace out based actions we believe will improve the outcomes for each the 57 thousand students especially so that no school is considered a
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school of last report if those research space are impacted at all levels of the organization whether the emergency room or school or the central office level we believe with the transformation when infected will accelerate the students that have historically been underserved we don't just building it but have evidence in outcomes of our city hall's across neighborhoods and grade spans and cohorts now the school matters in school transformation all of sfusd leaders are committed for the equality and in pursuit their community are setting abolish deliberately
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applying strategies that constantly reflect on the impacts for students success we refer to as a result of orient cycle of inquire or continuous improvement the equality gaps in stanford university is in the narrowly at a suv accelerating pace aside from the work that happens within the school community we believe that the central office plays a role if reversing those trends the way that staff cult elevates and manages the available resources and minors and gages the partners for the core are all key legislators within our atmosphere of influence the leaders to identify the gaps and reflect on
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the central office leaders are expected to do the same site administrators look at the scorecard that identifies key action steps we intend to take that addresses the organizational gaps in identified area tonight you'll hear hear us articulate our version 3.0 verification strategy 4 it talks about a multi tier system of support fundamentally a support of a system wide strategy for dpaevent and personal listing support for schools based on the needs through a broad and more comprehensive assessment we recognize our schools are unique context within their school community and want to recognize those conditions earlier you
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heard in a delack report that he recognize the last thing learned vary from site to cite we're going to cover a few areas tonight first give you a sense of the more robust way we look at our schools boarder data profile that helps to inform our approach as ash multi system of data, and, secondly, 3 key components one the types of direct interventions and services we support, and, secondly the way we responded as a school system and organization to provide a heightened level of care and attention and articulate what those supports look like we're going to conclude where we are
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headed we're going to start up of off by doing a data dive behind the sfusd and dr. will walk us through that. >> good evening, commissioners what is excited about this is that it is users data to actually allocate resources supports and focus them in the needs of data so that is the most exciting part about this school data profile the other exciting component is it when you going to the federal and the state indexes they all are a driven by a single measure of they take performance and growth into account not one index that takes the inputs or
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the input variables that go into a school take into account we've tried to do that here we really proud of our index i'm sorry about the it's not clear do i have it. >> the picture- >> (inaudible). >> okay just a visual but i've memorized it that i am walk us through in terms of the important vabldz we looked at two important variables the student and teacher characteristics with regards to the student we looked at primarily all the characteristics of students that have been underserved in our district so they would include all the problematic factors and the ethnic factors within that
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profile the other thing not just the percentage but also the size the population at the school was considered ♪ earthquakes the two variables looked at was stability and experience so how many first and second year teachers does the school have what's the turnover over the last 3 years so those were some of the computed vashld with the teacher and student characteristics that the school has inform control over they were considered in order to allocate resources in terms of the output vashld we looked at our whole child index not only the academic factors but the social and emotional climate factors in terms of the
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academics factors every benchmark assessment was considered along with the submit of assessments looking at trend over a few years and the achievement grandpa so those are the academic factors open the social and emotional budget climate all things from satisfaction to attention to suspensions were considered >> here is our new accountability system again upcoming recapping for you some of the means the academic domain and social and emotional and san francisco unified school district as a member of the four district does have a score of 60 percent of the academic domain and the 40 percent of the domain all the ones highlighted in blue
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like the suspension and redesignation under the social and emotional factors will be indexs or measures considered in the coming year other than the input vashld there's another component that research has proved and shown us to have an impact and this is what is commonly called the 5 essential support by bright and so the 5 seeshldz are elements within a school that do contribute to the schools success and to the schools outcomes include. >> yeah. go ahead. >> so expand on the 5 essential
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support we know in order for a school to engage with the accelerated profit that certain capacity have to exist when those 5 conditions are in place the school community is best posed to show attraction those are acceptable supports to do a more qualify active work along the conundrum. >> just to states the 5 essential the first is leadership the second is and again, we talk about leadership it talks about the facilitated as well as the organizational management components of leadership the second component that it talks about is is building structural and the third is parent school communicated ties the fourth is
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the culture climate of the school and last but not least is professional development is is it so professional development and collaboration at a school site our leaders did actually work with principles open doing assessment at each school sites on every one the sites and gave a rating that is constituent which looking for advocating support and resources okay again what does it come down to the okay he can variables reading skldz schools were put
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into tiers or teetered those schools based on how they would cluster mothers challenging schools were called the terse support schools where you need to offer the most support and resources to those two or three schools and the practices that we want to again building and institutionalize in those schools were practices that were proven from the previous intervention which was the superintendent zoned where we saw 50 percent of our superintendant zoned were double the amount of predicted growth that was expected or with would have think outside the box predicted as well as the 10 schools identified in the last
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cluster analyze also showed movement. >> in terms of what action or what was the specific supports and resources i am going to i'm going to turn it over to leslie our executive director who will give us more matt haney to the data. >> thank you just as a note you're not intended to read this small text on the slide this is american people image of what a sample report might look like not to get you to subsistence to the sweden i wanted to let you knows it's not tint for you to read it two of the things we look at the data we wanted to do a affirmative areas of strength so maintain or celebrate and learn from and the lasts piece to consider as we go into how we
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transmitted the data the lessons from the superintendent zebras and lessons from the support we've provides water for the more intensive schools and the second piece some schools in move that is not net e necessarily because the conditions mid-market because of the persistence system ethic champs we have to solve you'll be able to see in the next session what we're going to expose some of the challenges so as mentioned 3 components of m t ss one we're all most familiar with which is the direct intervention and services that are provides water to schools and the second is around how we as a system organ ourselves and again, our focus and tier 3 support schools and so is it
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fair to say interesting to listen to the pack around the desire for transparent and in particular as direct intervention and services in addition to the value and hold integrity to a process year by year is very important to us in the months of january february people will be matching that up to the supports we've provides water in the past and be able to see that and witness how they have been effective and where my additional supports might be needed this is an area to affirmative and approve and going into the next academic year those services will provide almost 3 ftes that is a 26 point one million dollar investment above the weighed student
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formula from the family liaisons that are working on building the parent ties and engaging our families for councils and social workers we're supporting the wellness of our students to the favorites and the literacy coaches that are working hard to build the capacity of our leaders in those regards but as we know given the sites ftes is not enough we are intentional as a school system about building clarity around the tension of those goals and the alignment is meant to be and gifblg them the skill sets for the tools inform efficiently support the staff so under both rp a and our community team we have a coaching literacy coaches that
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is robust and meet regularly to build their skills and better learner the practice those practice and that happens in our student family workshop well, some of the impactful work that leads to the acceleration are things we want to continue as we transition from the superintendent zone structure and those have been circle as we designed our co-hoert horticulture structure i want to share what some of those are they come from our principles one the permutation and the responsive on the ground support this is critical for many of our schools that have new staff and leaders to be able to have a school support team that respondents quickly given the
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